Seven Days, July 10, 2024

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Nurses at the University of Vermont Medical Center have called off a potential strike after reaching a tentative deal with the hospital on wage increases.

e union had threatened a five-day walkout beginning July 12 if the hospital did not offer higher wages under a new three-year contract. Late on July 3, the union said it withdrew its strike notice after the hospital agreed to raise nursing salaries 23 percent over the life of the contract.

at’s half of the 46 percent increase the union was seeking, but higher than the 17 percent the hospital was proposing when negotiations spilled into public view last month. e hospital will also add three additional “steps” at the top of its pay scale so that the most experienced nurses can continue earning annual pay bumps.

e contract will be sent to the union’s 1,900 members for a vote.

If ratified, it will represent the largest wage increase since the union was formed more than two decades ago, said Deb Snell, president of the Vermont Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals.

“ ey came up, we came down, and at the end of the day, we needed to do what was best for all of our members, not just the people at the top or the bottom,” Snell said in an interview.

e deal will avert what would have been the hospital’s second strike in six years, one that officials estimate would have cost upwards of $10 million.

In a statement, the hospital said it was “very pleased” to have settled the wage issue.

Vermont was preparing for heavy downpours this week on the anniversary of last year’s historic flooding. Déjà vu all over again...


Keegan Bradley, a Woodstock native and PGA pro golfer, will captain the U.S. Ryder Cup team next year. He’s a big shot now.


Climate activist Bill McKibben was arrested at Citibank headquarters in New York City during a protest. Leading by example?


The health department has confirmed a second case of measles in Vermont this year.

But, o cials said, “there is no ongoing risk” from the case.

As of July 2, that’s how many people were imprisoned in Vermont on pending charges — a record number, Vermont Public reported.


1. “Manhattan Pizza & Pub Staff Walk Out Amid Conflict With Owner” by Jordan Barry & Melissa Pasanen. Most employees of the Queen City business quit after the owner fired two bartenders via text.

2. “What Vermont’s Classic American Diners Tell Us About the Current State of Restaurants” by Jordan Barry & Melissa Pasanen. Our writers crisscrossed Vermont to visit classic eateries

3. “Vermont’s ‘Orwellian’ Butter Gets a ShoutOut in Hit Show ‘ e Bear’” by Jack McGuire. Animal Farm Creamery in Orwell got a nod on the popular show.

4. “Whistleblower Alleges iSun Leaders Misled Shareholders Ahead of Bankruptcy” by Derek Brouwer. A former iSun CEO told federal regulators that he saw evidence of fraud and mismanagement.

5. “Onsen Ramen Closes in Essex Junction; Owners Plan Williston Ice Cream Shop” by Melissa Pasanen. Judi’s is expected to open in September.

@ eDiscomfiture

I have reached the age where I appreciate the snack section of the Vermont Country Store Catalog. If I had a larger snack budget everything I ate would come in tins.


Does a bear fart in the woods? You betcha. And in this case, there’s video evidence.

Bob Etzweiler, a senior program director at the Vermont Wilderness School in Brattleboro, captured a gassy bruin on a trail camera he’d set up in the woods near Marlboro. ough the footage is from April, Etzweiler didn’t discover it until June. He shared it with the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, and a staffer uploaded the clip to social media.

Etzweiler, who has recorded wildlife on trail cams for about 15 years, was tracking animals in the woods in April when

he found a bear trail that led to what he figured was the animal’s sleeping quarters. He set up a trail camera nearby. Months later, when he looked at the trail cam’s thumbnail of a black bear on its back, he knew immediately that he had captured something special. e images included hours of the bear rolling around and relaxing. e bear was enjoying some alone time in its post-hibernation bed when it released the fart heard ’round Vermont. After breaking wind, it promptly fell asleep, the video shows.

While this bear was in the wild, Fish & Wildlife has been tracking an increasing number of human encounters with the animals. e department says bears

are becoming active earlier in the year and Vermonters need to try to prevent encounters by securing garbage and compost and bringing in bird feeders in the spring.

“I live near some cornfields and some orchards … and they’re always coming to those for the sweetness of the apples and the corn,” Etzweiler said. “It’s really common to encounter bears in southern Vermont, typically in later fall, when their movements are generally focused on coming to those sweeter, high-calorie food sources.”

Now, thanks to Etzweiler, we know what happens after a bear chows down.


Deb Snell speaking at a press conference in June



publisher & editor-in-chief

Paula Routly

deputy publisher Cathy Resmer


publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts


editor Matthew Roy

deputy editor Sasha Goldstein

consulting editors Ken Ellingwood, Candace Page

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AssistAnt proofreAders

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Jordan Adams, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Chelsea Edgar, Erik Esckilsen, Steve Goldstein, Amy Lilly, Rachel Mullis, Bryan Parmelee, Mark Saltveit, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Casey Ryan Vock


Clover Ajamie. Luke Awtry, Daria Bishop, Ali Fitzgerald, Tim Newcomb, Dan Nott, Kristen Shull, Ethan Slayton, Ezra Veitch


Pamela Polston, Paula Routly


Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, the Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y.

Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Mirabel, Québec.


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I was pretty surprised to see that an entire row of “across” answers (and, as a result, more than a few “down” answers) were cut off from the answer key for the “TV Replacement” crossword in the July 3 edition. Not that I absolutely needed the answers, but I still wanted to check!

Jacob Whittaker BURLINGTON

Editor’s note: Good catch! Last week’s crossword answer key was missing a line of across answers due to a production error. Apologies for the omission. The correct answers are posted on our website.


[Re “Manhattan Pizza & Pub Staff Walk Out Amid Conflict With Owner,” July 3, online]: Is this article a puff piece for the employees? If not, one surely can see that a tough, direct question was missed. The answer would enlighten many, as we live in a cancel culture.

If, as he says, bartender and bar manager Jabu Gamache means the owner no harm but in the same breath has involvement in a call to boycott and replace the owner, that person is clearly gaslighting himself and should have been called on it. It’ll take weeks for the call to boycott to reach the streets, and if the owner makes amends in the next week and the staff go back to work, they will be the victims of their own boycott, which could last months. Watch the movie The Hunt for Red October, in which the Soviet sub captain displays such hubris and narcissistic charm that, against the advice of his crew, he fires a weapon that kills them all.

I say replace all of them with reasonable folks who will talk before they shoot their shortsighted mouths off calling for someone’s head.

As for the writers, Jordon Barry and Melissa Pasanen, my compliments for a great piece, but good reporting requires the hard questions that absolutely have to be asked because if you don’t, you get questions like: Is this a puff piece?


[Last 7, Emoji That: “On Appeal: The Vermont GOP’s executive committee voted to exempt Donald Trump from its rule that prohibits the party from endorsing felons. Teflon Don,” July 3]: Sure glad we didn’t send them any money!

Dave and June Keenan


I did a double take when I read your June 5 story “Men Face Drug Charges After Deadly Police Chase.” Is it really possible to 1) display a gun during an altercation on Main Street; 2) threaten a Hertz rental car employee at Perkins Pier with a gun; 3) escape from police on Pearl Street by driving an SUV up to 115 miles per hour; 4) crash and flip the car in Colchester, killing two passengers; 5) transport almost a kilo of cocaine and crack; and, after all this, be “released on conditions”?

True, Tayami Barnes of the Bronx and Ron A. Thomas of Brooklyn went to jail for a few days and face felony charges, but if they happened to read your May 29 “Trials & Tribulations” cover story on the near-collapse of the judicial system in Burlington, will they bother to show up for their next court appearance?

Please follow up on how the prosecutor and judge handle this case — thus far, it sounds like an open invitation to do whatever you want in Vermont, without serious consequences.



In [“School PCB Testing Program Will Continue After ‘Pause’ Bill Fizzles in Senate,” May 17, online], House Education Committee chair Peter Conlon (D-Cornwall) asked: “If we don’t know we have enough money, why do we keep testing?” The article doesn’t state the original reason for which the testing program was created: mitigation of the health effects of PCB exposure.

PCBs are carcinogenic and can damage the immune, reproductive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Children are particularly vulnerable, facing

risks of cognitive and developmental impairments.

Dr. Keri Hornbuckle, a renowned PCB researcher, has concluded that PCBaffected schools pose severe exposure risks, more so than some of the most PCB-contaminated sites in the U.S.

Yes, there are financial challenges, but potential funding sources do exist.

For example, in June 2023, Vermont’s attorney general filed a lawsuit against Monsanto, stating that as early as 1937, the company knew of the toxicity of PCBs but continued to encourage their use in school construction. The suit seeks damages for past, current and future costs of testing and remediation.

At the same time, the continuation of testing ensures safety for parents, children and school staff, who have the right to know about potential PCB exposure.

This is paramount.

Addendum: A June 7 letter to parents and staff announced that testing at Hartford High School had revealed that nine rooms exceeded the action level and should not be occupied, with one room having a level over three times the action level; 19 other rooms had enough contamination to require minimum usage. Jeff Spiegel, a retired teacher who taught in the most contaminated room, was advised to talk to his doctor, who could screen for possible health effects.


[Re “Two More Vetoes From Scott Set Up Monday Showdown With Lawmakers,” June 13, online; “Vermont Lawmakers Override Six of the Governor’s Eight

Vetoes,” June 17, online]: Build, baby, build! Act 250 should be put on hold. Our housing crisis is more important; people first. We keep building homes and apartments that are unaffordable. A mobile home selling for $14,000 three years ago is now $84,000. The blame lies squarely on the state; it makes the rules. And did anybody notice that while grocery store shelves were empty during the COVID19 pandemic, trucks were running 24-7 filling government warehouses? Talking accomplishes nothing; it’s time to act.



The best story I have encountered this year was on Leonard Prive and his efforts to make the world a better place [Stuck in Vermont: “Volunteer Leonard Prive Picks Up Roadside Trash Between Underhill and Westfield,” May 30; “Talking Trash,” June 5]. Thank you.



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Image: Garrett Maclean (American, b. 1977), Peter Schumann directs the company during rehearsals in Glover; VT, 2022.


Grave Mistake

Burial mix-up at Burlington’s Lakeview Cemetery sets two grieving families at odds

Birds of a Feather

A Seven Days intern helps researchers track Canada geese

Crossover Cash

Some Republican and business donors support moderate Dems as “least worst” option FEATURES 24

What’s So Funny?

Coloring outside the lines in the Cartoon Issue

Spectral Force e “Ghost Army” of WWII

The Oldest in Vermont People, places and things by age

Flying High Acroyoga delights at MetroRock in Essex

All Lit Up

Sex Ed Book Club busts myths and sparks lively conversation

Romantic Appeal

A new artistic director takes the helm of the Manchester Music Festival

Vermont Cartoonists Head to Ireland

New Illustrations Tell the History of Burlington’s Intervale

Comic Consciousness

David Libens’ little drawings reveal big feelings

Kristen Dettoni Brings Ciphers and Spies to Studio Place Arts

Find a new job in the classifieds section on page 71 and online at

Cambridge resident Justin Marsh performs as drag queen Emoji Nightmare (pictured left), bringing drag to rural towns. Seven Days’ Eva Sollberger followed Emoji to a drag story hour at Phoenix Books in Essex and a drag show at Bethel Pridefest, then met up with Marsh at their hometown Fourth of July parade
family farm.





1990s indie rockers

Counting Crows be coming “’Round Here” when they perform with singer-songwriter James Maddock at the Midway Lawn at Champlain Valley Exposition in Essex Junction. After its breakout more than 30 years ago with hits such as “Mr. Jones,” the band released its most recent album in 2021.



Beatific Beasts

Frog Hollow Vermont Craft Gallery in Burlington aims to thrill visitors with a new show by local sculptor

(and Super Creeps)” features a menagerie of ceramic creatures more mischievous and joyful than frightening. Verplanck has infused them with attitude, using toothy grins and surprised eyes to spark smiles in those who see them.



Rock the Boat

Lake Champlain Maritime Museum hosts an After Hours Summer Party with live music, eats and drinks on the Vergennes waterfront. Revelers fill up on tunes from Unruly Allies and local lu·lu ice cream, then get a preview of the new exhibit “Underwater Archaeology: Diving Into the Stories of People and Canal Boats on Lake Champlain.”



Water and Wheels

Competitors combine upper- and lower-body strength for the Missisquoi Paddle-Pedal, navigating canoes and kayaks along a 6.5-mile stretch of the river and biking a five-mile route of the adjacent Missisquoi Valley Rail Trail between Richford and East Berkshire. An awards ceremony follows the race, which benefits Northern Forest Canoe Trail.



Beneficial Bash

National Life Group turns its back lawn into a celebratory site focused on altruism and positive vibes for its Do Good Fest, supporting the Branches of Hope cancer patient fund at Central Vermont Medical Center and Chittenden County mental health services agency Howard Center. Rock out to Fitz and the Tantrums, Rachel Platten, Dishwalla, and Couch before nighttime fireworks.



Agita Cantata

Vermont’s renowned Bread & Puppet eater launches its 2024 summer circus performance, e Beginning After the End of Humanity Circus and Gaza Grey Lady Cantata, in Glover. e new work continues the political theater troupe’s anti-capitalist, anti-war themes with giant papiermâché characters and human actors, dancers and musicians. Shows continue Saturdays and Sundays through August.



Pickin’ Parties

Vermont band the Tenderbellies roll into two concert fields this week, showcasing their unique bluegrass-Americana music at Burger Night at Bread & Butter Farm in Shelburne on Friday and a Concert on the Green at Camp Meade in Middlesex on Sunday. ey’ll be singin’, strummin’ and mouthharpin’ while listeners fill their bellies with a variety of food-truck offerings on-site.


Adam Duritz of Counting Crows

Aging Out?

I feel for Joe Biden. That is to say: Though I’m 17 years younger than he is, and exponentially less important, I can relate to the man and his dilemma. Has he aged out of the presidency, a job that requires boundless energy and nerves of steel? Is it time to step down?

Unfortunately for us humans, the accumulation of life experience and its happy by-product, wisdom, generally coincides with the decline of physical ability and mental sharpness. If you’re lucky, there might be a decade or so when you’re firing on all cylinders. But even in one’s prime, to be e ective requires self-awareness and adjustment. Every aging tennis player learns to spend less time running after the ball and more thinking about where to put it.

Even that strategy is limited. America’s most famous 81-year-old may be up for a five-set match, but in the hot glare of the spotlight, he doesn’t look it. All the positive qualities that brought Biden to the center court prevent him from seeing himself as others do. Responding to scrutiny with chest-thumping just makes it worse.

I can handle the stress of my job, which has become objectively more di cult: Running a local news organization in the 21st century is a lot harder than it used to be. I wake up every morning to 100 unread emails, and they keep coming, all day, faster than I can respond. Every workday requires constant problem solving and dozens of decisions — often on deadline — which interrupt editing, writing, meetings, outreach, fundraising and succession planning. No sooner do I check one o than another two emerge. Nights and weekends are for catching up on email and getting my own work done.

After 29 years, I have so much information in my head — stories we’ve published, stories yet to write, people I know, people I should know — it’s hard to keep it all straight. My brain is just full.

I wonder: Are the serves coming faster and harder now, or am I weaker and less dexterous?


I’m starting to wonder how people see me. A few weeks ago, I was at the YMCA, in the middle of my twice-weekly upper body workout. While doing reps on the lateral pull-down machine, I noticed a young man watching me. Ten minutes later, he was staring again, so I walked over and said hi. He was with a young woman who, like many teens at the gym, had dressed for the occasion in fashionable athletic wear and false eyelashes. Surprisingly, both were earbud-free and ready to talk.

The wisest athletes walk away in advance of this moment, dodging potential documentation of the inevitable decline.

My former boss, Andrea Rogers, set an example when she announced her retirement from the Flynn in 2009. She had spent the same number of years growing Vermont’s premier performing arts center as I have now helmed Seven Days. “I don’t even really want to leave,” she told me for a story at the time, but “organizations need new blood” and “I’m not at my best anymore,” o ering a single missed grant deadline as evidence.

The young man greeted me with a question: “How old do you think we are?” he asked.

“Eighteen?” I o ered.

“On the money,” he said with an air of selfsatisfaction.

I wasn’t sure what to say next or, more to the point, why they were interested in me of all the sweaty people in the gym. But I was cheered by their sociability. “Well, it’s great that you guys are both developing healthy habits so young,” I enthused.

“We just wanted you to know: You’re an inspiration,” the boy said, while the girl nodded in agreement.

In a soul-crushing flash, I realized why I had been selected: my age. At 64, I was old enough to be their grandmother. I went from feeling strong and confident to self-conscious, freakish and out of place. My voice has joined the chorus of seniors saying, “But I don’t feel old,” because, obviously, in the eyes of these two uninhibited teens, I am.

Honestly, though, I worry more about the mental side of the aging equation. I stay in shape in part so

Scarier for her, at 69: “I’ll have a really great conversation with somebody and, three days later, I’ve totally forgotten it. What makes you good at this job is that you build on every connection you make ... I’m just not at the top of my game.”

Fifteen years later, I see how hard it is to know when to step o the court.

Paula Routly

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Grave Mistake

Burial mix-up at Burlington’s Lakeview Cemetery sets two grieving families at odds STORY & PHOTOS BY COLIN FLANDERS •

This is the unhappy story of burial plot 1181.

The tree-shaded gravesite at Lakeview Cemetery sits next to plot 1180, where a 27-year-old man — let’s call him Daniel — is buried. Daniel’s family purchased both plots when he died in 2019 so that one day, someone he loved could lie beside him.

But two years later, the City of Burlington made a mistake: It buried the ashes of two other young men, brothers, in the spot.

The error was discovered last fall, dragging two families into an emotionally charged legal conflict. Daniel’s family wants the urns to be removed from the plot they own. So the city informed Rebequa Bartlett this spring that it would be relocating her sons’ ashes to another plot. But Bartlett says digging up the urns would be too painful for her to bear. She’s suing to stop the city’s plan. E orts to settle the case have gone nowhere.

Daniel’s family told Seven Days through an attorney that they do not want to be named in this story. They also declined to

say who they were reserving the plot for. But in a lengthy statement, they described how the city’s error has hurt them.

Daniel was “one of the kindest and most gentle souls we have ever had the pleasure

of knowing,” the family wrote, and his unexpected death left many unanswered questions.

“This plot was purchased to ease some of our earthly grief in the hope that two devoted souls, separated in life, would one day rest together forever in the afterlife,” they wrote. Denying them that comfort would be “an unbearable resolution.”


Affordable Housing Developer to Buy Barre City Motel

e Vermont Housing & Conservation Board has awarded $8 million to the nonprofit Downstreet Housing & Community Development to purchase and renovate a Barre City motel that has been used to house homeless people since the pandemic.

e central Vermont affordable housing developer plans to continue offering rooms under the state’s General Assistance Emergency Housing program, executive director Angie Harbin said, and providing services at the former Quality Inn.

“We are going to operate it as a hotel, similar to the way that it’s been operated historically,” she said. “We will also be renting out units to folks who are experiencing homelessness and working with the [Agency of Human Services] to do that work.”

In a cruel twist, it was Bartlett’s own search for comfort that first drew her to the shady spot.

Her oldest son, Thomas, died in 2017 at the age of 26 from complications related to a congenital heart defect. Bartlett had him cremated. She hoped to one day pass his ashes down to her younger son, Timothy, who was in prison when his brother died and took the loss hard. Then Timothy died of a drug overdose in 2021 at the age of 29, forcing Bartlett to consider what would happen to their urns once she’s gone. She decided to bury them together at Lakeview, a serene, meticulously landscaped cemetery nestled between North Avenue and Lake Champlain.

As a city sta er led Bartlett and her husband through the graveyard in May 2021, they noticed Daniel’s black, heartshaped headstone beneath a tree. An inscription revealed he had died young.

Bartlett liked the idea of burying her sons near someone their own age. So, she

e planned renovations at the 42room motel include structural repairs, replacing carpeting with hard-surface flooring and repainting the building’s exterior. e organization’s long-term plan is to convert the building into permanent housing once the repairs are completed.

“We are thinking through what the winter months mean for shelter needs in central Vermont, and so we may actually wait until April or May to start that rehab work,” Harbin said.

In addition to housing, Downstreet provides support resources for people experiencing homelessness. Harbin said the organization tries to help residents meet their basic needs and find a path to more stable housing. While the nonprofit has yet to hammer out specific rules for residents, the motel will be geared toward housing families and won’t be a congregate living situation.

Harbin told Seven Days that Downstreet already has 70 units of housing in Barre, but this is the organization’s first hotel project in the city.

“What we know is that [the housing in Barre is] just not enough and that we need the space to meet the demand,” Harbin said. ➆

Quality Inn in Barre
Plot 1181 at Lakeview Cemetery in Burlington

Birds of a Feather

A Seven Days intern helps researchers track Canada geese

Iarrived at the Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area in Addison early on July 3 and quickly realized I was underdressed for the wild goose chase my editor had sent me on.

I’d gone for the city-slicker-doesVermont summer getup: shorts, T-shirt, Adidas sneakers, Lake Monsters ball



cap. Other volunteers wore more appropriate goose-hunting-in-a-muddyswamp outfits: long camouflage pants and knee-high rubber muck boots.

“Maybe shorts and sneakers aren’t the best,” wildlife biologist John Mlcuch remarked when he saw my outfit. After all, we’d be walking through large muddy puddles, along riverbeds and plains with tall grass up to our knees.

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Luckily, I had a pair of jeans in my car that I’d packed for the long weekend ahead, so I got changed before the 8 a.m. start time. I’d also brought along some gloves, a rarity among the dozens of volunteers, including kids, who showed for the annual event.

Our “hunt” wasn’t going to involve any actual killing, but it was bound to get messy. About 50 volunteers, including me, a Seven Days summer intern, had gathered with Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife staff to corral Canada geese into a pen and place metal bands on their legs. The annual banding enables researchers to track important information about the health of the population. Similar efforts monitor varieties of birds all around the world.

We volunteers wouldn’t just serve as glorified herding dogs. We’d also get the daunting opportunity to hold a wild goose, something even petting zoos do not offer. While Fish & Wildlife bands many bird species across the state, the Dead Creek event is the only one where members of the public can handle birds.

A goose ready for banding

Birds of a Feather « P.15

Fish & Wildlife staffers have some fun, too. The workers had a pool to see who could come the closest to guessing the number of male and female geese banded that day.

I kept in mind that the goose-wrangling was not just fun and games. Wildlife management program manager David Sausville had explained to me the importance of logging the approximate age and sex of the geese to monitor how they’re faring.

The Vermonters I was with had gotten up early on a Wednesday to help out.

“I live over in Cabot and left at 5:30 this morning,” one volunteer, Paul Coates, told me. “My wife, Rhonda, she’s the crazy goose lady. She’s been in love with geese forever, and when we saw the opportunity to come down and actually handle them, I said, ‘She’s got to do this.’”

We started early because the experience can cause anxiety for the animals, and heat stress can make things worse, Sausville said.

The summer months provide an opportunity for these banding operations. While many associate Canadian geese with the flying Vs the flocks make in the sky as

they head south in the fall, the birds can’t always fly.

“From mid-June to mid-July, all the geese are essentially flightless,” wildlife biologist Andrew Bouton explained to the volunteers. “Most waterfowl species lose all of their flight feathers at the same time … [and] geese are also raising their young.” Because the goslings — and mature geese — can’t fly, it allows “for us to basically herd them,” Bouton said.

The organizers gave us brief instructions and split us up into groups. Each would start in a different area, surround the geese and then slowly come together, herding the birds toward a pen.

“When we get to the part where you’re actually looking at the geese and they’re looking at you, they don’t want to be with us, so they’re gonna walk in the other direction,” Mlcuch told us.

Mlcuch led me and about 30 other volunteers to a field that was a five-minute drive from the Dead Creek visitor center. Fortunately, my front-wheel drive Kia Soul made it across the bumpy gravel road. Once assembled, our group formed a line and spread out in six-foot intervals. Even though there were no geese in sight, Fish & Wildlife staff told us to walk forward together.

For about 20 minutes, we trudged through mud and potentially tick-infested long grass without seeing any geese.

Dead Creek is part of the Atlantic flyway, one of four main “highways” that migratory birds follow in the U.S. The U.S. government has been banding and tracking waterfowl and songbirds since the 1920s. Volunteers have been invited to help band Canada geese at Dead Creek for 45 years, Sausville said. The 3,000-acre wildlife area hosts around 200 species of birds throughout the year and is a destination for bird-watchers.

The geese at Dead Creek are a “resident” population that summers there. During the 1950s, populations of Canada geese declined in the U.S., so many states started to raise geese in captivity, according to Bouton. The birds generally spend the colder months in the mid-Atlantic region.

A Fish & Wildlife staffer with captured geese
A Fish & Wildlife employee holding a goose

“They leave in the winter if all the water freezes up, but during the summer, they breed in our local water bodies,” Bouton said.

As we walked, all conversation suddenly stopped. In the distance, we could see the other groups coming towards us, a small flock of geese waddling before them. I expected the birds to behave like swans and honk or hiss at us while we tried to corral them, but the geese meekly shuffled away from us, appearing nervous and distressed as people closed in on them. Eventually, we surrounded the birds and locked them in a fenced area.

Volunteers lined up single file. One by one, wildlife staff picked up a goose and handed it to a volunteer. Department officials instructed us to grab the feet in our left hand and the torso with our right. The birds, which weighed about 10 pounds, did not resist or struggle much. Children carried smaller geese with the help of their parents, while adults held full-size birds.

“You want to hold them with a firm grip,” a staffer said while handing me a goose. “If they feel you loosen up, they’ll squirm.”

Geese in hand, volunteers made their way to the banding station, where experienced staffers took the animals and held them firmly between their legs. Their colleagues jotted down the estimated age and the sex of each goose and used pliers to wrap a silver metal band around its leg, just above the webbed foot. The department is testing some birds for avian flu, but not geese.

Each band has a unique set of numbers that identify the bird and where it was tagged. Vermont has a hunting season for Canada geese, so the wildlife department encourages people who harvest bands on dead birds to report them to help track age and sex ratios for the population.

“If you ever find a band or harvest the band, call or go online to report that number. It’s vital information,” Bouton said.

Once a bird had its band, a volunteer took it to a “release pen” about 30 yards away. The short walk gave participants a brief opportunity to become acquainted with their assigned goose. While I probably won’t run into mine again, I’ll relish the brief moments of contact we had — and I was sure to get a picture with it. Despite its predicament, my goose stayed calm, which I admired.

Others, too, seemed fond of their birds. “Can we keep it as a pet?” I heard a young boy ask his parents.

About two hours after the operation began, we’d counted 18 male and 29 female geese. The workers opened the gates to the release pen, and the flock waddled back into the grassy field, no worse for wear.

And with that, we volunteers dispersed, heading for our cars to migrate back to our daily lives. ➆

A volunteer reclaiming a banded goose
Jack McGuire with a goose

Crossover Cash

Some Republican and business donors support moderate Dems as “least worst” option

When retired NBC5 journalist Stewart Ledbetter was about three weeks into his fledgling campaign for the state Senate, he’d raised a respectable — but not unheard of — $10,000 from people outside his family. Then in early June, the Winooski Democrat saw his campaign co ers swell with donations from a surprising source: Republicans.

“All of a sudden I started getting $1,000 checks and $500 checks,” Ledbetter, who is running for one of three seats in the Chittenden-Central district, told Seven Days. “I don’t really know what to make of it.”

The spigot opened after Ledbetter received calls from two prominent Republican donors: former Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Lisman, a retired Wall Street executive; and Jerry Tarrant, businessman and son of former Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Tarrant. The elder Tarrant made his fortune as a founder of IDX Systems, a South Burlington medical software company acquired by General Electric for $1.2 billion in 2005.

Following those calls, donations flowed from a collection of monied businesspeople mostly from Chittenden County, including several members of the Tarrant clan. They also included Al Gobeille, who served a three-year stint as Republican Gov. Phil Scott’s secretary of human services, and Scott Milne, former GOP candidate for governor and the U.S. Senate. Also on the donor list: Mark Bove, one of Chittenden County’s biggest landlords; Angelo Pizzagalli, a founder of PC Construction; and Ray and Jean Pecor, owners of the ferry company Lake Champlain Transportation.

Pretty soon, Ledbetter had raised more than any other candidate for the legislature, just over $48,000, according to recent campaign finance disclosures.

And Ledbetter isn’t the only Democratic beneficiary of dollars from unexpected sources. Some Republican donors are spending big bucks this election cycle — not only on their own party’s candidates but also to support several moderate Democrats. That’s a concern for Democrats who say that, in some cases,

candidates who may not be Democrats are running under the party’s banner.

“There is real money being invested in deceiving Democrats,” said Jim Dandeneau, the party’s executive director.


Paul Dame, chair of the VTGOP, said he’d rather see Republican money supporting Republican candidates. Rep. Scott Beck (R-St. Johnsbury), who is running for Senate in the Caledonia district, has pulled in nearly $36,000, including from many of the same Chittenden County businesspeople who have backed Ledbetter.

But in some cases, Republican donors are backing centrist Democrats willing to work with Gov. Scott instead of against him, Dame said. “I understand some of the people who are getting involved are looking for the least worst option in some cases,” he said.

Elizabeth Brown is positioning herself as such an option in Waterbury, running in the Democratic primary against two incumbent state representatives, despite her lack of previous involvement in Democratic politics. A banker-turned-financial consultant, Brown said it only makes sense for Republican donors to turn to Democratic candidates who care about the cost of living and understand financial accountability.

“Here’s the reality,” Brown told Seven Days . “The Republican Party here is weak. There is no bench strength here. So, if there are people who are historically Republican or more conservative and they are looking to bring along moderate voices, well, I was appealing.”

Brown has vastly out-fundraised the two incumbents, Rep. Theresa Wood (D-Waterbury) and Rep. Tom Stevens (D-Waterbury). Wood had raised $650 and Stevens had raised nothing as of July 1. Brown’s lawn signs are all over Waterbury. Brown’s donors include Lisman, who lives in Shelburne, as well as Bill Bissonette, owner of a large Burlington property management firm. He is a director of the Bank of Burlington, as are Lisman and Jerry Tarrant.

Brown’s previous lack of engagement with the Democratic Party and rhetorical alignment with Scott’s criticism of lawmakers has raised questions about her Democratic bona fides.

“When you have a candidate in a Democratic primary who is receiving funds primarily from Republican donors, I think it’s a fair question to ask — are they a Democrat? Have they read the Democratic platform?” Stevens said.

Brown’s platform emphasizes the importance of keeping Vermont a ordable. While she hasn’t been involved in politics until now, she said she is a fiscally conservative Democrat.

“It scares me that our working class is being driven out of our state,” she told Seven Days

Scott has slammed Democratic lawmakers both for failing to do more to prevent


property taxes from soaring nearly 14 percent this year and for raising other taxes such as those to support the childcare system. Democrats say Scott’s ideas for how to reduce this year’s property tax increase — such as canceling universal school meals — would have hurt Vermont.

“I am running to be a voice for regular Vermonters, and if people hear what I am about and want to support me, then I welcome the support,” he wrote.

According to Dame, some Republican donors are worried about the combination of the Democrats’ legislative supermajority and the recent loss of several of the party’s fiscally conservative voices in the state Senate.

None of the donors who gave to Renner are supporting the candidates seeking the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor, John Rodgers and Greg Thayer.


The deaths of senators Dick Sears of the Bennington district and Dick Mazza of the Grand Isle district, as well as the retirements of Sen. Jane Kitchel of Caledonia and Sen. Bobby Starr of Orleans — Democrats, all — have left “a big hole” in the chamber, Dame said.

“There’s people who want a return to moderation,” Dame said.

Republican cash is also filling the co ers of Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Thomas Renner. The Winooski city councilman — who has worked for two Democrats, U.S. Rep. Becca Balint and retired U.S. senator Patrick Leahy — reported receiving $15,000 from members of the Tarrant family.

Richard Tarrant ran unsuccessfully against Bernie Sanders for an open U.S. Senate seat in 2005, attacking his opponent during an expensive, negative campaign. Renner’s opponent in the Democratic primary, incumbent Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman, noted that the Tarrant family donations make up more than a third of Renner’s total haul.

“Why would he accept money from them, and why would those people give money to him?” Zuckerman asked.

Renner declined to discuss the donations. Instead, he issued a statement declaring himself a “proud progressive Democrat” who supports Medicare for all, a ordable housing, a woman’s right to choose and union labor.

The statement described Renner as “overwhelmed” by the financial support, which he said showed people were “ready for change” and for someone who was “not a career politician.”

David Kelley of Greensboro is another House candidate running as a Democrat who received money from Lisman and Jerry Tarrant. Kelley ran for governor as a Republican in 1994, losing to Democrat Howard Dean.

He said he has drifted away from the Vermont Republican Party, which he noted recently waived its bylaws to support Donald Trump for president despite his felony convictions. Kelley said he’s been friends with Lisman for years. He’s running against Leanne Harple of Glover.

Sen. Martine Gulick (D-Chittenden Central) said she is “very concerned” about Ledbetter’s campaign and its backers. In a district with three sitting senators — the other two are Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Baruth (D/P) and Tanya Vyhovsky (P/D) — Gulick won the Democratic nomination by only four votes in 2022, so she knows that she’s vulnerable to a well-funded challenger. She said Ledbetter’s donations are fair game for criticism.

“I question whether our party will be able to support our priorities when we have candidates whose alliances are questionable,” Gulick said.

Gulick, Baruth and Vyhovsky are running as a slate, so they’ll be able to save some campaign expenses, she noted.

Ledbetter said he presumes the prominent Republican donors and businesspeople supporting him want some new voices in the Senate. He described himself as a mainstream Democrat and a “straight shooter” who is “not the furthest to the left” in the race.

“The folks who gave me money may be disappointed in some of the votes I’ll cast,” Ledbetter said. “But I guess their point is they’d like some new folks in the Senate and they’re willing to take a chance.” ➆


Hint: He’s hiding somewhere in the pages of this issue of Seven Days!

Tell us where you find him by Tuesday at noon and you could win a pair of tickets to a Vermont Lake Monsters baseball game at Centennial Field in Burlington.

To enter the contest, report Champ’s location at:

Putney Paralympian Suspended After Testing Positive for Banned Substance

Alicia Dana, a three-time medalist in Paralympic cycling from Putney, was barred from competing in the 2024 Paralympic trials this week after testing positive for a banned substance.

Dana maintains the positive test was the result of using a topical cream she was unaware contained clostebol, an anabolic steroid. Now, Dana is taking responsibility for not checking the ingredients in the medication — and hopes telling her story can help remind athletes to be vigilant about what they put in their bodies.

“It was an oversight on my part,” Dana said. “If I had been buying something that I was going to take orally, I think little red flags would have gone off … To be honest, it didn’t even occur to me that a topical thing would be something I needed to check.”

Dana said she was in Maniago, Italy, for the Para-Cycling Road World Cup in May when she bought an ointment to prevent infection on an open pressure sore, a common injury among paraplegic individuals. A pharmacist directed her to Trofodermin, a cream available over the counter in Italy.

A few days after Dana returned to Putney, she received notice that her urine test had come back positive for an anabolic steroid. She dug the Trofodermin tube out of her trash can and found clostebol among its ingredients.

“You go in there, and you don’t see all those familiar brands that you see in a pharmacy in the States,” Dana said. “Of course, it’s all in Italian, so it’s kind of hard to know what’s what.”

Italian regulators require the medicine’s packaging to display a warning label, the word “doping” with the red backslash symbol. But Dana said she threw out the box without seeing the cautionary message, and the tube didn’t have the warning.

A representative from the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency confirmed that Dana tested positive for a banned substance on May 23 and was provisionally suspended, effective June 26.

“All athletes are afforded due process, including being presumed innocent unless and until they are found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation through the established legal process,” the representative wrote in a statement.

Dana is not the first athlete to claim inadvertent use of clostebol: In 2016, Norwegian Olympic cross-country skier erese Johaug was suspended after her team doctor recommended she use Trofodermin to treat a severe sunburn on her lips. In 2023, Bahamian Olympian swimmer Joanna Evans was suspended after buying Trofodermin in Naples to treat open wounds. And in 2020, Irish Olympic hopeful Robert Powell, also a swimmer, was banned from competition for one year after applying Trofodermin in error.

Scientists at Rome’s anti-doping laboratory have found even small amounts of clostebol applied topically can cause the substance to show up in urine samples.

A three-time Paralympian, Dana won a silver medal at the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 and two bronze medals in Tokyo in 2020. She won world cup titles in 2015 and 2017 and is a threetime champion in the Boston Marathon’s women’s handcycling division.

As a teenager, Dana was a nationally competitive athlete in cycling and crosscountry skiing. At age 17, while attending the Putney School, she fell 40 feet from a tree she had climbed and was instantly paralyzed from the waist down. Years later, she tried her first handcycle and began racing competitively.

“It was very crushing. I mean, it would have been for anybody, but I think because I was an athlete, it was particularly difficult for me,” Dana said of her accident. “It was always important for me to find a way to stay active.”

Dana, now 55, said she viewed her chances of qualifying for the Paris Paralympics in August as slim and, prior to the positive test, was planning on retiring this year. Now, she said she’s likely to delay her retirement to leave open the possibility of competing when her suspension concludes.

A lawyer will help Dana plead her case for a shortened period of suspension at an upcoming hearing. But she wasn’t able to participate in the para-cycling qualifying race on July 7.

“I’ve had an incredible career, which I’m extremely grateful for,” Dana said. “It’s ironic and sad that it should culminate like this, but you know, it is what it is.” ➆

Grave Mistake « P.14

paid $750 for plot 1182 and scheduled a ceremony for a date between their August birthdays.

Bartlett’s graveside eulogy, which she shared with Seven Days, noted how her sons had been inseparable growing up. They even looked so much alike, she said, that they were sometimes mistaken for twins: Tom and Tim — “my TNT.”

Bartlett’s husband, Choya, had come into her children’s lives when they were still young. They were the children he’d “always wanted,” he said in his own eulogy, recalling how he had bonded with them over Little League and baseball cards.

Before leaving the cemetery that day, Choya dropped a memento into the grave — a stu ed rabbit he had owned since he was a boy.

The Bartletts did not notice that the cemetery had dug the hole for their sons’ burial in the wrong plot. It was not until two years later, when Daniel’s family visited his grave one day, that they noticed plot 1181 had been filled. They were devastated, they said, and immediately notified the city of the mistake.

Faced with a decision, the city chose to honor Daniel’s family’s ownership of plot 1181.

Last fall, Bartlett received a call from Lakeview’s caretaker asking her to come to the cemetery. The caretaker did not want to provide details over the phone, she said, but he eventually relented and explained the burial mix-up. He said she needed to sign some paperwork so that the city could dig up her sons’ urns and rebury them.

She couldn’t believe it. She refused and hung up, she said, then tried to push the conversation out of her mind. “Sort of pretending that it wasn’t real,” she said.

An email from the city in February 2024 brought her back to reality. “We plan to

move them this spring and would like to know if you want to be present,” wrote Cindi Wight, the director of the city’s Department of Parks, Recreation & Waterfront, which oversees the cemeteries. State law outlines how human remains can be removed in graveyards. A cemetery must get a permit from the town or city clerk where it is located, and certain family members, including parents, can object.

The city’s email prompted Bartlett to sue Burlington last April, claiming fraud and breach of contract. The city agreed not to seek a body-removal permit while it tried to negotiate a settlement. But with neither family willing to budge, a judge may ultimately need to weigh in.

The city won’t discuss the matter. In a statement, it acknowledged the mistake and said it is “deeply sorry” to the families. “We intend to work in good faith to address the harm caused by this error, and find an outcome that is fair and reasonable,” it reads.

The statement does not explain how the mistake occurred, nor whether the city has taken any steps to prevent it from happening again. Wight, the parks and rec director, declined to speak to Seven Days and did not respond to written follow-up questions.

Bartlett said she knows Daniel’s family isn’t to blame for the mix-up. “They didn’t ask for this,” she said. Still, seeing her sons’ urns again — and her husband’s stu ed bunny — would be too much to bear, she said.

In its statement, Daniel’s family expressed sympathy for Bartlett.

“We acknowledge that no one wins in this situation and no matter the outcome someone will su er greatly,” the family wrote. “It is the city’s responsibility to rectify this situation, and to restore our, and the public’s, trust.” ➆

Lakeview Cemetery
Alicia Dana




Andrew Peter Corologos


Andrew Peter Corologos, 85, of South Burlington, Vt., passed away in the loving arms of his wife, Urai, at McClure Miller Respite House in Colchester, Vt., on July 1, 2024.

Andrew was born in Barre, Vt., the son of Peter and Teresa Corologos. He married Urai Disjarern on Jan 4, 2007. Andrew attended school in Barre, Vt., and New York City, and he received a certificate in accounting from Champlain College in 1987. Andrew enjoyed careers in hotel administration and tax accounting.

Andrew was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army. His last duty assignment was the security platoon, U.S. Garrison, ird U.S. Army.

In his younger years, Andy enjoyed singing in public and ballroom dancing.

Andy received the 2017 Spirit Award for his 30 years of devoted volunteering for the Ronald McDonald House. He also loved watching the stock market, the New York Yankees and the movie Pretty Woman Andrew is survived by his wife, Urai; his brothers, James Corologos and Paul Corologos; his sister, Paula Riggie; his daughter, Megan Corologos; and many of his nieces and nephews.

It was Andy’s wish to not have visiting hours. e family wishes to thank the University of Vermont Department of Oncology and Neurology, the University of Vermont Home Health & Hospice team and the McClure Miller Respite House for their kindness and loving care.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the McClure Miller Respite House, 3113 Roosevelt Hwy., Colchester, VT 05446 or the Ronald McDonald House charities, 16 South Winooski Ave., Burlington, VT 05401.

Jane Susan (Berger) Conn

MAY 1, 1946-JUNE 26, 2024


Jane Susan (Berger) Conn, 78, passed away on the evening of Wednesday, June 26, 2024. She died peacefully in her home in East Montpelier, Vt., surrounded by family. Jane had undergone a long fight with breast cancer.

Born on May 1, 1946, in Brooklyn, Jane was the daughter of the late Leo and Gertrude Berger and sister of the late Nan Hochstein, growing up in the neighborhood of Bensonhurst. Following high school, Jane traveled to Israel and worked on an agricultural kibbutz. She then attended the California College of Arts and Crafts, where she studied ceramics. While in California, she met Raymond Conn, and they later married, settling in Calais, Vt., in 1968. ey had three children, Ira, Jesse and Caitlin, ultimately separating in 1981.

JANUARY 10, 1979JUNE 22, 2024

Michael Richard Bleier, 45, beloved husband and father, passed on the morning of June 22, 2024, due to complications resulting from glioblastoma, an aggressive and absolutely devastating brain cancer.

Mike was born on January 10, 1979, in Mount Kisco, N.Y., to the late Steven Bleier and Marjory Bissette.

During summer 1999, Mike

met Mary, the love of his life, while working as park rangers at Emerald Lake State Park

Jane was a Brooklyn girl through and through but was firmly planted and content living in the beautiful countryside in Vermont for 56 years. She felt strongly about living her life here. Jane was troubled by the political and environmental climate elsewhere, and she felt most aligned with the people and place she called home. She will be deeply missed.

Jane went on to attend Vermont College/Norwich University and became a registered nurse. She was employed at Central Vermont Hospital, Central Vermont Home Health Agency and Berlin Convalescent Home. She loved caring for others, and her nursing career made her proud and fulfilled. Jane had a passion for cooking and loved to share her food with friends and family. She also enjoyed playing pool, backgammon, cribbage, poker and blackjack. Jane loved jazz music and had a beautiful singing voice. She was a very funny lady, and she valued a sense of humor in others; for her, it was a foundational requirement of friendship.

in Vermont. ey have been inseparable ever since. e couple married in 2006 and went on to have five amazing children, Hayden, Rosalyn, Aggie, Jonny and Reuben. Mike’s children were his absolute treasures, and his love for them will forever be a part of their hearts. ey will remember him as a strong and compassionate man but most of all as their absolutely adored “Daddy.”

Professionally, Mike found fulfillment in operating his company, Applied Cabling Technologies, which he

founded in 2011. His dedication to his employees and colleagues was unmatched, a true reflection of both his kindness and character.

Beyond family and work, Mike was a passionate soccer and lacrosse coach. His commitment to sharing his love of these sports touched the lives of many local children, leaving an indelible mark on all those he encountered.

Perhaps Mike’s greatest joy and the source of so many happy memories were the 13 years he spent as a ski patroller at Sugarbush Ski Resort. He

A devoted mother and grandmother, Jane loved to share time with her children and theirs. She is survived by her son, Ira Matthew Conn, of Crested Butte, Colo., and Bar Harbor, Maine, and his wife, Holly Conn (Dugan); daughter Jesse Berger Conn of Woodbury, Vt., and her husband, Kodiak Jurkiewicz; daughter Caitlin Coogan Conn of East Montpelier, Vt.; grandchildren Avery and Maya Conn of Crested Butte, Colo., and Liam, Ari, Lucian, Roman and Natalia Jurkiewicz of Woodbury, Vt.; brother-in-law, Stephen Hochstein, of Plainview, N.Y.; and nephews, Robert Hochstein of Duxbury, Mass., and Donald Hochstein of Ramsey, N.J., and their families. Jane is predeceased by her father, Leo Berger; mother, Gertrude (Kantrowitz) Berger; sister, Nan (Berger) Hochstein; and ex-husband, Raymond C. Conn III.

A memorial for Jane will be held on Saturday, July 13, 3 p.m., at the Maple Corner Community Center located at 64 West County Rd., Calais, VT 05640.

e family also invites you to share your memories and condolences by visiting

In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice (

loved the mountains, and they in return loved him back.

Mike was an uncomplicated and genuine man. While his passing is tragic, his life was certainly not. He lived it to the fullest, loved unconditionally and believed in the good in everyone.

“Semper in animo semper in corde meo.”

Mike’s spirit is finally free, but our family is heartbroken. He shall be deeply missed, always.

A service is scheduled for July 27, 2024, 11 a.m., at the First Baptist Church in New

London, N.H., with a reception to follow.

All are welcome to attend and celebrate Mike’s life.

In lieu of flowers, please send donations to On Belay (, a wonderful organization committed to supporting children who have been impacted by a loved one’s cancer diagnosis.

To sign an online guestbook, please visit chadwickfuneralservice. com, where a link can also be found to plant memorial trees in memory of Michael Richard Bleier.

Michael Richard Bleier


Richard B.


FEBRUARY 9, 1934-JULY 5, 2024 ST. ALBANS, VT.

Richard B. Lavallee, 90, passed away on Friday, July 5, 2024, at home after a brief illness, with his wife of 60 years, Dorothy, by his side.

He was born on Lakeside in Burlington on February 9, 1934, to Ernest and Marjorie (Gelinas) Lavallee.

Richard graduated valedictorian of Burlington High School, class of 1953, after which he volunteered for the draft. He was a veteran of the Korean conflict and served with the U.S. Army, Third Infantry Division and later with the Korean Military Advisory Group (KMAG). He then attended the University of Oregon and later

Ruth Ann Jones

JANUARY 30, 1945JUNE 29, 2024


Ruth Ann (Ragis) Jones, 79, passed away June 29, 2024, in Winter Haven, Fla., due to multiple complications from a hip fracture.

She was born in Burlington, Vt., on January 30, 1945, to Bruno and Ruby Ragis. Ruth graduated from Rice Memorial High School in 1963. She then went on to Fanny Allen School of Nursing. In her professional life, she held many nursing and banking positions throughout the years.

After her nursing studies, Ruth packed up her VW Beetle and set out to California with a friend; they found jobs at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. There she met James Martin, and they married. They had two children,

worked for the National Guard at Camp Johnson.

Richard joined IBM in 1957 as a staff assistant in manufacturing. He remained with IBM for 33 years and retired in 1990 as a project manager in quality assurance.

Dick was a true Renaissance man who was as comfortable in the woods with a chain saw as he was sitting at a Tanglewood Boston Pops concert. He designed and built many homes in Richmond before settling at their home in Grand Isle, where he and Dottie hosted many parties over the years. Sitting on the back deck with one of his famous gin and tonics while looking out to the lake over his meticulously groomed lawn is something we will fondly remember.

He had a great love of the outdoors, including hunting and fishing; highlights included elk hunting in Wyoming and salmon fishing on the Great Lakes and in Alaska. His greatest passion was bird-watching, which he pursued with much enthusiasm for more than 75 years. Dick served on the Vermont Bird records committee for several years with Vermont Institute of Natural Science in Woodstock and later with Vermont Ecostudies in Norwich. He was a lifetime member of the VFW Post #182, American Legion Post #1 and the Burlington Elks Lodge #916.

Survivors include his wife of

Timothy and Sara Martin. They eventually divorced, and Ruth moved back to Vermont.

She and her second husband, William Jones, of Essex Junction, retired to Florida in 2004.

Ruth was predeceased by her parents; brothers, Rev. Gerald Ragis and Ron Ragis; and husband, William Jones.

Ruth is survived by her son,

over 60 years, Dorothy (Dyment) Lavallee; four daughters, Carole Lavallee of South Hero, Vt., and her two sons, Richard and Nathaniel; Denise Ford of St. Albans and her two sons, Ethan and Jack; Lisa Pecsok of Swanton and her son, JJ; and Laura Lavallee of San Jose, Calif., and her son, Matthew; his sister, Barbara Ryan, and brother Donald Lavallee, both of Essex Junction, Vt.; and a best friend, Jerome Lavigne of Concord, N.H. He is also survived by four great-grandchildren, Sadie, Kaylee, Izabella and Kayden Lavallee.

Richard made and maintained many close friendships over the years which he truly cherished.

In addition to his parents, Richard was predeceased by a daughter, Louise Lavallee, and brothers Ernest and Robert Lavallee.

A mass of Christian burial will be celebrated on Saturday, July 13, 2024, 11 a.m., at St. John Vianney Catholic Church, 160 Hinesburg Rd., South Burlington, with prayers of committal and military honors to follow in Resurrection Park Cemetery.

Dick’s family asks that, in his memory, donations be made to a food shelf near you.

Honored to be serving the family of Richard Lavallee is Rett Heald of the Heald Funeral Home, where messages of condolence are welcome at

Timothy Martin, and his wife, Shonna, of Lompoc, Calif., and their daughters, Kendal Jamison and her husband, Colin, and Kenslee; Ruth’s daughter, Sara Martin, of Belgium, and her daughters, Noa and Lily Vreven; and nephew Eric Ragis of North Hero. Also surviving is her sister, Gloria Stowell, of Williston, Vt., and her sons, Dave and Steve.

Our Ruthie/Mom was deeply loved and will be sorely missed. Her burial will be in the autumn at the discretion of the family at the Vermont Veterans Cemetery in Randolph, Vt., where she will be buried alongside her husband, William.

Contributions in Ruth’s memory can be made to the Humane Society of Chittenden County, 142 Kindness Ct., South Burlington, VT 05402 or the American Heart Association of Vermont, 12 Hurricane Ln., Williston, VT 05495.

Jeannette Thibault


Jeannette Thibault, beloved mother, grandmother and friend, passed away peacefully on July 6, 2024, in her Charlotte home surrounded by family, at the age of 93. She was born to Alfred and Maria Comeau on December 10, 1930. Family meant everything to her. She was a devoted mother to Norman, Marcel (deceased), Rene, Paul (deceased), Paulette, Jim, Gary and Claudette “Sis” and their spouses, Terri, Averil, Judy, Mary and Kenneth. She was predeceased by her husband, Claude. Jeannette was also an adored Memere to 22 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. Her home was a sanctuary where family gathered to share stories and create cherished memories. In particular, Mom’s Christmas celebrations were filled with warmth, delicious food and traditions. Memere had a special bond with her grandchildren, whom she loved teaching and playing games with. She was delighted to attend their sports events and activities, encouraging them to pursue their passions.

She was the definition of hard work and dedication, serving as the driving force behind the Thibault Farm. She taught by example, approaching every task with determination, resilience and enduring faith. Instilling these values in her children, she raised them to believe they could achieve anything they set their minds to. In addition to her dedication to the farm, Mom enjoyed life to the fullest; known as the “Qwirkle Queen” to family and friends, she relished game nights. Other passions included bingo, dancing and casino trips, where she could test her luck and enjoy the excitement of the games.

A very special thank-you to our BAYADA Hospice team, with deep gratitude to nurse Melissa Chenier for her thoughtful, kind and attentive care.

Funeral services will be held on Thursday, July 11, 11 a.m., at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Charlotte. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, Grand Central Station PO Box 4777, New York, NY 10163 ( Jeannette will be deeply missed by all who knew her. Her memory will continue to inspire and guide us.

Martin Michael Bombard


Join us in a Celebration of Life gathering.

We would love for you to gather with us in one of his favorite places, as we share memories and stories of Martin Michael Bombard.

Friday, July 19, 2024, 1-4 p.m. 33 Starr Farm Beach, Burlington, VT

In lieu of flowers, please donate to Howard Center (

What’s So Funny?

Coloring outside the lines in the Cartoon Issue

There is perhaps no section of Seven Days that draws stronger (or louder) opinions than “Fun Stu ,” aka the comics pages. Every couple of years or so, we refresh the spread to add cartoons we like, remove some we feel might be growing stale or just mix things up a bit. And whenever we do, we are met with outrage from readers jilted by the change.

The most common complaint is that the comics aren’t funny. Humor, of course, is subjective. What’s a kneeslapper to one person might fly over the head of another. And then there’s this: Comics aren’t always intended to elicit gu aws. Like any storytelling medium, they can inspire us to laugh, cry or simply see an issue in a new light. Still, who doesn’t love the funnies, right?

This year, to give our comics pages a facelift, we enlisted the help of Harry Bliss, a New Yorker cartoonist and part-time Vermonter. We’ve been running his singlepanel comic “Bliss” for about as long as the paper has existed. The New Yorker gets first dibs on his submissions, then we take our pick of what’s left. It’s a great deal for us and allows us to publish one of the funniest cartoonists on the planet every week.

So Bliss put out a call to dozens of his fellow New Yorker cartoonists and suggested a similar arrangement. We’ve since been deluged with submissions, which you’ll start seeing in the COMICS SECTION this week (page 81). We hope you’ll find them funny — and if you don’t, we’re sure you’ll let us know.

Given the lightning rod that is the comics section, it may seem masochistic to devote an entire issue to the art form, as we’ve done annually since 2013. But the Cartoon Issue remains one of our favorite editions to produce.

Why? For writers, comics demand a di erent way of thinking about stories. While we typically use images — photos, usually — to augment our writing, with comics it’s the other way around. Here, art does the heavy narrative lifting, and

we try, as best we can, to get out of the way. It’s a fun and challenging endeavor that often leads to brilliant collaborations. For instance, this year Mary Ann Lickteig and artist Clover Ajamie teamed up to highlight the folks at the KING ARTHUR BAKER’S HOTLINE who help home bakers avoid kitchen catastrophes — or just lend an encouraging word (page 32). Meanwhile, Hannah Feuer and cartoonist Kristen Shull delivered an entertaining exploration of THE PERILS OF ACROYOGA (page 30).

Seven Days is in the midst of a series on aging in Vermont called “This Old State.” While it’s not strictly part of that series, Ken Picard and artist Dan Nott’s comic looks at some of THE OLDEST THINGS IN VERMONT and could be considered a spiritual cousin (page 28).

Speaking of spirits, Steve Goldstein and cartoonist Ezra Veitch recount the story of the so-called “GHOST ARMY,” a top-secret World War II unit that fought the Nazis with art projects, sound e ects and guile instead of guns and tanks (page 26). Walter J. Kinkel of Hinesburg was part of the unit. For a more hands-on appreciation of the comic form, head to the Main Street Museum in White River Junction to check out artist DAVID LIBENS’ EXHIBIT of more than 80 postcard-size drawings (page 46). He’s a former fellow at the Center for Cartoon Studies, which next week sends several cartoonists to Ireland for the annual GRAPHIC MEDICINE CONFERENCE (page 41). Closer to home, new informational signage about the archaeology at Burlington’s Intervale features ILLUSTRATIONS BY NOTED LOCAL CARTOONIST GLYNNIS FAWKES (page 42).

Finally, the cast of the monthly strip “DOOMSBURY” takes over the music section with a special cartoon edition of Soundbites. They also weigh in on music editor Chris Farnsworth’s REVIEW OF THE NEW PHISH ALBUM (page 54).

See you in the funny papers.



Ajamie is an artist living and working in Brattleboro. ey make comics about nature and queer people and want to bring more beauty into a difficult world. More of their work can be found on or on Instagram: @rajamie.


Shull is a 2020 graduate of the Center for Cartoon Studies living in Burlington. She’s been making regular autobiographical comics since 2019 and has contributed bimonthly to Seven Days since 2022 (her comic will return in October after her maternity leave). e fourth issue of Fantology, the fantasy comic anthology she coedits, is due out in September. You can follow her work and Fantology on Instagram: @ego_gala and @fantologycomic.



Fitzgerald is a comic columnist for the New Yorker, where she also contributes writing and visual essays. Her popular webcomic series “Hungover Bear and Friends” was published by McSweeney’s, and she has contributed regular comics to the New York Times and New York magazine. Her graphic nonfiction book, Drawn to Berlin: Comic Workshops in Refugee Shelters and Other Stories From a New Europe (Fantagraphics, 2018), was named one of the best comics of 2018 by Vulture and won the Independent Publisher Book Award for best graphic book of 2019. Her next book with Fantagraphics, an all-ages eco-fable titled Squeak, Chatter, Bark, will be published in April 2025. Learn more at


Slayton is an artist in Portland, Ore., and the cocreator of “Doomsbury,” a monthly Seven Days comic with music editor Chris Farnsworth, who summoned Slayton to do his bidding many months ago. Drawing while confined to a pentangle on the floor of Farnsworth’s bathroom is very hard for Slayton. Plus, Farnsworth needs to restock the TP supply. You can find more art and comics from Slayton on Instagram: @ethanslaytonart. He’s also on Bluesky, TikTok and Facebook, even though he believes Meta is the devil.


Nott is an artist, cartoonist and educator living in the Upper Valley. His debut nonfiction graphic novel, Hidden Systems: Water, Electricity, the Internet, and the Secrets Behind the Systems We Use Every Day, was long-listed for a National Book Award and won the 2023 Vermont Book Award in Children’s Literature. Dan was the lead cartoonist on the civics comic books is Is What Democracy Looks Like: A Graphic Guide to Governance and Freedom and Unity: A Graphic Guide to Civics and Democracy in Vermont. Both were published by the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, where he teaches. Learn more at


Born in 1974, Ezra was raised with comics everywhere, thanks to his father, legendary Swamp ing artist and writer Rick Veitch. Ezra’s work includes e Chronicles of Templar, a collaboration with Edward Jendrzewski; and several projects with the Vermont Folklife Center, including e Most Costly Journey: Stories of Migrant Farmworkers in Vermont Drawn by New England Cartoonists and Turner Family Stories: From Enslavement in Virginia to Freedom in Vermont. A project based on his days in a band called the Fabulous Furry Fatheads is in early development. He lives in New Hampshire, teaches visual arts at the Greenwood School in Putney and enjoys time with his family. Learn more at



Gold Restaurant to Open in Burlington’s Old North End

The former Little Morocco Café space at 294 North Winooski Avenue in Burlington will soon be home to a shiny new restaurant.

CHARLES SPOCK will open GOLD RESTAURANT the week of July 15, serving a small, constantly changing menu of “modern-style Italian food,” the chef said.

The menu will be on the “light and clean” side, Spock said, “not lasagna or pizza.” Dishes will feature handmade pastas, including ravioli. A version of Waterfall Beef — a Thai and Lao specialty — with ’nduja chile crisp, lime and fresh herbs “moves away from carpaccio but doesn’t leave Italy,” Spock said.

Gold Restaurant’s Italian influence mirrors the fare Spock cooked at Stowe’s CORK RESTAURANT and natural wine shop. A previous co-owner of Richmond’s HATCHET TAP AND TABLE and the BIG SPRUCE, Spock was most recently head chef at Winooski’s FOUR QUARTERS BREWING

The restaurant’s name comes from Robert Frost’s poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” with its theme “that these experiences we have are very fleeting,” Spock said. “Hopefully people get a little bit of something new each time they come in.”

After renovations, the 30-seat space now includes a small bar. Gold Restaurant is still waiting for its liquor license, but the team will offer mocktails in the meantime; later, expect natural wines and classic cocktails such as Pimm’s cups, variations on a French 75 and Negronis. Hours may vary, Spock said, to accommodate the restaurant’s small staff.

Manhattan Pizza & Pub Staff Walk Out Amid Conflict With Owner

Most of the employees of MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB appear to have quit after owner DAVID QUINTANA suddenly fired two bartenders — by text — on July 1. The firings followed an all-team meeting called by the Burlington bar owner to discuss the future of the business, which

Quintana purchased last October from previous owner MATT SMALL.

On July 2, social media posts circulated, alleging that Manhattan’s staff had been poorly treated under Quintana’s ownership. The posts said Quintana told staff they “must find a new owner or the establishment will close at the end of the month.” They also called for customers to boycott the bar “until new ownership is secured.”

Gold Restaurant; chef-owner Charles Spock (below)


I love eating ice cream at the wrong time. On a recent Saturday morning at the Burlington Farmers Market, Odd Otter Ice Cream’s Razzle Dazzle ($5), a flavor with raspberry swirl and fudgy brownie pieces, dripped down my face in high winds and a torrential downpour. It was delightful.

The weather did not improve, but my delight continued as I sampled more from Odd Otter. While I usually equate mint flavors to mouthwash, the Strawberry Mint had an earthy sweetness and acidic strawberry punch. The Mexican Hot Chocolate did not shy away from spice, and its richness was complemented with a nostalgic marshmallow finish.

Odd Otter started long before its soft launch on May 17 at Burlington’s Roosevelt Park for Kids Weekend. Founder Andrew Plotch, 28, has been churning ice cream since age 13 with a frozen-bowl-style maker. As he put it, he realized early on that “what’s better than making dinner is actually making dessert, and what’s better than a baked good is ice cream.”

At the start of the pandemic, Plotch, like many of us, took to the kitchen again. Through his first ice cream venture, Plotch’s Pints, he sold to family and friends in the Washington, D.C., area. Last year, the Middlebury College graduate decided to return to Vermont, working remotely as a communication manager for the Natural

Resources Defense Council and launching his pop-up ice cream business on the side. He makes around 15 gallons of ice cream every week in the Burlington Friends Meeting House kitchen and sells pints and cones at community events around the city.

Odd Otter’s setup has a childlike lemonade-stand quality to it. At the farmers market, Plotch and his friend stood in matching green shirts under a rainsunken canopy tent, hollering for passersby to sample their ice cream from a large Igloo chest cooler. But Plotch’s charismatic, carefree demeanor belies his comprehensive ice cream knowledge.

Ice cream is not a simple science. Droplets of milk fat suspend in millions of tiny ice crystals, while stabilizers and sugars interact at the right moment to create a smooth, airy texture. To nail this emulsion takes skill.

Using Monument Farms dairy, Plotch creates his own ice cream base, an extra step that many small ice cream makers don’t tackle. His secret to making flavors that “punch you in the face,” he said, is to steep his flavoring ingredients into high-quality milk and cream from the start. Local mint leaves are soaked and strained into the base of the Strawberry Mint; coffee grounds are steeped right into the base of Espresso Cookies and Cream. Because of his infusion process, Plotch must repasteurize the dairy before freezing it.

His innovative, rotating menu boasts flavors such as rooibos and honey. He said his development process

might involve, for example, “lining up four different chocolates or four different strawberries” and having his friends fill out tasting notes, voting on their favorite. There are other thoughtful touches: Plotch makes his own chocolate chunks that have a low melting temperature to ensure you “don’t have to fight through” the crunch of frozen chocolate. His Espresso Cookies and Cream is decaf. The Mexican Hot Chocolate is spicy without making you sweat. There’s even a Pup Cup for dogs.

While fans are asking about a brickand-mortar location, for now Odd Otter will continue with pop-ups. “The goal right now is to have a lot of fun,” Plotch said. ➆

Small Pleasures is an occasional column that features delicious and distinctive Vermont-made food or drinks that pack a punch. Send us your favorite little bites or sips with big payoff at food@

Andrew Plotch of Odd Otter Ice Cream
Odd Otter Ice Cream’s Mint Chocolate Chunk

Quintana, who also owns vegan restaurant and event venue DESPACITO in Burlington’s Old North End, confirmed to Seven Days that Manhattan Pizza & Pub remains open but did not otherwise comment. He did not respond to queries about whether the business is for sale.

Bartender and bar manager JABU GAMACHE, a 12-year veteran of Manhattan Pizza & Pub, told Seven Days that he was among roughly a dozen employees at the meeting on July 1. Gamache said Quintana told attendees that the business was losing money and solicited their ideas to “turn things around.”

The ensuing conversation, the bar manager said, included constructive exchanges but also “tense” moments. “A lot of us have been there for a lot of years,” Gamache said. “We love that place. It’s more than a job.”

A few hours later, Gamache heard that two senior bartenders had been let go via text. Gamache said he understands Quintana has a right to fire employees, but he described doing so by text as “bullshit.”

Currently on medical leave due to a ruptured Achilles tendon, Gamache said that after the bar’s general manager resigned on July 2, he decided to follow the rest of his front-of-the-house colleagues and turn in his keys. He believes a couple of kitchen sta members may still be working with Quintana to keep the business running.

In a statement posted on social media on July 3, Quintana acknowledged that he fired two employees via text.

The July 1 meeting, the statement said, was “to be transparent about what needs to be done to fix some of the challenges that came with the business.”

The firing via text “was highly unprofessional,” Quintana continued. “I’ve since apologized and invited them to speak with me directly about my decision.”

Gamache said the recent ownership transition has not been smooth, attributing some of the issues to Quintana and some to general challenges facing the restaurant industry.

Regardless of whether he ever returns to work at Manhattan’s, Gamache said he hopes the 30-year downtown Burlington institution endures.


“I may have some disagreement with some decisions David made, but I don’t want him to fail,” Gamache said.

Jordan Barry & Melissa Pasanen

Localvore Cofounder Reevaluates Restaurant Deal Tech Platform

Twelve years after the launch of a local version of Groupon that o ered dining deals at Vermont restaurants, MICHAEL NEDELL, the lone remaining cofounder, said he is reinvigorating the LOCALVORE app and exploring new uses for it.

Localvore was founded in 2012 as Localvore Today by Nedell, DAN WHITE and MEG RANDALL, who raised $3.4 million in funding, mostly from Vermont-based investors, Nedell said. By the end of 2019, by his account, the platform had 50,000 consumers on its email lists and was active in Burlington and Portland, Maine, with plans to expand to Boston. Nedell said 140 businesses used the platform to o er discounted meals or other deals to draw customers.

the company began exploring other models.

During the pandemic, the Localvore app operated as the digital voucher system for Vermont Everyone Eats, a federally and state-funded free meals program. Over two and a half years, Nedell said, “We facilitated 1.4 million meals.”

When that program ended in March 2023, he continued, “We found it di cult to go back to the old market.”

In early June, Nedell notified the 38,000 addresses that remain on the company’s list that Localvore had o cially dissolved but that one of its lenders had returned the tech assets to him. He has sent out a few contest and deal emails while working on strategies for taking the platform forward.

Nedell said he still sees opportunities to develop alternatives to global social media and other corporate-owned systems that extract money from local companies. For example, he estimates that Vermont restaurants pay credit card processing fees of $84,000 “every damn day.”

Localvore was billed as a positive way for diners to find meals that matched their preferences.

According to a 2017 Seven Days story, the company “aim[ed] to be the anti-Yelp.”

“My interest in Localvore is to plug the gaps in local economies,” Nedell said.

Melissa Pasanen

But success remained elusive, said Nedell, who described himself as “the tech guy” among the founders. Neither a consumer nor a restaurant subscription model generated significant revenue, and

BOOKS culture

Jessica Fern’s Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy and Jen Winston’s Greedy: Notes From a Bisexual Who Wants Too Much. Discussing such titles can be difficult, hence the ground rules: Don’t “yuck” anyone’s “yum”; assume good intent and attend to impact (step away if you need to leave a conversation or follow up later with a speaker privately); lessons leave, stories stay; make space, take space (feel free to talk or listen, but if you typically talk, allow others to have a chance, and if you usually sit quietly, consider o ering an opinion); and, fi nally, the group is not sex therapy or a place to receive specific advice.

With plates filled and rules established, Diedrick turned to the June book, Miranda July’s racy new novel, All Fours. “I thought the writing was so good,” she said, then read a few of her favorite passages aloud. The scene could have played out in any book club in any backyard.

All Lit Up

Sarah Diedrick began the June meeting of the book club she facilitates by helping the hosts set up camp chairs in their grassy backyard, light mosquito repellent sticks and arrange snacks on a patio table. Members hugged as they arrived and sat down with plates of flat pretzels, crusty bread, hummus, cheese and strawberries. Then Diedrick opened with the customary discussion of ground rules.

“This isn’t your average book club,” she began, although most of the six members seated with her in a circle were regulars. Diedrick, 35, started Sex Ed Book Club shortly after enrolling in an online program to become a certified sex educator. Many of her classes were prerecorded, she said, “and I wanted real, live information — like, what are people going through right now? What are they worried about? What are they celebrating? What do they need help with?”

Knowing would make her a better sex educator, she reasoned, but she couldn’t find a place where people talked openly about sex. So she created one — “like a research project.”

The Burlington-based club launched online in January 2022 and has met every month since, with in-person gatherings since April. Built on a foundation of mutual respect, the club “is a group of openminded people who are curious about celebrating, exploring, and expanding

their sexuality,” Diedrick explains on her website.

Diedrick, who is scheduled to receive her certification from the Institute for Sexuality Education & Enlightenment on August 1, selects the books. Topics have included desire, non-monogamy, bisexuality, asexuality, intimacy within friendship, satisfaction in long-term relationships and nonsexual pleasures.

“I call it the sex ed you always deserved,” book club member Ellie Masson said.

Exposing myths and dismantling rigid societal expectations are typically on the agenda. The media’s portrayal of sex has historically “been so prescriptive,” Diedrick said. “This is who you should have sex with. This is how you should have sex. This is what sex is.” Sex is broader than that, and sexuality is broader still — “an entire ecosystem,” Diedrick said.

Typical meetings attract 10 to 25 people, most in their late twenties to midthirties. Cis men aren’t allowed, though Diedrick grappled with that decision. She discussed it with club members, she said, “and it was pretty unanimous that people felt safer talking about these things without cis men present.”

Still, participating requires a certain

level of bravery, according to member Rebecca Roman. “It’s scary to ask these questions,” she said, because society teaches us not to ask about sex. “It’s in the privacy of your home. You don’t talk about it. And how much harm has that caused?”

Forty-four percent of the more than 5,000 single people whom surveyed last year said they would have healthier and better relationships now if they had received more comprehensive sex education when they were younger. Between 77 and 91 percent said they had been taught about puberty, reproduction, abstinence and sexually transmitted infections. But 26 to 39 percent said they received no education at all about sexual orientation, gender identity, how to give and ask for consent, and how to talk about sexual desires with a partner.

Diedrick wades into all of it. The intimate discussions she facilitates accelerate friendships, member Emma Spett said, and deep ones have formed. Members have come out as a result of the book club, Diedrick said. Others have left relationships after gaining the confidence to explore their desires and needs.

Books on the reading list have included

The 90-minute discussion was lively, funny, thought-filled and — unlike many book club meetings — entirely focused on the book. July’s novel is a departure for the group, which typically reads nonfiction. In her story, a 45-year-old artist sets out on a cross-country road trip only to pull o the highway 30 minutes later, spend $20,000 redecorating a room in a nondescript motel, and proceed to upend the life she has with her husband and child. An a air with the decorator’s husband is the first erotic impulse she follows in a mad dash to pursue pleasure before menopause arrives to extinguish her sexual desire — which is what she expects.

An unnamed first-person narrator tells the story, and club members agreed that the device took them inside the protagonist’s head. “I was just like, Whoa, this is crazy in here!” Emma Waters said. “She kind of has the impulses of a toddler,” Charlotte Dworshak observed.

Roman found the protagonist’s spontaneity both refreshing and disturbing. Her journey of self-discovery “was phenomenal and beautiful,” Roman said, but she was lying to her husband and child. “What if your self-discovery is hurting everyone around you? That’s not fucking OK.”

When Spett joined the book club, she wasn’t looking for conversation about sex as much as she yearned for community. “This felt like a really fun, almost taboo community to be a part of,” she said. Through it, she has forged friendships and found a degree of liberation. She has appreciated discussions about queerness and challenges to heteronormativity, she said, citing the message she took from Emily Nagoski’s book Come Together: The

Sex Ed Book Club’s May meeting

Romantic Appeal

A new artistic director takes the helm of the Manchester Music Festival

The Manchester Music Festival, one of Vermont’s many summer festivals showcasing chamber music, was founded in 1974. Two years later, violinist Philip Setzer cofounded the Emerson String Quartet, which became one of the most revered quartets in the chamber music world and lasted 47 years.


The Emerson, based in New York City, had multiple ties to Vermont: Its first gig was with the Vermont Mozart Festival, it played early on with the Craftsbury Chamber Players, and Setzer participated in the Marlboro Music Festival three times. But the quartet didn’t perform at the Manchester festival until last year, during its final concert tour.

That performance led to Setzer’s new role as the festival’s artistic director. His first season — Manchester’s 50th — opens on July 11 with the first of its signature Thursdaynight concerts in the Arkell Pavilion at Southern Vermont Arts Center.

amusingly modest about his new gig when Seven Days reached him by phone. “I’m attempting not to ruin something that’s been going for 50 years,” he commented wryly.

Far from ruining anything, Setzer, 73, has cooked up five weeks of widely appealing performances on the theme of “The Romantic Journey.” Focused on music from the 18th- and 19th-century Romantic era, the season is a roughly chronological exploration of Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Clara and Robert Schumann, and Claude Debussy.

Later concerts include early 20th-century composers Ottorino Respighi and Samuel Barber, as well as Snider and “some piece by an unknown composer named Philip Setzer,” as the artistic director joked.

Setzer and Manchester are a compelling pairing.

During the violinist’s nearly half century in the Emerson String Quartet, the nine-time Grammy Award-winning ensemble played 100 or more concerts a year and made dozens of recordings that influenced generations of musicians. Sarah Kirkland Snider, who composed the quartet’s final commission, “Drink the Wild Ayre,” in 2023, called the Emerson’s recording legacy “the definitive interpretation of all the great string quartets in history.”


Reviewing the quartet’s final performance last October, the New York Times wrote that the ensemble was “never just a string quartet. It was an establishment, a touchstone, a catalyst.”

Despite that legacy, Setzer was

Special events include “Given a Chance,” a concert of music by the Romantic era’s belatedly acclaimed female and Black composers, on Sunday, July 28; an authors’ panel discussion about the music as part of the larger Romantic movement in literature and art, on Saturday, August 3; and three programs for kids.

As to be expected, the guest artists are stellar.

“It’s Phil, so you can imagine the artists that he’s bringing,” executive director Jenny Lin said.

Setzer will perform at every concert; his trio, with cellist David Finckel and pianist Wu Han, will play the season opener. Finckel and Han are co-artistic directors of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, and Finckel played in the Emerson String Quartet for 34 years until Paul Watkins took over. Watkins, a cellist, is artistic director of the Great Lakes Chamber Music Festival in Detroit.

Setzer invited Nancy Allen, principal harpist of the New York Philharmonic and


This 2-day event will welcome multiple filmmakers, including Elaine McMillion and Curren Sheldon — both Academy Award-winning, Peabody-winning, and two-time Emmy-winning documentary filmmakers. Other filmmakers include Sundance Film Festival award-nominee Seirra Urich, Hollywood and regional actor and filmmaker George Woodard, several Vermont-based award-winning filmmakers and a world premiere music video!


Gates open at 5:30. Meet/Greet all weekend filmmakers, with an interspersing of Film Shorts — each ranging from 5 to 10 minutes. Elaine and Curren Sheldon, Matteo Moretti, Ryan Boera, Thea Wren and Macaulay Lerman will be our filmmaker shorts, including a WORLD PREMIERE music video Shorts featuring Williston’s own Marge and John Butterfield. Other filmmakers to mingle with will be Molly Born, Billy Wirasnik, Jackie Heltz, George Woodward, Seirra Urich and James Hertz.


9:30AM: Jackie’s Heltz’ LAKE EFFECT 40 minutes

10:15AM: Panel discussion on LAKE EFFECT Neurotoxins in water bodies throughout Northern New England and continued health risks.

11:30AM: George Woodard’s THE FARM BOY

Bring your own picnic. This film is 2 and ½ hours with a 15 minute intermission.

2:30PM: Seirra Urich’s JOONAM 1 hour 40 minutes

5:00PM: Elaine McMillion Sheldon’s KING COAL 1 hour 20 minutes

6:30PM: Q+A with filmmakers

Science (and Art!) of Creating Lasting Sexual Connections: “Nothing you’re doing is not normal. Everything is normal. Anything you want is fine.”

“I’m in a phase of life where there’s a lot of expectation around marriage and kids and tradition,” said Spett, 30. “And to hear that, in this moment in history, we don’t have to do anything that doesn’t feel true to who we are has been really nice.”

Sex Ed Book Club is “set up for brave vulnerability,” Roman said. Members support each other. “Everyone’s showing up with just an open mind and an open heart.”

Spett credits Diedrick for the club’s success: “It’s like she’s essential to the recipe … I think she just has a really grounded and joyful energy.”

Diedrick wore wide-legged white pants printed with a bold black windowpane pattern that allowed her to move around the backyard with the same sort of ease she projects while navigating thorny discussions. Five foot two and soft-spoken, she can talk about masturbation, demisexuality and desire the way a diner waitress might list the lunch specials: It’s all good, honey.

Diedrick grew up in Connecticut and attributes her comfort level with talking about sex to the six years she spent at a small all-girls school. “I didn’t have to worry about appearances for boys and all of that pressure, and I felt like I could really be myself in my body,” she said. “We were talking about sex a lot. We were really comfortable with each other.”

She graduated in 2011 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a major in English and a minor in creative writing, then moved to Vermont in 2012 to teach

Nagoski’s first book, Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life, refuted lessons Diedrick had been taught, she said, “and for the first time, I felt seen in my sexuality.”

a colleague at Stony Brook University, where they both teach. For her festival appearance, Snider reworked “Drink the Wild Ayre” for harp, bass and quartet. Allen and Setzer will also perform Setzer’s own “Elegy for Violin and Piano,” which he wrote in Craftsbury in 1976. Allen’s arrangement of the piece for violin and harp will receive its world premiere at the festival.

The final concert features Metropolitan Opera star Christine Goerke, a soprano acclaimed for her lead roles in the New York City company’s Ring Cycle and Turandot.

Lin, a pianist, will perform in the third concert with the festival’s other singer, contralto Sara Couden, a former Metropolitan Opera Lindemann Young Artist who is making her San Francisco Opera debut this season. Lin is a close collaborator of Philip Glass, regularly performing his works and appearing with him in his ongoing tour of his Etudes.

Cellist Edward Arron and pianist Jeewon Park will join Setzer on Felix Mendelssohn’s Piano Trio No. 2 in C Minor for the second concert. Arron and Park are co-artistic directors of the Clark

Another author’s work cemented Diedrick’s resolve to become a sex educator, a path that has led not only to Sex Ed Book Club but also to a weekly Substack newsletter about pleasure called “Intimate Distance,” which features a Q&A column once a month. Her podcast is in the works.

Institute’s Performing Artists in Residence in Williamstown, Mass., and Vermont habitués. They have performed regularly with Manchester, the Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival, Capital City Concerts and the Northeast Kingdom Classical Series.

Arron grew up attending Emerson String Quartet concerts every year in New York City, starting at age 10, he said. He now considers Setzer “a hero of mine who is also a friend and a colleague.”

Regarding the theme of Romantic music, Arron said, “I think Phil really treasures the golden age of musical composition [that] is the heart of our art form.”

Setzer has made a significant change to the festival’s young artist program: While Manchester has always hosted 10 young artists, the artistic director is inviting back last year’s group instead of auditioning new ones. He is also giving them a larger role. Instead of playing separate concerts, as in the past, they’ll perform with their mentors in several of the main programs, as well as in “Given a Chance.” Setzer said he took inspiration for the collaborative approach from the nonhierarchical Marlboro festival, where young professionals practice and perform with established musicians.

She added, “I want to help other people feel this way.” ➆


Learn more at and intimatedistance.

While it may seem like a leap from performing in a world-renowned quartet to artistic leadership of a festival, Setzer has been honing his artistic directorship skills all along.

According to Watkins, the Emerson String Quartet’s cellist from 2013 until the group retired, “Phil had a strong interest in the programs. He liked putting composers and themes together.”

Early on, Setzer proposed performing all the Beethoven quartets in chronological order in a series of concerts in New York City — a seemingly obvious idea, but, at the time, “there was some doubt because the first two concerts were the early quartets, which don’t sell as well as the middle and late ones,” he recalled. “We got a really bad review after the first concert in the New York Times.” Audiences, fortunately, stuck with the series.

More immediately successful was Setzer’s idea to perform all six Belá Bartók quartets in a row. The performance, at Carnegie Hall in New York City in 1981, lasted three and a half hours.

“He had listened to all six recordings with the score, and by the end he was devastated and in tears,” Watkins recalled. “To listen to it intently like that was a very

moving experience,” Watkins said, and Setzer wanted to share it with an audience.

Arron, then 12, was in that audience, score in hand. “It was jaw-dropping to see a group play with such intensity and such beauty and play such complex music so well together,” he recalled. “It had an impact on me.”

In 2001 and 2016, Setzer and the Emerson String Quartet collaborated with theater directors on two innovative theatrical creations about composer Dmitri Shostakovich: “The Noise of Time,” a biographical piece centered on Shostakovich’s final string quartet; and “Shostakovich and the Black Monk: A Russian Fantasy,” about his attempt to turn the Anton Chekhov short story into an opera.

“That’s the key to why I think Phil will be a wonderful director,” Watkins said. “He has his antennae up all the time for interesting projects. He’s constantly listening to music, really immersed in the world of music. I’ve never known him to be short of an idea.” ➆


Manchester Music Festival 50th Anniversary Season, July 11 through August 8, at Arkell Pavilion, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester. $25-75.

yoga. Lori A. Brotto’s book Better Sex Through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire made her realize that what she was teaching in restorative yoga could be applied to desire and pleasure.

Next week, the Center for Cartoon Studies will embark as a group on its first international foray for the 2024 Graphic Medicine Conference, held July 16 to 18 at the Technological University of the Shannon in Athlone, Ireland. e Vermont cartoonists will join others from around the world to explore how their work can inform new and different perspectives on health, illness, caregiving and disability.

Cofounded by cartoonist James Sturm and then-professor Michelle Ollie, the cartoon school has been a cultural and educational staple in White River Junction since 2004. In addition to nurturing new generations of professional cartoonists through its master’s and certificate programs and workshops, the school has a strong focus on applied cartooning, the practical use of comics to explore real-world issues.

Vermont Cartoonists Head to Ireland to Explore Ties Between Comics and Medicine

people who saw a connection between comic[s] and medicine,” Ollie said. She added that the Graphic Medicine Conference is “quite different from the other conventions cartoonists go to” — there are no costumed superheroes like at Comic-Con.

Busking, Music, and Laughter for the Entire Family!


e school will send a mix of alumni and fellows to Ireland. Cartoonist, editor and educator J.D. Lunt, class of 2016, will share an oral history of the oldest no-cost health camp in California. MK Czerwiec, a 2019 Applied Cartooning Fellow, will present awards, while Nicole Georges, a 2013-14 CCS Fellow, will lead a workshop on comics and grief.

“It’ll be a cross-section of practitioners, creators, fans, doctors and educators,” Ollie said. “ ere are still so many ways this movement can intersect, support and elevate the medical profession.”

To that end, CCS has produced several socially conscious nonfiction books over the years, including is Is What Democracy Looks Like: A Graphic Guide to Governance; How We Read: A Graphic Guide to Literacy; Freedom and Unity: A Graphic Guide to Civics and Democracy in Vermont; and Health and Wealth: A Graphic Guide to the US Healthcare System. Last October, the school launched its Applied Cartooning Lab to formalize such projects.

e cartoon school has had a steady presence at the annual Graphic Medicine Conference, even hosting it in 2018. Ollie, now president of CCS, has long championed the importance of graphic medicine, a burgeoning field dedicated to conveying complex health care info and stories through easy-to-understand comics.

“ is movement is becoming more mature from when it was just a few

Natalie Norris, a CCS alum, cartoonist and current teacher, attended the virtual conference in 2020. ough she won’t go this year, she sees these gatherings as opportunities to bring together people across multiple industries.

“When I spoke at the conference, it was looking at the way in which graphic memoirs can help people process trauma through writing and drawing simultaneously,” Norris said.

“Graphic medicine has been a terrific way to tie two interests together for so many people,” said Czerwiec, who is a nurse, cartoonist and educator. e cartoon school’s “support of our work in graphic medicine has been so important,” she added. “It very much dovetails with their goals to let this powerful medium actually work in the world.” ➆

to K-8 students who want to learn about and improve their communities. The deadline is September 2, but enter often to qualify for weekly drawings. Prizes include $50 gift cards to Phoenix Books and tickets to see the Vermont Lake Monsters!

by Center for Cartoon Studies-affiliated artists

Job of the Week

DIRECTORLamoille Valley School Engagement Program

Lamoille Restorative Center seeks experienced professionals to join our growing team. LRC is a nonprofit organization with a mission to uphold the dignity and resilience of individuals and families through restorative justice principles and programs.

LRC is hiring a 32-40 hr/wk Director of the Lamoille Valley School Engagement Program (LVSEP). The LVSEP is the only program of its kind in Vermont and utilizes restorative justice approaches to address student chronic absenteeism in three Supervisory Unions. This position leads the LVSEP team, which includes three School Engagement Specialists (SES). The LVSEP Director oversees the operations of the LVSEP and provides direct supervision to the SES staff. The Director is also responsible for representing LVSEP with schools, community partners and interested stakeholders across Vermont and interfacing with the family court system in truancy actions. The LVSEP Director ensures services are rooted in restorative practices, whereby parents and children feel heard and

What makes this opportunity unique?

Our program is unrivaled in Vermont. We utilize restorative justice approaches and individualized case management to help chronically absent students reconnect and access their education, peer groups and communities. Each year we engage about 135 students and their families, helping them take the hard steps to find a way back to school that works for them.

What challenges will the director face?

is is truly remarkable and rewarding work. Plans for graduations can go haywire. Adolescents that have been in the program for years may get taken into DCF custody. e director must develop creative methods to reach these disaffected youths, such as volunteer programs, Instagram accounts that encourage positive thinking and peer painting classes for fifth graders who need to make friends. e director will attend meetings with principals, administrators, judges and the Vermont Agency of Education, focusing on consistent attendance. Everything is on the table, everywhere, all at once.

New Illustrations

Tell the History of Burlington’s Intervale

Visitors at the Intervale Center in Burlington have a unique opportunity to absorb 10,000 years of archaeological history through six new illustrated informational signs. Installed in late June, they offer passersby the chance to connect with the land.

e project is a collaboration of conservation nonprofit Burlington Wildways, state archaeologist Jess Robinson and cartoonist Glynnis Fawkes that has been in the works since before the pandemic. e six signs are arranged in a half-moon in the Intervale Center’s picnic grove, at the far end of its central road. Visitors can follow them clockwise to get a picture of life on the Winooski River through the ages. e signage includes depictions of the Champlain Sea, a prehistoric inlet carved by glaciers; a layered archaeological cross-section of the area showing organic matter and signs of human life, such as pottery pieces; and a diagram of Abenaki food sources through the seasons.

e comics of Fawkes, who lives in Burlington and teaches at the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, have been featured in the New Yorker. She has authored numerous graphic books, including 2019’s Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre and 1177 B.C.: A Graphic History of the Year Civilization Collapsed, released in April. She also has a background in archaeological illustration, honed over many years working on digs in the Mediterranean.

“It was interesting to take what I knew,” she said, “and be able to see our own land.”

Kate Kruesi, part of the Wildways team, was thrilled to bring the Indigenous history of Vermont to the forefront. “[We] want to

know the story of people who lived here,” she said, noting that Robinson’s archaeological findings shed some light on the often overlooked history of Native Americans in the area.

e surviving relics of that history include everyday objects, which is what Fawkes loves about archaeology. “You get a little glimpse into someone’s life by looking at a corn grinder someone used,” she said. “[It] gives a way to think about the details of our own lives.”

While Fawkes is skilled at succinct visual storytelling, the signs are “a little bit out of what I do,” she said. “ ey’re not really comics.” Her biggest challenge was keeping the word count down, she said. All the known facts about the precolonial Abenaki wouldn’t fit on the six signs, but they do offer an engaging and accessible way for visitors to encounter history.

And the illustrations don’t have to do all the work. Viewers can look up from the signs to see a community garden, a continuation of the healthy agricultural practices that the Intervale has hosted over its long history. ➆


Learn more at, and

Glynnis Fawkes

on screen

MaXXXine ★★★★

Horror director Ti West is a pastiche artist, in a good way. His 2009 breakout film, The House of the Devil, was a dead ringer for an early ’80s scare flick, with then-obscure Greta Gerwig among the unlucky victims. In 2022, West earned rave reviews for X, a slasher set in 1979 that suggests The Texas Chain Saw Massacre with a meta twist. (The victims are shooting an adult film on a Texas farmstead.)

That film launched a trilogy, each movie in a new and distinct style but with the same star: Mia Goth. Set in 1918, Pearl (2022) depicted the origin story of X’s villain as if it were a glossy Douglas Sirk melodrama. Now Goth reprises her X role in MaXXXine, which takes the character to Los Angeles in 1985, when the Night Stalker was terrorizing the city. If X is a slasher and Pearl is a dark character study, the final installment evokes an Italian giallo — a gritty mystery with veritable floods of gore.

The deal

Six years after surviving the massacre of her entire crew in rural Texas, Maxine Minx (Goth) has made it to Hollywood and established herself as an adult film star. She’s far from her origin as Maxine Miller, a televangelist’s dutiful daughter. But Maxine craves mainstream success, which she hopes to find as the star of a horror movie called The Puritan II

As she strives to live up to the expectations of the ambitious director (Elizabeth Debicki), Maxine discovers she has a stalker. Her friends are being murdered, their bodies defaced with satanic symbols. Two LA Police Department detectives (Bobby Cannavale and Michelle Monaghan) think Maxine is linked to the crimes. Meanwhile a seedy private investigator (Kevin Bacon) shows up to threaten her with the exposure of her bloody past if she doesn’t meet with his employer — who could be behind the killings.

Will you like it?

“A B movie with an A idea.” That’s how the director of The Puritan II describes her artistic goal, speaking for all the filmmakers who have tried to use a smart, cheaply made horror film as a calling card to get themselves into the big leagues. In the 1980s, horror was widely derided as an exploitative genre one step up from porn, with occasional exceptions such as The

Shining. Today, the genre has achieved a new prestige, and critics bandy about the phrase “elevated horror” — B movies with A ideas.

West uses Debicki’s character to poke sly fun at filmmakers like him, who hedge their bets by o ering gruesome shocks for the gore hounds and social commentary for the media and festival crowd. MaXXXine demonstrates that serving multiple audiences is a tricky business, however. While it’s an entertaining throwback, the movie ends up overstu ed and a little muddled.

West’s trilogy explores a solid “A idea”: The pursuit of fame is an American tradition, and it will make you into a monster. In 1918, Pearl goes on a killing spree after her show-biz dreams are dashed. In 1979, she does it again, and only Maxine, driven by the same determination to shine on the silver screen, can stop her. MaXXXine asks: Can Maxine finally achieve what Pearl didn’t, bringing the story full circle? Or will she be foiled by a mystery killer who also seems to thirst for the limelight?

Everybody in the movie is at least tangentially connected to the entertainment industry; even the cops have a running bit of banter about how Cannavale’s

character didn’t make it as an actor. On a studio lot, Bacon’s detective chases Maxine into the Bates house from Psycho

West’s screenplay name-checks Elizabeth Short — the aspiring star known as the Black Dahlia, who became famous for her horrific murder — to make us wonder if Maxine will meet a similar fate. Goth shows her skill by playing the character with a low-key steeliness that couldn’t be further removed from her histrionics as Pearl. It’s fun to follow Maxine on her nightly routine, which includes playing Louise Brooks in a peep show and doling out street justice to a would-be rapist. But Maxine is so chill, so goal-focused, that we rarely doubt her eventual triumph.

As a result, MaXXXine never evokes a fraction of the dread the Black Dahlia story does. On the mystery front, the villain’s identity is all too easy to guess, especially given the heavy-handed references to the “satanic panic” throughout the movie.

To his credit, West doesn’t actually make Richard Ramirez (aka the Night Stalker) a character in the story. (For a campy retro saga that did, see “American Horror Story: 1984.”) MaXXXine has its share of moments that fright fans will savor, and vintage

details, Hollywood history Easter eggs and split-screen sequences keep us from getting bored. But as the coda to a beloved trilogy, MaXXXine proves that sometimes an A idea reaches a B conclusion.



X (2022; fuboTV, Kanopy, rentable): While you can understand MaXXXine without seeing the first film, it’s helpful. As a prequel, Pearl is optional but the best of the three.

BODY DOUBLE (1984; rentable): What were horror movies about the decadence of ’80s Hollywood like in the ’80s? Find out from Brian De Palma’s lurid riff on Vertigo, also about a porn star.

MS. 45 (1981; Freevee, Peacock, PLEX, Roku Channel, YouTube Primetime, rentable): With its sleazy setting and gun-toting heroine, MaXXXine harks back to Abel Ferrara’s low-budget cult classic, in which a woman doles out vengeance to rapists.

Mia Goth returns as a Texas waif turned porn queen in Ti West’s '80s-tastic horror film.


FLY ME TO THE MOON: In this retro rom-com, Scarlett Johansson plays a marketer assigned to make the Apollo 11 mission look good, to the consternation of moon launch director Channing Tatum. Greg Berlanti directed. (132 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Roxy, Star, Sunset, Welden)

LONGLEGS: An FBI agent (Maika Monroe) chases a serial killer with disturbing connections to her in this horror film from Oz Perkins (The Blackcoat’s Daughter), with Nicolas Cage and Blair Underwood. (101 min, R. Essex, Majestic)

LOST NATION: Jay Craven’s latest locally shot film explores the lives of Ethan Allen (Kevin Ryan) and poet Lucy Terry Prince (Eva Ndachi). (90 min, PG-13. Savoy, Tue-Thu only)

TOUCH: A widower searches for the lover he lost 50 years ago in this romantic drama from Baltasar Kormákur (Everest). Egill Ólafsson and Kôki star. (121 min, R. Roxy)


BACK TO BLACKHH Marisa Abela plays Amy Winehouse in this biopic about the making of her best-selling album, directed by Sam TaylorJohnson. (122 min, R. Catamount)

BAD BOYS: RIDE OR DIEHH1/2 Will Smith and Martin Lawrence return as maverick Miami police officers in this action-comedy. (115 min, R. Majestic, Sunset)

THE BIKERIDERSHHHH This drama from Jeff Nichols chronicles the lives and loves of a Midwestern motorcycle gang in the 1960s. (116 min, R. Big Picture; reviewed 6/26)

DESPICABLE ME 4HH1/2 Gru Jr. joins the lovable villain’s family in the fourth installment of the animated family franchise, with the voice talents of Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig and Joey King. (95 min, PG. Bethel, Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Paramount, Playhouse, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden)

THE FALL GUYHHH1/2 Ryan Gosling plays an injured Hollywood stuntman in this action comedy. (126 min, PG-13. Sunset)

THE GARFIELD MOVIEH1/2 In this animated family flick, the cartoon cat (voice of Chris Pratt) plots a heist. (101 min, PG. Bethel)


Kevin Costner’s ensemble epic depicts the settlement of the west before and after the Civil War. (181 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Majestic)

INSIDE OUT 2HHH1/2 The anthropomorphized emotions from Pixar’s animated hit are back. With Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith and Lewis Black. (96 min, PG. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Paramount, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden)

JANET PLANETHHHH Annie Baker’s festival fave drama chronicles the summer of 1991 as it brings changes for an 11-year-old girl (Zoe Ziegler) and her hippie mom (Julianne Nicholson). (113 min, PG-13. Savoy; reviewed 7/3)

KINDS OF KINDNESSHHH The latest dark comedy from Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things) tells three connected stories. Emma Stone, Jesse Plemons and Willem Dafoe star. (164 min, R. Roxy, Savoy)

KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APESHHH1/2 On an Earth that has been ruled by apes for 300 years, a young chimp goes on a life-changing road trip. (145 min, PG-13. Sunset)

MAXXXINEHHH1/2 Maxine Minx (Mia Goth) gets her shot at mainstream stardom in 1980s Hollywood in the conclusion of Ti West’s horror trilogy. (104 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Roxy, Stowe, Sunset; reviewed 7/10)

A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONEHHH1/2 Lupita Nyong’o plays a woman trapped in New York City when sound-sensitive aliens invade in this prequel to the horror franchise. (100 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Star, Stowe, Sunset)

SOUND OF HOPE: THE STORY OF POSSUM TROT: A Texas minister and his wife arrange mass adoptions in this inspirational drama based on a true story. (127 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex)

THELMAHHHH A nonagenarian (June Squibb) seeks vengeance on a phone scammer in this action-comedy from debut director Josh Margolin. (97 min, PG-13. Majestic, Savoy)



ELMER GANTRY (Catamount, Wed 10 only)


LYLE, LYLE, CROCODILE (Playhouse, Sat only)

ONWARD (Catamount, Tue only)


TOY STORY 2 (Catamount, Thu only)


(* = upcoming schedule for theater was not available at press time)

BETHEL DRIVE-IN: 36 Bethel Dr., Bethel, 728-3740,

*BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994,

BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293,

CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343,

CATAMOUNT ARTS: 115 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-2600,

ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543,

*MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010,

MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841,

*MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456,

PARAMOUNT TWIN CINEMA: 241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621,

PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012,

SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 2290598,

STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511,

*STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678,

SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800,

WELDEN THEATRE: 104 N. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888,



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Emma Stone in Kinds of Kindness

Comic Consciousness

David Libens’ little drawings reveal big feelings

The Main Street Museum in downtown White River Junction is packed to the rafters with an unwieldy collection of objects and ephemera, ranging from sheet music to taxidermy to local artifacts. The institution’s unifying principle is that it’s a gathering place for the curious. Since its inception in 1992, the campy, volunteer-run venue has billed itself as a kind of third space — a hangout other than home or the workplace — that wears its eccentricity like a badge of honor.

on opposite walls of the space in a seemingly random salon-style scattering.

being out and about, drawing in public and sharing his work with his community. “It’s interesting how people perceive comics,” Libens said. “You don’t just have to draw superheroes in a studio … You can bypass that and go right to the sharing aspect of comics.”

The museum is currently showing an exhibit of more than 80 postcard-size drawings by comic artist David Libens. Born in Belgium, he now lives and works in White River Junction. In 2010, he received a fellowship from the local Center for Cartoon Studies and is part of a small but vital comics and cartoonist community that has sprung up in the historic railroad town.

The quivering line quality of the drawings amplifies their emotional aspects, and the loose, rich washes of pigment cast each scene in a distinct atmosphere or mood. This seamlessness of line and wash evinces Libens’ command of his craft. The informal display, the artist’s wry humor and his attention to local details all contribute to an unmistakable synergy between the venue and the artwork.


Entering the Main Street Museum, there is a lot to see right away: The foyer opens up into a cavernous room brimming with myriad curiosities. Indeed, the museum models itself after the wünderkammern of a bygone era. Libens’ framed pen-and-watercolor drawings are hung

The space’s quirkiness augments the neurotic musings that accompany many of Libens’ drawings. In “February 12, 2024,” a frazzled man (a self-portrait) snips the tips of his unruly hair. He looks through wireframed glasses as strands of hair fall to a pile on the floor. The text reads, “This morning cut some of my hair then shitty day at work … I feel like my heart’s gonna explode outta my chest.” The captions are the internal monologue of an artist with a misfit’s ethos navigating the daily grind as best he can.

In a recent interview with Seven Days , Libens described his subject matter as “a weird mix of humor, dealing with big feelings and everyday life.” Despite a self-professed anxious temperament, Libens thrives on

Libens works at the Upper Valley Food Co-op, and the postcard format allows him to discreetly draw anywhere. “I can draw between customers,” he said. “It fits the conditions in which I work.” This practice also underscores the subtle narratives about labor and capitalism that bubble up throughout Libens’ comics.

“The Power of Money” tells the story of an artist who bypasses the art store because materials are too expensive. With just a couple of key words, a directional arrow and a main character, a whole autobiographical tale unfolds on a 3-by-5-inch piece of paper. While Libens’ drawings are unapologetically diaristic, his facility as a visual storyteller brings out broader themes.

One standout work in the show is “Alive,” a grid composed of 15 drawings with the word “alive” and a date emblazoned on them. Some feature calm landscapes; others show storms and fires. The grid is presented in a fancy gold frame, bringing the work closer in format to a more traditional painting than the smaller, more casual drawings. The repetition of the word “alive,” paired with


the mutability of natural forces, suggests resilience in the face of conditions beyond one’s control.

The Main Street Museum is a tough venue in which to show art, partly because of the sheer abundance of visual material everywhere. Its hours are sporadic:

A newly curated cocktail menu, live music, and stunning views of the Green Mountains. Our tavern is the perfect place to unwind after a long week, kick off the weekend in style, or close a deal over lunch.

Visitors text a phone number to see the exhibit by appointment or stop by during weekly events, such as Revenge of Movie Night on Tuesdays and Piano Night on Fridays. But the experience is ultimately endearing. Spending time with Libens’ self-reflective drawings is akin to having a casual conversation with a friendly — if slightly oversharing — stranger.

“I try to find common ground for everyone as a way to not just be autobiographical,” he said. “I make distinctions between privacy and intimacy … It’s about connecting.” ➆


“The Art of David Libens” is on view through July 30 at the Main Street Museum in White River Junction.



Food from La Chapina

Kristen Dettoni Brings Ciphers and Spies to Studio Place Arts

Pop culture’s abundant conspiracy boards rarely focus on the yarn holding the evidence together. But the conspiracy that fills artist Kristen Dettoni’s head absolutely starts with the fiber, then unfurls into a labyrinth of codes and connections to rival any spy thriller.

A selection of Dettoni’s punch needle canvases and related works are on view in “Top Secret” at Studio Place Arts in Barre, where the artist recently gave a talk about her process. She studied weaving in art school and worked in commercial textile mills for many years. This included the subtleties of designing products that are not glamorous but pose complex engineering challenges, such as automotive upholstery that resists coffee stains and cheddar bunnies.

Dettoni’s obsession with hidden codes, ciphers and spies isn’t surprising, given her interest in what lies beneath our everyday surfaces. But she was truly hooked on the subject after reading a biography of Elizabeth Smith Friedman, a pioneering early 20th-century cryptanalyst who cracked many codes in both world wars and trained other women to be code breakers.

Dettoni has encoded Friedman’s name and those of her protégés in some of the works on view. Innocuous-looking 6-by-6-inch punch needle canvases in the “Intelligence” series use bar coding (chunks of barcode represent letters of the alphabet) to hide names of female spies. Placement of a button on each of the 16 pieces indicates a single character in the phrase “Inspiring Women.”

Pieces from the “Classified” series look like unassuming floral patterns. If someone were to pull out the length of yarn that makes up each flower, they would find white ikat-dyed stripes that spell out a name in Morse code. If this sounds like it would be hard to figure out from seeing the work, it is.

“What I have fun with,” Dettoni said, “is making it look like it’s not obvious at all — like you wouldn’t even know there was a hidden message in there.” It bears mentioning that the artist creates commercially available patterns through her company Design Pool, including ones that hide healing messages — such as “fuck cancer” — in fabrics for health care settings.

“It just looks like any other pretty upholstery fabric or any other pretty wall covering, and then to maybe find out that there is so much more to it,” Dettoni said, “is the fun part of it.”

The 12 pieces in Dettoni’s “Coded Color” series are a little more transparent. For these, the artist assigned each hue in her watercolor palette to a particular mood. Every day in


HUMBERTO AGUIAR GIL: An exhibit of still lifes in oils by the Cuban artist. Green Mountain Natural Foods, Newport, through July 31. Info, 617-650-0741.

‘INTERPRETIVE NEW ENGLAND’: An exhibition of works that loosely translate the New England landscape. Bryan Memorial Gallery, Jeffersonville, July 10-August 25. Info, 644-5100.

BANNERS ON BRIDGE STREET: A display of painted banners by nine Mad River Valley artists on antique lamp posts. Reception: Thursday, July 11, 4:30-6 p.m. at the Madsonian Museum of Industrial Design. Rain date: July 17. Bridge Street, Waitsfield, through October 14. Info,

Clockwise from top left: “Coded Color Series — Nypc (July)”; “Coded Color Series — Dofs (July)” "Residency"; “Signals Series — Un”

2022, she woke up and painted a single square based on how she was feeling. She then translated each month into an 8-by-8-inch punch needle version of her calendar.

Dettoni also encoded each day of the month to the alphabet and used the cipher to spell out the name of the month in raised yarn. The watercolors are displayed alongside their punch needle counterparts. SPA’s labels offer the viewer a bit of mercy in unscrambling the titles.

The most accessible works in the show are from Dettoni’s braille series. Using the punch needle technique to create raised areas in a canvas of white wool, the artist spells out touch-related phrases in braille; the first is simply “Do Not Touch.” Dettoni described the work as a commentary on being in a space where you can’t know the rules except by breaking them: “You have to touch it to know not to touch it.”

‘VERMONT WEEK 1984’: A 40th-anniversary exhibition by participants of VSC’s first Vermont Week residency program, including Janet Fredericks, Phil Godenschwager, Linda E. Jones, Anni Lorenzini, George Pearlman, Anthony Sini, Daryl Storrs and Kate Westcott. Reception: Friday, July 12, 4-6 p.m. Red Mill Gallery at Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, through September 10. Info, 635-2727.

'ECLIPSED: A BEGINNING OR AN END': An exhibition exploring moments of change and loss, featuring works by Gail Boyajian, Kristian Brevick, Janet Cathey, Brian Drourr, Ed Koren, Ken Leslie, Curry Mattson, Jess Regelson, Jim Robinson and Deidre Scherer. Reception: Friday, July 12, 5 p.m. Chandler Gallery, Randolph, through September 1. Info, 728-9878.


‘ESSENTIAL FIGURE’: An exhibition exploring and expanding the tradition of painting the human form, featuring Sophie Cangelosi, Jennifer McCandless, Hannah Morris, Enrico Riley, Suzy Spence, and Lorenzo Triburgo and Sarah Van Dyck. Reception: Friday, July 12, 5-7 p.m. BCA Center, Burlington, through September 15. Info, 865-7166.

RACHEL ROSE: “Lake Valley,” a dreamlike video narrative centered on isolation, imagination and longing for personal connection. Reception: Friday, July 12, 5-7 p.m. BCA Center, Burlington, through September 15. Info, 865-7166.

RACHEL MIRUS: “An Artist’s Collection of Curiosities,” works by the STEAM teaching artist and nature writer. A portion of artwork sales support NBNC. Reception: Friday, July 12, 5-7 p.m. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, through September 14. Info, 229-6206.

‘IT’S ALL RELATIVES’: An exhibit of artwork by spouses Mary and Fred Lower, cousins Judy Albright and Cristine Kossow, and sisters Jennifer Steele Cole and Elinor Steele Friml. Reception: Friday, July 12, 5-7 p.m. Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, through August 31.

BRENDA MYRICK: “Stillness in Motion,” an exhibition of semiabstract paintings featuring horses, birds and spirit animals. Reception: Saturday, July 13, 4-6 p.m. Village Wine and Coffee, Shelburne, through July 30. Info,

CINDY BLAKESLEE: “Fecundity,” an exhibition of found-object works centered on environmentalism. Reception: Saturday, July 13, 5 p.m. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, through August 18. Info, 793-3414.

Dettoni is fine with viewers simply appreciating the work for being pretty. But conspiracy-minded visitors can rest assured: For once, there really are coded messages hidden everywhere. ➆
“Top Secret” by Kristen Dettoni is on view through August 16 at Studio Place Arts in Barre.

CHRIS GROSCHNER: An exhibition of mixed-media works in relief with surreal themes. Reception: Saturday, July 20, 3-5 p.m. The Tunbridge General Store Gallery, July 12-September 3. Info, 889-3525.

NORTHERN HUB OF THE VERMONT WATERCOLOR SOCIETY: New works by artists from Montpelier to the Canadian border. Reception: Saturday, July 20, 3-6 p.m. Bryan Fine Art Gallery, Stowe, July 17-September 8. Info, 760-6474.

VIRGINIA BEAHAN AND JIM DOW: “American Geography,” an exhibition of photographs from 1967-2024. Reception: Saturday, July 20, 4 p.m. BigTown Gallery, Rochester, through September 15. Info, 767-9670.

STEPHANIE GORDON: An exhibition of mixed-media encaustic paintings. Reception: Friday, July 26, 5-7 p.m. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery, St. Johnsbury, July 13-August 20.


ARTIST TALK: JULY FEATURED ARTISTS: Jennifer Buckner, Terry Buebner, Tess Follensbee and Wayne Tarr speak about what inspires them. AIR Gallery, St. Albans, Wednesday, July 10, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 528-5222.

ARTIST TALK: JORDAN LOEPPKY-KOLESNIK: The artist-in-residence discusses their installation works, which use amphibiousness as a metaphor for queer transformation. The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center, West Rutland, Wednesday, July 10, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 438-2097.

ARTIST TALK: MISHEL VALENTON AND BENEDICT SCHEUER: The artists join curator Maria Stabio via Zoom to discuss the exhibit “Personal Nature.” Register for link. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Thursday, July 11, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 257-0124.

WATERBURY ARTS FEST MARKET: A market with more than 100 artists and crafters, demonstrations, food, art activities, and performances. 5 Pilgrim Park Rd., Waterbury, Saturday, July 13, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 793-6029.

MIA CABRERA: An outdoor display of paintings that use handmade pigments made from flowers grown on-site. Visitors can tour the farm and exhibition and participate in kids’ art activities. Wood’s Market Garden, Brandon, Saturday, July 13, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info,

HAMMER-IN: Blacksmithing demonstrations on multiple forges, both coal and gas. Visitors of all ages and abilities are welcome to try their hand or lend expertise. Ben’s Mill, Barnet, Saturday, July 13, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., and Sunday, July 14, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info,

OPEN STUDIO: JUDITH LERNER: Watercolor and gouache paintings and giclée prints featuring landscapes and botanical studies. Judith Lerner Studio, Newbury, Saturday, July 13, 1-5 p.m. Free. Info, 866-5900.

TOUR: STREET MURALS OF BURLINGTON: A walking tour with photographer Carolyn Bates and artist April Cornell. April Cornell, Burlington, Saturday, July 13, 1-2 p.m. $10 donation. Info, 309-8665.

SIZZLIN’ SUMMER CELEBRATION: A 10th anniversary celebration with cookout food and live music by the Mean Waltons, plus an exhibition of photos by Neil Rappaport. Stone Valley Arts, Poultney, Saturday, July 13, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, stonevalleyartscenter@

BIPOC MAKER NIGHTS: WOODWORKING: Hosted in partnership with the Root Social Justice Center, affinity spaces for anyone who identifies as Black, Indigenous or a person of color to create community

around woodworking. Bring a project to repair or make. HatchSpace, Brattleboro, Monday, July 15, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 552-8202.

FOOD AND ART FRIDAYS: A community gathering with works in progress by resident artists, wood-fired pizza and a variety of performers. Sable Project, Stockbridge, Friday, July 12, 5:30-8:30 p.m. $5-15 suggested donation. Info, bex@thesable

BTV MARKET: Artworks and crafts from a rotating cadre of local creatives. Burlington City Hall Park, Saturday, July 13, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. FLOOD THE STREETS WITH ART: A downtown sidewalk chalk art festival. Community participants register at Christ Church, 64 State Street, then create chalk art in an assigned square. Features live music, dance and drawings by eight professional chalk artists. Various Montpelier locations, Wednesday, July 17, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Free. Info, ➆

GALLERY HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday 10AM – 5PM Sunday 11AM – 4PM or by appointment



live music


BBQ and Bluegrass (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Bent Nails House Band (covers) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.

Bonji (acoustic) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

The Duo (rock) at North Hero House Inn & Restaurant, 5:30 p.m. Free.

George Murtie (acoustic) at Two Heroes Brewery Public House, South Hero, 6 p.m. Free.

Jazz Sessions (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Jerry Jam Pre-Party with Matt Dolliver and Friends (jam) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $15.

John Lackard Blues Duo (blues) at American Flatbread Burlington Hearth, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Live Jazz (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Live Music Wednesdays & Tacos (weekly music series) at the Tillerman, Bristol, 5 p.m. Free.

Sunbeam, Diamond, Cricket Blue (folk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $10.

Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $5. Willverine (electronic) at the Wallflower Collective, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.


Ali T (singer-songwriter) at Filling Station, Middlesex, 6 p.m. Free. Dead Rider Grand Tour Thursdays (country) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Forest Station, the Delta Sweet Duo (bluegrass) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.

Frankie & the Fuse (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Friedman and Quigley Duo (jazz) at Hugo’s, Montpelier, 6:30 p.m. Free.

George Murtie (singersongwriter) at Blue Paddle Bistro, South Hero, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Jeremiah Tall (acoustic) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 9 p.m. Free.

Justin & Kelly Walters (acoustic) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Lloyd Tyler Band (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.

Ponyhustle (country) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Sky Blue Boys (bluegrass) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Tilden (rock) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.


Find the most up-to-date info on live music, DJs, comedy and more at If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to or submit the info using our form at

Ready for Prime Time

New Orleans-born comic Jessica Williams, better known as PUNKIE JOHNSON, may have started her career tending bar in Los Angeles at the famed Comedy Store, but it didn’t take her long to start making serious waves. In the course of a few years, Johnson went from the bar to the Comedy Store stage to opening for big-time comics such as Bill Burr to popping up on “A Black Lady Sketch Show” and Netflix’s “Space Force.” In 2020 she joined the cast of “Saturday Night Live,” making her the first Black, openly lesbian cast member in the show’s history. She’s set to perform this Friday, July 12, and Saturday, July 13, at Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington.


Bird Mountain Sting Band (bluegrass) at Poultney Pub, 6 p.m. Free.

Borrow the Bones (folk) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.

Chirp (jazz fusion) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. $7.

Chris & Erica (rock) at von Trapp Brewing Bierhall, Stowe, 5:30 p.m. Free.

The Cobras (covers) at the Old Post, South Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Corner Junction Bluegrass Band (bluegrass) at Two Heroes Brewery Public House, South Hero, 6 p.m. Free.

Dave Mitchell’s Blues Revue (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.

The Dimmer Triplets (blues) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.

EDNA: The Residency, Night Five (experimental, post-rock) at the Phoenix, Waterbury, 7:30 p.m. $15-30.

Ella Grace (indie rock) at Hugo’s, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Fez Silk, Anachronist, Lupo Citta (punk, shoegaze) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free.

Grampfather (indie rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Heavy Nettles (rock) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

Helen Gillet (experimental) at the Mill ADK, Westport, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. $28.52.

The High Breaks (surf rock) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

The Hitmen (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.

Honey & Soul (soul) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10/$15.

John Daly Trio (singer-songwriter) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 7:30 p.m. Free.

John Lackard Blues Duo (blues) at Stowe Cider, 5 p.m. Free.

Kitbash, Mad, Rose Asteroid (indie) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $10.

Lowell Thompson (singersongwriter) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free.

Moondogs (rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11:30 p.m. $10.

Paul Asbell (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Kitchen, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Rap Night Burlington (hip-hop) at Drink, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5.

The Returnables (rock) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 9 p.m. Free.

Roadhouse 60’s (’60s tribute) at War Cannon Spirits, Crown Point, N.Y., 7 p.m. $14.99.

Sarah Bell (singer-songwriter) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Seth Yacovone Band (blues, rock) at Double E Performance Center’s T-Rex Theater, Essex, 8 p.m. $10/$15.

Sqwerv, Jelly (jam) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.

Tallgrass Getdown (folk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10.

Tyler Smith (acoustic) at Olive Ridley’s, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 6:30 p.m. Free.


AfterMath (rock) at 14th Star Brewing, St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free.

Alex Stewart (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Kitchen, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Chicky Stoltz (rock) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Cooper (Americana) at von Trapp Brewing Bierhall, Stowe, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Drunk Off Diesel (metal) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

Duncan MacLeod Trio (blues) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Illiterate Light (alt rock) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $12.

J.M. Clifford (folk, bluegrass) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.

Kimaya Diggs, Cal Humberto (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.

Lazer Dad (tribute) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Left Eye Jump (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.

Live Music Saturdays (live music series) at Dumb Luck Pub & Grill, Hinesburg, 7 p.m. Free.

Luge, Greaseface (indie, punk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 10:30 p.m. $10.

Mark Abair All-Star Band (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.

Maya Sun, the Champlain Shoregasm (indie) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.

Nighthawk (rock) at Olive Ridley’s, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 9 p.m. Free.

Old North End, Iron Gate, Keepsake, Man, the Robot, Short Changed (metal) at Despacito, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.

Red Hot Juba (jazz) at the Den at Harry’s Hardware, Cabot, 7 p.m. Free.

Rough Suspects (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.

The Shady Trees, Blackwolf, Neon Spoon, Raised by Hippies, the Thunderlillies (rock) at Martell’s at the Red Fox, Jeffersonville, noon. $15.

St. Silva (experimental) at the Phoenix, Waterbury, 4:30 p.m. Free.


Bifler (funk, rock) at Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Waitsfield, 3 p.m. Free.

Bluegrass Brunch (bluegrass) at the Skinny Pancake, Burlington, noon. Free.

Bluegrass Brunch (bluegrass) at Madbush Falls, Waitsfield, noon. Free.

The Discussions, Kanganade (jazz, DJ) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7:30 p.m. $5/$10.

Gold Tooth Gators (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free. Rebecca Padula (folk, blues) at Blue Paddle Bistro, South Hero, 5 p.m. Free.

Strange Purple Jelly (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Sunday Brunch Tunes (singersongwriter) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 10 a.m.


Cooper (Americana) at North Hero House Inn & Restaurant, 5:30 p.m. Free.


Big Easy Tuesdays with Jon McBride (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Bluegrass Jam (bluegrass) at Poultney Pub, 7 p.m. Free.

Bob Recupero (blues) at Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Waitsfield, 5 p.m. Free.

Grateful Tuesdays (Grateful Dead tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10/$20.

Honky Tonk Tuesday with Pony Hustle (country) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10.

Jay Southgate (vibraphone) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 5 p.m. Free.

Low Echo, Riverbed (folk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5/$10.

Mary Ester Carter (singersongwriter) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.

Zach Nugent (Grateful Dead tribute) at Madbush Falls, Waitsfield, 7 p.m. $10 suggested donation.


Adirondack Jazz Orchestra (jazz) at Olive Ridley’s, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7 p.m. Free.

BBQ and Bluegrass (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Bugcatcher, georgie, Rockin’ Worms, Vehicle (indie) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.

Cooie’s Friends (blues, R&B) at North Hero House Inn & Restaurant, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Jazz Sessions (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Kowalski Brothers (acoustic) at Poultney Pub, 6 p.m. Free.

Live Jazz (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Live Music Wednesdays & Tacos (weekly music series) at the Tillerman, Bristol, 5 p.m. Free.

Luis Betancourt (acoustic) at Two Heroes Brewery Public House, South Hero, 6 p.m. Free.

The Rumble at Retro Live (funk) at Retro Live, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7 p.m. $25. Info, 518-578-8085.

Sam Grisman Project (bluegrass) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $30.

Willverine (electronic) at the Wallflower Collective, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.


DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Local Dork (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

The Mid Week Hump with DJs Fattie B and Craig Mitchell (DJ) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.


All Ears (DJ) at the Big Spruce, Richmond, 6 p.m. Free.

DJ Chaston (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.

DJ Two Sev (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.

Vinyl Night with Ken (DJ) at Poultney Pub, 6 p.m. Free.


DJ Craig Mitchell (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

DJ JamStar (DJ) at Olive Ridley’s, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 9 p.m. Free.

DJ Kata (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

DJ LaFountaine (DJ) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9 p.m. Free.

DJ Taka (DJ) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10/$15.

Latin Night with DJ JP Black (DJ) at Einstein’s Tap House, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Tricky Pat, Rekkon, Sekhmet, Kanganade (DJ) at Despacito, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.


DJ A-Ra$ (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, midnight. Free.

DJ Fattie B (DJ) at Monkey House, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free.

DJ LaFountaine (DJ) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9 p.m. Free.

DJ Raul (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

DJ Two Rivers (DJ) at Einstein’s Tap House, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Matt Payne (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Molly Mood (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Russell E.L. Butler, (DJ) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 10 p.m. $10/$15.

Salsa Night with DJ Charlango, DJ Tarzana (DJ) at Hugo’s, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.


Mi Yard Reggae Night with DJ Big Dog (reggae, dancehall) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.


The Vanguard — Jazz on Vinyl (DJ) at Paradiso Hi-Fi, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Local Dork (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

open mics & jams


Irish Sessions (Celtic, open mic) at Burlington St. John’s Club, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Poultney Pub, 7 p.m. Free.

Writers’ Bloc Open Mic (writer open mic) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


Old Time Jam (string band open mic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.

Open Stage Night (open mic) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.


Olde Time Jam Session (open jam) at the Den at Harry’s Hardware, Cabot, noon. Free.


Open Mic (open mic) at Despacito, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


Open Mic Night (open mic) at Drink, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.


Irish Sessions (Celtic, open mic) at Burlington St. John’s Club, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Poultney Pub, 7 p.m. Free.



$5 Improv Night (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5.

Comedy Jam (comedy) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Standup Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m.


Eitan Levine (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20. Improv Royale (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10.


Punkie Johnson (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. $25. Trey Kennedy (comedy) at Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. $39-$129. Wit and Wine (comedy) at Shelburne Vineyard, 7 p.m. $10.


Punkie Johnson (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. $25.


Chicken Sketch-Atore (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $10.


$5 Improv Night (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5.

Laugh Local VT Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at the Den, Williamstown, 7 p.m. Free.



Phish, Evolve

It’s coming up on 40 years since Phish hatched from Burlington’s ’80s college rock scene. The band’s ascent is still one of the great WTF?! moments in history: A crew of four scru y dorks fused their love of Grateful Dead-level jams with an a nity for progressive rock such as early Genesis, Frank Zappa and NRBQ and somehow became one of the most successful live rock bands of all time.

That kind of triumph in such a small state has ingrained the band in the cultural identity of the Green Mountains. Vermont loves its musical success stories — see: Kahan, Noah and Potter, Grace — but the Phab Phour are on another level.

Even beyond the legion of jam fans, Vermonters feel Phish’s influence, whether through altruistic pursuits such as the nonprofit WaterWheel Foundation or through the pop culture capital the state garners as a byproduct of the band’s fame. Earlier this year, for instance, comedian and game show host Drew Carey had an ecstatic meltdown after seeing Phish perform in Las Vegas at Sphere. How many bands do you know that have celebrities declaring themselves ready to swear o sex and “stick my dick in a blender” just to watch them play? (The band duly mailed Carey a signed blender.)

Part of Phish’s mystique is their reputation as one of the best live acts in the game. The band places among the highest-grossing tours every year it hits the road, with a massive fan base willing to travel to shows and festivals across the country and an ever-evolving set list that rewards repeat attendance by the phans.

That live mastery hasn’t always been good for Phish’s studio album output, however. Much like their spiritual predecessors, the Grateful Dead, Phish have been derided as a killer live band that never quite figured out how to translate their sound to records.

Granted, that’s a bit of a lazy criticism of both bands. The Dead had plenty of studio triumphs, especially the acoustic grandeur of American Beauty. Phish have several successful studio


records, too: Billy Breathes debuted at No. 7 on the Billboard 200 in 1996, and the band has scored four No. 1 positions on the Billboard Vinyl Albums chart, most recently for its reissue of the 2002 album Round Room

Yet the perception has dogged the band, as its members are keenly aware.

“The complaint over the years has been ‘Why don’t Phish albums sound like Phish?’” guitarist, vocalist and primary songwriter Trey Anastasio wrote in a press release for the band’s 16th studio album, out this week.

On the fittingly titled Evolve, Phish finally endeavored to capture their live sound on record. They set up in their farmhouse studio in Chittenden County, with 12 roadtested tunes ready to be cut fast and loose, and recorded the basic tracks in four days.

“Hey Stranger” kicks o the set: a jazzy, almost Randy Newmanesque number that first appeared on Anastasio’s 2022 solo LP, Mercy. A COVID-19-era song with the refrain “Hey stranger / Come crash for a minute,” the tune has become a live staple over the past several years, making it an ideal opener.

“Oblivion” has all the elements of live Phish: a swampy, white-boy funk groove featuring drummer Jon Fishman and bassist Mike Gordon locked in and chugging along, while Anastasio and Page McConnell’s snarling Hammond B-3 color all over the lines. It’s easy to envision 20,000 fans rocking out at Madison Square Garden while the band intones “Oblivion awaits” over and over during the coda.

band charges ahead. None of the songs on Evolve top the sevenminute mark, but it’s safe to assume Phish could take “A Wave of Hope” out for a 20-minute spin and have the arena rollicking.

Despite the condensed running times of the songs, the band largely succeeds in its e orts to document its power as a live act. The drums are just a little more live in the mix, and the vocal harmonies are perfectly rendered, without schmaltz or overproduction.

“What you hear is what we did on the road,” McConnell wrote about the recording process. “Whatever we learned from playing [the songs] live — the right key, where to put the jam — we got in the studio.”

It’s hard to tell what Phish diehards will make of Evolve and whether it will scratch that live-show itch that drives so many phans to throw the tank of nitrous in the car and travel five hours to a show. But it’s easily the band’s most cohesive and purely listenable record in years — an ideal jumping-on point for new fans.

The album’s title track is pure summer festival-anthem material. Phish have a unique quality to their sound, marrying big rockand-roll swings with what can only be described as travel documentary-score vibes.

“Evolve” moves along briskly, like sunlight on Lake Champlain, and would fit perfectly over a nice cooking show. But somehow you can tell the congenial, shimmering tune would get a lot of hands in the air during the chorus.

The band returns to Billy Breathes-era stadium rock with “A Wave of Hope.” Anastasio kicks it o with a punchy guitar lick dripping with ’70s arenarock sleaze, after which he and McConnell trade solos while the

Evolve also contains a few gloriously weird tracks that call back to early albums such as 1990’s Lawn Boy, which promised a much stranger band. “Life Saving Gun,” which originally appeared on Anastasio and McConnell’s 2023 collaboration January, pairs a pulsing krautrock rhythm with a grimy, thick kind of rock seldom heard from Phish. More of that, please.

In the end, who cares whether Phish designed the album to push back on the “only a live band” narrative? At this point in their career, they have nothing to prove to anyone but themselves. A single album isn’t going to change their overall reputation, but Evolve gets an A for e ort.

The record hits streaming services and record shops on Friday, July 12. ➆


Chip O the Ol’ Block

There are few musicians as instrumental to a genre as David Grisman is to bluegrass. The mandolinist took the style into the future by incorporating jazz and folk music into his playing and dubbing it “Dawg grass,” often in collaboration with another famous string plucker, Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia. Many of the duo’s best collaborations came in the early 1990s, when Grisman’s son Sam was just a boy. Those experiences shaped Sam, and now, more than 30 years later, he’s formed a band to honor his father’s and Garcia’s music. SAM GRISMAN PROJECT delves into “Dawg music,” highlighting the incredible chemistry Grisman and Garcia enjoyed before the latter’s death in 1995. The band plays on Wednesday, July 17, at Zenbarn in Waterbury Center.

Trivia Night (trivia) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6 p.m. Free.

Standup Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. trivia,


Karaoke Night (karaoke) at Drink, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Musical Bingo (music bingo) at the Depot, St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free.

Musical Bingo (trivia) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 7 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at Rí Rá Irish Pub, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Venetian Trivia Night (trivia) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Wednesday Team Trivia (trivia) at Einstein’s Tap House, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.


Karaoke Night (karaoke) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. Free.

Karaoke with Matt Mero (karaoke) at Olive Ridley’s, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 8 p.m. Free.

Summer Trivia with Katy (trivia) at Highland Lodge, Greensboro, 7 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at McGillicuddy’s Five Corners, Essex Junction, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Trivia ursday (trivia) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex, 6 p.m. Free.

Trivia ursday (trivia) at Spanked Puppy Pub, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free.


Karaoke Friday Night (karaoke) at Park Place Tavern & Grill, Essex Junction, 8 p.m. Free.

Karaoke with DJ Big T (karaoke) at McKee’s Pub & Grill, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free.


Sunday Funday (games) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex, noon. Free.

Venetian Karaoke (karaoke) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


Trivia Monday with Top Hat Entertainment (trivia) at McKee’s Pub & Grill, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.

Trivia with Brain (trivia) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.

Trivia with Craig Mitchell (trivia) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.


Godfather Karaoke (karaoke) at the Other Half, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Karaoke Tuesdays (karaoke) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Karaoke with DJ Party Bear (karaoke) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.

Music Bingo (music bingo) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 7 p.m. Free.

Taproom Trivia (trivia) at 14th Star Brewing, St. Albans, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at the Depot, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free.

Trivia Tuesday (trivia) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free.

Tuesday Trivia (trivia) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


Karaoke Night (karaoke) at Drink, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free. Musical Bingo (music bingo) at the Depot, St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free.

Musical Bingo (trivia) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 7 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at Rí Rá Irish Pub, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Venetian Trivia Night (trivia) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Vermont Suitcase Company (theater) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.

Wednesday Team Trivia (trivia) at Einstein’s Tap House, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free. ➆


JULY 10-17, 2024



QUEEN CITY BUSINESS NETWORKING INTERNATIONAL GROUP: Savvy businesspeople make crucial contacts at a weekly chapter meeting. Burlington City Arts, 11:15 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 829-5066.


2024 SCAVENGER HUNT IN STOWE: Townsfolk put on their detective caps, grab a map at the library and search Stowe for stickers. Prizes include hotel stays and goods from local merchants. Stowe Free Library, Free. Info, 253-6145.

CURRENT EVENTS: Neighbors have an informal discussion about what’s in the news. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 878-4918.


GREEN MOUNTAIN CHAPTER OF THE EMBROIDERERS’ GUILD OF AMERICA: Anyone with an interest in the needle arts is welcome to bring a project to this monthly meeting. Holy Family Parish Hall, Essex Junction, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info,

SUCCULENT TERRARIUM WORKSHOP: Plant lovers receive step-by-step instructions

to create a small garden. Oakledge Park, Burlington, noon-2 p.m. Free; registration required. Info, 866-227-7451.

YARN CRAFTERS GROUP: A drop-in meetup welcomes knitters, crocheters, spinners, weavers and beyond. BYO snacks and drinks. Must Love Yarn, Shelburne, 1-3 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 448-3780. etc.

CHAMP MASTERS TOASTMASTERS OF GREATER BURLINGTON: Those looking to strengthen their speaking and leadership skills gain new tools at a regular meeting. 6-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 338-2305.

GREAT BRANDON AUCTION: Locals drop by for silent bidding on furniture, art, gifts and more. Brandon Town Hall, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Free. Info, 247-6401.

fairs & festivals

MIDDLEBURY FESTIVAL ONTHE-GREEN: A seven-day fête features live tunes in every genre, family-friendly programs and dancing in the street. See for full schedule. Village Green, Middlebury, noon & 7 p.m. Free. Info, info@festivalonthegreen. org.

WINOOSKI WEDNESDAYS: Vendors, live music, free food and fun for party people of all

These community event listings are sponsored by the WaterWheel Foundation, a project of the Vermont band Phish.


All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at

Listings are written by Emily Hamilton and Carolyn Shapiro. Spotlights are written by Carolyn Shapiro Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing.

Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.

ages bring neighbors together. Rotary Park, Winooski, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info,


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

‘LOST NATION’: Vermont filmmaker Jay Craven reimagines the tale of the Revolutionary War hero and founding father Ethan Allen and intersects his journey with that of African American poet and fellow Vermonter Lucy Terry Prince. Latchis Hotel & Theater, Brattleboro, 7 p.m. $20. Info, 748-2600.

‘MARLEY’: Footage tells the life story of musician, revolutionary and legend Bob Marley, from the early days to international superstardom, in this 2012 documentary. Next Stage Arts Project, Putney, 7 p.m. $10. Info, 387-0102.

‘BLUE WHALES: RETURN OF THE GIANTS 3D’: Andy Serkis narrates the journey of a lifetime into the realm of the world’s largest mammals and the scientists who study them. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $16.50-20; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

‘FUNGI: THE WEB OF LIFE 3D’: Sparkling graphics take viewers on a journey into the weird, wide world of mushrooms, which we are only just beginning to understand. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $16.50-20; admission

free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

‘OCEANS: OUR BLUE PLANET 3D’: Scientists dive into the planet’s least-explored habitat, from its sunny shallows to its alien depths. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $16.50-20; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

‘TINY GIANTS 3D’: Through the power of special cameras, audiences are transported into the world of the teeniest animals on Earth. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $16.50-20; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

food & drink

DANVILLE FARMERS MARKET: Villagers shop local from various vendors handing out fruits, veggies and prepared foods. Danville Village Green, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info,

PIZZA SOCIAL: Farm-fresh slices are on the menu along with softserve ice cream. Miller Farm, Vernon, 5:30 p.m. $15-30; free for BIPOC. Info, 434-4122.

SCOTT FARM CRÊPE NIGHT: Foodies enjoy sweet and savory French pancakes picnic-style at this monthly community meal benefiting local nonprofits. Scott Farm Orchard, Dummerston, 5:307:30 p.m. $20. Info, 356-8265.

WEDNESDAY’S GRILL & CHILL: Live music soundtracks a big community picnic. Essex Experience, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4200. WHAT’S THAT WINE WEDNESDAYS: Aspiring sommeliers blind-taste four wines from Vermont and beyond. Shelburne Vineyard, noon-6 p.m. $15. Info, 985-8222.

health & fitness

CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.



Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at


See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife

Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at


Free Library, Burlington, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 863-3403.


QUEER WRITER’S GROUP: LGBTQ authors meet monthly to discuss their work, write from prompts, and give each other advice and feedback. Rainbow Bridge Community Center, Barre, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 622-0692.


CLASSICAL ENCOUNTERS WITH THE GREEN MOUNTAIN CHAMBER FESTIVAL: Talented student musicians play a concert for all ages. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 11:15 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 846-4140.


PLAYERS: Craftsbury Chamber Players begins its 58th season performing classical music by an array of composers from various eras. Elley-Long Music Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 7:30-9 p.m. $10-25 single admission; season passes $90-140; free for kids 12 and under. Info, 586-0616.

JAZZ AT THE JUNCTION: FROM BLAKEY TO BRAZIL AND BEYOND: Michael Zsoldos leads a group of world-class musicians in a program that covers decades and spans the globe. Byrne Theater, Barrette Center for the Arts, White River Junction, 7 p.m. $24-45. Info, 296-7000.

MILTON BUSKER & THE GRIM WORK: The Vermont band introduces audiences to “suit-folk” — that is, songs of the people if they got dressed up for a night out. La Chapina serves Guatemalan grub. Shelburne Vineyard, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 985-8222.


WALKERS: Singer-songwriter Ryan Sweezey and his band play original acoustic tunes with classic rock and ’90s alt influences. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1648.


Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art

MUSIC ON THE GREEN: Familyfriendly shows entertain on the lawn overlooking Lake Champlain. Kraemer & Kin, Alburgh, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 796-3586.

OAK HILL MUSIC FESTIVAL: Musicians from the country’s top orchestras grace the stage for a show of classical music. First Congregational Church of Lebanon, N.H., 7 p.m. $10-35. Info, 603-667-6425.

POINTE NOIR CAJUN BAND: The Louisiana dance outfit brings the beats of the bayou to Vermont. Martha Pellerin & Andy Shapiro Memorial Bandstand, Middlesex, 6:30 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 522-4810.

SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: PHIL ABAIR BAND: The local favorites play a range of styles out on the lawn. Sam Mazza’s Family Farm, Colchester, 6-8 p.m. Free.

SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: OUM KAMAR: The internationally acclaimed singer-songwriter plays a Middle Eastern lute and sings about love, nature and spirituality. Burlington City Hall Park, 12:301:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.


GREEN MOUNTAIN TABLE TENNIS CLUB: Ping-Pong players swing their paddles in singles and doubles matches. Rutland Area Christian School, 7-9 p.m. Free for first two sessions; $30 annual membership. Info, 247-5913.

VERMONT GREEN FC: The state’s winning men’s soccer club continues its third year with flair and a focus on environmental justice. University of Vermont Archie Post Athletic Complex, Burlington, 7 p.m. $8-15; free for kids 5 and under. Info, club@vermontgreenfc. com.

VERMONT LAKE MONSTERS: Spectators buy some peanuts and Cracker Jack to watch the Green Mountain State’s own Futures Collegiate Baseball League team face off against new opponents each night. Centennial Field, Burlington, 6:35 p.m. $6-17; $125-418 for season passes. Info, 655-4200.


BEGINNER IRISH LANGUAGE CLASS: Celtic-curious students learn to speak an Ghaeilge in a supportive group. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

ELL CLASSES: ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS AND INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS: Learners of all abilities practice written and spoken English with trained instructors. Presented by Fletcher Free Library. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@

INTERMEDIATE IRISH LANGUAGE CONVERSATION AND MUSIC: Speakers with some experience increase their fluency through conversation and song. Fletcher

Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at


See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife

Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music.

Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.


ROB MERMIN: The Circus Smirkus founder explores the techniques and cultural influence of a legendary artist in “Adventures in Mime and Space: The Legacy of Marcel Marceau,” a program of the Vermont Humanities Council. Fellowship Hall, Greensboro United Church of Christ, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 533-2531.


2024 BIG TOP TOUR: THE IMAGINARIUM: Young performers ages 10 through 18 pull off daring and dazzling acts in this acrobatic extravaganza. Bombardier Park West, Milton, 1-3 & 6-8 p.m. $2540. Info,


DAN NOTT: A Vermont author and illustrator discusses the systems we take for granted as seen in his new graphic nonfiction work,


Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages.

• Plan ahead at

Post your event at



‘THE RAINBOW FISH MUSICAL’: Lyric Theatre brings the beloved picture book, in which the most beautiful swimmer in the sea learns to share his shiny scales, to life. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-7 p.m. Free; reservation required. Info, 863-3403.

IMAGINATION STATION: Giant Jenga, blocks and tic-tac-toe entertain shoppers of all ages in between stops. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1648.

INTERNATIONAL BOOK CLUB: Lit lovers ages 11 through 18 discuss recent reads written by foreign authors or taking place in another country. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

TODDLER TIME: Librarians bring out books, rhymes and songs specially selected for young ones 12 through 24 months. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

‘TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: MUTANT MAYHEM’: The turtle brothers come out of their shells and get into mischief in New York City, where they fight a horde of mutants. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-4:45 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.

ADVENTURES IN PLAY: Toddlers play with giant blocks, hoops, chalk, bubbles and water. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.

CONSTELLATION STORIES & SCIENCE: Stargazers locate constellations while the Planetarium Lady shares multicultural myths and legends — and plenty of solid facts — about the cosmos. 29 Snowdrift Ln., Williston, 4-5, 5:30-6:30 & 7-8 p.m. $20-40. Info, 871-5709.

MOVIE MATINEE: Film lovers have a family-friendly afternoon at this screening of an animated favorite. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-4:45 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.

SUMMER BABYTIME: Infants gather for a gentle, slow story time. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 9:15-9:45 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

SUMMER CRAFTYTOWN: From painting and printmaking to collage and sculpture, creative kids explore different projects and mediums. Ages 8 and up, or ages 6 and up with an adult helper. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.


COMMUNITY SING-ALONG: Heidi Wilson leads singers of all skill levels in belting out simple yet adventurous songs.

JUL. 10 & 13 | FAMILY FUN

Forest for the Trees

Kids are welcome and even encouraged to get their hands dirty at the Forest Discovery Center in Woodstock. The biweekly interactive program teaches youngsters and their families about nature through learning stations, demonstrations, and arts and crafts. This week’s theme is plants and starts with a story time targeted to ages 8 and under. Participants meet in a classroom at MarshBillings-Rockefeller National Historical Park that was the first building in the National Park System to be constructed entirely with Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood.


Wednesday, July 10, and Saturday, July 13, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Forest Center, Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park, in Woodstock. Free. Info, 457-3368,

Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 1-2 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.

ICE CREAM SOCIAL WITH CRAZY CROQUET: Players swing mallets and enjoy sweet treats. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.

upper valley

FOREST DISCOVERY CENTER: Interactive learning stations, demonstrations and crafts give kids hands-on nature experiences. Ages 8 and under. See calendar spotlight. Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park, Woodstock, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3368.



BABYTIME: Pre-walking little ones experience a story time catered to their infant interests. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

BABYTIME: The littlest library patrons enjoy books, rhymes and songs. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.


GIVEAWAY: Kids ages 5 and up engage with an interactive story time and take home their very own books. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

DIYNOSAUR EARRINGS: Artists unearth their inner paleontologists to craft some prehistoric bling. Ages 9 through 18. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

GROW PRESCHOOL YOGA: Colleen from Grow Prenatal and Family Yoga leads little ones ages 2 through 5 in songs, movement and other fun activities. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

‘THE RAINBOW FISH MUSICAL’: See. WED.10. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall. Info, 846-4140.

Essex Junction, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.


WEE ONES PLAY TIME: Caregivers bring kiddos 3 and younger to a new sensory learning experience each week. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

mad river valley/ waterbury

PRESCHOOL PLAY & READ STORYTIME: Games, activities, stories and songs engage 3- through 5-year-olds. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

northeast kingdom

STORY TIME: Kids 5 and under play, sing, hear stories and color. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10:15-10:45 a.m. and 2-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 745-1391.

FRI.12 burlington

DINOMAN: Using magic, mayhem and merriment, a dinosaur takes kids ages 5 to 11 on a trip through the Mesozoic era. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 863-3403.


chittenden county

KIDS MOVIE: Little film buffs congregate for a screening of a family-friendly film. See for each week’s title. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

LEGO BUILDERS: Each week, children ages 8 and older build, explore, create and participate in challenges. Children ages 6 to 8 are welcome with an adult. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

TIE-DYE PARTY: Young hippies create colorful works of wearable art from old T-shirts that they twist, dip and dye. Young children will need adult help. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-5 p.m. Free; supplies limited. Info, 878-6956.


BABYTIME: Caregivers and infants from birth through age 1 gather to explore board books and toys. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

MIDDLE SCHOOL MAKERS: COOKING: Students in grades 5 through 8 make delicious homemade dishes. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 4-5 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

PRESCHOOL MUSIC WITH LINDA BASSICK: The singer and storyteller extraordinaire leads little ones in indoor music and movement. Birth through age 5. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

PRESCHOOL PLAYTIME: Pre-K patrons play and socialize after music time. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

STORY TIME: Little ones from birth through age 5 learn from songs, crafts and picture books. Brownell Library,

STORY TIME & PLAYGROUP: Participants ages 5 and under enjoy science, art and nature-themed activities. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.


ENSEMBLE: Youthful virtuosos perform a globe-spanning program of tunes from South Africa, the Balkans and beyond. Maple Corner Community Center, Calais, 7 p.m. Donations. Info, villageharmony@

middlebury area

2024 FILM SHOWCASE: Teen filmmakers from across the country debut documentary shorts about mental illness, homelessness and Indigenous identity, Bread Loaf Campus, Ripton, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. Info,

upper valley

ART IN THE PARK: National park artists-in-residence lead nature-inspired activities for all ages. Marsh-BillingsRockefeller National Historical Park,

Hidden Systems. Worthen Library, South Hero, 6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 372-6209.

LIFE STORIES WE LOVE TO TELL: Prompts from group leader Maryellen Crangle inspire true tales, told either off the cuff or read from prewritten scripts. Presented by Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. 2-3:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.



‘DÉTENTE FROM BELOW’: The Burlington Sister Cities Summit brings participants together to promote peace and cultural collaboration through panels and speakers, including former Burlington mayor Peter Clavelle. Association of Africans Living in Vermont, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 355-4968.


LISTENING SESSION: ‘IT’S ABOUT TIME’ The group proposing a Burlington History & Culture Center hosts a discussion and presentation to explore a vision for the center and encourage community involvement and ideas. Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center Classroom, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Info,


KNIT FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR: All ages and abilities are invited to knit or crochet hats and scarves for the South Burlington Food Shelf. All materials are provided. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2-5 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

KNITTING GROUP: Knitters of all experience levels get together to spin yarns. Latham Library, Thetford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.


‘VULTURE SISTER SONG’: Dancer and artist-in-residence Ellen Smith Ahern engages with audience members of all ages for this performance in the gardens behind the mansion. Marsh-BillingsRockefeller National Historical Park, Woodstock, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, mabi_ environment

‘THE CHANGING TIDES OF SEA GOVERNANCE’: Guest speakers explore the shifting trends in governance of the world’s oceans, from the Arctic Circle to the South China Sea. Sponsored by the Vermont Council on World Affairs. Noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 557-0018. etc.

GREAT BRANDON AUCTION: See WED.10, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.

fairs & festivals


SUMMERVALE: Locavores fête farms and farmers at a weekly festival centered on food, music, community and conservation. Intervale Center, Burlington, 5:308 p.m. Free. Info, 660-0440.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

‘LOST NATION’: See WED.10, 7 p.m.




‘TINY GIANTS 3D’: See WED.10. food & drink

FREE WINE TASTING: Themed wine tastings take oenophiles on an adventure through a region, grape variety, style of wine or producer’s offerings. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Burlington, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2368.


DINNER: A vegetarian meal precedes the Neighborhood Planning Assembly meeting. O.N.E. Community Center, Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 598-3139.


DUPLICATE BRIDGE: A lively group plays a classic, tricky game with an extra wrinkle. Waterbury Public Library, 12:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7223.

WEEKLY CHESS FOR FUN: Players of all ability levels face off and learn new strategies. United Community Church, St. Johnsbury, 5:30-9 p.m. Donations. Info,


ITALIAN CONVERSATION GROUP: Semi-fluent speakers practice their skills during a conversazione with others. Best for those who can speak at least basic sentences. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.


FEAST & FIELD MUSIC SERIES: Farm-fresh foods and live tunes are on the menu at a weekly pastoral party out in the orchard. Fable Farm, Barnard, 5:30-8:30 p.m. $5-25; $120-1,250 for season passes. Info, 234-1645.

JAZZ AT THE LANTERN: MICHAEL ARNOWITT: The pianist presents a program of imaginative works. The Brass Lantern Inn, Stowe, 6:30-8 p.m. $35-45. Info, 253-2229.

MANCHESTER MUSIC FESTIVAL: ‘LIGHTING THE TORCH — BEETHOVEN, SCHUBERT’: The season opener celebrates classical music of the Romantic era. Southern Vermont Arts Center, Manchester, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $25$75. Info, 362-1956.



Mad About You

Folks who struggle with mental illness, and those who support them, shed the shame and the labels and embrace their identities during the Vermont Mad Pride march and celebration in Burlington. Part of a national movement, the event’s Vermont branch was founded by Dorset resident Wilda White, a former executive director of Vermont Psychiatric Survivors and the inaugural chair of the Vermont Mental Health Crisis Response Commission. Participants counter discrimination and raise awareness while listening to speakers and live music. Los Angeles-based street singer and guitarist Sunny War (pictured) headlines the party.


Saturday, July 13, noon-3 p.m., marchers assemble at the Hood Plant on King Street and finish at Battery Park in Burlington. Free. Info, 779-0570,

A tribute band pays homage to 1970s and ’80s rockers the Police and lead singer Sting. Maple Tree Place, Williston, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 655-7827.

THURSDAYS BY THE LAKE: RAY VEGA: The Nuyorican jazz man presents an evening of funky original tunes. Union Station, Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 540-3018.


BIRD MONITORING WALK: Bird lovers sharpen their spotting and listening skills to identify and record various species in an eBird database. Green Mountain Audubon Center, Huntington, 7-9 a.m. Free; donations appreciated. Info, 434-3068.

WOMEN’S RIDE AT HINESBURG TOWN FOREST: Women riders form breakout groups of all

abilities and enjoy a mountain bike ride, with snacks to follow. Hinesburg Town Forest, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info,


SHAZAMFEST: Sword-swallowers, clowns, vaudevillians, burlesque acts and other performers descend on an Eastern Townships farm for a four-day flurry of activities. ShazamFarm, Barnston Ouest, 2-11 p.m. $23-$450; free for kids under 14. Info, 819-580-4118.


IPHONE BASICS I: New smartphone users discover the device’s essential functions. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

for JAM’s YouTube channel and community access station. Junction Arts & Media, White River Junction, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 295-6688.

MEETINGHOUSE READINGS: LYNN STEGNER & YUKIKO TOMINAGA: The authors of For All the Obvious Reasons and See Loss See Also Love respectively, read from their work. Meetinghouse, Canaan N.H., 7 p.m. Free. Info, 603-523-9650. PUBLISHING 101: AN OVERVIEW OF THE PUBLISHING PROCESS: Rachel Fisher and Rachel Carter of Onion River Press explain every step, from querying agents to getting your book on the shelves. Phoenix Books, Essex, 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 872-7111.





FIBER ARTS FRIDAY: Knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters chat over their projects of the day at this weekly meetup. Waterbury Public Library, noon-2 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.


BROTHER(HOOD) DANCE: ‘BLACK ON EARTH”: The duo performs an excerpt of its innovative dance piece after Fat Dragon Farm serves up wood-fired pizza. Sable Project, Stockbridge, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Free; suggested donation $5-15. Info,


GREAT BRANDON AUCTION: See WED.10, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.

fairs & festivals



SUMMER PARTY: Libations and live music make for a lively waterfront function. Tickets include food and a raffle ticket. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, Vergennes, 5-8 p.m. $50. Info, 475-2022.


2024 BIG TOP TOUR: THE IMAGINARIUM: See WED.10, 1-3 & 6-8 p.m.

‘ANALOG AND VINYL’: The music of Elvis Costello, the Beatles and Brian Wilson infuses a romantic romp set in a record store. Depot Theatre, Westport N.Y., 5 p.m. $2540. Info, 518-962-4449.


BARN YARNS! STORYTELLING BY STORYSMITHS: Tellers of tales, including Bill Torrey, Brit Flynn and Bill Schubart, evoke multiple layers of emotion in an evening outing for adults. Isham Family Farm, Williston, 5:30-9:30 p.m. $15; cash bar available. Info, 872-1525.

LAMPSHADE POETS OPEN MIC: Wordsmiths read their original work, with the option to be filmed

WATERBURY ARTS FEST: FRIDAY NIGHT BLOCK PARTY: Locals turn out for a fun night of moving and grooving, with tasty food trucks, a beer garden and live music from the Grift for dancing the night away. See calendar spotlight. 5 Pilgrim Park Rd., Waterbury, 5-9:30 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 793-6029.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

‘LOST NATION’: See WED.10. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington.




food & drink

BEER-STADT FEST!: Named after Athenaeum artist Albert Bierstadt, this hoppy affair features craft beers from four Northeast Kingdom breweries. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 5-8 p.m. $50; limited space. Info, 745-1393.

BURGER NIGHT: Live music soundtracks a family-friendly meal of grass-fed burgers and seasonal sides. Bread & Butter Farm, Shelburne, 4:30-7:30 p.m. $9-35 suggested donation; $50-200 for season pass. Info, 985-9200.

RICHMOND FARMERS MARKET: Vendors present a diverse selection of locally produced foods and crafts as picnickers enjoy live music. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info,

SOUTH END GET DOWN: Food trucks dish out mouthwatering meals and libations. Live DJs and outdoor entertainment add to the fun. 377 Pine St., Burlington, 5-9 p.m. Free. Info, orleanseventsvt@

health & fitness


ONLINE: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to relax on their lunch breaks and reconnect with their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@


RPG NIGHT: Members of the LGBTQ community gather weekly to play games such as Dungeons & Dragons and Everway. Rainbow Bridge Community Center, Barre, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 622-0692.


BURGER NIGHT WITH THE TENDERBELLIES: The Americana-bluegrass band jams and “Mister Chris” Dorman from TV’s “Mister Chris and Friends” entertains the kids while diners gather outdoors for a homegrown meal. Bread & Butter Farm, Shelburne, 4:30-7:30 p.m. $9-$25. Info, 985-9200.



FACULTY SERIES: Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival students, faculty, fellows and artists perform. Elley-Long Music Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 6:45-8:15 p.m. $35; free for students. Info, 503-1220.

LIVE IN THE GARDENS MUSIC SERIES: LOCALS & COMPANY: Participants frolic through flower fields to cut fresh blooms while blues-rockers set the scene and Green Mountain Grille Billies dishes up BBQ. Snaps and Sunflowers, Cambridge, 6-8:30 p.m. $8-25; free for kids under 12. Info, 735-3328.



JUNKETEERS: Born and raised in New York City, the Vermont-based vocalist lends her full, smooth voice to American jazz classics, as well as blues, swing and funk selections. Burlington City Hall Park, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.

UNPLUGGED ON THE MARKETPLACE: A rotating slate of musicians pops up to play acoustic tunes at the top of the block. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, 4-5 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1648.


SHAZAMFEST: See THU.11, 10 a.m.-3 a.m.



WISH KIDS GOLF CLASSIC: Golfers swing their clubs in a tournament benefiting Make-AWish, an organization that grants wishes for kids with life-threatening conditions. Ralph Myhre Golf Course, Middlebury, 9 a.m. $400 team of 4; registration required. Info, 443-5125.


‘ALWAYS ... PATSY CLINE’: The 1988 musical stage play showcases 27 of the country legend’s greatest hits, including “Walkin’ After Midnight” and “Crazy,” while tracing her long letter-writing friendship with a fan. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 7 p.m. $5-40. Info, 533-2000.



FRIENDS OF THE RUTLAND FREE LIBRARY BOOK SALE: A broad selection of used, rare and antique books goes on sale to benefit the library. Rutland Free Library, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 773-1860.



VERMONT MAD PRIDE: People who struggle with mental illness and their supporters shed the shame during a march and celebration in Burlington. See calendar spotlight. Downtown Burlington, noon-3 p.m. Free. Info, 779-0570.


MRVARTS GARDEN TOUR: Green thumbs and landscape lovers visit six private gardens, a sculpture garden, rain and pollinator gardens, and two regenerative farms. The Gallery at Mad River Valley Arts, Waitsfield, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $30-$80; $55 for pre-tour cocktail party on Friday evening. Info, 496-6682.


ARNOLD’S RESCUE CENTER COMMUNITY MARKET: Visitors peruse a variety of food, crafts and other items to benefit rescue animals. Arnold’s Rescue Center,

Brownington, 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 239-872-7333.

CRAFTSBURY ANTIQUES & UNIQUES: Treasure hunters shop for quilts, pottery, crafts, used books and other collectibles. Craftsbury Common, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free; $5 for parking. Info, antiquesanduniquesvt@gmail. com.

climate crisis

CLIMATE FRESK: Concerned citizens ages 17 and up learn how to take action against climate change. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 2:30-5:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 863-3403.




ROUNDTABLE: Townsfolk help identify the people and locations in the Marshfield Historical Society’s vintage photo collection and bring their own to share. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 426-3581.


SWING DANCE: All-star DJs back a night of dancing with big-band bops. Bring clean shoes. Champlain Club, Burlington, beginners’ lesson, 7:30 p.m.; dance, 8 p.m. $5. Info, 864-8382. etc.

GREAT BRANDON AUCTION: See WED.10, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. fairs & festivals

DO GOOD FEST: Revelers enjoy live music and food while supporting Branches of Hope, the cancer patient fund at Central Vermont Medical Center, and mental health agency Howard Center. National Life Building Lawn, Montpelier, 1:30-10 p.m. $5-200. Info, 229-3114.


Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art

Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at film

See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section. music + nightlife

Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music.

Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11. = ONLINE EVENT

Pick from 25 fun civics activities — each one you do is another chance to win the grand prize.

Open to K-8 students who want to learn about and improve their communities. The deadline is September 2, but enter often to qualify for weekly drawings.

Lyle Johnson of Burlington, age 10, sent in this design for a new “I Voted” sticker — Activity #1 in this summer’s Good Citizen Challenge. “It was harder than I expected,” he said. A panel of judges will choose the best design submitted, and the Vermont Secretary of State’s O ce will make it available at the polls in the winner’s town on Election Day in November.


PEACE.FEST: Attendees immerse themselves in music, workshops, art, dance and local food at this substance-free family festival.

Sunray Peace Village, Lincoln, noon-10 p.m. $25 suggested donation. Info,


SATURDAY ARTS MARKET: More than 100 artists and crafters entice shoppers with paintings, pottery, jewelry, fiber art, woodwork and baskets while live performers entertain. See calendar spotlight. 5 Pilgrim Park Rd., Waterbury, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 793-6029.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

‘LOST NATION’: See FRI.12, 7 p.m.



Part concert film, part historical documentary, Questlove’s 2021 directorial debut unearths forgotten footage of the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.





‘WEST INDIES: THE FUGITIVE SLAVES OF LIBERTY’: This 1979 Algerian musical tells the story of 400 years of French colonialism through song and dance. The Screening Room @ VTIFF, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. $5-10. Info, 660-2600.

food & drink

BURLINGTON FARMERS MARKET: Dozens of stands overflow with seasonal produce, flowers, artisanal wares and prepared foods. 345 Pine St., Burlington, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 560-5904.

CAPITAL CITY FARMERS MARKET: Meats and cheeses join farm-fresh produce, baked goods, locally made arts and crafts, and live music. 133 State St., Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 272-6249. ST. JOHNSBURY FARMERS

MARKET: Growers and crafters gather weekly at booths centered on local eats. Pearl St. & Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, cfmamanager@gmail. com.


DINNER: A berry delicious multicourse meal and perfectly paired beverages make for a gloriously summery soirée. Adam’s Berry Farm, Charlotte, 6-8:30 p.m. $175; preregister; limited space. Info, 248-224-7539.


CHESS CLUB: Players of all ages and abilities face off and learn new strategies. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library &

City Hall, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.


FRENCH CONVERSATION FOR ALL: Native French speaker Romain Feuillette guides an informal discussion group. All ages and abilities welcome. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.


QDP: LGBTQ party people dance the night away as the DJ plays jam after jam. Babes Bar, Bethel, 8 p.m.-midnight. $5. Info, 234-1144.


BACH BASH: Professional and amateur musicians celebrate the maestro at this 26th annual informal classical concert. Granville Town Hall, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 767-9234.

COOLER IN THE MOUNTAINS CONCERT SERIES: THE SIDEWAYS: The six-piece Rochester, N.Y., ensemble pump up the pop-soul grooves, infused with disco, funk and R&B. Killington Resort, 3-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 236-6796.

ELLA GRACE: Los Angeles-based musician Ella Holter leads a rocking band that explores her Mad River Valley roots with original tunes and high-energy covers. Phantom Theater, Edgcomb Barn, Warren, 8-10 p.m. $20. Info, tracy@

GREEN MOUNTAIN CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: QUARTET HOP: Student performers tour the town playing works for strings. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 503-1220.

LEWIS FRANCO & THE MISSING CATS: Three-part harmonies and thrilling improvisation thread through tunes by the acoustic jazz combo. Light fare and desserts available. BYO lawn chair or blanket. Meeting House on the Green, East Fairfield, 5-7 p.m. $10; free for kids under 12. Info, 827-6626.

MANCHESTER MUSIC FESTIVAL: MUSIC & MIXER: Artistic director Philip Setzer introduces the Young Artists Class of 2024 in a program of solo works, with special guest Shawn Harrington. Manchester Community Library, Manchester Center, 5-6:30 p.m. $10-$50. Info, 362-1956.

MARLBORO MUSIC FESTIVAL: Pianists Mitsuko Uchida and Jonathan Biss oversee a series of classical concerts over five weekends. Persons Auditorium, Potash Hill campus, Marlboro, 8-9:30 p.m. $20-40. Info, 254-2394.

MYRA FLYNN: The award-winning new-soul singer croons the night away while La Chapina serves Guatemalan nosh. Shelburne Vineyard, 7-9:30 p.m. $25. Info, 985-8222.

OAK HILL MUSIC FESTIVAL: See WED.10, Norwich Congregational Church.

THE VILLALOBOS BROTHERS: The Xalapa-born brothers blend jazz, classical and Mexican folk music. The Putney Inn, 6 p.m. $20-25; free for kids under 12. Info, 387-0102.

Where the Art Is

Downtown Waterbury becomes an open-air art gallery this weekend for the Waterbury Arts Fest. The Friday Night Block Party kicks things off with a beer garden, food trucks and crowds dancing on the lawn to tunes by the Grift. The action continues the following day with the Saturday Arts Market. More than 100 artists and crafters entice shoppers with paintings, pottery, jewelry, fiber art, woodwork and baskets. Keep an eye out for artist demonstrations and Green Mountain Performing Arts dancers taking over the main stage. Kids can channel their inner artist through activities by the Creation Station.


Friday, July 12, 5-9:30 p.m.; and Saturday, July 13, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., in downtown Waterbury. Free; donations accepted. Info, 793-6029,


BUTLER LODGE: The Green Mountain Club leads a challenging 4.2-mile hike to Butler Lodge, providing views of the Champlain Valley. Call for start time. Butler Lodge Trailhead, Underhill. Free; preregister, space is limited. Info, 318-8104.

MOTH BALL: Night owls observe and identify the nocturnal insects around them on a guided forest canopy walk. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 8-9 p.m. $5. Info, 359-5000.


SHAZAMFEST: See THU.11, 10 a.m.-3 a.m.


GOSHEN GALLOP: Runners tackle the tough terrain of this 10K or optional 5K course through the Moosalamoo National Recreation Area, followed by a postrace party with wood-fired pizza and a dip in the pond. Blueberry Hill Outdoor Center, Goshen, 4 p.m. $31.42$42.79; preregister. Info, 247-6735.

MISSISQUOI PADDLE-PEDAL: Cyclists and scullers assemble on the river for a day of races and

relays. Davis Park, Richford, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. $20. Info, 496-2285.



BASICS FOR BEGINNERS: INTRO TO COMPUTERS AND INTERNET: Novices boost their computer skills and internet awareness with this class in building tech confidence. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-1:30 p.m. Free; registration required. Info, 865-7217.


‘ALWAYS ... PATSY CLINE’: See FRI.12, 7 p.m.

‘ANALOG AND VINYL’: See THU.11, 5 p.m.


GREY LADY CANTATA’: Bread and Puppet Theater’s biweekly summer show incorporates puppetry, dancing and acrobatics while exploring themes of grief, death, genocide and — ultimately — hope. Bread and Puppet Theater, Glover, 3 p.m. $10; by donation for kids under 6; preregister. Info, 525-3031.



THE POETRY EXPERIENCE: Local wordsmith Rajnii Eddins hosts a supportive writing and sharing circle for poets of all ages. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

WORDS IN THE WOODS: VERANDAH PORCHE: Listeners soak in the natural beauty around them while the rural Vermont poet and performer reads from her work as part of this Vermont Humanities series. Molly Stark State Park, Wilmington, 11 a.m.noon. Free; preregister; event entry includes access to the park. Info, 262-2626.



CHARLIE NARDOZZI: Vermont’s best-known garden expert helps raise money for Art on Main with a tour, lessons, and a Q&A amid the floral displays and unique fauna of the property. Rocky Dale

Gardens, Bristol, 4-6 p.m. $30. Info, 453-4032.

LAND CARE FOR POLLINATORS AND OTHER WILDLIFE: Experts from the Xerces Society and Pollinator Pathways of Addison County explain biodiversity techniques to support pollinators, birds and other needed creatures. Birdsong Acres, Cornwall, 9:30 a.m.-noon. $40 members; $50 non-members; free for BIPOC; preregister; space limited. Info, 434-4122.



HUMAN CONNECTION CIRCLE: Neighbors share stories from their lives and forge deep connections. Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, humanconnectioncircle@


FIBER ARTS CRAFT CIRCLE: Fabric and yarn aficionados gather for an afternoon of creativity. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.



See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘BLUE WHALES: RETURN OF THE GIANTS 3D’: See WED.10.

‘CRIES & WHISPERS’: To mark Ingmar Bergman’s birthday, VTIFF screens his 1972 masterpiece, followed by cake. The Screening Room @ VTIFF, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 3-4:30 p.m. $5-10. Info, 660-2600.




food & drink


CLUB: Home chefs make a recipe from My Everyday Lagos by Yewande Komolafe and meet to compare results. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 863-3403.

STOWE FARMERS MARKET: An appetizing assortment of fresh veggies, meats, milk, berries, herbs, beverages and crafts tempts shoppers. Stowe Farmers Market, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, stowefarmersmarket@gmail. com.


MARKET: Foodies, farmers and their friends buy and sell freshgrown produce and handmade treasures. Vershire Town Center, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Free. Info,


Families shop for fresh produce, honey, meats, coffee and prepared foods from a gathering of seasonal vendors at an outdoor marketplace. Winooski Falls Way, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 655-6410.

health & fitness



(FULLY): Participants practice keeping joy, generosity and gratitude at the forefront of their minds. Jenna’s House, Johnson, 10-11:15 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, mollyzapp@live. com.

YOGA IN THE CANOPY: Practitioners do their sun salutations, standing poses and balance challenges in the treetops of the forest canopy walk in a class for all experience levels. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 9-10:15 a.m. $26; members $22. Info, 359-5000.


BOARD GAME DAY: LGBTQ tabletop fans bring their own favorite games to the party. Rainbow Bridge Community Center, Barre, 1-6 p.m. Free. Info, 622-0692.

CRAFT CLUB: Crafty queer folks work on their knitting, crocheting and sewing projects. Rainbow Bridge Community Center, Barre, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 622-0692.


‘EARTHSONGS — A JOURNEY IN MUSIC, WORDS AND IMAGES’: An evening of contemporary and classical music honors the wisdom of the earth. Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 7-8 p.m. Free; suggested donation $10$20. Info, 223-7861.


CONCERT: Whitney Lussier directs free concerts weekly in the band’s 173rd season. Battery Park, Burlington, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info,


REGGAE REVUE’: Wine, cider, mocktails and Guatemalan bites

supplement an evening of groovy tunes. Shelburne Vineyard, 7-9:30 p.m. $20; free for kids under 12. Info, 985-8222.

KENNETH MEYER: Virtuosity and profundity are the hallmarks of this internationally recognized classical guitarist. Shelburne Vineyard, 3-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 985-8222.

LEVITT AMP ST. JOHNSBURY MUSIC SERIES: DWIGHT + NICOLE: Dwight + Nicole get into the groove for lovers of R&B and retro soul. Dog Mountain, St. Johnsbury, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.

LEWIS FRANCO & THE MISSING CATS IN CONCERT: See SAT.13. Old West Church, Calais, 4-6 p.m. $10-15 suggested donation. Info, 498-3186.

MARLBORO MUSIC FESTIVAL: See SAT.13, 2:30-4 p.m. PLAY EVERY TOWN: Prolific pianist David Feurzeig continues a four-year, statewide series of shows in protest of highpollution worldwide concert tours. First Congregational Church of Fair Haven, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 434-3819.

SUNDAY CLASSICAL: KENNETH MEYER: Fans of classical guitar listen to the global music-inspired strumming of Kenneth Meyer, described by the Washington Post as ‘the thinking man’s guitarist.’ Burlington City Hall Park, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.

THE TENDERBELLIES: Bluegrass tunes get toes a-tappin’ at this bold, brazen show. Camp Meade, Middlesex, 4-6:30 p.m. Free. Info,


SHAZAMFEST: See THU.11, 10 a.m.-11 p.m.




‘ALWAYS ... PATSY CLINE’: See FRI.12, 2 p.m.

‘ANALOG AND VINYL’: See THU.11, 3 p.m.



OPEN MIC POETRY: Resident poet Bianca Amira Zanella welcomes writers and listeners of all stripes to an artful afternoon of readings. Phoenix Books, Rutland, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 855-8078.

ZOOM ART & WRITING SHARE: Jewish Communities of Vermont hosts a welcoming virtual sharing circle for Jewish creatives of all stripes — whether secular, religious or anywhere in between. 4-5:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, alison@





HAND-STITCHING GROUP: Embroiderers, cross-stitchers and other needlework aficionados chat over their latest projects. Waterbury Public Library, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, northwaringa@gmail. com.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.






MONDAY NIGHT GAMES: Discounted wine by the glass fuels an evening of friendly competition featuring new and classic board games, card games, and cribbage. Shelburne Vineyard, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 985-8222.

health & fitness

FARM & FOREST YOGA FLOW: Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Park ranger and yoga teacher Jen Jackson leads a balanced asana practice. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 5:15-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3368.



REHEARSAL: Burlington’s own samba street percussion band welcomes new members. No experience or instruments required. 8 Space Studio Collective, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 862-5017.

ST. JOHNSBURY BAND: The nation’s third-oldest community band regales locals during a weekly ice cream social. Caledonia County Courthouse, St. Johnsbury, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info,


SUMMER CONCERTS: An all-volunteer community ensemble makes music on the green all summer long. Vergennes City Park, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info,





DISCUSSION GROUP: Brownell Library holds a virtual roundtable for neighbors to pause and reflect on the news cycle. 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6955. TUE.16 » P.62


SWING DANCING: Local Lindy hoppers and jitterbuggers convene at Vermont Swings’ weekly boogie-down. Bring clean shoes. North Star Community Hall, Burlington, beginner lessons, 6:30 p.m.; dance, 7:30-9 p.m. $5. Info, 864-8382.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

‘THANK YOU FOR THE RAIN’: A Norwegian filmmaker looks at climate change through the lens of a Kenyan farmer who transformed into a global activist in this 2017 documentary. Fletcher

Free Library, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.



‘GODZILLA’: The original 1954 monster flick sees a giant kaiju from the sea attack Japan. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info,

‘LOVE OF THE LAND’: Based on the true story of Vermont farmer Romaine Tenney, this new short animated film tells the bittersweet story of the last year of a man’s life. A talk-back with the filmmaker follows. Welden Theatre, St. Albans, 6-7 p.m. $10. Info, 399-5794.


Woodstock, 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3368.

STORY TIME: Preschoolers take part in tales, tunes and playtime. Latham Library, Thetford, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.


‘THE LITTLE MERMAID’: Theatrical teens from Upper Valley schools Upper Valley get their undersea legs as Ariel, Sebastian and other characters from the Disney musical, performed with a live orchestra. Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, 7 p.m. $10-20 in advance; $1225 day of show; free for kids 6 and under. Info, 728-9878.



‘A LIBRARY MAGIC SHOW’: Magician Alyx Hilshey brings her formidable supernatural skills to an all-ages matinee. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 863-3403.

FAMILY PLAYSHOP: Kids from birth through age 5 learn and play at this school readiness program. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

SPLASH DANCE: Kids soak up some summer fun in the fountain while DJs spin family-friendly tracks. Burlington City Hall Park, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.

STORIES WITH GEOFF: Little patrons of the library’s new location enjoy a morning of stories and songs. Fletcher Free Library New North End Branch, Burlington, 11:15-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

‘THE RAINBOW FISH MUSICAL’: See WED.10. Williston Town Green, 10-11 a.m. & 3-4 p.m. Rain location is Williston Central School. Info, 878-4918.


health & fitness


Librarian Judi Byron leads students in this ancient Chinese practice of mindful movement and breath. Waterbury Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info,



CIRCLE: Volunteers from Vermont Chinese School help students learn or improve their fluency. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 11 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 846-4140.

FRENCH STORY TIME: Kids of all ages listen and learn to native speaker Romain Feuillette raconte une histoire. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:15-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

OPEN BARN: Families take self-guided tours of resident horses, donkeys, pigs, goats, sheep, ducks and turkeys. Merrymac Animal Sanctuary, Charlotte, noon-4 p.m. $15. Info, 448-2377.


VILLAGE HARMONY TEEN WORLD MUSIC ENSEMBLE: Youthful virtuosos perform a globe-spanning program of tunes from South Africa, the Balkans and beyond. Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 7 p.m. Donations. Info, villageharmony@




northeast kingdom

WEEE!! DANCE PARTY: Little ones and their caregivers express themselves through movement at this free-wheeling DJ bash. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 2-3 p.m. $5 suggested donation; preregister. Info, 533-2000.


‘THE LITTLE MERMAID’: See FRI.12, 7 p.m.



DAD GUILD: Fathers (and parents of all genders) and their kids ages 5 and under drop in for playtime and connection.

Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS WITH DM ANDREW: Warlocks and warriors battle dastardly foes in a fantastical, collaborative adventure. Ages 9 through 18. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 863-3403.

SENSORY-FRIENDLY SUNDAY: Folks of all ages with sensory processing differences have the museum to themselves, with adjusted lights and sounds and trusty sensory backpacks. ECHO Leahy


CONVERSATION: Francophones and French-language learners meet pour parler la belle langue Burlington Bay Market & Café, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 343-5493.


COUNTING CROWS: The chart-topping band behind 1990s and 2000s hits such as “Accidentally in Love” and “Mr. Jones” rocks out. Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, 8 p.m. $70-290; free for kids 12 and under. Info, 652-0777.

DIPPED IN MOONLIGHT: The retro rockers sprinkle funk, jazz, folk and blues into a playlist of classic 1960s and ’70s tunes. Bring a blanket or chair. Legion Field, Johnson, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2611.

Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 9-10 a.m. Free; preregister. Info,


GENDER CREATIVE KIDS: Trans and gender-nonconforming kiddos under 13 and their families build community and make new friends at this joyful monthly gathering. Locations vary; contact organizer for info. Various locations statewide, 2-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 865-9677.

champlain islands/ northwest


MUSIC ENSEMBLE: See SAT.13. South Hero Congregational Church, 3 p.m.


‘THE LITTLE MERMAID’: See FRI.12, 2 p.m.



PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Bookworms ages 2 through 5 enjoy fun-filled reading time. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

mad river valley/ waterbury

TINY TOTS STORY TIME: Little tykes have fun, hear stories and meet new friends with Ms. Cynthia. Ages 3 and under. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.



MUSIC ENSEMBLE: See SAT.13. Shrewsbury Community Church.

upper valley


STORY TIME WITH BETH: A bookseller and librarian extraordinaire reads two picture books on a different theme each week. Norwich Bookstore, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 649-1114.

northeast kingdom

STORY TIME: See THU.11, 2-2:30 p.m.


SERIES: Outdoor audience members take in a show from a new band each week. Fairlee Town Common, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info,



FACULTY SERIES: See FRI.12, 6:45-8:15 p.m.



CLASSES: Classical music fans sit in on lessons from visiting artists. McCarthy Arts Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 503-1220.




MURDOCH: Readers analyze two novels, Under the Net and The



INTRO TO IMPROV WITH VERMONT COMEDY CLUB’S RACHAEL SHERMAN: Teen and tween jokesters learn how to “yes, and” each other to create short comedic scenes. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

SING-ALONG WITH LINDA BASSICK: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers sing, dance and wiggle along with Linda. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1111:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

ADVENTURES WITH VERMONT ANIMALS!: Sophie Mazowita of Tracking Connections follows the trail of otters, fishers, bobcats, mink, foxes and coyotes via photos captured by cameras throughout the city and the scat and tracks the critters left behind. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. ‘FINDING NEMO JR.’: Very Merry Theatre’s young performers portray a plucky little fish and his friends who help him on his harrowing ocean adventure. Bring chairs for outdoor seating. Rain location is Williston Central School gym. Williston Town Green, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

FAMILY STORY TIME: Lively little ones gather for short stories, familiar songs, rhymes and fingerplays. Ages 5 and under. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

GAME CHANGERS: New board games and old favorites delight players in grades 4 and up. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 1-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

OUTDOOR STORY TIME: Youngsters enjoy a sunny session of reading, rhyming and singing with Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. Birth through age 5. Williston Town Green, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.


HOMESCHOOL FAMILY MEET-UP: Kids who learn at home and their caregivers bond over crafts and games. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, noon-2

Black Prince, over 10 weeks. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@nereadersandwriters. com.

DEEP CUTS BOOK CLUB: A monthly meetup centered on backlist classics discusses The Pilgrim Hawk by Glenway Wescott. Norwich Bookstore, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 649-1114. NANCY STONE: The local artist and author shares her illustrated collection of haiku, Indigo Hours. Phoenix Books, Essex, 6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 872-7111. WINE & STORY: Lovers of libations and tellers of tales gather for an evening of good company. Shelburne Vineyard, 6:45-9:30 p.m. $5. Info,

p.m. Free. Info, info@kellogghubbard. org.

middlebury area

‘I’LL WALK WITH YOU’: Young readers learn about accessibility by discussing a book about the different ways that people move around and might need assistance to walk. Rokeby Museum, Ferrisburgh, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 877-3406.

northeast kingdom

LAPSIT STORY TIME: Babies 18 months and younger learn to love reading, singing and playing with their caregivers. Siblings welcome. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10:15-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 745-1391.

WED.17 burlington


LEGO TIME AT THE NNE: Kids ages 4 through 11 construct their very own creations. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 863-3403.


VR NATIONAL PARKS: Teens take virtual tours of the Grand Canyon, Hawai’i’s volcanoes, Death Valley and other locales. Ages 11 through 18. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-2 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

ADVENTURES IN PLAY: See WED.10, 10-10:45 a.m.

CONSTELLATION STORIES & SCIENCE: See WED.10, 4-5, 5:30-6:30 & 7-8 p.m.


SUMMER CRAFTYTOWN: See WED.10. mad river valley/ waterbury

TEEN HANGOUT: Middle and high schoolers make friends at a no-pressure meetup. Waterbury Public Library, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. upper valley














See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.





food & drink


PIZZA SOCIAL: A family-run bakery offers wood-fired pizza and a tour of its gristmill and microfarm. Naga Bakehouse, Middletown Springs, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $15-30; free for BIPOC; preregister; space limited. Info, 434-4122.



health & fitness


MINDFUL MOVEMENT YOGA ON THE LAWN: Attendees soothe their sore swimming, hiking and gardening muscles with mindful stretching. BYO mat. Waterbury Public Library, noon. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.






SPANISH CONVERSATION: Fluent and beginner speakers brush up on their español with a discussion led by a Spanish teacher. Presented by Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


CLASSICAL ENCOUNTERS: CHAMBER MUSIC FELLOWS’ RECITAL: See WED.10. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 1:15-2:15 p.m.


JAZZ CAFÉ: Veteran saxophonist Steve MacLauchlan selects some of his favorite jams for a special

appearance with the New Kanon Jazz Trio. BYOB. Stone Valley Arts, Poultney, 7 p.m. $10 suggested donation. Info,



JUNKETEERS: The songstress soothes the soul with smooth vocals and a synthesis of swing, funk and blues. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1648.

MUSIC ON THE GREEN: See WED.10, 6-8 p.m.

SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: MATT HAGEN: The guitarist and singer fuses bossa nova, classical and a hint of the sounds of 1960s spaghetti westerns in his all-original compositions. Burlington City Hall

Park, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.




WILL GUSAKOV: A Vermont timber framer recounts his experience rebuilding the nave framework of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Worthen Library, South Hero, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 372-6209.


TIM JENNINGS: The folklorist and storyteller entertains all ages with colorful tales of New England and beyond. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581. ➆





five-week seminar focused on art that challenges cultural norms about what is “pretty” to spur creative growth.

Pim Volpi, former instructor at the Art Institute of California, takes participants through various artistic movements, culminating in making pieces inspired by the concepts presented. Open to young adults and up. Supported in part by Vermont Humanities. Scholarships available.

Sat. starting Jul. 6, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost: $100/ class. Location: Corner School Resource Center of Granville, VT, 75 Post Office Rd. Info: Kate Stauss,

802-989-8787, vtcornerschool@,

BLOCKPRINTING BOTANICALS: Carve botanicals to print onto paper and fabric. Join visual artist Jen Berger to learn the basics of carving linoleum. Bring your own 4-by-6-inch image or make one in the group. Leave with your own reusable linoleum block, prints and the knowledge to make many more. Sun., Jul. 14, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost: $65. Location: Horsford Gardens & Nursery, 2111 Greenbush Rd., Charlotte. Info:

JESSE MILES PAINT & SIP X BURLY AXE: Learn to paint bears in the style of Jesse. No experience necessary! All materials are provided, including aprons. Drinks extra. Sponsored by Vermontijuana and Monarch Cultivation. u., Jul. 11, 7-9 p.m.

Cost: $35/2-hour class. Location: Burly Axe, 294 North Winooski Ave., Ste. 116B, Burlington. Info:



CLASS: is 21-plus class teaches participants to detect intricate flavors, textures and aromas in a relaxed, social atmosphere through a guided cheese sensory evaluation. Sun., Jun. 30, 2-3:30 p.m. Cost: $75. Location: Cabot Creamery Store, 2657 Waterbury-Stowe Rd.,

Waterbury Center. Info:


GLASSMAKING SUMMER DAY CAMP: Practice the mesmerizing art of glassmaking! In this weeklong camp, students in grades 3 and up will learn glass fusing, sculpting and blowing techniques under the guidance of glass artist Sam Lightner. Aug. camp sessions are also available. Weeklong half-day camp, Jul. 22-26. Cost: $305/5-day camp. Location: Camp Meade, 961 Rte. 2, Middlesex. Info: 802-279-3148,,

martial arts

AIKIDO: THE WAY OF HARMONY: Cultivate core power, aerobic fitness and resiliency. e dynamic, circular movements emphasize throws, joint locks and the development of internal energy. Not your average “mojo dojo casa house.” Inclusive training and a safe space for all. Scholarships and intensive program are available for serious students. Visitors are always welcome! Basic classes 5 days/week. Membership rates incl. unlimited classes. Contact us for info about membership rates for adults, youths & families. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Benjamin Pincus, 802-9518900, bpincus@burlingtonaikido. org,


ABHYANGA MASSAGE TRAINING: Learn our signature one-therapist treatment, which is a set of rhythmic strokes applied in a beautiful, loving and nourishing way with the intent to open the channels of the body and release stagnant prana. You will learn the benefits of oil massage, marma points and a full body routine. Fri., Aug. 9, 5-7 p.m. (incl. kitchari dinner); Sat. & Sun., Aug. 10 & 11, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $495. Location:

e Ayurvedic Center of Vermont, 34 Oak Hill Rd., Williston. Info: Allison Morse, 802-872-8898,,


PROTECTING FORESTS: Learn how to protect forests from invasive pests at a regional level and visit a community-run arboretum. Sat., Jul. 13, 11 a.m. Cost: Free. Location: Jenna’s House, 117 St. Johns Rd., Johnson. Info: 802656-4831, ginger.nickerson@uvm. edu,


APPRENTICESHIP IN SHAMANISM: Rare opportunity to apprentice locally in a shamanic tradition. Five weekends over a year; first one is Sep. 20-22. Location: St. Albans. Info: or text 802-369-4331,

Humane Society of Chittenden




buy this stuff »




Trader Joe

AGE/SEX: 7-year-old neutered male

ARRIVAL DATE: June 6, 2024

SUMMARY: Trader Joe and a few of his feline friends came into our care when their guardian developed allergies and could no longer keep them. Trader Joe has not been with us for very long, but we can tell that underneath his nervous feelings about being in a new place, he just wants to be loved and cared for! Do you have room in your heart and your home for this gorgeous gray guy? Come meet Trader Joe at HSCC and see if he could be your match!

DOGS/CATS/KIDS: Trader Joe previously lived with other cats and tolerated them well. He has no known history living with dogs or children.

Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.


Shy cats need time to feel comfortable in a new space. HSCC recommends introducing a new cat to your home slowly by starting them off in a small “safe room” and gradually increasing their access to the rest of the home as they build confidence.


on the road




3.5L, V6, AWD, 156K miles. Vt. inspection. All bells/whistles: smart key, cruise control, navigation, multi-disc Bose sound, heated/cooled seats, good leather. Silver body, 4 small rust spots. Transmission needs attention soon.

$5,500. Call Chris at 802-223-3156.




Homeshare in Swanton w/ a bright, active 85-year-old woman in her lovely 1-story Swanton home. $0 rent w/ a contribution toward utils. in exchange for companionship & light, practical help around the house. Small grand-dog spends days visiting. Medium-size BR w/ private BA. NS, no pets. Call 802-863-5625 or visit for application. Interview, refs. & background checks required. EHO.

housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online




3,600 sq.ft. Can be a tier 1 or tier 2. Indoor irrigation for both flower & veg rooms. Floraflex, Dosatron, Agnetix lights w/ 5-year warranty & Kholer backup generator. $120,000. Email us at sevenleafgeneticsvt@ or dm @7leaf_genetics or call Joe at 802-272-6716.

services: $12 (25 words) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs:, 865-1020 x121


FSBO-Phillips-062624.indd 1

ser vices



In as little as 1 day!

Affordable prices. No payments for 18 mos. Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & military discounts avail. Call 1-866-370-2939. (AAN CAN)


appt. appointment

apt. apartment

BA bathroom

BR bedroom

DR dining room

DW dishwasher

HDWD hardwood

HW hot water

LR living room

NS no smoking

OBO or best offer

refs. references

sec. dep. security deposit

W/D washer & dryer


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our

print deadline: Mondays at 3:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x115

FSBO $808,000 Mountain Views, 10+ acres, 3-4 bed rooms, 3.5 baths, amazing timber frame porch, gardens, hiking trails, end of road privacy, perfect for nature lovers, entrepreneurs, artists - Westford, Underhill. 802-825-8227 for sale by owner FSBO


fsbo-Urie052224.indd 1



Protect your home from pests safely & affordably. Roaches, bedbugs, rodents, termites, spiders & other pests. Locally owned & affordable. Call for service or an inspection today! 1-833-237-1199. (AAN CAN)

NEED NEW WINDOWS? Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need outside noise reduction? New, energy effi cient windows may be the answer! Call for a consultation & free quote today: 1-877248-9944. You will be asked for the zip code of the property when connecting. (AAN CAN)

readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact:

HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010

A small amount of water can lead to major damage & mold growth in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family & your home’s value! Call 24-7: 1-888-290-2264

Have zip code of service location ready when you call. (AAN CAN)



You may qualify for disability benefi ts if you are between 52 & 63 years old & under a doctor’s care for a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 1-877-247-6750. (AAN CAN)




Sidewalk slate for walkway. 9 large pieces, various sizes. Average size 2-by-2-feet, 2 in. thick. Many smaller pieces. Free, must take all. Will help load. Shelburne Rd, Burlington. Call 802-863-5024.

Legal Notices



e Vermont General Assembly is proposing voters amend the Constitution of the State of Vermont as follows:

Proposal 3: is proposal would amend the Constitution of the State of Vermont to provide that the citizens of the State have a right to collectively bargain.

6/20/24 10:25 AM

FSBO $505,000 6 rooms, 1.5 baths, porch, deck with wooded view. 1903 Brand Farm Drive, South Burlington, VT. 802-985-9743 for sale by owner FSBO



1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico & Stromberg + Gibson mandolins & banjos. Call 877-589-0747. (AAN CAN)


Men’s sport watches wanted. Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Here, Daytona, GMT, Submariner & Speedmaster. Paying cash for qualifi ed watches. Call 888-3201052. (AAN CAN)

5/20/24 1:35 PM



BAGPIPE & DRUM BAND e Red Clover Highlanders are looking for new students for Highland bagpipe & drumming. No experience required. Free classes start in Jul. Email redcloverpb@



Fully equipped recording studio & backlined rehearsal spaces booking now. For rates or to schedule a visit, contact or connect w/ us on Instagram @vtmusiclab for more details.

Article 2* of Chapter I of the Vermont Constitution is added to read:

Article 2*. [Right to collectively bargain] at employees have a right to organize or join a labor organization for the purpose of collectively bargaining with their employer through an exclusive representative of their choosing for the purpose of negotiating wages, hours, and working conditions and to protect their economic welfare and safety in the workplace. erefore, no law shall be adopted that interferes with, negates, or diminishes the right of employees to collectively bargain with respect to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and workplace safety, or that prohibits the application or execution of an agreement between an employer and a labor organization representing the employer’s employees that requires membership in the labor organization as a condition of employment.

Proposal 4: is proposal would amend the Constitution of the State of Vermont to specify that the government must not deny equal treatment and respect under the law on account of a person’s race, ethnicity, sex, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or national origin.

Article 2* of Chapter I of the Vermont Constitution is added to read:

Article 2*. [Equality of rights] at the people are guaranteed equal protection under the law. e State shall not deny equal treatment and respect under the law on account of a person’s race, ethnicity, sex, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or national origin. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted or applied to prevent the adoption or implementation of measures intended to provide equality of treatment and opportunity for members of groups that have historically been subject to discrimination.


By law, public notice of proposed rules must be given by publication in newspapers of record. e purpose of these notices is to give the public a chance to respond to the proposals. e public notices for administrative rules are now also available online at SOS/rules/ . e law requires an agency to hold a public hearing on a proposed rule, if requested to do so in writing by 25 persons or an association having at least 25 members.

To make special arrangements for individuals with disabilities or special needs please call or write the contact person listed below as soon as possible.

To obtain further information concerning any scheduled hearing(s), obtain copies of proposed rule(s) or submit comments regarding proposed rule(s), please call or write the contact person listed below. You may also submit comments in writing to the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules, State House, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 (802-828-2231).



Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. e numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A one-box cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.




Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. e same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.





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See how fast you can solve this weekly 10-word puzzle.

Legal Notices


General Assistance Emergency Housing Assistance Emergency Rules.

Vermont Proposed Rule: 24-E06

AGENCY: Agency of Human Services

CONCISE SUMMARY: is emergency rule contains fi ve amendments to the General Assistance program rules: (1) language regarding notices to terminate tenancy was added to the defi nition of constructive eviction in rule 2622; (2) language was added to rule 2650 authorizing DCF to withhold payments to hotels/motels in violation of lodging licensing rules; (3) the catastrophic and vulnerable populations eligibility categories in rules 2652.2 and 2652.3 have been replaced with the new eligibility criteria set forth in sec. E.321 of Act 113 of 2024; (4) the rule updates the basic needs standard chart in rule 2652.4 to align with the current Reach Up basic needs dollar amounts; and (5) the methodology for calculating the 30% income contribution in rule 2652.4 was changed from using the least expensive daily motel rate to either the current daily rate at the motel in which the temporary housing applicant is staying or if the applicant is not currently housed in a motel, the average daily rate.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Heidi Moreau, Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families, 280 State Drive, NOB 1 North, Waterbury, VT 05671 Tel: 802-595-9639 Email: URL: https://

FOR COPIES: Amanda Beliveau, Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families, 280 State Drive, HC 1 South, Waterbury, VT 05671 Tel: 802-241-0641 Email: amanda.beliveau@

Judicial Nominating Board Rules.

Vermont Proposed Rule: 24P024

AGENCY: Judicial Nominating Board

CONCISE SUMMARY: e rules govern standards for screening judicial candidates. ese amendments: update conflict of interest standards to conform to new legislation; reduce duplicative interviews; emphasize the importance of writing for Supreme Court candidates; and minor miscellaneous edits to conform to statute and practice.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Eleanor Spottswood, Judicial Nominating Board Tel: 802391-0061 E-Mail: URL: judicial-nominating-information.

NOTE: e two rules below have been promulgated by the Agency of Human Services who has requested the notices be combined to facilitate a savings for the agency. When contacting the agency about these rules please note the title and rule number of the proposed rule(s) you are interested in.

Ambulance Services (4.226)

Vermont Proposed Rule: 24P025

Benefi ciary Protections and Responsibilities (8.101)

Vermont Proposed Rule: 24P026

AGENCY: Agency of Human Services

CONCISE SUMMARY: e proposed rules set forth the criteria for coverage and service delivery for Health Care Administrative Rules (HCAR). e amendment to HCAR 8.101 replaces Medicaid covered services rule 7101 as part of the sequential adoption of Health Care Administrative Rules designed to improve public accessibility and comprehension of the rules concerning the operation of Vermont’s Medicaid program. It also amends Health Care Administrative Rule 4.226 to align with current practice.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Ashley Berliner Agency of Human Services 280 State Drive Waterbury, VT 05671-1000 Tel: 802-578-9305 Fax: 802-241-0450 E-Mail: AHS.MedicaidPolicy@ URL: http://humanservices.vermont. gov/on-line-rules.




Sponsor: Councilors Shannon, Bergman, Traverse Public Hearing Dates: First reading: Referred to: Rules suspended and placed in all stages of passage: 06/24.24

Secons reading:



Signed by Mayor: 06/25/24

Published: 07/10/24

Effective: 08/01/24

It is hereby Ordained by the City Council of the City of Burlington as follows:

Section 1. is ordinance is enacted to raise revenue for municipal purposes pursuant to the Charter of the City of Burlington, Act No. 298, Acts of 1949, Sections 48III and 48XXIV. Its purpose is to increase the existing City of Burlington Hotel and Motel Tax from two (2) percent of gross receipts to four (4) percent, and to increase restaurant, amusement, and admissions taxes on gross receipts for one fi scal year from two (2) percent to two and one-half (2.5) percent. e City Council hereby fi nds that these increases are necessary or convenient to maintain existing levels of services to the City’s residents.

Section 2. Chapter 21, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended by amending Sec. 31, thereof to read as follows:



(A) As written.

(B) Hotel and Motel Tax: ere is hereby imposed a business occupation tax upon all persons engaged in the hotel or motel business of whatever name or character within the City of Burlington. e tax imposed shall be at a rate of four (4) two (2) percent of gross receipts from taxable business, as herein defi ned, done per monthly period in accordance with the provisions of this section.

(C)-(F) As written.

(G) Temporary Tax Rate: Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, for the fi scal year commencing on July 1, 2024, and ending on June 30, 2025, the restaurant, amusements, and admissions taxes on gross

receipts set forth in subsections (A), (D), and (E) above shall be increased from two (2) percent of gross receipts to two and one-half (2.5) percent. Commencing July 1, 2025, said tax rates shall again be set at two (2) percent.

(III) – (XV) As written

Section 4. e provisions of this ordinance are severable. If any provision of this ordinance is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions hereof shall not be affected thereby but shall continue in force and effect.

* Material stricken out deleted.

** Material underlined added.

ER/Ordinances 2024/Restaurant, Hotel, Amusement and Admissions Taxes, BCO Sec. 21-31 June 24, 2024



To the creditors of: John O’Connell, late of Morrisville, Vermont

I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the fi rst publication of this notice. e claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. e claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.

Dated: July 10, 2024

Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Scott M. O’Connell

Executor/Administrator: Scott M. O’Connell, Executor/Administrator, 303 Oak Knoll Drive, Rockville, MD 20850 phone: 347-891-2031 email:

Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 07/10/2024

Name of Probate Court: State of Vermont - Lamoille Probate Division

Address of Probate Court: 154 Main Street, Hyde Park, VT 05655


Cathedral Square (CSC) is seeking proposals from qualifi ed Construction Managers for both pre-construction and construction services for a renovation of Whitcomb Woods, an affordable, independent living, 65 unit, senior housing project located in Essex Junction, VT. Complete RFP details and all attachments can be obtained by contacting CSC’s project manager, Lauren Marino (marino@ Proposals are due on July 26, 2024 no later than 3 p.m. Cathedral Square is an equal opportunity employer. Women Owned, Minority Owned, Locally Owned and Section 3 Businesses are encouraged to apply.



4C0557-9A 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6111

Application 4C0557-9A from Scott Strode was received on March 16, 2023 and deemed complete on June 26, 2024. e project specifically authorizes construction of a single family dwelling unit on Lot 21 of the Paramount Farms Subdivision, including the addition of a two (2) bedroom accessory dwelling unit. e principal dwelling unit, previously approved for four (4) bedrooms, will be reduced to three (3) bedrooms, with corresponding water & wastewater system capacity. e building envelope will be adjusted, as will the gravel driveway accessing Lot 21 and Lot 22 will be reduced from 13% slope to 12% slope; further construction of improvements on Lot 22 is not authorized through this permit amendment. e project is located at Strode Farm Lane in Richmond, Vermont. is application can be viewed online by visiting the Act 250 Database: (https://anrweb.vt. gov/ANR/Act250/Detail.aspx?Num=4C0557-9A).

No hearing will be held and a permit will be issued unless, on or before July 24, 2024, a party notifi es the District 4 Commission in writing of an issue

requiring a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing, must state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required, and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. To request party status and a hearing, fill out the Party Status Petition Form on the Board’s website: https://nrb., and email it to the District 4 Office at: NRB. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.

For more information contact Kaitlin Hayes at the address or telephone number below.

Dated this July 2, 2024.

By: _/s/ Kaitlin Hayes

Kaitlin Hayes District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 (802) 622-4084


The contents of storage unit 01-04923 located at 28 Adams Drive, Williston VT, will be sold on or about the 11th of July to satisfy the debt of Michael Plunkett. Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.



DOCKET NO.: 24-PR-01936


To the creditors of: Donald Pleasant, late of Burlington.

I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.

Dated: July 10, 2024

Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Amber Pleasant

Executor/Administrator: Amber Pleasant, c/o Dan Albert, local agent, 10 East Village Drive Burlington, VT 05401 phone: (802) 540-0833 email:

Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 07/10/2024

Name of Probate Court: State of VermontChittenden Probate Division

Address of Probate Court: 175 Main Street , Burlington, VT 05401



DOCKET NO.: 24-PR-03545

In re ESTATE of Patricia Stone


To the creditors of: Patricia Stone, late of Burlington.

I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.

Dated: June 29, 2024

Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Cooper P. Stone

Executor/Administrator: Cooper P. Stone, c/o Drislane Law Office, PO Box 1080, Williston, VT 05495 phone: 802-860-7266 email:

Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 07/10/2024

Name of Probate Court: State of VermontChittenden Probate Division Address of Probate Court: 175 Main Street , Burlington, VT 05401


Northstar Self Storage will be having a public and online sale/auction on July 25, 2024 at 9am EST at 205 Route 4A West, Castleton, VT 05735 (C92, C94), 1124 Charlestown Road, Springfield, VT 05156 (Units CC28, S23, S56, S58, S95, S108, S125), 681 Rockingham Road, Rockingham, VT 05151 (R19, R67, R83), 615 Route 7, Danby VT 05739 (D02) and online at at 9:00 am in accordance with VT Title 9 Commerce and Trade Chapter 098: Storage Units 3905. Enforcement of Lien

Unit # Name Contents

CC28 Jessica Fiore Household Goods

S23 Marie Heard Household Goods

S56 Helena Bundy Household Goods

S58 Kayla Malcolm Household Goods

S95 Shawna Smith Household Goods

S108 Bobbie Bennett Household Goods

S125 Arden Sanborn Household Goods

R19 Laura Lockerby Household Goods

R67 Melinda Bussino Household Goods

R83 Tera Murray Household Goods

C92 Katelyn Myers Household Goods

C94 Ruth Varney Household Goods D02 Kimberlie Clark Household Goods


Hybrid & In Person (Municipal Conference Room, 81 Main St., Essex Jct.) Meeting. Anyone may attend this meeting in person at the above address or remotely through the following options: Zoom link: Join-Zoom-Meeting-Essex-PC Call (audio only): 1-888-788-0099 | Meeting ID: 923 7777 6158 # | Passcode: 426269 | Public wifi is available at the Essex municipal offices, libraries, and hotspots listed here: content/public-wifi-hotspots-vermont

1. Boundary Adjustment – James Diehl is proposing to convey 1.23 acres from 265 Browns River Road (Tax Map 15 Parcel 3) to Enisa and Refik Bahonjic at 259 Browns River Road (Tax Map 15 Parcel 4), in the Agricultural Residential (AR) and Scenic Resource Protection Overlay (SRPO) Districts. Parcel 1 will decrease in size from 30.00 acres to 28.77 acres. Parcel 2 will increase in size from 0.88 acres to 2.11 acres.

2. Simple Parcel – James Diehl is proposing a subdivision to create 2 lots (a 27.08 acre lot and a 4.68 acre lot) at 265 Browns River Road (Tax May 15 Parcel 3) in the Agricultural Residential (AR) and Scenic Resource Protection Overlay (SRPO) Districts. Proposed lot 2 will be the site of a new single-family residence. No new structures are proposed on Proposed lot 1 at this time.

Application materials may be viewed before the meeting at Current-Development-Applications. Please call 802878-1343 or email COMMUNITY-DEVELOPMENT@ ESSEX.ORG with any questions. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view the complete Agenda, at https://essexvt.portal. or the office notice board before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard and other agenda items.


In Re: The Kenneth Ridgeway Mccormick Trust

Dated December 21, 2014, As Amended Case No: 23-010738-ES


This Notice is to Phillip Smith as a named beneficiary of THE KENNETH RIDGEWAY MCCORMICK TRUST DATED DECEMBER 21, 2014, AS AMENDED (“Trust”). Kenneth Ridgeway McCormick died in Pinellas County, Florida on October 25, 2022.

There is a legal proceeding involving the final distribution of the Trust pending in the Circuit Court for Pinellas County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 545 1st Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. The names and address of the Trustee and the Trustee’s attorney are set forth below.

If you are the beneficiary of THE KENNETH RIDGEWAY MCCORMICK TRUST, Phillip Smith, or you have any information for Phillip Smith, you must notify the Trustee or Trustee’s lawyer and file your claim in this legal proceeding within 30 days from the date of publication of this Notice. Your claim should state in detail and under oath why you believe you are the Phillip Smith named in the Trust. Your filed claim must include your complete contact details, including mailing address, phone number and email address.

If you do not file a claim in this legal proceeding within the time specified above, your claim will be forever barred, and your share of the Trust will be distributed to other beneficiaries.

/s/ John P. Cole

John P. Cole

Florida Bar No. 0898155

Christine B. Sweet

Florida Bar No. 0105776

1 Independent Drive, Suite 2300 Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Telephone: (904) 354-1980

Facsimile: (904) 354-2170

Secondary E-Mail Addresses:

Edward Jones Trust Company Attn: Elizabeth LaFlamme Senior Trust Officer 12555 Manchester Road St. Louis MO 63131 (314) 515-3336



To the creditors of: Sonja Y. Merrick, late of Colchester, Vermont.

I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.

Dated: July 1, 2024

Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Norman C Smith

Executor/Administrator: Norman C Smith, PO Box 24, Essex Junction, VT 05453 phone: 802-288-9088 email:

Name of Publication: Seven Days

Publication Date: 07/10/2024

Name of Probate Court: State of VermontChittenden Probate Division Address of Probate Court: 175 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401

OVER 225 LOTS! Items include: table saws, a forklift, sanding tools, routers, drills, dust collector, mitre saw and so much more! BID NOW!


Sponsor(s): Public Works Commission

Action: Approved Date: 6/26/2024

Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, PE

Senior Transportation Planner, Technical Services Published: 07/10/24

Effective: 07/31/24

It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows:

That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 7 No-parking areas of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows:

7 No-parking areas. No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations: (1)-(586) As written. (587) On the east side of Stanbury Road beginning at Staniford Road and extending south 857 feet. This traffic regulation will have a sunset date of November 1, 2024.

Material underlined added. /hm: BCO Appx.C, Section 7 6/26/2024

“We booked a multimedia advertising package with Seven Days Jobs to help more young people discover the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps. We got great results – there are only a handful of spots left for 2024. VYCC is excited to start working with our 39th cohort of corps members and leaders. More than 150 young people are joining us this spring, summer and fall for paid, outdoor work in conservation and farming.

Michelle Brown is great to work with. She is responsive and helped us put nearly two dozen opportunities online at a time! We intend to advertise with Seven Days again next year.”


Looking for an experienced painter. $25/hour plus travel pay to start.






We are Vermont’s unified public media organization (formerly VPR and Vermont PBS), serving the community with trusted journalism, quality entertainment, and diverse educational programming.

• Managing Editor and Senior Producer, Vermont Edition

• Broadcast EngineerStudio

• On Behalf of the University of Vermont: Non Tenure Track Lecturer in Public Media

We believe a strong organization includes employees from a range of backgrounds with different skills, experience & passions.

To see more openings & apply: careers

Must be able to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Vermont Public is a proud equal opportunity employer.

Assistant Safety & Security Manager

City Market, Onion River Co-op is seeking an Assistant Safety & Security Manager who is responsible for supporting the Safety & Security team and various storewide aspects of City Market operations. This position provides a high degree of safety and support for shoppers, employees, and guests of the Co-op with an emphasis on customer service.

Follow link to apply:

Conant Metal & Light is hiring production makers with room to grow into leadership. You must be a creative problem-solver, team player, good with your hands & capable of mastering a broad array of processes. Please visit: for more information or send a resume detailing your interest, experience, and skills to


The McClure Foundation seeks to hire a detail-oriented professional who cares about the future of Vermont and has relevant experience to work with the Executive Director to manage statewide initiatives, public-private partnerships, policy advisory efforts, and a $1M+ annual grantmaking portfolio.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, visit VERMONTCF.ORG/CAREERS for a complete job description and instructions for applying.

Join the Flynn & be part of a team striving to make the community better through the arts. All backgrounds encouraged to apply. This is a full-time, benefited, in-person position.


Provide administrative support to the Executive Director and act as communications liaison for the Board of Trustees. Candidates


JULY 10-17, 2024

Duties include:


Shipping & Receiving

WowToyz, in Vergennes, is seeking motivated individuals to join our warehouse team full-time, Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:00pm.

• Picking and packing orders

• Unloading trucks and receiving merchandise

• Shipping orders via UPS and over the road

• Ideal candidates are organized, dependable, enjoy physical work and are proactive self-starters. This is an opportunity to be part of a dynamic, growing company with room for advancement.

We recognize people as our most valuable asset. Our competitive salary and benefits package includes 401K with company match, dental insurance, medical insurance, prescription drug coverage, life insurance, paid sick time, paid holidays and paid vacations. We o er competitive compensation packages commensurate with experience.

Email cover le er and resume to:

• Loading and unloading trucks at customers’ locations, Booska Warehouse, and other areas within the state.

• Heavy lifting of furniture, boxes, hot tubs, pianos, safes, boilers, and others items as needed in accordance with moving industry.

• Running areas as needed, box deliveries, equipment deliveries, light truck maintenance.

• Operating forklifts, loading and unloading of delivery trucks, box orders.

• Equipping trucks with all necessary equipment before leaving the yard.

• Pre-trip inspections before operating any Booska owned vehicle.

• Wood working, building crates, rigging, hoisting furniture.

• Pack jobs.

• Paperwork on moves, Bill of Ladings, Inventories, and other paperwork as needed.

• Performing the work in a safe and friendly maner.

Housekeeping Manager

Join our award-winning hotel team as a full-time Housekeeping Manager. You will oversee and direct all aspects of our housekeeping and laundry departments to ensure a clean, orderly, and safe environment for our guests and staff. Responsibilities include hiring, training, evaluating, and developing a team of room attendants of 8-10 people to provide exceptional guest service. You will also manage budget preparation and control, and regularly communicate with the General Manager to maintain high standards of cleanliness and guest satisfaction. Duties will include, cost controls, ordering, linen management and inventory, guest satisfaction, implementing policies and procedures, and high levels of communication. Pay $50,000 - $55,000 per year based on experience

How to Apply:

If you are interested in this opportunity to lead our housekeeping team and contribute to our guests' exceptional experiences, please submit your resume and cover letter to


The Vermont Chamber of Commerce works to advance Vermont’s economy. The Tourism Marketing and Sales Associate ensures high-quality content, maintains consistent branding, and engages with stakeholders to drive engagement and support the Vermont Chamber’s goals. This is a full-time, salaried position located out of our office in Berlin, Vermont.

Primary responsibilities include phonebased Tourism Marketing Program advertising sales and upsells; overseeing and assisting with tourism-centered products, fulfillment, and customer inquiries; and assisting with member recruitment and retention. The successful candidate must be assertive, creative, and resourceful. The candidate must be sales-minded, interested in building lasting relationships and providing solutions to the tourism community, and enjoy working in a highly entrepreneurial environment. The position requires outstanding communication and organization skills. The candidate must have an understanding of print and digital media and will be responsible for hitting annual sales targets.

Responsibilities include:

Handling sales phone calls and emails for print and digital ad sales and upsells

Communicating with clients and recording all correspondence

Assisting with the copy writing of all marketing materials and web-based listings

Developing and implementing ideas for the marketing and sales of our educational programs

Utilizing social networks to facilitate sales and increase brand awareness

Assisting with promotional events

Responding to general tourism inquiries from the public

Prospect list generation

Tourism Marketing Program product fulfillment and sales

Vermont Tourism Network program support, outreach, web updates, and product support


2+ years sales or marketing experience preferred

Excellent organizational skills

Able to work as a team member and be a positive influence on others

Excellent oral and written communication skills

Ability to execute all aspects of the sales process

To apply, please submit your resume to and attach a cover letter that demonstrates how your knowledge and experience matches the job description. If you currently reside outside of Vermont, please make clear in your cover letter why you are interested in relocating. Salary is commensurate with experience.

The Vermont Chamber of Commerce is proud to be an affirmative action/ equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, creed, gender/sex, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected under local, state or federal laws.



Garage Door Technician

Become a residential garage door installer and repair technician and gain a trade for life. Earn while you learn, no experience necessary but construction experience or a mechanical aptitude is a big help.

Full time year round position.

Vacation time, holidays, generous bonuses, health insurance, retirement plan, tips. All tools and company vehicle provided. Starting pay up to $30.00 per hour based on experience.

Come join our team! 802-878-4338

Housing Programs Coordinator


The Housing Programs Coordinator is a central role of the VHCB Housing team, providing administrative support to a breadth of housing programs that help ensure adequate housing and a safe place to live for all Vermonters.

VHCB is an Equal Opportunity Employer and we strongly encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply. This position is open until filled.

To learn more, visit To apply, send a cover letter and resume to:

Vermont Housing & Conser vation Board 4t-VHCB070324

2v-Limoge&SonsGarageDoors071024.indd 1 7/8/24 3:10 PM


Vermont Center for Anxiety Care/Matrix Health Systems

Exclusive Burlington waterfront location.


• Manage online client applications for mental health services

• Telephone screening of new clients

• Health insurance verification

• Manage client wait list

• Coordinate case assignments

• Telephone and in-person patient reception

• Implement pandemic health safety protocols, as needed

• Administrative support to practice director

Required skills:

• Friendliness and effective verbal communication

• Computer skills: spreadsheets, scanning, faxing, email, MS Word

• Efficiency and organization

Send resume to Alesia:

We are looking for budtenders to work in our Montpelier retail cannabis dispensary, Gram Central. It’s an exciting time for the Vermont cannabis industry and we want to find people who share our enthusiasm. A budtender’s primary responsibility is interacting with customers and providing information about our products. This includes, but is not limited to effects, dosage, timing, modes of ingestion, and the dangers of overconsumption and keeping cannabis away from children. Budtenders will be trained on inventory management and safety and security protocols.

The ideal candidate will have retail experience, cannabis knowledge, and experience working with a POS system. Excellent people skills are an absolute necessity.

Please submit a resume and brief introduction to with subject “budtender.”


The Vermont Bar Foundation is seeking candidates for the position of Executive Director to begin September, 2024. The full-time position reports to the board of directors with flexible work options requiring at least three days in the Montpelier office, as well as occasional in-state travel.

The ideal candidate will have a personal commitment to access to justice and to promoting VBF’s mission of creating a just community by funding legal services for the disadvantaged. Job involves working with stakeholders in the Vermont judiciary and with attorneys practicing in Vermont, so knowledge of Vermont’s legal community is preferred. A law degree is not required.

Successful candidate will have non-profit experience with a background in fundraising and grant writing. Skills needed include effective and professional communication, non-profit development, public speaking, donor management and board relations. Applicants should have experience with budget management, reporting and tracking, and be able to work independently.

Apply online:


Hearing and communication is vital to connection with family and friends, work and community - and YOU have the ability to shape the lives of those in need. Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital (NVRH) seeks a full-time Audiologist for our ENT & Audiology practice. Work with a team of committed professionals in a mixed specialty practice offering ENT, Audiology, Allergy, Speech-Language Pathology, and Palliative Care to perform diagnostic testing for all ages. Collaborate with ENT providers and Hearing Instrument Specialist, as well as manage hearing aid services, including assessments, fittings, and repairs. Located in Vermont’s beautiful Northeast Kingdom, NVRH offers competitive wages, student loan repayment, generous paid time off, and a comprehensive benefits package. Join us in providing exceptional patient-centered care that really makes a difference!

grantees, and internal employees. Ideal candidates will have bookkeeping or accounting experience, a passion for precision, and excellent communication. If this sounds like a good fit for you, visit VERMONTCF.ORG/CAREERS for a complete job description and instructions for applying.

Technology Support Specialist

Sheehey Furlong & Behm P.C. Burlington, VT

Sheehey Furlong & Behm, a Burlington based law firm, is accepting applications for a Technology Support Specialist.  The Technology Support Specialist will provide technical support, tools and guidance to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the firm.  Duties include providing end-user support, setting up workstations, AV troubleshooting, routine server and infrastructure maintenance, and interfacing with various IT vendors.  Qualified candidates will have some technical support experience and the ability to work under pressure.  This position has the opportunity to grow into an IT Management role for the right candidate.  If you feel like you would be a good fit and are looking to grow your career, send your resume to Salary will be commensurate with experience and includes a comprehensive benefits package.

Legal Assistant


Burlington law firm seeks full-time assistant to provide general office support to attorneys and paralegals. Responsibilities include: answering and directing calls, opening incoming mail and preparing outgoing mail, conducting initial client intakes, compiling social media updates and entering data in firm-management software. We offer competitive pay, a positive work environment & growth potential. Please submit cover letter & resume to 4t-CVCOA070324


HOPE Works, Vermont’s oldest and largest 501c3 nonprofit serving survivors of sexual violence in Chittenden County, VT, is seeking a Clinical Supervisor/ Therapist to develop and implement all aspects of the clinical programs of HOPE Works.

The Clinical Supervisor is responsible for therapeutic and clinical services and related administrative tasks. The ideal candidate must have experience with providing trauma-informed, survivor/client empowerment clinical interventions with victims of multiple abuse experiences, including child sexual abuse, teen sexual assault, and sex trafficking victimization. Experience working with trafficking survivors, professionals, and graduatelevel social work interns is strongly preferred. A license in Social Work or equivalent is required. Please see our website for the full job description.

This position is a 32 hr/wk salaried exempt position. Starting salary range is $65k-67k annual salary with full health, dental, and vision insurance. HOPE Works offers generous paid time off, flexible hybrid work environment, as well as paid respite leave and professional development opportunities. Interested candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to HOPE Works at Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

People with diverse lived experiences encouraged to apply. H.O.P.E. Works is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Stowe Electric Department is a municipally owned public power utility offering an exciting, dynamic work environment serving Stowe, VT.


The Accountant & Benefits Administrator plays a crucial role in overseeing payroll and benefits administration. Assists with accounting and financial reporting. Wages: $38 - $40.75/hour.


The Business and Communications Manager plays a pivotal role in overseeing critical business functions, regulatory reporting and public communications. Wages: $90,000 - $115,000/year

Outstanding Benefits Package Includes:

• 6 Weeks PTO After First Year

• Low-Cost Health Insurance, Employer-Provided Dental

• $100K Life Insurance

• 401(a) & 457(b) Retirement

• Annual Health & Wellness Reimbursement

• 12.5 Paid Holidays, Summer Hours

• Excellent Work Environment

Email your resume and 3 references to: Visit for full job descriptions. E.O.E.

5v-StoweElectricDept070324.indd 1


Regulatory & Support Analyst

The Vermont Public Power Supply Authority, located in Waterbury Center, Vermont is seeking a Regulatory and Support Analyst to join our team. This position is responsible for performing analytical work primarily relating to rate, cost-of-service and regulatory activities, financial planning, Integrated Resource Planning and project management.

Essential functions include but are not limited to:

• Identify, analyze, and track emerging regulatory issues.

• Monitor issues pertaining to rates, regulatory compliance planning.

• Gather information and perform analyses to meet complex regulatory reporting requirements.

• Assist with development of legislative and regulatory compliance reports.

Duties require: a combination of knowledge and experience related to regulatory proceedings and compliance procedures. Prefer a Bachelor’s degree in a business related field with 2+ years of experience in energy, utilities or related field. 2+ years of paralegal or compliance function experience desired. VPPSA is building a team of professionals who are passionate about helping Vermont towns meet their energy needs. If you are a team player and enjoy a fast-paced collaborative environment we want to hear from you.

Please send resume and salary requirements to: Vermont Public Power Supply Authority, PO Box 126, Waterbury Ctr., Vermont 05677 Attn: Amy Parah, or email to: with the subject: Regulatory and Support Analyst.

Position open until filled. See the full job description at

Join Friends of the Mad River as the VHCB AmeriCorps Watershed Engagement Coordinator to help build resilience, adaptability, awareness, and inclusion into our watershed community. Work with our team to coordinate events and opportunities for education and community engagement.

Position term: September 9, 2024 - August 8, 2025. Full time and requires 1,720 hours for an average of 40 hours per week, for 47 weeks. You will receive a living allowance of $30,000 (pre-tax), and an education award of $7,395 (pre-tax) upon successful completion of service.

For details and to apply:

Executive Director

Do you love local history? Are you ready to make a difference working with a community-focused nonprofit? The Saint Albans Museum seeks a full-time Executive Director to manage all day-to-day operations and ensure all programs, activities, and special events are carried out in accordance with our mission, strategic plan, and core values. Visit stamuseum. org/jobs to learn more.

To apply, email a cover letter and resume to hiring@ Applications will be reviewed starting June 3, 2024. Applications received after that date will be accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Saint Albans Museum is an E.O.E.


Search for part time bookkeeper, experience with quickbooks, and government grants invoices and reporting. Position can be remote.

2v-GraceInitiative071024.indd 1

Vermont Tent Company is currently accepting applications for the following positions for immediate employment and future summer/fall employment starting in May. Full time, part time, after school and weekend hours available for each position. Pay rates vary by position with minimum starting wage ranging from $19-$23/hour depending on job skills and experience. We also offer retention and referral bonuses.

• Tent Maintenance

• Tent Installation

• Drivers/Delivery

• Load Crew Team

Interested candidates submit application online: employment

No phone calls, please.


MILTON, Part time

Floral Associate, Burlington and Milton, VT

3 mornings per week (Tuesday, Friday, Sunday) approximately 15-20 hours. Fun and flexible job, perfect for a creative person who likes to work independently

Unique opportunity! SimplyReady, a division of the Bill Doran Company, is looking for a Floral Associate in Burlington, VT and Milton, VT. Days of service are Tuesday, Friday and Sunday mornings. Hours vary, and range between approximately 10 to 25 hours per week depending on seasonal volume. Ideal candidate will have some working knowledge of both cut flowers and plants, as well as a solid work history that includes at least 5 years of sales, merchandising or retail experience. Job entails walking, pushing, and repetitive lifting of up to 30lbs. Contact Nathalie: 518-420-3786

Please contact Nathalie at the number below: 518-420-3786

2h-SimplyReady071421.indd 1 7/12/21 6:20 PM

Leasing Consultant/ Administrative Assistant

Property Management Company looking for an articulate, energetic people-person to join their team full-time (30 hours). Some tasks included in position are conducting property tours, communicating with prospective renters, processing applications, providing extraordinary customer service, scheduling appointments, taking the lead on the marketing efforts and community outreach, planning resident events and administrative tasks. Must be able to multitask and thrive in a fast-paced environment. Strong sales aptitude and computer proficiency is required.

The work schedule is Monday – Friday 10:30-5. Candidate must be flexible and willing to work as needed.

If interested, e-mail resume to

IT Director

$90K - $100K w/ Excellent Benefits

Seeking a strategic and analytic IT Director with proven experience with hardware and software. Responsible for design, implementation, mgt., and security of the Town’s IT and telecom infrastructure. Exceptional understanding of computer systems, security, network and systems admin, databases and data storage, and telecommunications systems.

Oversees Town IT staff, consultants, vendors, contractors, and service providers. Drafts IT policies, procedures, and instructions for staff. Ability to integrate and modify existing programs or vendor supplied package programs for use with existing information systems. Ability to work with Town staff and resolve end-user technical issues.

Bachelor’s in IT, Computer Science, Information Systems, or related with 7+ years of relevant exp. Supervisory exp. preferred. Proficient in network admin., system design, and contract mgt., including planning, writing specifications, budgeting and administration.

CompTIA Network Plus, Comp TIA Project+, CAPM, CISA, CITM, CISSP and CEH preferred.

Ability to work nights, weekends, holidays. Background check. Strong written, verbal, interpersonal, and organizational skills. Experience in local government a plus.

To learn more and apply: Open until filled. E.O.E.


Executive Director

Burke Mountain Club (“BMC”), a vibrant nonprofit in East Burke, VT, is on a mission to enhance the quality of life throughout its local community. BMC is seeking a highly skilled, adventurous and energetic person to lead this mission and become its first ever executive director (“ED”). Starts September 1st.

If interested, please visit

We’re Hiring!

We offer competitive wages & a full benefits package for full time employees.



MANAGER (AUTO) (Williston, Vermont)

This position is for the overall management of our Auto Auction Responsible for leading, directing and overseeing all activities of the auto auction business. Salary + Performance Bonuses Email:


Looking for a responsible, motivated, self-starter for busy Williston auto auction facility. Position works with the general manager and the office manager completing tasks both inside outdoors. Rate is $17-$20/Hour Email:

Thomas Hirchak Company is an at will employer. See more jobs at:

Are you passionate about making a difference in your community while showcasing your financial expertise?


We are looking for a CPA with public accounting experience to oversee our financial health, ensure compliance, support our impactful initiatives, and provide leadership and financial expertise alongside the VP for Finance. Experience in nonprofit and/or fund accounting a plus.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, visit VERMONTCF.ORG/CAREERS for a complete job description and instructions for applying.

Public Health Nutritionist III - Barre

public health mission and work well under pressure when handling time-sensitive projects. For more information, contact Gillian Morgan at Department: Health. Location: Waterbury. Status: Full Time. Job ID #50344. Application Deadline: July 8, 2024. PUBLIC HEALTH COMMUNICATION OFFICER - MEDIA RELATIONS LEAD –WATERBURY


more at:

processes, financial processes, communicating with participants, and front-line support for visitor reception. For more information, contact Alicia White at Department: Disabilities Aging & Independent Living. Location: Springfield. Status: Full Time, Temporary. Job ID #50400. Application Deadline: July 7, 2024. TEMPORARY PROGRAM TECH I – SPRINGFIELD


HireAbility VT is seeking a team-orientated individual with very strong customer service and administrative skills to support our Springfield office in a part-time, long-term temporary position. This role provides key clerical support to a vibrant team of vocational counselors & employment staff related to case documentation, development and organization of DocuSign processes, financial processes, communicating with participants, and front-line support for visitor reception. For more information, contact Alicia White at Department: Disabilities Aging & Independent Living. Location: Springfield. Status: Full Time, Temporary. Job ID #50400. Application Deadline: July 7, 2024.

Job Recruiters:

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The Vermont Department of Health has a dynamic opportunity for an enthusiastic and experienced public health professional who wants to make a difference in the health of communities in beautiful central Vermont. We are seeking a well-organized and energetic Nutritionist with great communication and supervision skills to complete our public health team in the Barre District Office. For more information, contact Joan Marie Misek, Department: Health. Location: Barre. Status: Full Time. Job ID #48651 Application Deadline: July 23, 2024.

Economic Development Specialist II

The Economic Development Specialist position will assist Department of Economic Development program managers in delivering the Department’s various programs. It will report administratively to the Deputy Commissioner of Economic Development. Additionally, the incumbent will provide consultative, administrative, and technical work at a professional level involving the development, management, and monitoring of various state grant programs administered by the Department. For more information, contact Brett Long, Brett.Long@ Department: Economic Development. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job ID #50487 Application Deadline: July 18, 2024.

• Post jobs using a form that includes key info about your company and open positions (location, application deadlines, video, images, etc.).

• Accept applications and manage the hiring process via our applicant tracking tool.

• Easily manage your open job listings from your recruiter dashboard

Job Seekers:

• Search for jobs by keyword, location, category and job type.

• Set up job alert emails using custom search criteria.

• Save jobs to a custom list with your own notes on the positions.

• Apply for jobs directly through the site.

Get a quote when you post online or contact Michelle Brown: 865-1020, ext. 121,


Direct Support Professional

Why not have a job you love?

Benefit package includes 29 paid days off in the first year, comprehensive health insurance plan with premium as low as $13 per month, up to $6,400 to go towards medical deductibles and copays, retirement match, generous sign on bonus and so much more. And that’s on top of working at one of the “Best Places to Work in Vermont” for five years running.


Provide supports to an individual in their home and in the community in 24h shifts including asleep overnights in a private, furnished bedroom. You can work two days, receive full benefits and have five days off each week! Other flexible schedules available, starting wage is $21/hr.

Check out our website for other positions and work at an award-winning agency serving Vermonters with intellectual disabilities:

Make a career making a difference and apply today!

Send resume to

Engaging Job in Life Skills and Support

You will be supporting and teaching personal care, you will be engaged in recreation, actually doing the activities with the client, you will learn communication methods, you will follow a behavioral plan, you will support life and vocational skills.

Weekly 3-day full-time position which includes one overnight stay. Selfmotivated, able-bodied, athletic, team player, kindness, friendly, initiative to learn, to support this young man. Music is very important to this client, drumming and singing especially. Direct support experience a plus especially in the higher needs category.

You will professionally interface with community and medical personnel, full training provided. Vehicle for transportation included. Professional position. You always work together with another staff member as a team. This is not a short-term position.

The position is in Burlington, VT. Excellent driving record is required. You must be up-to-date with COVID vaccinations and boosters. Excellent compensation at $35/hr. Send us your resume, three references, and a cover letter; tell us about yourself!

Send resume and cover letter to


Renovation and New Construction Project Manager

Evernorth’s vision is people in every community have an affordable place to live and opportunities to thrive. Our mission is to work with partners to connect underserved communities in the northern New England region with capital and expertise to advance projects and policies that create more inclusive places to live.

Evernorth is hiring a Project Manager that will manage all aspects of renovation and new construction projects from pre-development through construction completion, with follow-up through the one-year warranty period. A successful candidate will have 3- 5 years’ construction project experience, financial budget management, understand legal documents used in development, know or ability to learn non-profit affordable rental housing development and applicable housing programs, regulations, and federal, state, and local funding sources. A bachelor’s degree and proficient in Microsoft Office 365 with advanced Excel skills are required. To read the full job description and to apply, go to

Evernorth is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

At Copley Hospital you’ll be part of a tight-knit team where your opinion matters and learning and growth are supported - all while working in the heart of beautiful Lamoille County.

• Positions open in many departments

• Full-time, part-time, and per diem positions available with generous shift differentials

• Day, evening, and night shifts available

For more information visit or contact Kaitlyn Shannon, Recruiter, at 802-888-8144 or

DIRECTORLamoille Valley School Engagement Program

Lamoille Restorative Center seeks experienced professionals to join our growing team. LRC is a nonprofit organization with a mission to uphold the dignity and resilience of individuals and families through restorative justice principles and programs.

LRC is hiring a 32-40 hr/wk Director of the Lamoille Valley School Engagement Program (LVSEP). The LVSEP is the only program of its kind in Vermont and utilizes restorative justice approaches to address student chronic absenteeism in three Supervisory Unions. This position leads the LVSEP team, which includes three School Engagement Specialists (SES). The LVSEP Director oversees the operations of the LVSEP and provides direct supervision to the SES staff. The Director is also responsible for representing LVSEP with schools, community partners and interested stakeholders across Vermont and interfacing with the family court system in truancy actions. The LVSEP Director ensures services are rooted in restorative practices, whereby parents and children feel heard and acknowledged, and their dignity and resilience are upheld.

This position is ideal for someone with an understanding of the education systems in Vermont, restorative work in schools, excellent communication, collaboration, and organizational skills, and those who are interested in a workplace that promotes employee wellbeing. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent work experience required.

The hourly pay rate is between $30.06 and $34.77. A generous benefits policy provides $12,730 annually for each employee to pay for the benefits they need, such as: medical, dental, vision, and supplemental insurance, and retirement. Additional benefits include 27 paid days off & 17 paid holidays, pre-tax dependent care deductions, paid family medical leave, an annual training stipend, and life insurance.

Please submit a cover letter and resume to:

LRC is an equal opportunity employer and invites applications from professionals with lived experience. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.


Burlington Housing Authority (BHA)

Are you interested in a job that helps your community and makes a difference in people’s lives every day? Consider joining Burlington Housing Authority (BHA) in Burlington, VT to continue BHA’s success in promoting innovative solutions that address housing instability challenges facing our diverse population of low-income families and individuals.

We are currently hiring for the following positions:

Assistant Property Manager:

Serves as a critical member of our property management team. This position is responsible for assisting the team of Property Managers in the day to day operations of BHA’s property portfolio. This position assists with leasing apartments, move in and move outs, maintaining accurate tenant files and assist with tenant complaints, collection of rents, lease violations, property inspections, vacant unit checks, delivery of resident notices and certifications, and other duties related to property management.

Building Operations Technician:

Performs general maintenance work in BHA owned and managed properties. This includes building exteriors, common areas, apartments, building systems, fixtures, and grounds. Our Building Operations Techs are required to participate in the on-call rotation, which covers night and weekend emergencies.

Housing Retention Services – Site

Based: Responsible for supporting those who have mental health and substance use challenges and/or who have moved from homelessness to Bobbin Mill, Wharf Lane, and other BHA properties. The position works closely with property management and other site-based staff to identify challenges and respond with appropriate direct service and coordination of community services, with a goal of eviction prevention and facilitating a healthy tenancy.

Property Manager: Serves as a critical member of our Property Management team. This position will provide oversight of day-to-day operations of BHA’s Elderly RAD developments to ensure longterm viability of the properties within the property portfolio. This position requires independent judgment, timely management of deadlines as well as discretion in carrying out responsibilities.

For more info about these career opportunities:

BHA serves a diverse population of tenants and partners with a variety of community agencies. To most effectively carry out our vision of delivering safe and affordable housing to all, we are committed to cultivating a staff that reflects varied lived experiences, viewpoints, and educational histories. Therefore, we strongly encourage candidates from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ individuals, and women to apply. Multilingualism is a plus!

Our robust benefit package includes premium medical insurance with a health reimbursement account, dental, vision, short and long term disability, 10% employer funded retirement plan, 457 retirement plan, accident insurance, life insurance, cancer & critical illness insurance.

We provide a generous time off policy including 12 days of paid time off and 12 days of sick time in the first year. In addition to the paid time off, BHA recognizes 13 (paid) holidays and 2 (paid) floating cultural holidays. Plus, a sign on bonus!

Interested in this opportunity? Send cover letter/resume to: humanresources@

Human Resources

Burlington Housing Authority 65 Main Street, Suite 101 Burlington, VT 05401

BHA is an Equal Opportunity Employer


The Town of Jericho is looking for its next Town Planner. Jericho (pop. ~5,080) is a small rural community in the center of Chittenden County about 30 minutes from Burlington to the west and Mt. Mansfield to the east. The community has 3 small historic village centers surrounded by a quintessential rural landscape and abundant recreational opportunities.

Do you:

• Want to work in a growing community that cares deeply about planning?

• Seek a new challenge and opportunity to take your career to another level?

• Want to play a leadership role in guiding the future of a dynamic rural small town?

• Have a weakness for craft beer or coffee, maple creemees, and handmade chocolate all within walking distance of your office? If so, this job is exactly what you should be looking for!

The primary responsibility of the Town Planner is to assist the Planning Commission in carrying out their statutory functions and supporting the Town Administrator in managing the implementation of grant funded projects. The work of the Town Planner involves researching, analyzing, developing, and proposing land use planning and development policies, plans and ordinances for consideration by the Planning Commission and Selectboard. This work requires a high degree of independence, initiative, sound judgment and professionalism.

Jericho has a number of exciting planning initiatives currently underway that make this role particularly enticing including implementation of the recently updated Town Plan (December 2023), by-law updates, and a wastewater feasibility study for the 3 Village Centers. The Town also has several very active citizen committees working on affordable housing, trails, land conservation, energy, equity, and social justice.

Our ideal candidate will be highly independent, curious, collaborative and a great communicator, and have a Bachelor’s degree and 3 or more years of experience in the field. Experience in grant writing and grant administration would be beneficial. The Town can offer a very competitive salary DOQ, a comprehensive benefits package, a flexible work environment, and a team-oriented work setting. Salary is commensurate with experience.

For a complete job description visit:, and find the link on our home page. To apply, please send cover letter, resume and 3 references to Linda Blasch, Assistant Town Administrator via email at or via mail at PO Box 39, Jericho, VT 05465. Review of applicants will begin July 1 and the position will remain open until filled. The Town of Jericho is an E.O.E.

Constellation Stories & Science

WED., JUL 10 & 17


Living with Loss: A Gathering for the Grieving

WED., JUL 10


Barn Yarns! Storytelling by Storysmiths

THU., JUL 11


Jesse Miles Paint & Sip x Burly Axe

THU., JUL 11


July 11th Women’s Ride at Hinesburg Town Forest

THU., JUL 11


Roadhouse 60’s Jukebox Rock n Roll

FRI., JUL 12


Live in the Gardens Music Series with Locals & Company & Green Mountain Grille Billie’s Food Truck

FRI., JUL 12


SAT., JUL 13


Do Good Fest VT 2024

SAT., JUL 13


Blockprinting Botanicals

SUN., JUL 14


TUE., JUL 16


e Rumble at Retro Live

WED., JUL 17


Mandarin Conversation Circle

Reception for “ e Power of Perspective” Art Show

THU., JUL 18


Making Mavericks: Myth-busting with Kevin Chu

THU., JUL 18


Vermont Brewers Festival 2024

FRI., JUL 19 & SAT., JUL 20


Williston Film Festival

FRI., JUL 19


Doom Service w/ Little Low & Happy Just to See You

FRI., JUL 19


Sabor Boricua in Every Bite: Beginner’s Class on Puerto Rican Empanadillas

TURNing10! Music Festival

FRI., JUL 19


Clayton Smith: Guns for Jesus

FRI., JUL 19


Chetfest Presents Jaded Ravins with Jimmy Ryan and Friends

SAT., JUL 20


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Seven Days on the press in Mirabel, Québec

fun stuff



(JUN. 21-JUL. 22)

Even though you and I were both born under the sign of Cancer the Crab, I have a taboo against advising you to be like me. I love my life, but I’m not so naïve or arrogant as to think that what has worked for me will also work for you. Now, however, I will make a temporary exception to my policy. Amazingly, the astrological omens suggest you will flourish in the coming weeks by being at least somewhat like me. Therefore, I invite you to experiment with being kind and sensitive but also cheerfully irreverent and tenderly wild. Be on the lookout for marvels and miracles, but treasure critical thinking and rational analysis. Don’t take things too personally or too seriously, and regard the whole world as a holy gift. Be gratefully and humbly in awe as you tune in to how beautiful and wonderful you are.

ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): I trust that your intuition has been guiding you to slow down and disappear from the frenzied, agitated bustle that everyone seems addicted to. I hope you have afforded yourself the luxury and privilege of exulting in the thrill of doing absolutely nothing. Have you been taking long breaks to gaze lovingly up at the sky and listen to music that moves you to tears? Have you been

studying the children and animals in your life to learn more about how to thrive on non-goaloriented fun? Have you given your imagination permission to fantasize with abandon about wild possibilities? Homework: Name three more ways to fuel your self-renewal.

TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): Actor Carrie Fisher put a strong priority on being both amusing and amused. For her, almost everything that happened was tolerable, even welcome, as long as it was entertaining. She said, “If my life wasn’t funny, it would just be true, and that’s unacceptable.” I recommend you experiment with those principles, Taurus. Be resourceful as you make your life as humorously interesting as possible. If you do, life will conspire to assist you in being extra amused and amusing.

GEMINI (May 21-Jun. 20): As you charge into the upcoming period of self-reinvention, don’t abandon and forget about your past completely. Some of your old emotional baggage might prove useful and soulful. A few of your challenging memories may serve as robust motivators. On the other hand, it will be healthy to leave behind as much oppressive baggage and as many burdensome memories as possible. You are launching the next chapter of your life story! Travel as lightly as you can.

LEO (Jul. 23-Aug. 22): Over 3,700 years ago, a craftsperson living in what’s now Israel fashioned a comb from an elephant’s tusk. It was a luxury item with two sides, one used to smooth hair tangles and the other to remove lice. On the handle of the ivory tool is an inscription: “May this tusk root out the lice of the hair and the beard.” This is the oldest known sentence ever written in Canaanite, a language that created the world’s first alphabet. In some ways, then, this comb is a precious object. It is unspeakably ancient evidence of a major human innovation. In another way, it’s mundane and prosaic. I’m nominating the comb to be a symbol for your story in the coming weeks: a blend of monumental and ordinary. Drama may emerge from the routine. Breakthroughs may happen in the midst of everyday matters.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep. 22): Some astrologers assert that Virgos are modest, humble and re-

luctant to shine. But a Virgo New Yorker named Ashrita Furman provides contrary evidence. His main activity in life is to break records. He holds the Guinness World Record for having broken the most Guinness World Records. His first came in 1979, when he did 27,000 jumping jacks. Since then, he has set hundreds of records, including the fastest time running on stilts, the longest time juggling objects underwater and the most times jumping rope on a pogo stick. I propose to make him your spirit creature for the coming weeks. What acts of bold self-expression are you ready to make, Virgo? What records are you primed to break?

LIBRA (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): Libran author Diane Ackerman says, “We can’t enchant the world, which makes its own magic; but we can enchant ourselves by paying deep attention.” I’m telling you this, dear Libra, because you now have exceptional power to pay deep attention and behold far more than usual of the world’s magic. It’s the Season of Enchantment for you. I invite you to be daring and imaginative as you probe for the delightful amazements that are often hidden just below the surface of things. Imagine you have the superpower of X-ray vision.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): If I’m reading the astrological omens correctly, you are in the midst of major expansion. You are reaching further, opening wider and dreaming bigger. You are exploring frontiers, entertaining novel possibilities, and daring to transcend your limitations and expectations. And I am cheering you on as you grow beyond your previous boundaries. One bit of advice: Some people in your life may find it challenging to follow you freely into your new territory. They may be afraid you’re leaving them behind, or they may not be able to adjust as fast as you wish. I suggest you give them some slack. Allow them to take the time they need to get accustomed to your growth.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sagittarian actor Jeff Bridges has wise words for you to heed: “If you wait to get all the information you think you need before you act, you’ll never act because there’s an infinite amount of information out there.” I think this advice is especially apropos for you right now. Why?

Because you will thrive on making strong, crisp decisions and undertaking strong, crisp actions. The time for pondering possibilities must give way to implementing possibilities.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): People may be attracted to you in the coming weeks because they unconsciously or not-sounconsciously want to be influenced, stirred up and even changed by your presence. They hope you will be the catalyst or medicine they need. Or maybe they want you to provide them with help they haven’t been able to give themselves or get anywhere else. Please be aware that this may not always be a smooth and simple exchange. Some folks might be demanding. Others may absorb and integrate your effects in ways that are different from your intentions. But I still think it’s worthwhile for you to offer your best efforts. You could be a force for healing and benevolence.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Sometimes when gifts arrive in our lives, they are not recognized as gifts. We may even mistake them for obstacles. In a worst-case scenario, we reject and refuse them. I am keen on helping you avoid this behavior in the coming weeks, Aquarius. In the oracle you’re now reading, I hope to convince you to expand your definition of what gifts look like. I will also ask you to widen the range of where you search for gifts and to enlarge your expectations of what blessings you deserve. Now, please meditate on the following riddles: 1) a shadow that reveals the hidden light; 2) a twist that heals; 3) a secret that no longer wants to be secret; 4) a shy ally who will reward your encouragement; 5) a boon that’s barely buried and just needs you to scrape away the deceptive surface.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): Lake Baikal in Russia is the world’s deepest, oldest and largest lake by volume. It contains over 22 percent of the fresh surface water on the planet. I propose we make this natural marvel your prime symbol for the next 11 months. At your best, you, too, will be deep, fresh and enduring. And like Lake Baikal, you will be exceptionally clear. (Its underwater visibility reaches 120 feet.) PS: Thousands of plant and animal species thrive in this vital hub. I expect you will also be a source of richly diverse life, dear Pisces.

Cambridge resident Justin Marsh performs as drag queen Emoji Nightmare (pictured left), bringing drag to rural towns. Seven Days’ Eva Sollberger followed Emoji to a drag story hour at Phoenix Books in Essex and a drag show at Bethel Pridefest, then met up with Marsh at their hometown Fourth of July parade and family farm.

WOMEN seeking...


Wanting to add goodness, fun and love to another! Love the outdoors, animals, hiking (exploring), gardens, creating and music! Also enjoy my alone time and space and will certainly respect that for another. I want to share my knowledge and learn another’s. With honest communication brings great loving ... us. MaryMel 68 seeking: M, l


New to the area and looking for camping buddies, dinner party cohosts and romantic connections if it feels right. I love reading the local news, jumping in lakes and looking for the weirdest object in an antique store. Always trying to laugh more, dance more. Help me find the best coffee in the NEK? citymouse, 25, seeking: M, TM, Q, NC, NBP, l


61-y/o WW and 53-y/o WM looking for a woman to fulfill a fantasy. I’m a full-figured woman who has lost over 100 lbs. He is a large man. Could turn into something regular. Fantasy2024 61, seeking: W


52-y/o female who enjoys bonfires, BBQs, hiking trails on a cool evening or morning, walks on the beach, listening to live bands and so much more. VTHonest1 52, seeking: M


You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common!

All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse hundreds of singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.

l See photos of this person online.

W = Women

M = Men

TW = Trans women

TM = Trans men

Q = Genderqueer people

NBP = Nonbinary people

NC = Gender nonconformists

Cp = Couples

Gp = Groups


I’m an active biker, hiker, gardener, musician who has adapted well to retirement (there had to be something positive about COVID!) but is ready to explore life with a companion, maybe a partner, again. Many things are better with a partner, including dining out, travel, bike rides, hikes, laughing, sharing — so I’m putting my toes back in the water! maplesong, 69, seeking: M, l


I’m quite delightful, interested in keeping company with the possibility of intimacy. Would like to meet a good man with an open mind and open heart and see where it goes. Firefly57 67, seeking: M, l


Looking for someone who shares my likes and enthusiasm for things. Big on communication and humor. I love to create, and I follow craft fairs and flea markets to sell. G59VT, 64, seeking: M, l


Kind, loyal, funny, loves classic rock and jam bands. Am a single mom so liking kids is a must, but I have the basics taken care of on my own. JennyP42112, 41, seeking: M, l


I am a 70-y/o but 50 at heart. I am looking for a man who is 420 friendly and won’t shy from a game of bingo. Looking for a good friend and eventually more. Affectionate, caring, truthful, no game playing and honest. Like to laugh and walk, and just want similar interests. Angel420 70 seeking: M


Looking for someone to hang out with, go to the movies and have dinner after to talk. If we like each other and want to get jiggy, bonus. 420 friendly, don’t really care for alcohol, and I do not suffer fools. I am fun and funny. No racists, antisemites, or folks who don’t get why women pick the bear. ho_hum 55, seeking: M, l


Warm, thoughtful, intelligent, aware, intuitive, witty, gracious, earthy, musical, earnest, enthusiastic and romantic woman seeks man who seriously wants the fun, delight, challenges, mystery, awe and rewards of a long-term, committed relationship. VermontContent 63 seeking: M, l


Solo tiny-farming in the hills is sublime, but this unscripted homesteading comedy could use more characters: a partner in permaculture, a paddling companion, a cross-country/backcountry ski buddy, a Scrabble challenger. Some other favored pastimes: sailing, reading, Champlain Islands camping in fall, vegetarian cookery, making you laugh. Life is good. Just missing someone special to share the journey. nordicbette242 53 seeking: M, l


Desire meaningful conversation, spiritual companionship, laughter and love. I am family- and community-minded with philanthropic tendencies; broadly studied in history, art, science and religion; well traveled and influenced by world cultures. I lead a conscientious, healthy lifestyle and keep a clean home, body and heart. Retired, actively pursuing my passions and enjoying my grandchildren. Are you similarly inclined? Eruditee 61 seeking: M, l


Are you a grown-up and still curious, playful, inquisitive, ever learning? I thrive outdoors in every season and relish reflective company, solitude and togetherness, sharing ideas and inspiration, and desires to love in a way that we feel free. I see that many of us here wonder how to describe ourselves. Aren’t we all more than we can say? esmeflying, 60, seeking: M, l


Calm, peaceful woman hoping to connect with a kind, smart, liberal, dog-loving guy. I work in a medical practice and also have a small business and live in northern New York. I am a widow but so ready for a great second chapter! Julie2085, 66 seeking: M, l


I lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy staying fit. Exercise, being in nature, dancing, meditation and cooking all bring me joy. My friends say I’m thoughtful, a good listener and very expressive. I appreciate a sense of humor and a good laugh. I believe that open communication is key to a successful relationship. Ontheroad, 65, seeking: M


Smiles, affectionate, hardworking, passionate, emotionally intelligent. Wants to find the love of her life. You: good head on your shoulders, know what you want, motivated, emotionally intelligent and want a future with a really cute girl with a pretty smile. An affinity for old farmhouses will get you extra brownie points! Battlebeautyfarmhouse 34, seeking: M, l

MEN seeking...


I would like a lady who likes to go out dancing, as I love music, going for walks, staying home and enjoying each other’s company. I love TLC and someone who is warm and caring. Work on projects together, go on vacation, like Florida or Maine! I know how to “wash dishes”. No drama or trauma. WestMil2024 73, seeking: W


I’m fit and open-minded. I’ve had the fantasy for a long time to join a couple for experimentation and fun times. If you think we’ll be a good fit, send me a message and we’ll find out! ChaRIZZma, 41, seeking: Cp


Easygoing, fit and bearded. Love Vt. in spring, summer and fall. The winters are getting a bit old. Looking for new relationships to explore and have fun. Would love to spend time with a wonderful woman. Love the outdoors and being active. Vegetarian. LuckyGuy 50, seeking: W


I’m a 42-y/o man. Looking for a woman 32 to 42 with similar interests. I enjoy old cars, trucks and tractors, and pretty much anything with a motor. I enjoy movies, video games, car shows. I also enjoy yard sales, antiques and antiquing, but not so much anymore. I do enjoy day trips. Willdog81, 42, seeking: W, l


Divorced white man searching for LTR. Two kids on their own. I work for myself, like being outside and do a lot of skiing and some hiking but also enjoy relaxing outdoors. I like the rural/suburban lifestyle but enjoy visiting cities for culture and activities. Open to LTR, casual or friends. I don’t mind a bit of driving for the right person/connection. VTguy3743 59, seeking: W, l


I’m an honest, loving, caring, loyal person who loves to ride motorcycles, get tattoos and have a good time. I’m looking for a woman who wants friends with benefits for now and maybe something a little bit more later. Harley2010, 58, seeking: W, l


I own a 20-acre private nature sanctuary in Gainesville, Fla., north of Paynes Prairie preserve. I live off-grid on 30 acres in Orange county, Vt. Looking for someone to share living space with plenty of room. 382tim 68, seeking: W, l


Transplant to Vt. seeking interesting women to connect with for friendship and possibly more. Euphemystic, 46, seeking: W



Fresh to the market, I’m a little grey and thin on top, rounding in the middle with a great smile. I enjoy classic cars and learning to play the guitar. I’m retired with time to give someone my full attention. Not looking for a maid or a cook, just a nice lady to add to my life. I’m nice. classiccarguy64 64, seeking: W, l


Good guy. Cafés, lakefront, hiking, indoor activities. Let’s make the most of the warm weather. Ironman 55, seeking: W, l


I am looking to enjoy life after a long time spent cooped up. I find and celebrate the best in people. I am positive-minded, and will treat you with respect, care, and honesty. Looking for femme-bodied people (mostly) to hike, sing, ski, garden, sketch, dance, play, and share joy with. GreenMan1, 55, seeking: W, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l CREATIVE, COMPASSIONATE, GRATEFUL, OPEN-HEARTED ADVENTURER

I am creative, sensuous and playful and love exploring. I am a Pisces and love all things water. I love farmers markets, photography, finding swimming spots, dancing, yoga, cooking, skiing, art, mushroom hunting. I am looking for a woman who is warm, curious, compassionate, grounded, creative, adventurous and fun, who knows and likes herself and likes to discuss ideas. WhirlingDancer 75, seeking: W, l


Tall nerdy man looking for some fun. I bike, ski, hike, but when I’m not doing that I’m home with my feet up. RyVermont 27, seeking: W, Cp


I am hoping to find someone for sensual get-togethers. I love laughter, touch, intimacy. Blackriver, 68 seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Cp, Gp, l


Just looking for a lady to go out to dinner once in a while and hang out and let things fall where they fall. Vt617 68, seeking: W, Cp


Friendly chill guy with a naughty mind looking for a friends-only buddy to share fantasies, compare techniques, and maybe watch straight porn. Open-minded, respectful, discreet. I’m athletic, late forties, 420 friendly, can host in BTV. Let’s take it slow and enjoy our favorite hobby with a bro! JOBuddy 48, seeking: M, Cp


I’m a laid-back native Vermonter who lives in and loves the woods. I’m passionate, adventurous and open minded. I enjoy hiking, paddling, camping, mountain biking, swimming and exploring nature. I’m looking for a woman who enjoys similar activities, who is comfortable in her own skin, has the ability to laugh, common sense, loves nature and is interested in friendship first. DiverDude, 58, seeking: W, l

TRANS WOMEN seeking...


I love writing, dancing, making music and meaningful action. My favorite conversations are about people’s passions. I like hiking, biking and paddling, but I spend a lot of time happily indoors being social or creative or productive. I’m interested in people of all genders and am seeking a connection that generates joy every day for us both. Sylph 55 seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l



I work in nature and love to have spontaneous dance parties at home. I’m looking for left-leaning folks for hiking and exploring, spending time with dogs, and the occasional game of Scrabble. I love house music but also enjoy jazz and soundtracks. Twin Peaks, 90210, and Alien franchises. I’d love to get some friends together for an Alien: Romulus party at the drive-in this summer. TwilogirlVT, 53, seeking: M, Q, NC, NBP, l COUPLES seeking...


Fun, open-minded couple seeking playmates. Shoot us a note if interested so we can share details and desires. Jackrabbits, 60, seeking: W, Cp


We are a secure couple who enjoy the outdoors, good wine, great food, playing with each other, exploring our boundaries and trying new things. We are 47 and 50, looking for a fun couple or bi man to play and explore with us. We are easygoing, and we’d love to meet you and see where our mutual adventures take us. vthappycouple, 51, seeking: M, Cp, Gp


From afar, your smile drew me like a moth to a flame - appropriate for an event about pollinators. Your vibe was warm from the start, but I really melted when I saw you were wearing a “Stick of Butter Dad Hat” (confirmed official product name). I too do butter “all damn day.” Want to meet up to talk soft landings and saturated fats? When: Saturday, June 22, 2024. Where: UVM Horticulture Farm. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916047


You were cashing me out, and you said something that made my day and brought flutters to my tummy: “You look really good today.” We’ve never met before, and that’s a shame. Someone as sweet as you deserves everything she wants with a ribbon on it! If you noticed me too, message back. You have my attention, gorgeous girl with the cat eyes! When: Tuesday, July 2, 2024. Where: Champlain Farms — Colchester on Roosevelt Ave. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #916045


You were wearing a white cardigan, red plaid skirt, and black stockings. You told some very funny jokes, a bit of a comedian. I asked if you wanted to go for a walk sometime. We ate some amazing food together. When: ursday, November 25, 2021. Where: anksgiving. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916044


I noticed you sitting solo, then the comments you shared (one funny, one not: the barn!) made me want to start a conversation. Had to run with a family member so didn’t get to say hi, but if you happen to have time and space for new conversations, please be in touch! When: Monday, June 24, 2024. Where: e Savoy. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916043


I saw you before the show started and saw how you seemed to know everyone. I waited around after the show and we spoke briefly about how we both seemed familiar but couldn’t figure out where we had crossed paths. I wish I had asked for your contact info. Seemed like we had a spark, even in the rain. Contact me? When: Saturday, June 29, 2024. Where: Guster concert. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916042


Super cute girl with white Gucci sneakers and gorgeous brown eyes. We locked eyes for a while (several times), but we both were with someone. I owe you an apology: you know why. Please reply if you see this, this is my last recourse. When: Friday, June 28, 2024. Where: Red Square. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916041


You had dark hair and jean shorts. I think you got out of a vehicle with Virginia plates. We exchanged smiles. Just wanted to say you made my day, seeing your beautiful smile. When: Friday, June 28, 2024. Where: Hardwick. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916039


We crossed paths Friday night. You got a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone and then smiled back at me and said, “it’s the best flavor, gotta try it.” I think you’re quite the catch in your gray Vans. Let’s ride around in your white Tacoma sometime. When: Friday, June 28, 2024. Where: Burlington food trucks. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916038


I see you getting after it. Working on that 5K. Wearing that cool vest. Looking hot AF. Love you very much. XOXO When: Sunday, June 9, 2024. Where: In the streets. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916026


I saw you running on the path near Texaco Beach. We glanced at each other. Your smile brightened my entire day. en you continued your run, gracefully heading down the dirt road beside the graffiticovered containers on the railroad tracks. Would be so lovely to know your name and share another smile. When: Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Where: Burlington bike path. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #916037


You were making coffee for your tubby friend on Saturday. You were making him laugh, but weirdly me too. You’re very funny, and good at coffee. Latte art was fire. At least that’s what it looked like. Wanted to ask for your name, but asked for sugar instead because I was nervous. I’m diabetic! Drop me a message if that’s your thing. When: Saturday, June 22, 2024. Where: In a café. You: Man. Me: Man. #916036


When I was almost invisible, I was already under your spell. My actions are not contrived. “I can’t help myself,” and I have tried. I always leave your house on Penny Lane, unfulfilled and wanting more time with you. When I am free next month, how about a hike? Perhaps an email address, a hike, or a cup of coffee. When: Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Where: Her house. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916035


We met this morning while I was taking the trash out. You’re John, I’m Sarah. We talked briefly about how sometimes we feel like our life isn’t our own and that we’re only along for the ride. Remember though, we are the masters of our destiny. You seemed really sad. I’m around if you need a friend. When: Friday, June 21, 2024. Where: In the elevator at Casavant. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916034


I forgot to grab a basket at the front and made my way around the right side of the store past the breads. en I saw you and forgot everything that I had come into the store to get to begin with. With a smirky smile you looked at me again and smiled with your eyes. When: Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Where: Shelburne market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916033

De Mrs. Rog s,

De Rev end,

I moved into my current house eight years ago. I love my neighborhood, but I don’t know a single one of my neighbors. We wave at each other in passing, or if I’m out in the yard and people walk by, we say hello, but that’s about it. I don’t need to be friends with all of them, but I’d at least like to know their names and have more of a sense of community. How can I make that happen without seeming creepy? Am I just being old-fashioned in thinking you should know your neighbors?

I grew up in the ’70s and ’80s in a fairly suburban Vermont neighborhood. All the kids went to school together and hung out with each other. All the parents went to church together and had dinner parties at each others’ houses. I may be recalling things through slightly rosy memory banks, but it’s a fact that everybody knew each other. A few decades later, things have certainly changed. According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, 57 percent of Americans say they only know some or none of their neighbors. Only 26 percent say they know most of them. On the flip side, about a quarter of adults under age 30 say they don’t know any of their neighbors. It seems that the younger you are, the less likely you are to know the people who live near you.


Saw you and thought you were so cute! So hot! en saw you again strolling around town. We passed each other. I had a beard and cutoffs. I really wanted to say hi. Give me a chance over a cup of coffee? When: Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Where: Scout in Winooski. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916032


You: Gorgeous smile, dancing in the rain with your rainbow umbrella during the drag show. Your van full of friends didn’t want to brave the rain but you made the best of it. Me: Woman who nervously asked if you wanted to paint our community canvas. Would love to show you how the canvas turned out. When: Saturday, June 8, 2024. Where: Saint Albans Pride. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #916031


Caught completely off guard and wishing I was your dog walk date at Five Tree Hill. Random pretty woman introducing herself and dog in middle of the road doesn’t happen often. ere’s not a playbook for that one and I should’ve played along longer. If that date didn’t go well, let’s try that introduction again. When: Monday, June 10, 2024. Where: Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916030


Beautiful curly blonde dancing in the crowd at BDJF. You were with your two girlfriends and I was solo curly saltand-pepper guy. We ended up near each other for set two and the dance party continued. You waved twice as you left before the end of the night. Can we see if the glass slipper fits? When: Saturday, June 8, 2024. Where: Burlington waterfront at Discover Jazz Fest. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916029


You and your friend passed a group of us guys when we were at the pond. You said a friendly “hello”. en as you were leaving in your white Jeep Cherokee, you waved goodbye. Care to meet up for a ride someday? When: Friday, May 31, 2024. Where: Saxon Hill trails. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916028


To soulmate flash flash! Keep smiling! When: Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Where: All around. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916024

Whether this is due to screens or shyness, it really is a shame. From better security to a higher sense of general well-being, there are many benefits to knowing your neighbors. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to rectify the situation that aren’t creepy at all. You can join neighborhood forums and Facebook groups, but if you really want to meet people, nothing beats real-life face time. Watch for opportunities to be neighborly. If you see someone


We ate lunch next to each other at Price Chopper and I was too hypnotized by your pretty eyes and smile to say anything more than, “I should’ve gotten a salad, too.” Let’s have lunch sitting across from each other next time. When: Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Where: Price Chopper. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916027


Hello, R. I’m not a member of that site, but I saw your great profile. You have a terrific smile. Too bad there’s no surfing nearby. Let’s do something active in the sun anyway. Start with a SUP outing? I have a spare board. Please say hello. When: Friday, June 7, 2024. Where: You: Woman. Me: Man. #916025


ings were held up in Philly FedX but the Eagle landed and it’s great seeing you again face-to-face. My heart always goes “thump-thump.” Signed, the Kid. When: Friday, May 31, 2024. Where: Winooski. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916023


You: working on your laptop at the bar. Me: blonde, having a late lunch with my son. We exchanged smiles. You had my flabbers gasted and I couldn’t get it together in time to ask for your number. When: Friday, May 31, 2024. Where: Ken’s Pizza. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916022


You were sitting on the end of a dock watching the sunset when my friend and I arrived on a sailboat. As we passed, you took a video. I was the one steering. When: ursday, May 30, 2024. Where: Boathouse dock. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916021


I convinced myself many times that my feelings were unrequited. is “energy” that you refer to has me bewildered: perhaps I feel it too? Setting boundaries is all I can promise at this juncture. I am not ready to say “never”. We both need to acknowledge our feelings, as we will most likely be spending time together for years to come. When: Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Where: Her house. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916020

struggling with their groceries, taking out their trash cans or raking their yard, offer to give them a hand. e next time a neighbor is walking by, make a point to introduce yourself and engage in a short conversation. Go out for a stroll and say hello to people you see in their yards. Again, be sure to introduce yourself and tell them where you live.

If you want to kick it up a notch, host a block party or neighborhood mixer. at sort of thing takes work, but it can really be worth the effort. Whatever you choose to do, don’t be shy. Remember that a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet.

Good luck and God bless,

The Rev end

I’m an 80-y/o woman seeking a man, late sixties and up. I want friendship and companionship. Love the outdoors. Barbecue or grill sometimes in the summer. Wish I could travel to places I have never been. #L1775

65-y/o local, active female seeking intelligent male companion 58-70ish for hiking/ bike packing trips. Love good cooking, maps, thoughtful conversations, board games, early mornings and mutual kindness. Cleanliness required. I value someone polite, caring, gentle and authentic. No: drugs, smoking, heavy drinking. Yes: fun, laughs, good health, fresh air. #L1772

I am a GWM seeking a gay couple who would like to add spice into their sex life with a third. I’m in my sixties, 5’7”, 150 lbs. and live in Burlington. Very clean, open and I am a bottom. If interested, send contact info. #L1774

I’m a 67-y/o SWM, 6’, 190 lbs., seeking a mid-sixties bi couple for occasional get-together. I am honest and respectful and expect the same. Fairly new to this, so slow at first. No devices, only landline. #L1771

Strong, attractive guy looking for an artistic woman who likes both a soft and rough hand. #L1768


Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your pen pal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number.

MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check (made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 161 for a membership (credit accepted).


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Nice guy, 5’10, 195 pounds. 74 y/o but I look younger and am new to the market. I’m seeking a good woman/partner 55 to 75 y/o to love. Very attentive and affectionate, likes to have fun and travel. 420 friendly. #L1773

I would like to meet someone between 60 and 75 who is 5’6” or under and is a slim nondrinker/smoker. Asian heritage preferable. I’m 5’8” and drink/ smoke free. I’m a good cook. An Asian who doesn’t speak good English is acceptable. #L1770

SWM calling all guys. Seeking gay, bi, trans — I want all. Any age and race. Black men are my favorite. I’m clean, don’t smoke, drink or do drugs. I love sex. Kinky OK. I’m a nudist. Love a partner. Phone number. #L1769

SWM (61 y/o), seeking LT companionship, adventures, intimacy with SF (50-65 y/o). Would like to meet kind, respectful, creative woman. Outdoorsy interests, both serious and silly, with life experiences to carry insightful conversations. I’m attracted to intellect, kindheartedness, curiosity, compassion and wisdom. #L1767

GM looking for sex, not for a husband or boyfriend, just fun. Skilled and talented with a wide range of interests. Race and age not important, just enthusiasm for fun and exploration. #L1762

Int net-Free Dating!

47-y/o female looking for friendships only. Not willing to travel — I have no car. Interest in womenfolk who don’t drink or drug, vape only. Crafting and creativity a must. No liars or thieves. In search of honest and dependable friends. #L1766

I’m a 76-y/o M, seeking a F. Burlington resident, Luddite, gardener, fisherman. Into Bach, Mozart, Blake, raspberries. Catholic. You: Old, pretty, smart, conversational for dinners, possible friendship. Call. #L1764

I’m a tall, 70-y/o woman in NEK seeking a male who’s intelligent, sensible, and compatible in size and age. Please be kind. Heartcentered nonreligious Buddhist. I live in a private, clothing-optional off-grid cabin in the woods. Prefer quiet places in nature, and friendly to animals. Organic foods; skilled woodworker, gardener, artist. Emotionally open and sensitive. Differ from cultural norms. Only with the right mate could I thrive on giving and receiving pleasures from a place of love. Friendships also welcome. #L1765

Describe yourself and who you’re looking for in 40 words below: (OR, ATTACH A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER.)

I’m a



Excuse me! Coming through! On your left! Please make way for this fit, gentle, articulate, gracious soul seeking a SWF (55-68) with similar attributes. I revel in words, dogs, gardens, hikes, moonlight and creativity. #L1760

I’m a male 73 y/o seeking a female 68 and up. Active bike riding and kayaking, love an outdoor hike! Seeking similar. Also Catholic and go to church! #L1761

Sensual older couple who enjoy travel — international and domestic — are outdoorsy: camping (love the Islands), gardening, live music and more. Looking to meet preferably another couple open to the possibilities of exploring gentle consensual sensual activities. Meet for a chat-up? #L1757

Anyone able to liven up away from this state? SWF, mid60s, NS, DD-free, seeks guy or gal set to haul off Vermont’s phonies map! Love radical, non-predator people and pets. #L1750

Required confidential info:




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