Under All the Toughness

Page 29

I AM B LACK by Jahanni Barrett

I am me… I am BLACK. I know I am BLACK, and I am PROUD to be this way. Other people walk around and see us and the first thing that comes to their mind is criminal, dumb, a nogood person. That shouldn’t be in the world taking up space. These are some things that some people will say and think to themselves about colored people. People are so quick to judge and accuse because of the color of our skins. Instead of doing research on the past, they go and ask people that are the same color as them so they can both talk smack. And that’s not right… So quick to judge people from appearance, but yet, not taking the time or having the guts to walk up to a person of color and talk to them, to actually get to know us and to know our lives. All I know, is that if an opposite color was to be in any Black person or person of color’s shoes, he or she would realize that it’s not easy being a person of color, being scared for our lives everyday and being treated differently than other people. And if they people do know what it’s like to be us, there’s people who would just let it be, because they think we’re able to handle this abuse.


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