iPhone App Development: Apple’s Return with the New iPhone - Hyperlink InfoSystem

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iPhone App Development: Apple’s Return with the New iPhone - Hyperlink InfoSystem

The one thing that has always given Apple the edge over it's competitors is the fact that it has it's taken the business rule to innovate and come out with new ways to do things to heart. Apple was at the forefront of the smartphone industry before it blew up to become a household name, before everyone from your kid to your grandparents started using it for one thing or the other.

It wasn't that Apple was the sole creator of the smartphone, before the iPhone, there did exist smart devices, but they didn't have what it took to raise a storm in people's lives. The same happened to how people listened to music after the introduction of the iPod. Here was a device that could store their favorite tunes in a portable way, that had a sleek new design too.

Even though those were the most memorable events in the company's history, Apple was successful in establishing a loyal fanbase that has been supporting it with almost every product that it has come up with. And one of the reasons that it has is because of Apple's consistency. Which has ensured to keep the users as well as iPhone app development India professionals happy.

But all that still didn't work quite as well for the past few years for the company and it was constantly under pressure to come up with something that was as groundbreaking and innovative as it had done before with the iPhone. But that's something that's not as easy as it seems. Especially, since it's competitors have been able to come out with great products that are more affordable for the middle class working people in the developing nations as well.

And in doing so, been able to get more people over to their side, but the thing that works for Apple has never been quantity, but quality as it has said many times in the past. And it's something that has created and pushed up it's brand to new heights, because they managed to attracted people of affluence and pushed themselves as a luxury oriented brand.

But the increasing popularity of it's opponents' products in the smartphone arena has led it to make amends to its long term strategies and adopt new plans if it wants to sustain itself as a world wide brand and fierce competitor. This in turn gave birth to the new iPhone. The iPhone with a larger screen.

Although, the past months have seen nothing but rumors; with Apple firm on letting nothing substantial out before the official date arrives, people are being fed tidbits of information from alleged "leaks" which is definitely keeping up the excitement before the showdown in a few months from now.

We don't know if these bit and pieces of information is anywhere near truth or is actually a well thought out plan by Apple itself to promote the new iPhone or not. And the truth is there's actually no way to know, lest a Snowden incident happens here to. But either way, coming to the actual info does incite a little bit of interest even in the most disinterested person.

With talks of a better processor, better touch receptive input plus a sapphire screen, Apple is really trying to sell it's brand as a quality oriented luxury backing brand yet again. But of course, the one group of people already waiting for the official announcements are the developers. iPhone application development India professionals will need to be on their toes for at least the initial period of the release.

They need to be able to quickly grasp the changes and learn ways to optimize their existing apps to work perfectly with the new devices. And test and fine tune the apps to not cause any unexpected results with the large screen sizes as well.

Another thing that is going to benefit the developers all over the World is that Apple is trying to open up its platform and promote and encourage more and more developers. Initially, the platform was considered quite the opposite of what it is now. With Apple guarding the developmental aspects like a mother lion, developers had to run around and dig up the deep ends of the Internet if they wanted resources to learn and create apps for the platform.

But times have changed. Especially seeing how developer friendly Google has been from the start, and its efforts to actively engage as well as its consistent efforts in providing the resources through official portals to help rope in more and more development professionals to be creative and innovative through Android has went against Apple.

Well, if the recently conducted surveys are anything to go by, then it's clear that even with the rumored $100 increase in the cost price of the upcoming iPhone, around half the the people surveyed would have no hesitation whatsoever to purchase the larger and improved iPhone. One conclusion that can be gathered from this is the fact that iPhone app development India professionals need to play their cards right and focus on optimizing their existing apps as well as create more that makes the best use of all the features of the newest device and therefore boosts the sales for themselves because of increased user interaction and in app purchases for example.

Apple's also trying to bring in more participation from the developing economies as well, because they are slowly realizing that there does exist a market in these nations as well, which if they can properly tap, will not only be fruitful lucratively, but also be able to gain strategic ground by having a foothold in the otherwise Android heavy markets.

It can try to bring back buy back offers or offer special discounts like it did for a short amount of time in India, where people could exchange their old iPhones for an upgrade and get discounts and or other free services.

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