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Getting rid of under-eye circles overnight By HAFSAH ABUBAKAR MATAZU


nder-eye circles or eye bags are common. They are mostly found on women with stress, tiredness or for other natural causes. They can instantly transform a youthful face to a more aged one. But luckily enough, there are easy ways to reduce the appearance of these circles overnight with simple remedies. Read on to find out how.

Honey: Honey has a lot of anti-microbial and antiinflammatory benefits. Applying it to the affected area before bedtime will reduce the darkness and swelling under your eyes. Cucumber: There’s a reason why most people use cucumber slices on their eyes. It is soothing, has lightening properties and it is also antiinflammatory. Putting the

b slices li cucumber on your eyes for just 10 to 15 minutes a day can make all the difference. Lemon juice: Lemon juice is packed with Vitamin C and is excellent for lightening the skin. Soaking a cotton ball in lemon juice and applying it to your under-eye for 10 minutes will improve the condition of your eye bags almost immediately. Almond oil: This oil is packed with every beauty properties. Applying generous amounts at bedtime and leaving it through the night will also help improve the darkness underneath your eyes. Black tea bags: After taking your cup of tea, instead of discarding the tea bag, save it and apply it to each eye after it has cooled down to reduce the swelling and dark shadows.



Health benefits of moringa M by HALIMA ABDULRAZAK

oringa oliefera or drumstick tree, generally known simply as moringa is an Indian tree that has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. It has been used to treat various diseases and infections. It is also highly nutritious and beneficial to people who are lacking in essential nutrients. Moringa is one of the most powerful medicinal plants. It is an important food source for some parts of the world. It is usually cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Some people dry the leaves and then pound them to powder and then add quantities of the powder to tea and other foods. Despite moringa not being common in most parts of the world, today it is becoming increasingly available as people continue to discover its numerous health benefits. Moringa leaves are safe for consumption but they should be taken in moderation. However, it is important not to eat the roots and their extracts because they may contain some harmful chemicals or toxins which

may pose danger to health. It also contains lots of protein, vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants, which protect body cells from damage. They also aid in increasing the immunity. Apart from that , moringa leaves act as coagulants attaching themselves to harmful material and bacteria. They help to lower blood pressure and also aid in helping people to sleep well. They have no known impurities.


Moringa has laxative effects when taken in large quantities. Therefore, it is advisable to take half to one teaspoon per day. It is great for everyone, especially women. Also note that the dose of moringa depends on several factors such as age, health condition and several others. With additional information from the internet

Dr. Nathaniel Adewole, MOBILE: 0803 8039182 EMAIL: nadewole2013@gmail.com

Developmental delay My baby is 19 months old and a doctor said he was having developmental delay. What causes this and how can we overcome the problem? Developmental milestones are the things a baby is expected to be able to do at a particular time: like smiling, crawling, standing, walking and so on. By six months, the baby is supposed to turn its head to familiar voices and can get hands close to its mouth, though jerkingly. Between seven months to one year the baby can smile, laugh, sit without support and can recognise its name. Also, a baby can crawl or even take some steps before its first birthday. Between 13 and 24 months, a baby can walk, climb and will be good with single words. A little delay along the line may not be abnormal, but unusual delay should arouse the suspicion of developmental delay. Example: if the following are noticed in a one-year-old baby, it seems to be either stiff or floppy, cannot hold its head steadily, cannot sit on its own and does not respond or smile. If abnormality is noticed or if there is unusual delay, a paediatrician should be contacted.

Irregular menstrual flow I am 22 and have been experiencing irregular menstrual flow. The last one I had was around May and since then haven’t seen it. I have taken different drugs and right now I want to start taking lofemina. Please advise. What is your Body mass index (BMI)? Do you have any unusual hair growth in your body? What you are experiencing is called oligomenorrhea: that is menstrual cycle length lasting more than 35 days, but less than six months. Have you seen a gynaecologist? Well, if it was a gynaecologist that assessed you and prescribed lofemina, you can use it. lofemina is a combined oral contraceptive( COCP) that can be used to regulate menses. But in most cases, like yours, drugs may not be needed until fertility is desired when there is no conception.

Still bedwetting at 16

I am 16 years old but still bedwet – Joy, Abuja Bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis is not uncommon in children and teenagers. It can also affect older men and women. Primary Nocturnal Enuresis (PNE) occurs when continence at night is not achieved, while Secondary Nocturnal Enuresis (SNE) occurs when dry period has been achieved for at least six months. The latter occurs more commonly when a child starts experiencing a stressful period or psychological trauma. Bedwetting is twice more common in boys than girls. Causes include: small bladder size, stress, fear, or insecurity, urinary tract infection (UTI), neurological disorders such as a post-stroke situation and sleep apnea or abnormal pause in breathing during sleep. The management approach should be empathic: avoiding undue anxiety and embarrassment associated with it: if not it will worsen the situation. Psychological support is critical to successful management. Combination of interventions: education and reassurance, motivational therapy, enuresis alarms and medication may be necessary. I will suggest you see your family physician.

Black spots on the face I have black spots on my face because I have been suffering from pimples. I have tried several medications but all in vain. Also, I am a virgin and my private part pains me sometimes. My penis gets erect in sleep and sometimes when I am with my friends – James The first problem is called acne. It is common among teenagers during pre puberty. Steps to be taken include: avoid removing the pimples with fingers; it leaves scars behind. Also, reduce oily or fatty food. You may also see a dermatologist for proper management. Early morning erection is normal and not unusual. So do not worry about this.

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