Broadway Brevities 1921-12 vintage

Page 56

54 B,'oadway 81'evities

Mainly About Frank Harris 'vVe have watched for months the trugglcs of our friend, Frank Harris, that valorous elder Spartan, the intrepid knight who has jou ted in so many journalistic tournaments, and yet stands forth in summer sun with head ensanguined but unbowed. Hai'ri , with a long and brilliant career afor.ctime as editor of "Vanity Fair" in London, and as author of some of the be t fiction in our Engli h tongue, took over Pearson's Magazine some five or six years ago in ew York, to which he ha stuck, through sun and cloud, through good and evil report, with all the tenacity that his rugged frame and face so boldly express. "Pear on's. lJ1 his hand, is the .I alladium of Revolt, the Magna . Charta of N oncomformity. To Harris's heart the Lost Cause is as dear as the Triumphant Hobby to other men. Many a time his frail bark has eemed to be fast on the rocks and wa hing to pieces, when, presto 1 the craft has floated again, colors flying, captain on the bridge. And the most astonishing thing about it all is the sublime apathy with which Harris is regarded in America by even those to whom hi great genius is well known. Here is a man of prodigious literary tature, .scholar, historian, critic, esayist, noveli t, who could pack most of his piddling contemporaries in his BROADWAY BREVITIE

ink-well, yet he is doom cd to a life of drudgery more bitter than marked the early.years of John on. At the head of an endowed literary journal, freeing his marvelous mind to do Its be t, what might we not have from Frank Harri ? ..... W c have not seen him for five years, but thi is a willing word of remembrance, of a<;lmiralion and of hope ..... 'vVe wi h BREVITIES' reader, who do not know Harris, would do themselves the favor of attending one of the Sunday evening lectures we under tand he give rcgularly at his home, 57 Fifth avenue, so they may come in touch with one of the dynamic per onalities of our generation.

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We wonder if there is any part of the globe where BREVITIES isn't read? In our mail the othcr day we got two sub cription , one from Cape Town, South Africa, the other from Buenos Aires!!!! "They aren't happy till they get it."

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Free Ad for Old Mother Schrafft We hear that one of the day-nurseries ha made Schrafft' at 38th and Broadway, an offer for the tables. They want to use them as rockinghorse for. the children. Beli ve me, chile, dose table cert'nly do rock! They're the mo t intoxicated pieces of furniture we've ever' seen. How the Macy and Sak shopping g'randtnas keep their bun and coffee from spilling we don't know.


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