Lifelong Care, Issue 2

Page 10

Voices from the Field “We have caught several diseases early due to screening pets at a young age.” —Technician

“I think it is an excellent tool to help educate clients about lab work and how important it is to the health of their pet.” —Veterinarian

“[HRAs] are easy to explain to the client.” —Technician “The report has all the information on it I would be looking for, and it doesn’t take a lot of my time to set up the report and transfer it.” —Technician “It increases your ability to communicate with clients and offer them the highest level of care possible.” —Veterinarian

“It is a great way to get a baseline blood and urine panel on a healthy adult pet because it’s very cost-effective. The diagnostics may pick up concerns, which allows us to address them early on. This is beneficial for the pet as well as the owner.” —Technician “We have been able to discover health issues that we may not have otherwise “It can help improve the health of young and adult pets realized.” —Veterinarian through [an] inexpensive, yet thorough, diagnostic screening, combined with client participation and education.” —Technician


10 Lifelong Care

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