Saturday, july 27, 2013

Page 29

Saturday Mirror

July 27, 2013





Tips for kissable lips (II)


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green thread on the eve of a fashion show for fear that it will bring bad luck. Above all, it is

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universally flattering on all skin tones and com-


plexions making it friendly to whoever makes it


a choice. Whether for formal or informal dates,


these fashionistas demonstrate what to do with


a green colour you may pick in the future.

For masculine lips, facial hair can hide imperfections. Stubble seems to strike a good balance because it signals masculinity (the ability to grow facial hair) while still maintaining a youthful appearance. Be aware that if you have very sharp stubble, extra long kissing can result in abrasions on your partner’s face. o If you smoke, you’ll eventually get “smoker’s lines”, which are fine lines and wrinkles above your top lip. These will make your lips look less attractive. They can only be prevented by not smoking and they can only be hidden by makeup. Smile seductively. Smile seductively. A big, genuine smile is attractive, but you don’t smile like that all the time. When you make eye contact, whether it’s in a conversation or from across the room, curling the corners of your lips upwards can capture the essence of a smile while still showing off your kissable lips. Take a small amount of honey and petroleum jelly and mix them together. Rub it onto your lips. Follow a daily evening and morning regimen 1. After brushing your teeth at night, gently rub a moist towel over your lips. This will soothe and remove dead cells. 2. Brush your lips with a dry toothbrush. This will exfoliate your lips. 3. Apply a bit of Vaseline. Keep it on for the night. Do not use chapstick, for it is considered an addictive substance and can dehydrate your lips, forcing you to use more. Next time you use lipstick, notice your lips before and after: it’s a guarantee that your lips will be worse off after. 4. In the morning, rub a moist towel over your lips. 5. Apply your choice of lip colouring. Apply it as smoothly and evenly as possible. It helps to use lip liner so your colour doesn’t bleed out. 6. Put a medium sized drop of lip gloss or shine to the centre of your lower lip. Don’t overdo it because greasy lips are not attractive. 7. Even it out on both sides of your lower lip. 8. Apply a small covering of lip gloss to the top lip. 9. Wait about 20 seconds before closing your mouth. Repeat the morning process throughout the day as much as you wish. 10. Drink a lot of water. Dry, cracked lips are a major telling factor

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