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Plus He Is Still a Boy Does It Really Work

L’ Oreal Colorista Washout and Paint

Signs he is not ready for a serious relationship

The Benefits of Drinking Water The importance of staying well hydrated

Where Did The Magic Go?

The stages relationships go through

Watermelon Diet Get ready For The Summer

A note from the editor We live in a world filled with negativity and stress where the enormous pressure put over women to answer the high set expectations of the society is constantly in the air. The purpose of PLUS is simple, to inform, educate, be your company on the long journey home and provide you with a few minutes of pure relaxation and entertainment.





Content: Physchology (p. 3) Where Did The Magic Go? He Is Still a Boy Does It Really Work (p. 10) L’ Oreal Colorista Washout L’ Oreal Colorista Paint Health (p. 12) The Benefits of Drinking Water Watermelon Diet Films (p. 17) Lalaland Moana Rogue One Music (p. 19) Sign Of The Times Divide Triforce


Where Did The Magic Go? Remember that first time you met? How beautiful and epic it all was? You two gassing at each other’s eyes, smiling up from ear to year, your head on his shoulder, his arms around you, your fingers, lips and souls intertwined. He is the ideal man, the Troy to your Gabriella, Eduard to your Bella, Noah to Allie. Everything is perfect and then bang… The magic bubble you two were in pops so unexpectedly and loud turning the entire relationship into such a hot mess. It all happens so suddenly that you cannot help but ask yourself why every single relationship starts so nicely just to turn into a huge delivery box of drama the local post boy generously gave to you for free? You are frustrated and all you want to know is where the magic go? Ironically, the answer is quite simple. According to psychologists what may fail to understand is that relationships grow and evolve, and go through different stages until they finally reach a certain level of maturity and give a chance to love actually blossom. Stage 1. Infatuation: This is the phase where you think how perfect the other person is, you find yourself checking your messages and emails 20 times a day. You feel obsessed and cannot stop thinking about one another, talk until 3 am, randomly decide to meet in the middle of the night because you frankly and genuinely cannot wait to see him/her again. It all seems crazy and like something that doesn’t resemble to anything you have ever experienced before. You think only how in love you are and how this actually might be ‘It’, the love you have been waiting and dreaming for. In reality both doctors and psychologists agree that the state of euphoria is actually caused by a natural monoamine called phenylethylamine which speeds up the communication between nerve cells and releases dopamine, also known as the hormone of happiness. Dopamine, on the other hand, unleashes another hormone, oxytocin, famous as the hormone of love, simply increasing the libido. All this makes the brain maintain the idea of being crazy in love. The infatuation period usually lasts from a few weeks to a few months.


Stage 2. Power Struggle: This is the stage when both of you realize that the other person in not as perfect as you though they were and you start seeing their flaws. This is when both of you stop pulling off your best behaviour so you are finally able to see each other in your true colours. Everyone has ideas about what qualities they want their partner to have so this is the time when you can actually see to what extend the person you are with can fit into these standards and you can finally make a decision whether or not you want to stay with them and if the relationship has a potential. Stage 3. To Do List: The reality sets in and all the responsibilities and small, and annoying daily tasks, such as who will cook and who will do the laundry, start knocking on your door. Reaching that stage only shows how mature both of you are and how real and meaningful the relationship actually is. The couple’s therapist, Zoe Hicks, however, warns of the importance not to burry ourselves in the routine and from time to time do something different than sitting on the couch watching Jim Carrey comedies. A good idea is to go and take language or latino dances together, go on a date again or just have a romantic dinner. Stage 4. Resurfacing: According to Zoe Hicks this is the stage when you remember why you fell for them on first place. You realize they are not nearly close to perfect but so as you and somehow you are the perfect match to one another. This state sometimes comes after a massive negative event that happens in one’s life, such as dead, that makes you remember how important it is to cherish every second and all the valuable people in your life. Stage 5. Love This is the stage when you finally realize you what true and unconditional love actually is. You are in love with your partner and they are partner your best friend and the person that you can completely trust, confide in and know wouldn’t do anything to purposely hurt you. You do fight but in the end of the day you cannot and don’t want to imagine your life without him/ her because you complete each other.



He Is Still a Boy Draining and time- consuming. Have you ever had the feeling you are in a relationship with a 3 year old? You have been there, taking care of everything and being emotionally involved in every single aspect of his life just to realize that emotionally he is still in puberty even though he is 25.

How to spot if a guy is mature enough for you and deserves your attention? After recently reading Steve Harvey’s ‘Think Like A Woman Act Like A Man’ I daresay the first chapter of the book makes a valid point stating that no man is actually emotionally available until they are clear with the 3 questions (initially driving every guy’s mind): who he is, what does he do and how much does he make. According to Harvey, without knowing the answers to these questions a man is completely incapable of maintaining a relationship as


It is impossible have a healthy and long lasting relationship with someone who does not know who he is. What does he like, what his values are, what are his interests, what are his thoughts and opinion about different topics?


All that, on the basis of what he enjoys doing, determines his goals, ambitions, and what he wants to do as a career.


Even though we live in an emancipated era, boys are still taught how important being a strong man, capable of providing and protecting his loved ones is. Thus it is no surprise the ‘How much do you make’ is one of the determining questions for men’s maturity.




Most people get to know the answers of all these questions between their teenage years and early 20s. However, even at the age of 30 some man are still looking for the answers. This is why, they are being incapable to fully concentrate over creating a mature relationship. But how would you be able to spot the boy from the man? How do you save yourself from becoming a mum to your partner? How do you understand whom is actually ready for a relationship and deserves your attention? Steve Havey offers a solution in the form of 5 simple questions. What are your short terms goals? What are your long term goals? What are your views on relationships? What do you think about me? How do you feel about me?

What are your short term and long term goals?

It is a good idea to ask these two questions straight from the beginning as this gives you the opportunity to not only see (metaphorically) ‘how old’ your crush is but it also provides you with the chance of actually getting to know if he has the time, energy and will to start a relationship and to what level and extend would he let it develop. Frankly, the two questions save you a lot of headache and time.

What are your views on relationships?

Here, as Steve Harvey, explains you want him to get into details about his childhood memories of his parent’s relationship and specifically the relationship he has with his mother. Why? Because the way he threats her is (to big extend) the way he would treat his partner. If he doesn’t have a relationship with his mum that is a one big red sign, screaming loudly in your face, to take a few steps back as all men who are brought up in normal and healthy families, have a lot of respect and save a special place for their mum.

What do you think about me and how do you feel about me?

These two are questions you should not, repeat SHOULD NOT, ask straight away. He would not have an opinion about you from the first 15 minutes of meeting so take it slow. Have a few dates, talk a bit more and then aim for the centre. ‘What do you think about me’ and ’How do you feel about me’ would show you what his intentions towards you are and how far does he wants your relationship to go.



Does It Really Work

Does It Really Work? L’ Oreal ColoRista Washout After trying the new L’ Oreal ColoRista washout hair dye I daresay it is a good product. The color I chose was Indigo Hair and even though I did not bleach my hair, which is normally quite dark, you can still see the light hue of blue which is exactly the effect I was aiming at. I would say that the product does not last for 2 weeks but it is surely perfect for everyone who tends to get bored of a new hair color quickly.

L’ Oreal Colorista Paint Once the effect of the Watshout dye faded away, I was more than curious to see how good the Paint would do and if it will answer the already high set expectations. The product is genuinelty amazing and one of the first things I have noticed was that it does not damage the hair as much as a normal dye. It does exactly what it says on the box and the color itself is really vibrant and lasting.




The Benefits of Drinking Water Ever since pre- school we have all being told about the importance of staying well hydrated and how an average person should drink 2 litters of water. However, what are the real benefits of drinking water are? Surely, the consumption of a good amount of H2O has a lot of perks and now we are going to list the of them.

1. Fluid balance Since 60% of the body is made out of water it is only logical to say that staying well hydrated is important as it helps the body transport nutrients, food digestion, regulates the body temperature, etc.

2. Calorie control

Drinking water is also considered a key factor in the fight with the unneeded calories. Numerous studies say that water simply helps us feel fuller, and thus consume less calories. It also boost boosts our metabolism. According to Kate Geagan, CamelBak hydration advisor, it is not uncommon for people to confuse the feeling of hunger with thurst. She suggests for the “ Next time you feel fatigued or sluggish, “drinking water may be just what [you] need to perk up.”

3. Muscle fuel

Working out at the gym means that muscles will lose water causing them to get tired thus it is so important to stay well hydrated during intensive exercising.

4. Clearer skin

Water also helps with clearing out the toxins that cause the skin to inflate, which itself results in clogged pores, spots and acne. Even though, dermatologists are still arguing whether or not water prevents wrinkles, it surely reduces the risk of pimples.




Interesting facts you probably did not know about water

5. Kidney function

Our kidneys processes over 207 litters of blood a day as it gets rid of the waste and transports urine to the bladder. Thus the kidney needs enough water so to clear away what the body does not need.

6. Productivity boost

Scientists say that drinking fluids helps us to concentrate better and stay refreshed, focused and alert.

7. It might protect against some types of cancer

New researches also show that the good hydration reduces the risks of bladder cancer, the reason for that being that the frequent urination prevents the build- up of bladder carcinogens. Studies as well find a connection between drinking enough water and the reduction of colon cancer and breast cancer.

8. It can improve mood

Matter of fact consuming water refreshes us so much that it is believed it can improve our mood.

9. It protects our joints and cartilage

Cartilage is defined as the rubbery material covering our bones and it contains about 85% water thus it is so important to stay hydrated. Drinking enough fluids also lubricates the joints and protects the spinal cord and tissues.

# Soda water makes healthier cock12. Pain prevention

Sometimes muscles craps can appear due to lack of fluids in the organism. This only adds up another reason to why you should drink the 2 litters of whater.

13. Keep things flowing

Drinking enough H2O helps with the digestion.

14. Brain boost

Since water helps with keeping a better concentration it only makes sense why a London based study have recently found a connection between students who bring a bottle of water to an exam and better grades, suggesting that water actually helps clearer thinking.

tails. There is no doubt why the usage of bubbly water with a slice of tropic fruit is seen as the more refreshing and heathier version of any fizzy drink. # Soaking in a warm bath or shower may make us feel less lonely. Researchers have found out that purely psychologically whenever people feel lonely or isolated, they tend to take more baths than usual. In this way they subconsciously replace the need for physical warmth with emotional one. Warm baths also unleash oxytocin, which is also known for the love, hug and cuddle hormone. # A warm footbath before bed could help you sleep. A study( small study) have also found that a warm foot bath can as well help to those with sleeping problems and reduces wakefulness.

10. Fatigue buster

Apparently tiredness can be just another symptom of dehydration. So the next time you feel the fatigue creeping in, instead of reaching for the coffee, maybe try out with water first.

11. Hangover help

The body naturally accepts alcohol as poison this is why whenever you have a hangover it is vital to drink more water. Water is also believed to help with the headache caused by hangover.




Watermelon Diet You know the summer is coming when the pressure for the perfect body comes knocking on your door. You see YouTube and Facebook adds about clothes and let’s not even mention that annoying girl from your Instagram (that you still follow for some reason) being completely underdressed.

Day 4:

Breakfast: cup of tea, 2 whole-grain crackers, plain yogurt, and one slice of watermelon. Lunch: one grilled veal fillet, 250 grams of whole-grain rice and one plain yogurt. Dinner: vegetable puree, tortilla filled with asparagus or spinach and a slice of watermelon.

Day 5:

It is well known to everyone that the last 3 to 5 kilos are the hardest one to lose thus this article is dedicated to help you finally get rid of them and be confident to put those shorts you bought 2 years ago but are still hiding in the closet.

Breakfast: one cup of coffee with skim milk and no sugar, 2 whole-garin crackers, and a slice of wa-termelon. Lunch: pumpkin or carrot puree, one serving of grilled breast and one plain yogurt. Dinner: one plate of leek puree with a bit of grated cheese, one grilled hake fillet, one slice of wa-termelon.

The diet is simple and whatever you do you cannot get it wrong, the only thing you need are wa-termelons. A lot of watermelons thus the name ‘Watermelon Diet’.

Whenever you feel like a mid-morning and afternoon snack: 2 slices of watermelon or drink a glass of watermelon juice.

Day 1:

Breakfast: cup of coffee/ tea, 2 whole grain crackers, one plain yogurt, and a slice of watermelon. Lunch: a grilled veal fillet, pate of a vegetable by choice, 1 Tbsp. olive oil and 1 plain sugarfree yo-gurt. Dinner: grilled hake, a plate of garlic sautéed artichokes, 1 slice of watermelon.

Day 2:

Breakfast: cup of coffee with skim milk, a piece of whole-grain toast with light cheese spread. Lunch: a plate of boiled cauliflower, 2 baked chicken wings and a plain sugar- free yogurt. Dinner: a bowl of fat-free vegetable soup, slice of baked fish with lemon and a slice of watermelon.

Day 3:

Breakfast: cup of coffee/ tea, a piece of whole-grain toast/ crackers, 2 slices of ham/ turkey meat and a slice of watermelon. Lunch: grilled shrimp, plate of vegetables, and plain yogurt. Dinner: one fillet of grilled breast, vegetable salad, one tablespoon of olive oil and a slice of water-melon.


Warning: The diet is designed to be followed for no longer than 5 days as otherwise it may lead to malnutrition and become dangerous for the health.




Even though on certain occasions the movie tends to go too fast with too many things happening at once, it features great songs which you will not be able to get out of your head for days like “How Far Will I Go” and “You’re Welcome”. It also has some hilarious characters which you would not be able to help it and fall in love with such as the chicken.

La La Land: La La Land is a musical directed by Damien Chazelle which surely has an interesting idea, however, poorly represented by Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling’s weak singing. The movie aims at bringing back the vibe of the classical musicals from the 40s and mainly 50s which on its’ own many occasions during the film can lead to questioning what is the timing the story plot is actually being revealed in. Musically, La La Land gives a very inaccurate and weak representation of how modern jazz actually looks and most definitely overuses the theme song of the movie. In terms of the plot, unsurprisingly, the musical tells the love story of an aspiring actress, Mia (Emma Stone), and a jazz pianist, Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) and the struggles they face on their way to success. I think it is safe to say that La La Land has a highly unexpected and surprising ending, however, it fails to answer all the problems set at the beginning of the movie such as what is the future of jazz.

Moana: Moana is simply just another word for Disney doing whatever Disney does best. The animation is a pure entertainment successfully bringing together big and small, sinking them in a world of mythology and adventures. Moana, voiced by Auli’i Cravalho, is a free- spirited teenager going on a daring quest to fulfil an old prophesy and save her village and people. During her journey she meets the once- mighty demigod Maui, Dwayne Johnson who teaches her how to be a way- finder and guides her through a journey filled with monsters and great danger, in which Moana discovers who she is and where she belongs.


Moana is one of Disney’s so far best animations and it is surely a must see.

Star Wars: Rogue One: New planets, new worlds, space battles, danger, hope and adventures, this is what Star Wars have always been about and Rogue One offers nothing less than that. After the Empire kills her mother and takes away her father, from young age Jyn is forced to learn how to take care of herself. However, she is now facing a tough choice. Should she keep the life- style she has and fighting for her own survival or should she join the Rebel Alliance and try to re-store the peace in the Galaxy and reunite with her father? The Science Fiction does not surprise with its’ great actors and amazing special effects, however, it is safe to say Rogue One shocks with its’ unexpected ending.



Music: Ed Sheeran: Divide Unsurprisingly Ed Sheeran once again smashes the charts with his new album Divide. The usual melancholic vibe of the artist is now replaced with, in overall, happier and more positive sounds, intertwining pop and folk. Divide sinks you in a journey from the up- beat Gallway Girl and Barcelona to the minor sounds of Save Myself and Supermarket Flowers, leaving you nothing but breathless, inspired and in waiting for whatever Ed Sheeran comes up with next.


Combining hip- hop, electro, soul and jazz, Triforce is an upcoming, London based, band featuring 4 extremely talented Middlesex University studentDominic Canning, keys, Mansur Brown, guitar, Ricco Komolafe, bass, and Benjamin Appiah, drums. Albums: 5IVE (2016) Check them out: 1th of July 2017 Supreme Festival

Harry Styles: Sign of The Times

The new song of the former One Direction member Harry Styles surprises with its’ unique style, expressiveness and creativity. The song is melancholic bringing a really rock, edgy and definitely more mature sound to the one we are used to see from One Direction.



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