Better Off Wet Water Lifestyle Magazine Winter 2016

Page 37


UNTING in Florida Staff Report

Belying its beauty, the lionfish is an ugly menace that threatens the Florida water fauna and flora. Left unchecked, this invasive species possesses the capability to completely upset the local ecosystem, including both the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Thought to have been introduced to the area by aquarium enthusiasts who unwittingly released them in local waters, a handful of these creatures soon turned into an invasion. The rapid spread of these native Indo-Pacific ingrates is attributable to their booming, breeding habits. Lionfish reach sexual maturity 2-4 years earlier than native fish. Females lay millions of eggs over the course of a year and can reproduce every four days making the productivity of a rabbit appear more like that of an elephant. Compounding the problem, Lionfish have no natural predators in the Atlantic and Gulf waters to “curb their enthusiasm.”

Not only are Lionfish conquering native species in numbers, these voracious carnivores eat just about everything devouring more than 70 species of fish as well as shrimp and crab. Lionfish can eat up to 30 times their stomach volume and 90 % of their body weight daily. The impact on local fish populations can be devastating. Although beautiful, Lionfish can reduce young fish populations on a reef by nearly 90% in as little as five weeks and the overall population by 65 % in just over two years. With the potential to wreck havoc on Florida reefs and saltwater wildlife, this insatiable species does appear to have one weakness; they taste great! A flaky white fish with a texture described as somewhere between Mahi Mahi and Grouper, Lionfish is a healthy choice. It’s high in heart healthy Omega 3 fatty acids and low in saturated fats and mercury. Culinary consumption has led to the coastal battle cry: “Eat ‘Em To Beat ‘Em!” Lurking around reefs, wrecks, and rocky overhangs, the most effective way to catch Lionfish is Continued on page 38


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