李真 大氣- 李真台灣大型雕塑首展 Greatness of Spirit Li Chen Premiere Sculpture Exhibition in Taiwan

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李真的雕塑是那種看過一眼便會令人不能忘記的藝術,它 們以極為個性的面貌和極為強烈的風格讓人歎為觀止, 「猶如天外來客驚擾視線,也如遠古經典遺世獨立」。 After only one glimpse at Li Chen’s sculptures we cannot forget them. Their extremely characteristic faces and intense mannerisms make people exclaim over their perfection, just as they come from the outer reaches of space crossing through their vision, or as they were sculptures from remote antiquity that stand unique and outside of the world.

中國美術館館長 范迪安 Fan Di’an Director, National Art Museum of China


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