The Absurd Egg

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荒 誕 Absurd Egg Portfolio of Pan Ching-Sheng 2011-2012 荒誕 潘敬昇 作品集

荒 誕 Absurd Egg

Portfolio of Pan Ching-Sheng 2011-2012 荒誕 潘敬昇 作品集

潘敬昇 Pan Ching-Sheng 出生於民國 79 年(西元 1990 年)的台北市。 目前就讀政治大學廣告學系, 修習公共關係學程與跨媒體創作學程。 熱愛隨意塗鴉,對平面設計和攝影有極大的 興趣。未來期許能再提昇敘事能力,學習並 強化數位內容(包括互動敘事)與流動、動 態影像的處理,讓自己的創作能夠更多元。 每當生活有新感觸,腦中就會有些荒誕的想 法。利用簡單的線條畫下來,用線條表現那 抽象而難以言喻的概念,許多作品就是從本 子上簡單的線條孵化而來。 Born in May 1990, Taipei City, Taiwan. Majoring in Public Relation and Multi-Media Creation in National Chengchi University. I love drawing graffiti, highly interested in graphic design and photography. In the future, I hope to enhance the ability of communicating, learning and enforcing the skills to deal with digital media (including interactive design) , video and motion graphics, so that I can create diversely. Absurd idea bumps into my head when I have a new experience. Drawing down the idea simply, and it becomes the idea of my creation.






1Q84 いちきゅうはちよん 1984 年的世界正因不明原因而產生變化,天 上的月亮旁多出了一顆綠色的月亮,這就是世 界正在改變的徵兆。但,是什麼改變了?為什 麼而改變?這就是充滿疑惑的一年,1Q84。 而 1Q84 不僅僅是奇幻的愛情故事,作者描述 的 1Q84 是現實世界中的投射,描寫社會的百 態與現實面,警世、反省的意味濃厚。 以紅、白、綠互相交疊出故事中的月球,白色 與綠色描述的是故事中的月亮。而紅色的月亮 則是現實世界的月亮,紅暗指故事的警世性與 現實的不安全。利用三個顏色交疊出晃動不定 的影子,呈現 1Q84 年中的不確定性。 In the year1984, the world is changing. What is changed? And why it is changed? No one knows the reason it changed, so the year 1984 is named "1Q84". The novel 1Q84 is not only a fantasy story of love, but also a story which describes the reality of the society. The people, events in the story implies the world where we live. It can be a reflecting story. The green moon and the white moon the sign of changing in 1Q84, and I put another red moon on the cover to represent the real world we live. So there are three worlds on the cover, 1984, 1Q84 and the real world, each world overlaps with other, creating a unstable world described in the novel.

Book Cover/ 14.8cm*21cm/ 2012

群 Der Schwarm 群描述一個人類無盡污染的世界,海中單細胞 生物集合成群體智慧,對人類展開一系列的反 撲。群藉由大海的反撲,喚起我們對環境污染 的關注,藉由海中的群體智慧生物與人類交 流,挑戰人類在地球上最聰明的地位,衝擊我 們的價值觀。 至今仍有許多海域是人類尚未發掘的,作者以 細微、多面向的舖成,塑造出大海的廣大與神 祕。黑色的剪影,大面積黑色與小塊的淺藍對 比,製造出由海底向上看的影像大海無際且深 不見底的可怕。 Der Schwarm is a story about single-celled organism assemble into a intelligent swarm, attacking human beings, the source of pollution. This story makes me concerned about the problem of pollution, and it challenges the values that human is the most intelligent livings on the earth. Writer create a wide, mysterious sea with detailed descriptions. Black shadow of human body, black and bright blue go into a strong contrast, creating a view looks from the deep, horrible sea.v

Book Cover/ 14.8cm*21cm/ 2012

Simple Food For The Good Life 特別的食譜,沒有繁瑣的烹飪步驟,沒有精 準的食材配方。如同書名,書中分享許多以 天然食材為材料,經由簡易烹調而成的健康 料理。 葡萄乾、燕麥與小麥混合就可以是一道健康 無負擔的料理。聶耳寧夫人以輕鬆的態度看 待料理,每一次烹飪都是一次嘗試,食譜的 內容樸實,透過簡約的文字向讀者傳達健康 飲食的概念。 It's a simple cookery book without difficult tutorial and presice ingredients. As the name says, it shares healthy cuisines made from natural ingredients. Raisins, Oats and wheats can be mixed to be a healthy cuisine. Mrs Nearing regards every cooking as a try. She expresses a new concept of healthy diet with simple and honest descriptions.

Book Cover/ 14.8cm*21cm/ 2012

風之影 La Sombra Del Viento 風之影抖落身上的灰塵,這是男孩的第一本 書,每天不間斷地閱讀風之影,男孩深深地 迷上了風之影,甚至開始調查風之影作者胡 立安的身世之謎。 故事的背景設定於灰暗的西班牙內戰後,男 孩對風之影作者展開調查,卻不自覺地走入 西班牙灰暗的歷史。以向下延伸的樓梯作為 主體,象徵男孩解開層層謎團,卻慢慢地接 近最底端,西班牙黑暗血腥的歷史,再以水 泥紋理營造沈悶、硬而冷的氛圍。 The Shadow of The Wind, it is the first book of the boy. The boy reads it everyday and he is obsessed in the story, wondering things about the writer of the book. The Shadow of The Wind is a story happened at the end of The Spanish Civil War. The boy start investigating about the past of the myterious writer, unconciously walks into the dark history of Spanish. Using the stair down into the deep darkness to decribe the boy who reaches the truth at the bottom-- the dark and bloody history. Creating an dead and cold atmosphere with the cement material.

Book Cover/ 14.8cm*21cm/ 2012

聯合公園-混合理論 LINKIN PARK, HYBRID THEORY 唱片一播放,另類的搖滾灌入耳中。聯合公園的音 樂就如同綜合的果汁,將電吉他、鼓、混音唱盤與 饒舌等巧妙地結合在一起。 以果汁機中的旋轉刀片營造出音樂演奏的過程,不 同於聯合公園以往灰暗、酷炫的封面,我希望以更 具體的方式描述這張專輯。 A new rock style pours into my ears when the CD is played. Linkin Park combines metal rock and raps nicely, and the music of Linkin Park just like a tasty mixed fuit juice. Using the twisting blade of the mixer to decribe the performance of the band. As a difference from the style of Linkin Park's album, I hope to describe the album more concretely.

CD Cover/ 12.5cm*12.5cm/ 2012

日復一日 Daylife 這是一張假想的專輯,是設計相關課堂的期末作 業。這張專輯主要是以開車上班爸爸的上班族生 活作為出發點,構思這張唱片。通勤的上班族每 天規律的生活著,也會有枯燥乏味的一天。這張 唱片收錄的樂曲正是要為通勤的上班族,在乏味 的通勤時段中,帶來一些小小的樂趣。 以時鐘和輪胎做結合,象徵開車上班(延伸到通 勤的)的上班族,每天如時鐘般規律。時鐘和輪 胎一樣一直轉,一直轉,轉掉了大半個人生。 It's a imaginary album, a practice in the course. This album was inpired by my father who drives to work everyday as an office worker, so it is named "Daylife". Office workers go to work at 9, going home at 7. They have regular life. However, regular life can be boring and dull without anything fun. Daylife describes the life of commuters (Office workers). Tire represent the communiting of office workers, and their life is so regular that it seems to be a clock. Combine clock and tire, clock like tire means the office worker's life is regular--going to work on time, going home on time.

CD Cover/ 12.5cm*12.5cm/ 2012

CD Cover (Back)/ 12.5cm*12.5cm/ 2012


咖啡因效應 Caffeine Effect 黑咖啡入口,不僅僅是心臟開始跳動起來,連思 緒也跟著躁動起來。每當腦袋停擺了,就試試黑 咖啡,濃純的咖啡原味敲動僵硬的思緒,給我思 考的原動力。 Not only does my heart beat faster, but my mind bumps all around. When the black coffee goes through my teeth, my throat, it pulls my brain up from the stagnant mud. Pure and strong black coffee knocks my head, provides me the power to think .

Illustrationr/ 10cm*10cm/ 2012

人類 進化 ? Human Evolution ? 看著動物星球頻道的節目,黑猩猩的腦容量雖 然沒有人類大,會思考,但也會分享。從節目 反思並且延伸,當人從猿慢慢演化而來,腦容 量由小變大,智慧增長,是否也增長了私心與 貪婪?無私與知足是否隨著智慧增長而逝?智 慧帶來文明,而文明帶來了污染? 兩條空格在向下走的綠色塊與向上走的紅色色 塊上,放上兩個對立的詞,便會知道到人類是 否進化。 The brain volume of the human being gets bigger and bigger when human evolves. However, the wisdom of human makes them selfish and greedy. Also, the wisdom brings out the civilization, and pollutions come after the civilization. I put two blanks above the green and red blocks on the left side and right side. Filling two opposite word to realize if human being evolves.

Illustrationr/ 10cm*10cm/ 2012

給在遠方的你們 Best regard from Taiwan 在遠方的朋友們,你們還好嗎? 許多朋友在畢業之後,奔向國外留學,做交換 學生,甚至還有打工度假。所以在中秋節前幾 個禮拜,以明信片的方式寄送給在國外的朋友 們,讓他們更想念台灣。 以照片為主軸,取景自台北廢棄的舊眷村,將 房子的入口縮小製造出距離。台灣欒樹穿出磚 牆而生,向遠方樹葉上的女孩招手,左方的磚 牆就是我們熟悉的台灣,而右方的樹葉、少女 則是出國在外的朋友們。 Friends far away from hometown, how is your day going? Many friends go abroad for advanced studies, for working holiday after graduated. Moon festival should be a day of reunion, so I make postcards for them with my best regard. Using the photo of the residential military community as background. Taiwan Golden-rain Trees grow through the wall and the minimized door means the hometown--Taiwan. On the right side, the girl stands on the leaf represent my friends abroad.

Postcard / 14cm*8.5cm/ 2012

時間差 Day Lag 總是希望自己將今天的事情處理完,所以開始 熬夜到凌晨四點才睡覺,睡到第二天下午一 點,錯過了一整個早上的時光,晚上又要利用 時間補回來,因此又熬夜到凌晨五點,睡到第 三天的下午兩點。一天只有二十四個小時,多 用了今天的時光,明天的時光就會縮減,熬夜 只是佔用了隔天的時間罷了。 I always hope that I can finish all the work before I sleep. So I stay up late until four in the morning, and wake up at 2pm, missing all the good time in the morning. However, it takes me more time to fill up the blank I missed. Day by day, it becomes a day lag. Staying up late is not a good solution, because there are only twenty four hours in a day. It is just a way to occupy our time in the next day.


時間銀行 Time Bank App 靈感來自於和朋友聊天內容,「我什麼都沒有, 就是時間最多,如果將時間作為貨幣,我現在肯 定挺富有的」。時間銀行的概念在英國已經行之 有年,但是比較慈善導向的,而在台灣也有類似 的行為「語言交換」。 和英國時間銀行的最大不同在於出發點,時間銀 行應用程式不以慈善為主要目的,純粹強調、提 供方便人們勞務換取勞務的平台,以半小時為最 小單位,讓人們回到最單純、平等的交易。 時間銀行手機應用程式,將勞務分類成教學、苦 力兩大項目。而控制選項分成「我的銀行」、「搜 尋」與「勞務清單」,分別管理自己擁有的時間, 尋找需要的幫助(賺取時間的機會)和管理目前 所進行的任務和執行完成的任務。 Inspired by my friend when I was chatting with him. He said that he would be rich if time became a new currency. However, the idea of time bank has been executed for a while. The difference between Time Bank in United Kingdom and Time Bank App is that charity is not the main purpose for the Time Bank App. The main purpose of the app is to provide a platform to exchange their service. This App divide services into two group, Tutorial and Man power, and three main fuctions, My bank, Search and List. My bank shows the time you own, and thirty minutes is the smallest unit to count. Search, you can search for the request or pose a request for help. List shows the record of the Task finished and the task in progress.

Iphone application simulation/2011

我的銀行 My Bank 顯示出你現在擁有的貨幣數量,以半小時 為最小單位。 另外可以透過捐贈來賺取時間,捐贈的項 目以發票為主,捐贈出三十張給予時間銀 行發票後,時間銀行提供流水號,輸入在 Donate 頁面中獲取半小時。捐贈發票所得 將會捐給慈善機構。 Shows how much time you have (currency). Thirty minutes is the basic unit to exchange. Donation is another to earn the time, donate thiry receipt lotteries to get 0.5 hour. The revenue will be donated to charity.

搜尋 Search 分成兩大項目: 找尋需要幫忙的人與尋求幫助。選擇分類 與時數,打上需求描述,即可發佈勞務需 求。在尋找需要需求的列表上可以看見所 有發佈的需求,點入了解詳細需求類別、 時數與描述。 Two functions: Look for help and Help Others. Choose the type of the service you need, the duration of the service and describe the service you need in detail. Post it when you finish the form, and your need will be on the list in "Help Others". In the "Help Others" list, you will see all the need, click to see the detail of the need.

勞務清單 List 可以看見自己已經完成的任務與正在進行 的任務,若要取消任務,則要雇主按下解 除後才生效,雇主可選擇支付時間。 List shows the Task completed and the Task in progress. After the employer cancel the task, the task will be cancel officially. And employer can decide to pay or not to pay for the service.


愛的昇華 Sublimation of Love Nikon FM2/ FUJIFILM 400/ 2010

價值不菲的願望 Coins of Wishes Nikon D50/ 2012

未命名 Untitled Nikon D50/ 2012

帶著圓融出門 Don't forget to bring the harmony Nikon FM2/ Kodak Film 200/ 2010

把自己困住的城市 City built in the jail Nikon FM2/ ILFORD PAN 400/ 2009

陶醉於彈指之間 Be obsessed in what you love Nikon FM2/ ILFORD PAN 400/ 2010

等時間流過 Waiting for the time going through the loneliness Nikon FM2/ Positive Film 200/ 2009

到底多久沒回家了? When is the last time you saw him ? Nikon FM2/ Positive Film 200/ 2010

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