iPhone App Development India: Exciting Times Lay Ahead - Hyperlink InfoSystem

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iPhone App Development India: Exciting Times Lay Ahead - Hyperlink InfoSystem Well, folks if you were thinking to yourself that it'd been too long since the last iPhone 6 "leak" came out, then worry not. The latest news from the rumor mills is one that'll surely get you excited for the device. If it is implemented that is. The leak shows a torture test of the iPhone screen that's been claimed to have been sourced from the assembly line itself. This iPhone 6 4.7" screen maybe using sapphire glass to give it the extra strength that we've been reading about for the past few months. Like I said, this would be a very welcome change for iPhone users all over the world since this is one of the main complaints that users have. About their devices having easily breakable glass screen and the other being the battery life, that's nothing to write home about. So, if what we're seeing is true right now, then this would greatly help their sales.

What's very interesting to see is how the screen not only withstands various tests that are thrown at it, but also without any sort of residue whatsoever. The screen as part of the test, was subjected to things that would junk your smartphone in a matter of seconds. Here, the person testing it out scratched and stabbed the screen with a knife and even keys. Mind you that these types of abuse isn't what your smartphone would go through on a normal use. As if this wasn't enough, next it was time to bend it and twist it. None of this made any difference to the part, which is pretty astonishing, and paints a pretty happy picture about what we can expect if this is what the final iPhone will be shipping with. There have been numerous rumors associated with the release in the past months as you may be aware. The biggest of them all was about the increase in real estate. An iPhone with a larger screen was made out to be nothing less of a miracle product, every publication out on the Internet wanted to report on the story and people were discussing it all over the place. From enthusiasts to iPhone app development India professionals that now had to look for ways to work keeping in mind the newest screen size and

also the change in resolution that would bring. Then came the news about the device becoming more lighter and slimmer than ever before. With people even commenting that Apple might even make use of some special material that'd make it super strong but also not at the cost of making it bulky, but in the process drive up the cost a little above what people might expect. Apple is also rumored to be working on solutions that not only bring minor but crucial changes to the overall design and usability of the device but also some that'd enhance user experience more because of the adoption of some unconventional designs, the like of which isn't readily embraced by Apple very often without seeing the effects first hand on its competitors' products. This was rumored to be done by the use of really robust materials on the hardware controls that are most likely to be victims of wear and tear. And the other aspect being how Apple is now looking to employ curved edges for the screen that are easy on the eyes and offer superior media viewing, that'd make watching movies a treat. Something that can really make a huge plus point for iPhone application development India when developing media centric apps that's a great hit among the masses.

One of the major things that people expect from premium smartphones as far as features are concerned is top notch camera performance. Especially, with Apple's reputation with delivering great quality hardware. The new devices will require to be present with an absolutely amazing camera that offers top notch video capture capabilities, along with an optimized software to guarantee superior image quality and HD video recording. Apple is always trying to stay ahead of the curve by introducing new and innovative methods to solve their users' problems and make sure that they can continually have a loyal fan base that expects them to produce quality products and services. One such feature that it is exploring is to minimize the efforts on the users' side by implementing the never before seen eye-tracking. Imagine a scenario wherein the

user is deeply immersed in a game or watching a movie and a gets a message notification. Now, instead of having to interrupt the experience and go all the way to the the other app by minimizing the current app she or he can just use their eyes to choose to dismiss the notification or answer with one of the default options made available within the notification itself to save on time and go on watching the movie or resume the game. All this took only a mere seconds and didn't even require the user to move from their sweetspot.

Lastly, its impossible to ignore the health fad that's suddenly gripped the smartphone industry, where everyone who's a someone wants to create something to help users with their workout sessions and even monitor their vitals. Which is definitely good news, in all ways, but again, Apple wants to get at the top of the game by streamlining and create yet a better user experience by using highly optimized hardware with embedded sensors that will monitor the users bodies and will even with able to communicate with other coupled devices, such as an Apple wearable, for example. Although, we are yet to get any information about any such device, the rumormills have long been at work about how Apple is super secretly working on creating an iWatch that will pretty much trump all similar products that we have witnessed over the past couple of years. iPhone app development India professionals have a lot to look forward to in the duration on the next year itself. If all the rumors and the Apple hype is to be believed, the coming year is going to bring us quite a few surprises.

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