09-14-11 PAPER

Page 6

A6 Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Roswell Daily Record

Veterans looking for employment; ‘Your Best Bet, hire a vet!’

In one of the President’s recent speeches announcing a monetary for bonus/incentive employers hiring veterans, he used the 40 plus year old slogan; — “Your best bet, hire a vet”. That was the same phrase used on the outside of the Veterans Affairs enveloped I received several years ago informing me they, the VA, weren’t going to hire me (after retur ning from another war). Even though I far exceeded job requirements for that federal position, I wasn’t the right ethnicity (back in “the day”). My point? My brothers and sisters returning from war, — be prepared for a rough reentry! First of all, there aren’t any jobs to get! A lot of the jobs you use to have (the ones you are guaranteed by law to go back to when you return) have disappeared

with the company that closed or downsized due to the failing economy. Small business will find it hard to accept the temporary fix (hiring bonus) when they are closing or laying off due to huge long term expenses from new regulations and coming mandatory National Health Care “improvements.” Second, jobs are going overseas. Rhetoric from the “business owner haters” (politicians) tell us it’s because of owner greed. I disagree. While working for, or with, several businesses during the last 30 plus years, the decision to go “offshore” was for survival. In order to stay in business, the company could only pay salaries (average) of , let’s say $8 an hour. The unions demanded $20 an hour (plus unof ficial lower production rates and other subtitle hindrances).

The September meeting of the Home Garden Club will be held on Sept. 15, at 9:30 a.m. at the County Extension Office. Caerlion Arthur will give the program on herbs in the garden. For more information call 622-6461 or 625-9866.



The owner’s choice? Go bankrupt or overseas. What’s even more frustrating, the same politicians shouting foul are themselves supporting the offshore concept. The President’s own business advisor, Jeff Immelt (CEO, General Electric, chair of President Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, and head of the Pr esident’s Economic Advisory Panel, replacing Paul Volcker) has and is going offshore with his business. He recently worked on a partnership with China to

build commercial aircraft competing against our U.S. company, Boeing (who just happens to be at war with the union and Gover nment’s National Labor Relations Board over relocating an operation to the nonunion South Carolina). By the way, our (anti-jobs sent overseas) current White House Government and GE partners include national and provincial environmental protection agencies in China, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Agency for International Development. You can’t just make this stuff up, folks! Hey, maybe they can use some of our Asian experienced Vietnam era vets over there. Oh yeah, — GE is among those nasty corporate people who don’t pay taxes (which, I thought, the Administration was going after “for the people”).

Veteran brothers and sisters, consider these things while trying to stay alive (at home). Our national debt is a long-ter m problem unemployment is an immediate crisis. Furthermore, unemployment can cause a self-perpetuating drain on the economy that renders us unable to deal with our debt (long-term). Businesses need (employed citizens) to buy the products and services produced. Nobody working means no work for those not working. Ouch! Paying unemployed workers for 6 months to build a government bridge means they will be unemployed, again, in 6 months. Even worse, their salaries will be paid from money we borrow from China (since we’re broke). Giving people borrowed money and “financing” special programs to save us by having disposable income to buy products, — is that really cor-

recting the problem or just a 6 month fix that digs the hole deeper? What did the Stimulus Programs (QE1 and QE2) do besides inflate our loan bubble in China? It certainly didn’t fix things. Pundits say they did. Proving that bafflegab false is easy. If Stimulus 1 didn’t work (Mr. Bush), and Stimulus 2 didn’t work (Mr. Obama), what lunatic would borrow several billion more to watch history repeat itself (Mr. Immelt, Mr. Timothy Geithner and Mr. Ben Bernanke)? Bottom line, — every dollar we “invest” to “stimulate” is borrowed! Why are we stuck on stupid, Washington? Veteran br others and sisters, maybe your skills that kept you alive in the desert can be used to save us here at home. Stay focused, infor med and connected! God bless.

famous for its great prizes and delicious food. For registration call 622-4150 for reservations call 622-4150.


The Elks Fighting Cancer, Golf Tournament will be held at the New Mexico Military Institute Golf Course, Sept. 17, at 8 a.m. For more information call Brady Crump at 575-6226033.

The Walker Aviation Museum Foundation

Home garden club to meet Big Brothers Big Sisters meeting

Big Brothers Big Sisters

There will be a community Forum regarding Big Brothers Big Sisters, Sept 14, at 6:30 p.m at the Roswell Elks Lodge No 969, 1720 N. Montana. For more infor mation call Ron at 317-6126.

Chaparral Rockhounds

The Chaparral Rockhounds will meet Sept. 15, at 7:30 p.m. at the Roswell Adult Center, 807 N. Missouri Ave. Jeri House will host the program ‘What minerals do we personally use in a single lifetime?’ All visitors are welcome. For more information call 6225679.

Chaves Democratic Party

The Chaves Democratic Party Monthly Meeting will be meeting at the Elks Lodge # 969, 1720 N. Montana on Sept. 15, at 6:30 p.m. Come early for dinner. Special guest speaker is Tom Jennings. For more information call Robbie at

Assistance League of Chaves County

Assistance League of Chaves County will hold its first meeting of the year on Sept. 16. The meeting will be held at the Chapter House, 2601 N. Aspen Road at 9:30 a.m. for a coffee social and 10 a.m. for the regular meeting. For more information call 6270722.

GHS Reunion

The Goddard High class of ‘71 will be having their 40-year reunion Sept. 16 and 17, beginning with registration Friday at the Roswell Museum and Art Center at 6 p.m. Any Classmate wishing to attend should contact Danny Fulkerson at 6221600 or visit, goddard71.com.


The HealthSense session scheduled for Sept. 16, at 11 a.m. and will feature Karen Vaillant, MD, Director of the Family Practice Residency Center. Dr. Vaillant will speak, and plans to introduce some members of the latest residents’ class. For any additional information, contact Vonnie Goss, HealthSense Coordinator, 624-1110.

Elks Fighting Cancer Golf Tournament

AARP Driver Safety Program

AARP Driver Safety Program will meet Sept. 16, at 12:30–5 p.m. At the Roswell Adult and Senior Center, Room 28, 807 N. Missouri. The cost for AARP members is $12 and for non-members $14. For more information call 6246718.


Their will be an opening reception for 12 artists who artistically enhanced children’s chairs for CFCC at Tinnie Mercantile and Deli, 412 W. Second St. Sept. 16, at 5:30 p.m. For more information call 622-8900.

Tour De Ocho Millas

The Tour De Ocho Millas will be Sept. 17, at Bottomless Lakes State Park. For more information call 3177169.

Walk to End Alzheimer’s

The 12th annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s will take place at the Chaves County Court House Lawn on Sept. 17, registration starts at 8 a.m. The opening ceremony will be at 9 a.m. There will be entertainment, free lunch and raffle drawing from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Donations can be accepted online at alz.org/ newmexico. For more information call 624-1552.

United Way Golf Mariachi Extravaganza Tournament

The Mariachi Extravaganza will have its performance Sept.16 at 7 p.m. at the Pearson Auditorium. Tickets cost $25, $30 and $40 per person. For more information call 623-5882.

Wells Fargo and Roswell Regional Hospital are hosting their 9th annual Charity Golf Tournament to benefit United Way of Chaves County, Sept. 17. The Wells Fargo and Roswell Regional Hosital golf tournament is

Do you recommend pruning and then replanting? Q . Driving ar ound town, I noticed a beautiful climbing rose on the East facing side of an old abandoned hotel here in town. The rose bush has worked its way up the wall nearly to the ceiling and has lush gr een leaves and pr ofuse blooms throughout. And all with no care whatsoever. There is no water spigot anywher e near and no way to get water to it, I doubt if anyone else has even noticed this plant. How and when can I dig some up and plant? Do you recommend pruning and then replanting? What time of year should all this be done? Tom D. Tucumcari A . Even though the property is abandoned, it is wise to contact the owner or property manager to ask permission to remove the rose. I wonder if there is any leakage of water fr om old pipes that may be helping support this r ose. However, if the water has been turned off, the rose may be getting along fine on natural rainfall supplemented by roof runoff. If that was adequate this

past summer, that is a very well adapted rose. If it has been abandoned for a long time, it will have a very extensive r oot system that you must consider when digging it. When you dig the rose, you will lose much of that root system that kept it alive, but with adequate care in transplanting and care after transplanting to encourage good r oot system development, it should live and prosper. The best time to move the rose will be in late February or early March (gardeners in other parts of New Mexico will need to adapt for their area). The rose should be dormant, but the worst of winter should have been experienced. However, now would be a good time to go and “root prune” the rose to help accommodate for the lost roots when you dig it. Dig a tr ench around the root system as far out as you will be

digging the roots (as wide a root ball as you will be able to manage), fill this trench with good garden soil or potting soil, keep the soil moist into the fall to encourage good root growth. In February or March, while the rose is still very dormant but the end of winter is in sight, dig outside the r oot pruned (tr ench) ar ea (new, small roots should have developed in the potting soil area to greatly impr ove transplant success). Have the new planting site prepared so that the r oots ar e not exposed to dry, cold air too long. Plant the rose. You can trim back stems to make it manageable for the transplant before you move it. T rim the shoots back to 1 to 2 feet in length. Water it well after planting. Mulch deeply with straw or other insulating material (perhaps put 4 straw bales around the plant, fill in the center with loose straw, cover with

plastic sheet, to keep the mulch dry. In late March, remove the straw mulch and water again. If there are enough roots, it should begin growth in late March or at least by mid-April. If it takes longer, do not be impatient. The first year, fertilize sparingly, but supply adequate water. This will encourage good root development rather than new shoots. For more gardening infor mation, visit the NMSU Extension publications Web site at http://aces.nmsu.edu/pu bs/_h, or to read past articles of Yard and Garden go to http://aces. nmsu.edu/pubs/periodic als.html Send your gardening questions to Yard and Garden, Attn: Dr. Curtis Smith, NMSU Agricultural Science Center, 1036 Miller Rd. SW, Los Lunas, NM 87031. Curtis W. Smith, Ph.D., is an Extension Horticulture Specialist emeritus with New Mexico State University’s Cooperative Extension Service. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.

Old Timers

The 106th annual Old Timers reunion will be held Sept. 17, 9 a.m. at the Roswell Adult Center, 807 N. Missouri Ave. Dinner will be served at noon, cost is $9 each. Music by Votaws. For information call 624-6718.

Senior Circle

ENMMC Senior Circle will have free flu shots available for members Sept. 17, from 10-2 p.m. at the facility at 2801 N. Main St., Suite D, next door to Family Dollar. For more information, call the office at 623-2311.

Roswell Public Library

The Roswell Public Library will be having story time, ‘Knights and Castles’ Sept. 17, at 2 p.m. For more information call 622-7101.

The Roswell Museum and Art Center will be having a Lecture and Reception for Nathan Craven Sept. 17, at 5:30 p.m. For more information call 624-6744.

The public is invited to attend "Lest We Forget" on Sept. 17, at 6 p.m. at the Sally Port Inn. For additional information about the banquet or to make reservations, contact Bob Pottle at 420-9664 or Judy Ar mstrong at ar mtel@cableone.net or visit the website wafbmuseum.org.

Pecos Valley Iris Society

The Pecos Valley Iris Society will have its next meeting Sept. 18 at 2 p.m. at the Eastern New Mexico Medical Center, Cedar Room. The program ‘Creative Containers’ will be presented by Isabel Olsen. Visitors, youth and new members are invited. For more information call 6276707.

Book Signing

Margaret “Maggie” Phillips will be signing her new book “Mounds of Memories” Sept. 18, from 2-4 p.m. at the Roswell Museum and Art Center. For more information call 6236508.

Pet of the Week

Jessica Palmer Photo

This is a five-month-old male, Siamese mix with blue eyes, long-hair, white fur and orange points. He is available for adoption at Animal Services located at 705 E. McGaffey St. For more information call 624-6722.


The Roswell Chamber of Commerce wants to congratulate their new members • Turnaround Properties, Todd Seidenschwarz • ItsQwest, Jeff Everly • Leaco, Kala Hinojos • Right Track LLC,Jeff Kriz • Sheryl Saavedra, LLC, Sheryl Saavedra


The Southeast NM Community Action Corporation will

holds its Board of Directors meeting Thursday, Sept. 15, at 6 p.m. The meeting wil be held at the SNMCAC build-

ing, located at 1915 San Jose Blvd., Carlsbad. For more

information call Sherra at 887-3939.

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