Android, the Software that'll Power Our Future? - Hyperlink InfoSystem

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Android, the Software that'll Power Our Future? - Hyperlink InfoSystem

The latest buzzword that's got everyone jazzed up for the upcoming Google I/O . Which in itself has gotten a lot many people excited to hear about the new unveiling. For those of you who may not be all that aware of the annual event, Google hosts this conference mainly focused towards developers. Holding talks about the various development areas that Google are focusing upon, like mobile, web development and also general areas like design and development best practices, are a big hit with the masses. So much so that tickets to the conference sell out in a matter of hours since they are announced.

And for those who can't make it to the actual event, the live stream offers a good alternative. Apart from the fact that everyone from the general public to the developers are pretty excited about new developments in the Android Wear front. Everything from adding various new functionalities to giving the overall Google apps and services a design overhaul.

Coming back to Android Wear, Android app development India professionals need to look out for the event since there are a lot of rumors going on that a considerable amount of info is will be released out. Plus, also facts about the manufacturing of the actual devices as well. LG and Motorola have been in the news for this exact reason. There were even contests held to get entries for designs for the Android Wear device as well.

And hopefully, we'll get some concrete info about how it's all gonna work out. Along with the details of what kind of features we'll get to see at the most basic level. Plus, the details about the support that will enable developers get a clearer picture about the new platform from Google. Android Wear is seen as a compelling new platform because it's actually something that's been made out for a new kind of platform instead of stuffing the Android for smartphone into a device small enough for your wrist.

Another reason for Android application development India professionals to sit up and take notice. The reason is that Wear takes the positives of the Android platform and projects it onto this compact and precise version that is just best suited for the niche it is targeting. From project seamless transition with your Android smartphone or other Android compatible devices in the environment, the Wear lets you make the best of both worlds. At the end you are left with a highly portable device that gives you the data you need when you need it and also in a subtle manner.

It can well be said that Google wants to control the users' world. Jokes apart, Google is very keen on spreading its empire towards automobiles and create solutions that could see you driving Android powered cars in the very near future. You do see the occasional news wherein Google's testing out it's self-driving cars. With very good results, even if it's going to take a whole lot of while 'til we can actually see the futuristic movies turning into a reality and actually getting to drive one of the selfdriving beauties, it's definitely a fact that Google's trying to expand and innovate to stand apart from its competitors and actually create a need rather than just only focus on creating solutions to existing needs.

Imagine a scenario wherein you have your car, smartphone and Android Wear all integrated and are able to cross communicate to offer the best possible solution. Your car would be able to take calls and answer texts and send quick responses to your Wear. Or another case wherein the device could monitor your vitals and communicate with your car to go slow or call an emergency contact or an ambulance, in case of a problem which may not let you do it yourself knowingly or unknowingly, thereby saving not only your life but also the lives of the others on road.

Android application development India enthusiasts and professionals need to broaden their mindsets not to make sure that they don't only think from a smartphone perspective. That time has passed. Now the focus is all about creating the global environment and integrating everything to offer an experience that is organic and whole.

Expanding a bit more on the earlier statement about Google wanting to take over the World, we see how Google has had its eyes on coming not just to your TV and entertainment arena but straight up to your home. It's acquisition of NEST is one classic example of Google looking to go beyond the smartphone sect and get more up and personal.

It advertises this as a better opportunity for the users, letting them be in control of their devices in promoting a lifestyle where you don't have to worry about a million different remotes to control the various aspects of your life. In the near future, having the Google magic power everything from your smartphone to the system that runs your household will have you playing God, almost. Having everything connected would mean having an eye on all the systems because they are integrated and can offer you a single point of control and what's more, if you think that you're overburdened with all the responsibility, then worry not. The Internet of Things is just the answer for you.

A thick mesh of interconnected smart devices would mean that not only will there be passage of data, but these networked devices would be able to analyze and if permitted, even be able to control certain aspects of each other. Let's look at an example to understand this further. The sprinklers in your lawn, communicate with your heating system about the upcoming showers in winter. That let send you a notification to come back home before the downpour increases.

This is just a very rudimentary case, but it remains to be seen what amazing technologies will be created when a great platform is open and available to great minds.

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