Android App Development Going Strong - Hyperlink InfoSystem

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Android App Development Going Strong - Hyperlink InfoSystem

Android has been constantly redefining itself since over the past 5 years that it's been around and with good cause. The initial reasons were simple; well, in it's early years after being acquired by Google, Android was just a baby that couldn't do a lot many things and also looked and felt similar. Apple had come out with it's flagship iPhone and everyone was awestruck by it's innovation. Android knew it had to act fast and act smart, or get left out in a big way dominated by a World surrounded by the Apple product. Therefore, it adopted a rigorous development cycle that meant it came out with updates to the Android operating system in regular intervals of a little more than two months. And over those updates, we saw a whole lot of changes that spanned both the design elements as well as internal tweaks. And each update brought with it some substantial changes/updates so people really looked forward to it. But as every coin has two sides, this process brought in a new issue for them.

It was stemmed in the way the users got their updates. They had to depend on their carriers and in turn, some devices didn't receive one until a long time, thereby causing disparities in the Android universe. Android's Fragmentation problem along with it's rising popularity meant that there were a whole lot of users with older versions of the Android OS than the latest. This threw up a huge issue with Android app development India professionals and others all over the World, because it meant that a huge part of the Android user populations couldn't use a certain app if it's developers didn't make amends to give backward support. Which in turn pushed up their costs as well as efforts. And then began it's efforts to cull the problem by unifying as many users to it's latest release thereby maintain a standard. Which is still an ongoing battle because of the sheer amount of widespread users. Some of who don't even have access to the internet in order for an update itself. Another aspect that users had to deal with, was the one imposed by the device manufacturers.

Due to the special pact that had been formed by Google with device manufacturers, and the open nature of Android, meant that these device manufacturers had the freedom to release the devices that they manufactured with their own flavor of the operating system out to the users. This lead to a bit of a dissatisfaction since these apps are considered more bloatware than anything else.

But Google's trying to come out with a solution for that as well, more in terms of reducing competition and wanting the users to use it's vanilla products rather than some modified version from a manufacturer. Even though nothing has been set in stone as of yet. This would mean that Google will have it's operating system coupled with the handset in it's most unadulterated form, onto which the users can then customize and populate with apps as they seem fit and not have to deal with pre-installed apps that they are never going to use. This definitely looks like a great idea since, this way Google will be able to unify their users as much as it can, and eventually be able to monetize it's userbase better because at the moment, it's biggest opponent Apple boasts that it might not have the most amount of users but it's the platform that generates the most amount of money. Android application development India professionals too would find it easier to generate more RoI, instead of relying upon ads in free apps. Which in turn will be in favor of users, because that is one of the major peeves that they have with Android, being spammed with rogue ads; some even give up the app entirely because they can't deal with the annoying and intrusive ads. Google is constantly trying to stay ahead of the curve by trying to get involved with various types of technologies to spread it's platform on. It's latest venture is to promote Android on Wearables, from Glass to Android Watch; especially with Android Wear, Google is really looking forward to rope in the developers to create innovative and great apps for the Wearbles so more and more people are interested to invest in them.

But the kind of interest people have been showing for it is quite interesting, with speculators commenting that there wasn't any more need for something like an Android powered watch, since people already were migrating to high tech smartphones. But as mentioned above, the trends speak otherwise.

The latest updates talk about how Google's giving Android a total design makeover. There have been design overhauls in the past, with Google trying different experiments with Android to make it stand out among its competitors but also become more of a favorite with it's users. Because as we all know how a well designed interface can cause an immense boost in popularity for the product. Keeping this in mind Google would want to make the newest design preferences open to the developers all over the World, like Android app development India so that they can integrate the new design with their app as well, in order to bring more of a standard feel to the Android platform, which has been a bit of a problem, unlike Apple, which strives to provide a uniform user experience with it's interface as well as apps.

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