iPhone 6 Release, Apple in the Recent Years and More

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iPhone 6 Release, Apple in the Recent Years and More

Ever since the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus were announced, people can't wait to get their hands on these devices, pretty evident by the blowing up of Apple's website where pre-orders where being taken. Apple had to scramble to fix the system after people constantly started complaining about how they weren't able to book their device. Physical stores too saw fans eagerly waiting in long lines to get their hands on the phones costing $750 and up.

Apple has been trying to bridge the gap between demand and supply where the number of phones that they thought they'd sell has been grossly overtaken by the supply numbers. This has definitely made Apple CEO Tim Cook confident that the upcoming holiday season is going to witness yet another hurricane in the way of sales, even with the skyrocketing prices. In Indian markets where Apple hasn't released the devices yet, iPhone sales have going through underground channels by the gray and black markets.

Apple was taking a lot of flack from all directions before the new iPhone and Apple Watch releases, because investors where doubtful whether Apple would be able to stand up to the competition, especially after Steve Jobs' death. They hadn't come out with anything spectacular in years and people, especially those that had a stake in the company feared that Apple was stuck in a rut that would take a huge beating because of all the rivals coming out with devices at not just a faster rate, but also with features that were pretty attractive, not to mention at a cost much lower than that charged by Apple.

All this has given iPhone application development India View stats professionals a lot of scope for their apps. Going by Apple's track record, we've seen that they don't have to worry about sales, but the last

time was a bit of an exception with the C series, with which Apple tried to cater to the mid-range as well as low-range markets. These phones were marketed as a less premium sibling to the S series iPhone 5, but priced only a little less than their counter parts, which made a lot of people take a pass on it. And unfortunately for them, that plan flopped; leaving them to either slash the iPhone 5C prices to a considerable amount or choose another plan. So, this time, they didn't bet on the unusual and straight up did what they do best. That is go along with high-end devices with a great build quality.

China as a country is known to be a staunch advocate of not letting any outsider, be it literally or figuratively meddle with its affairs. The communist country where Google web products like YouTube and it's search engine, the most popular in the rest of the world is banned knows that with the kind of population that it has, letting other people come in and take the cake will cost it dearly. Apple has found itself in a pickle again trying to sell the newest phones there after there were claims that it would somehow breach the privacy of China's users, but as it stands, Apple has worked hard to eradicate those issues and is finally getting a chance to make the phones available to the Chinese people, with a release date scheduled at around the second half of the month of October, 2014.

This is good news for the general public, who otherwise had to rely on black markets like the other parts of Asia where these devices were sold at prices way more than what they cost in the US. But recent stories are pointing to the fact that the demand for the newest iPhone is steadily falling, with sources stating that their encounter with Chinese underground tech markets said people are being swayed away

by local companies like Xiaomi that have successfully come out with stellar smartphones that offer premium quality specs at prices that are at a fraction of those of Apple.

What needs to be seen is how iPhone app development India professionals are able to adjust to the latest offering in the form iOS 8 that is going to power all new devices, and come up with innovative apps that can lure more people in. If all goes well, apps would now be able to generate more revenue than any other platform prevalent today and even beat Android in a clean cut. Because, as many stories have already pointed out, when we look at the numbers we see a huge disparity between the RoI in Apple vs. Android.

Although, Android enjoys a very huge market share, developers haven't been able to tap into the punitive side of it as much as iPhone application development India professionals have. On an average, iPhone developers are more in number as compared to Android developers and have released a lesser amount of apps as well. But the amount of payout released by Apple has been almost twice than those gotten by Android.

Although, Apple asks for more of an investment initially for developers in the way of setting up an account, where in the developer needs to pay $100 every year to be able to publish apps on the platform, and additionally, iPhone app development requires that the developers have apple systems, Macs to be specific and also have the appropriate Apple devices like iPhones and iPads that they are targeting, which for an average person may turn out to be a hassle to spend that kind of money, apart

from the fact that they have to then find ways to get these devices on loan or through some other arrangement.

Even with these hurdles, market reports show how developers that are starting out in the field of programming are more keen to start with mobile development these days, and that too on Apple products. More than the financial benefits of working on iOS, they know that their app never really see a slump because iPhone and iPad users aren't on an average, hesitant to spend money on upgrades and in-app purchases as compared to users on other platforms.

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