Child Online Safety Toolkit

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Response and support systems

States parties should provide children with child-sensitive and age-appropriate information in child-friendly language on their rights and on the reporting and complaint mechanisms, services and remedies available to them in cases where their rights in relation to the digital environment are violated or abused. Such information should also be provided to parents, caregivers and professionals working with and for children. Source: General comment No. 25 (2021), para 49153

Capability 4 Model National Response – Law Enforcement Good Practice For countries that do not currently have a dedicated CSEA law enforcement capability in place, the national law enforcement agency should identify and commit to building this capability. For countries that already have a dedicated CSEA law enforcement capability but still need to develop a multi-stakeholder approach, the inclusion of dedicated child protection professionals to work alongside investigators is a significant first step. Leading practice child protection principles for law enforcement should be followed at all times when planning and conducting a CSEA investigation; this will ensure the needs and rights of the child are always paramount. The multistakeholder approach will provide an enhanced level of protection and support for the victim and help achieve best evidence from the victim – increasing the likelihood of a successful prosecution. Sharing best practice across the region is also desirable. Source: WeProtect Global Alliance Model National Response154


To establish a coordinated multi-stakeholder framework to tackle risks for children online, in particular child exploitation and abuse (CSEA): including effective legal and regulatory enforcement mechanisms, prevention, remedies and access to expert advice on child online safety.

153. General comment No. 25 (2021) on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment, UNCRC, 2021. 154. Child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) is when a child is forced or persuaded to take part in sexual activities. This may involve physical contact or non-contact activities and can happen online or offline.


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