WeAre WeAre OPEN! OPEN! DOORS DOORS OPENDAYS 10THTO19THSEPTEMBER2022 10THTO19THSEPTEMBER2022 The Community Groups, and Organisations of Auchterarder and Aberuthven invite you to enjoy our:
The underpinning principle and purpose of our Community Action Plan is to connect our communities. During our Doors Open Days, we're highlighting what’s on and hope to encourage you to try something new or get back into something you haven't done for a while. Connect with old friends and meet some new ones! You'll find a warm welcome from all the groups at anytime but during Doors Open Days you'll perhaps find a bit of cake and the kettle on too. We've chosen this date to coincide wi Anniversary Celebrations and also Festival - both events sure to create
Where does it happen?
What is a Doors Open Days event?
It’s an opportunity to explore what’s on in our community. Our Community Social Groups, sport groups and facilities have their "doors open" to welcome you. Who can take part? There’s something for everyone have a browse of the listings and you’re sure to find something of interest!
Various locations in Auchterarder and Aberuthven. From the Golf Club in Auchterarder to the Church in Aberuthven and everywhere in between. Locations noted on each listing. How can I take part? This brochure details what’s on over the next 10 days with information about the group or activity. Most sessions are free and if there is a charge, you'll find it noted. Most events are “drop in” but a couple have asked if you’d book in advance. Why have a doors open event?
Doors Open Days
If you have a National Entitlement Card you will travel free of charge, whilst for other travellers a low flat fare of £1.20 applies. Timetable leaflets are available in the rear of this brochure, on the bus and from Auchterarder Library, Davidsons Chemists, Urquhart’s, the Spar and other local outlets.
Auchterarder also has an extensive and accessible Core Paths Network, providing opportunity to explore our green spaces whilst traveling around town on foot or wheels.
Don't forget that we also have the Community E Bikes available from the friendly team at Synergy Cycles on the High Street.
Please do also send feedback to tim@acsr.org.uk about the sporting sessions they've arranged. ACSR are a very active local community charity who's aim is to enable everyone to enjoy sport and recreation. And don’t forget that whilst some of our groups are offering a free taster session or a special addition such as a d k d i thi event, these are sessions on most weeks. Ou offer a warm welcome 5 days every week!
Keep in touch: aandacap@gmail.com / suggestion box at the library D
Why not consider using the Town Bus to reach some of the daytime Doors Open events in Auchterarder?
We're fortunate to have the Auchterarder Town Bus Service Service 49 operates six days a week (not Sundays), providing an hourly daytime bus service from a number of the residential areas into the Town Centre and St Margaret’s Health Centre/Hospital
If you've taken part in the sessions, it would be great to get your feedback what have you liked? What else would you like to see?
Whats next: We're hoping to hold another Doors Open Event in Spring if you are a group who'd like to be involved let us know!
How to get around:
Weekend 10th / 11th September
Aytoun Hall 150th Celebration Ceilidh: Join the celebrations with a Family Ceilidh organised by Friends of Aytoun Hall, with music from the Glencraig Scottish Dance Band, Stovie Supper and raffle. Sure to be a fun evening! From 6.30pm until 11.30pm. Adults £16, Children £8. Very few tickets remaining!
David Homewood: 01764 663049
Free Trial Lesson at our Taekwon-Do club which meets at Auchterarder Community Church Centre on Mondays 5-6pm and Saturdays 10-11am. Suitable for children 5 years+, teenagers and adults. Book your free trial lesson online at https://uktc.co.uk/scotland/perthshire/auchterarder/uktc-taekwondoauchterarder-community-church-centre 804/ UKTC Taekwon Do, Auchterarder Parish Church Hall, Tel: 01786 845060
Monday 12th September Archway is a drop in Café every Monday afternoon 1.00-3.00pm at Auchterarder Community Church Centre. Various activities, support and advice and a chance to enjoy a light lunch, coffee, tea refreshments and a chat. New faces are always welcome. Support and advice from Alzheimer Scotland, PKC Housing and Community Care, NHS Healthy Communities, signposting for Welfare Rights etc. Activities include music, singing and exercises too. Archway offers more than just a chance for some coffee/tea and refreshments. It’s a warm, friendly, and supportive place to meet and chat. Renee Riddell reneeriddell@outlook.com
Auchterarder Community Toddler Group All welcome, from birth to preschool. Monday 9.30am 11.30am. Tea and Coffee provided along with a warm welcome. The group meets in the Auchterarder Community Church Centre. £2 per family, Drop in!
Auchterarder Running Festival: Come and cheer on the 200 children running the free fun run around the School grounds from 9.45am plus 250 runners taking part in the 10K at 10.30am. Sunday sees the Half Marathon runners crossing the start line at 10.30am. If you're taking part, best of luck and if not, do come out and cheer on the runners! Start and Finish within the Community School of Auchterarder Grounds. fivestaractive@gmail.com
Local History Display: Aytoun Hall and outside Aberuthven Primary Did you know that we have a fascinating selection of boards illustrating the history of our area? Pop along and enjoy learning more about how our locality has changed through the ages. The boards are in the Aytoun Hall and doors will be open Tues / Wed / Thurs 9.30-12.00. Boards outside Aberuthven Primary accessible at any time. auchterarderlha@gmail.com, 01764 662035
Tuesday13thSeptember ComealongandenjoyanopensessionofLadiesBadmintonorganisedbyACSR - all ages and abilities welcome, no need to bring anything other than yourself! 7pm-8pm in the Sports Hub at the Community School. For More info contact tim@acsr.org.uk
Our sports hall which has a unique supportive access by elevator for wheelchair users,offersnetball,basketball,shorttennis,tabletennis,badmintonandindoor football. We also encourage families with young children to have a go with multi sports such as hula hoops, mats and skipping ropes, a great way to play actively andgetintosport. Come along on Tuesday evening from 6pm 9pm for a free session and try out someactivities-we'llhavetabletennisandmultisportskitsetoutforyoutotry! SportsHub,CommunitySchoolCampus,a&adcshbookings@gmail.com
Community Sports Hub Taster Session: We offer a pay as you go booking systemforthesportshall,astroandgym,locatedwithintheschoolgroundsand available to use Monday to Thursday 6pm to 9pm and Saturday Mornings 9am12.00 . We also offer a fantastic price of just £15 a month for gym membership. Our gym incudes rowing and running machines, spinning bikes, cross trainers, cablepullsplusafullrackofweightsandbells.
Blue Door (Foodbank) An independent community foodbank, ready to help those in need. A referral process is in place 7 days a week to ensure people get the support they need information about this can be accessed via www.bluedoorfoodbank.org/ info@bluedoorfoodbank.org or 01764 660 965. Deliveries are usually on Tuesdays & Fridays and you are welcome to pop in (side door or Auchterarder Parish Church) between 10am - 13.00 on Tuesdays and Fridays to find out more.
Wednesday 14th September
Try Bowling! We are an 'all inclusive' forward thinking modern bowling club with an excellent facility for community use and involvement. we encourage all ages, 8 -80+. We have a thriving junior section and also cater for people with physical, learning and sensory disabilities. Open all year round but outdoor bowling starts in April and runs till October We now have in house caterers, 3G Catering Services UK on Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Open for lunches & dinner. The premises are available for hire all year round. Our weekly hat night is on Monday night from 7pm onwards. We provide coaching for all on Tuesday nights, ALL Welcome. On Wednesday 14th, we will offer an Open Doors facility from 1pm till 4pm especially for this initiative. ALL welcome, just wear flat shoes, all other equipment will be provided FREE OF CHARGE Bowling Club, Castle Wynd, (Behind Coventry for Fencing) 01764 662 447 auchterarderbowlingclub@gmail.com
During Doors open week (and indeed during any week) you’re welcome to pop in for advice during open hours. KG Dance is a dance school running classes for pre school, primary and secondary aged children. Classes are run by Kirsten Brock who has a BA Hons degree in Dance and has been running KG Dance for just over 10 years. Kirstens weekly classes in Auchterarder Parish Church develop confidence, creative skills, rhythm, and coordination. Tuesday 1.30-2.15pm Pre School, 5.15 6.15 P4 P7, 6.15 7pm S1+. Free taster session during “Doors Open” KG Dance, Auchterarder Parish Church Hall, xkirstengilliesx@hotmail.co.uk, tel:07872311980
Angels Netball Club: Ever thought about giving netball a try or joining a recreational club? Our first session is always free so please feel welcome to come along on Wednesday evening, 7pm-8pm and have a try. Sports Hub, Community School Campus, FB Page for contact info
Adult Dance Classes in Auchterarder Parish Church Hall on a Wednesday evening bertween 7.30 and 8.30pm. Latin, Country Line dancing and much more, A fun way to learn new skills, get fit and improve mental health and wellbeing. New studio opening soon - dance classes from age 2 all the way up to adults and also Aerial and Acro classes from age 7- adults. Dance Classes are £25 for a block of 4 FB: Cherry Little Dance Classes. Cherrylittle@hotmail.co.uk, Ph 07745 030674
YMCA Youth Club: The Village Hall in Aberuthven provides a modern flexible space with kitchen and is available for hire for parties, meetings or classes etc. YMCA Youth Club P5 P7 5:15 till 6:30 , S1 S3 6:45 to 7:45 Wednesday the 14th September entry a £1 All welcome please contact Franny 07557676094 new members welcome. Aberuthvenvillagehall@hotmail.com
Over 60’s Exercise: Bringing people together to exercise enjoyably and safely; to provide a sociable and beneficial gathering. There will be 45 minutes of rhythmical, mobilising exercise using all types of music. The class is based on participants copying the class Leader. Members put less or more energy into the 45 minutes according to personal ability and standard of fitness. No part of the class is compulsory. Come along today and try a free taster and have a cup of tea and a chat after if you're keen to find out more! 10am-10.45am
Auchterarder Parish Church Hall, Phone 01764 664219 mob 07801 374143 email sheilawiltour@aol.com
Neurocentral is a group for anyone affected by a neurological condition. We meet at St. Margarets Hospital Out patients department on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6:30 8:30pm and the 4th Saturday of the month 11-1 pm. We provide massage therapy, information, support, and refreshments all free. 07526 281747, https://www.neurocentral.org.uk
TheRotaryClubofAuchterarder&Districtwascharteredin1981.Theclub endeavourstofullysupportthelocalcommunityandareparticularlyactivein youthsupport.Comealongtoourmeetingonthe15that7.30pm,meetour membersandfindoutmoreabouttheplansfortherestorationofAuchterarder PictureHouse. GolfClubFunctionRoom,secretary@auchterarder.rotary1010.org
DigitalDropin Haveyoueverfeltconfusedbytechnology?Gotaphone,tablet orlaptopandnotknowwheretostart?ComealongonWednesdaysto AuchterarderParishChurchbetween2 3pmintheboardroomandourAndrew Kennedyouryouthworkerwilldohisbesttohelpyouout.Formoreinfo,popalong oremailandrew.kennedy@auchterarderparish.org WednesdaySocialExerciseClass:10-10:45am&11:15-12pmattheAytounHall LiveActiveSessions,AytounHall.Www.liveactive.co.uk.Classfeeapplies LocalHistoryDisplay:AytounHallandoutsideAberuthvenPrimary
andwell-beingbymeetingtwiceperweek(TuesandThurs)atAuchterarder ParishChurchCommunityCentreforfriendshipandfellowshipoveracupoftea andhelpourcommunitybymakingthingsinourworkshopusingtheskillsofour members.WewillhaveanOpenDayonThursday15thSeptember2-4pm.Popin toseewhatwegetuptoandhaveacuppaandachat.JohnBoyd07767876489
Didyouknowthatwehaveafascinatingselectionofboardsillustratingthe historyofourarea?Popalongandenjoylearningmoreabouthowourlocalityhas changedthroughtheages.TheboardsareintheAytounHallanddoorswillbe openTues/Wed/Thurs9.30 12.00.BoardsoutsideAberuthvenPrimary accessibleatanytime.auchterarderlha@gmail.com,01764662035 Thursday15thSeptember AuchterarderMensShed:WeareagroupwhopromoteMen’smentalhealth
KGDanceisadanceschoolrunningclassesforpreschool,primaryand secondaryage.ClassesarerunbyKirstenBrock,BAHonsdegreeinDance. KirstensweeklyclassesinAuchterarderParishChurchdevelopconfidence, creativeskills,rhythmandcoordination.Thursday4-5pmP1-P3,5-6pmP4-P7 xkirstengilliesx@hotmail.co.uk,tel:07872311980.Freetastersessionduring DoorsOpen! LocalHistoryDisplay:AytounHallandoutsideAberuthvenPrimary Didyouknowthatwehaveafascinatingselectionofboardsillustratingthe historyofourarea?Popalongandenjoylearningmoreabouthowourlocality haschangedthroughtheages.TheboardsareintheAytounHallanddoorswill beopenTues/Wed/Thurs9.30-12.00.BoardsoutsideAberuthvenPrimary accessibleatanytime.auchterarderlha@gmail.com,01764662035
BookBugs BabyRhymesandSongs:AuchterarderLibrary’sdoorsareopen
allweekforpeopletodropin,browsethebookselection,usethePC'sand Hublets,completeajigsaworsimplysitandread.DuringOpenDoorsweekwe haveBookbugs2.30-3pm.Afunsessionofrhymesandsongsforlittleones. Pleasecalltobookaspace.AuchterarderLibrary,ChapelWynd, auchterarderlibrary@culturepk.org.ukorcall01764661435
ShuttlecockSeniorsRecreationalBadminton:Wouldyoubeinterestedin tryingShuttlecock?ACSRhaveanopensessionwhereallarewelcometocome alongandtry.Allequipmentprovided 6pm 7pmintheCommunitySportsHub (SchoolCampus)tim@acsr.org.ukformoreinfo
PerthYouthFutsalisaregisteredcharityandinour20thyearofoperation. WenowrunFutsal(theofficialFIFAandUEFAversionofindoorfootball)sessions acrossPerthshire.Sessionsareusually£3andrun6 7pmfor2010andyounger, 7-8pmfor2009andOlder.OpenDoorsSessionisfree-comealongandtry! SportsHub,CommunitySchoolCampus,perthyouthfutsal@hotmail.co.uk
Circle Dancing: We are a small, friendly group who meet weekly for an hour of circle dancing. We dance together, usually holding hands and usually in a circle. (Covid did change some of this!) No partners or experience are needed. The dances are always taught first and they range from slow and meditative through to lively and uplifting. The dances may be traditional or choreographed with music from all around the world. Its a gentle form of exercise that involves some focus as you learn the steps and enjoy moving together. Sessions are 10.30 11.30 on a Friday morning in the 'Old Hall' at Auchterarder Parish Church. A first session is always free, thereafter the fee is £5 (cash) per class on the day. I do need prior notification please as space is limited. On Friday 16th, people who would like to give this a try can come along and join in a free 'taster session'. The dances would be chosen to represent the variety of music we dance to whilst keeping the steps relatively simple. As space is limited pre 'booking' of a place is appreciated. Contact me, Keryn Evely, using the details above re coming along and if you have any queries. Please wear soft soled (quiet) shoes and bring a water bottle. k.evely@phonecoop.coop 01764 664064
Friday Night Youth Club A relaxed and safe space for secondary pupils to hang out, we have pool, ping pong, Nintendo switch, board games and more, (we will even have cake to mark open doors week) Friday’s 7 8:30, in Auchterarder Parish Church Centre run by the Church & LOGOS Youth Project partnering together. For more info: andrew.kennedy@auchterarderparish.org Blue Door (Foodbank) An independent community foodbank, ready to help those in need. A referral process is in place 7 days a week to ensure people get the support they need information about this can be accessed via www.bluedoorfoodbank.org/ info@bluedoorfoodbank.org or 01764 660 965. Deliveries are usually on Tuesdays & Fridays and you are welcome to pop in between 10am - 13.00 on Tuesdays and Fridays to find out more. During Doors open week (and indeed during any week) you’re welcome to pop in for advice during open hours. Side of Auchterarder Parish Church
Friday 16th September
Taekwon-DoclubwhichmeetsatAuchterarder CommunityChurchCentreonMondays5-6pmandSaturdays10-11am. Suitableforchildren5years+,teenagersandadults.Bookyourfreetrial lessononlineathttps://uktc.co.uk/scotland/perthshire/auchterarder/uktc taekwondo-auchterarder-community-church-centre 804/Tel:01786845060
Saturday17thSeptember ACSRhaveorganisedasessionofFamilyfunwithrackets
AuchterarderCorePathsworkinggroupare(fantastic)volunteerswho maintaintheCorePathsnetworkenjoyedbymany.Pathtidieshappenonthe 1stWednesdayand3rdSundayofeachmonth.It’sagreatopportunityto provideanhourortwoofyourtimetomakeabigdifferenceandmeetlike mindedpeople.There’salwaysacuppaanddeliciouscaketofollowinthe Pavilion.MeetatthePavilionatthepublicparkat10am,allequipment provided. acsr.org.uk,auchterardercorepathsgroup@gmail.com
.Shorttennis, Badmintonandpickleballwillbesetup.HaveyouevertriedPickleball?It’safun sport,combiningmanyelementsoftennis,badmintonandpingpong,playedon badmintoncourtsusingpaddles.Comealongandtry-opensessionfrom 10amto12.00.Suitableforallagesandabilities SportsHub,CommunityCampus,contacttim@acsr.org.ukformoreinfo FreeTrialLessonatour
AuchterarderCommunitySportsandRecreation(ACSR)isalocalcharity whichaimstoenableeveryonewholivesinandaroundAuchterardertohave accesstosafe,accessibleandcost friendlysportsandactiverecreation opportunities. OurcharityoperateswiththreemainWorkingGroups:‘CorePaths’,‘Green Spaces’and‘Sport&Recreation’ witheachgroupmakingavitalcontribution intheirspecificareaandtomanyprojectsinandaroundthetown!Whynot dropby,learnsomemore andmaybeevenfindasmallvoluntaryopportunity whichcouldhelptohaveabigimpact…!ComealongonSundaybetween1pm and3pmtohaveacuppaandfindoutmoreaboutACSR,theworkinggroups andthePavilion.acsr.org.uk,tim@acsr.org.uk AberuthvenandDunningChurchofScotlandComealongonSundaythe 18thSeptemberforourserviceat11:00amwithrefreshmentsafterthe service11:40,Allarewelcomeevenjustfortherefreshments.Churchopen from10:00till12:30..Contact@aberdun.co.uk AuchterarderParishChurch:10.30-11.30-ChurchServiceandSunday school,arelaxedandfriendlyall-agechurchseekingtoworship,learnandserve togetherinoursmalltowncommunitychurch@auchterarderparish.org StAndrewsUFChurch:TuckedawaybehindJulie’sHairdresserand Davidson’sChemist,justofftheHighStreet,you’llfindabigwelcome!Our servicesarefriendly,alittlelessformalthanmost,andalwaysjoyful.10.30am withacuppaandachatafterwards. OurLadyofPerpetualSuccour CatholicChurch,CastletonRoad,Tel+44 (0)1764663111fordetailsofservices StKessogs:WehaveregularservicesofHolyCommuniononSundaysand Wednesdays.Ourworshipisupliftingandthought-provoking.01764662525
AuchterarderCameraClub"the friendly club" is excited to announce a new session of meetings - First session being today during Doors Open! New membersandvisitorsareallverywelcome. From beginners to experienced photographers, we have something for everyone who has an interest in photography. The Club meets on Mondays at 7.30pm in the Girnal Room of the Aytoun Hall. Guest speakers, Tutorials and Competitions. www.auchterardercameraclub.org.uk
Archway is a drop in Café every Monday afternoon 1.00-3.00pm at Auchterarder Community Church Centre. Various activities, support and advice and a chance to enjoy a light lunch, coffee, tea refreshments and a chat. New faces are always welcome. Support and advice from Alzheimer Scotland, PKC Housing and Community Care, NHS Healthy Communities, signposting for Welfare Rights etc. Activities include music, singing and exercisestoo. Archway offers more than just a chance for some coffee/tea and refreshments. It’s a warm, friendly and supportive place to meet and chat.
ReneeRiddellreneeriddell@outlook.com Free Trial Lesson at our Taekwon-Do club which meets at Auchterarder Community Church Centre on Mondays 5 6pm and Saturdays 10 11am. Suitable for children 5 years+, teenagers and adults. Book your free trial lesson online at https://uktc.co.uk/scotland/perthshire/auchterarder/uktctaekwondo-auchterarder-community-church-centre 804/Tel:01786845060
76Actions 22Priorities 6Themes 1Vision Local Services & Housing Development Town Centre & Local Economy Healthy & Connected Community Environment & a Greener Community Heritage, Arts & Culture Traffic, Parking & Transport Auchterarderand AberuthvenCommunity ActionPlan Extend and connect the network of walking & cycling routes Ensure adequate education & childcare services Develop Auchterarder Town Centre Infrastructure Youth Facilities & activities Sports and Recreation Facilities Increase choice of shopping & entertainment opportunities Pause housing development until infrastructure plans are in place Improve and expand community greenspaces and woodland areas Improve Parking Encourage more arts & cultural activities Safer Roads & Pavements Share, develop & promote our heritage & history Community Events Looktoimprove accessto,and across,theA9 Enhancepublic transportto meetlocalneeds Supportthe community artsvenue Develop sustainable communities initiatives Promote Active Travel Exploregreater policepresence /CCTV Improvelocal banking facilities Promote,develop &supportlocal business Community Facilities Auchterarder &Aberuthven Community ActionPlan
Asacommunity,wecanworktogethertomakethishappen! whetheryouoccasionallyhavealittlebitoftimeoryou'reabletoshareyourskillsandtimeinalonger termproject,there'ssomethingforeveryone. getinvolved:ourCommunityactionplandetailsthegroupswhoareinvolvedinmakingactionhappen find outmoreabouthowtojoininbycontactingthemthroughourwebsitewww.AandAconnected.co.uk Stayintouch:Findoutmore*shareyourcommunitynews*joinourmailinglist*aanda cap@gmail com Lookoutfornewsandupdatesonourdigitalnoticeboardstoo kindlygiftedtothecommunitybyauchterarderpicture house shareyoureventswithusandwe'llsharethemtothecommunity ourcommunitysharedtheirvisionforAuchterarderandAberuthven: Visitourwebsitetofindoutmoreaboutcommunity groups,activitiesandevents: www.aandaconnected.co.uk