Issue 6

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Yo u r C ar eer , Yo u r T er m s Wh y Let Oth ers Def i ne You? Starting a StyleBlog Getting a Ph.D. Bei ng a Pet Parent 12- H r s i n A m ster d am




PAGE37 28



Goin g Beyon d A M ast er s 24 Bachelor 's degree, check. Masters degree, check. Ph.D., in progress

Car eer Spot ligh t Being a Fashion Blogger


Br eak r oom Bit es Surviving Happy Hour


Ou t of Of f ice A Weekend in Denver 12 Hours in Amsterdam

28 37

Cor por at e Welln ess Making Fitness a Lifestyle


Bein g a Pu ppy Par en t 32 Moving to a new city calls requires a new, life-long companion. Balan cin g Wor k & Play Work hard, play hard, and finding time to do both


Tak in g a St r et ch Br eak 14 For young professionals tied to a desk, there's nothing better than a little stretch Plan t s f or t h e Of f ice 5 Bringing a little dose of the great outdoors into your office Cou pon in g f or Rook ies You don't have to be an expert to save big bucks at the grocery store


Dr ess f or Su ccess 9 Outfits that move from Gym to Office Cover ph ot ogr aph y: Stephanie Drenka


MAST HEAD Abou t Us Forty Magazine is a digital publication dedicated to young professionals. Intended for recent grads, new employees, and professionals under 40, Forty Magazine helps millennials transition into the workplace with ease.

OUR T EAM Kian Her vey Editorial Director and Publisher M or gan Han cock Creative Director Ar iadn e Aber in Fashion Director M olly Pr ice Staff Writer Lau r en Wh it e Staff Writer Con t r ibu t in g Wr it er s Timycia Williams Darren Baucham Taylor Edwards Danielle Harrington Devean Owens Chelsea Anglade Chelsie Petras

PHOT O CREDI T S Attribution noted in spread if required by photographer. All images tagged in creative commons and/or non-commercial use. Photo Sources: Death to Stock Photo, Pixabay, Albumarium, PicJumbo

40 HOURS Devoted to your day-to-day interactions and experiences in the workplace

PLANTS For t h e Of f ice

Test your office green thumb with Staff Wr iter Molly Pr ice. After finding success at home, she offer s tips for adding some fresh greener y to your cube.

RULES f or Of f ice Plan t s No matter what plants you choose, it?s important to remember your office is a shared space. Be a welcomed desk neighbor by following a few desk etiquette rules when it comes to plants.

1 2 3 -

If you have a flowering plant, something that produces pollen, be sure to check with your office neighbors in case of allergies. If allergies are a concern, avoid plants that can spread allergens through the air or snip the buds.


If you?re going to bring plants into the office, be a good plant parent. No one wants to be greeted each morning by your wilty, dried out plant morgue. Keep your plants healthy and vibrant, or know when it?s time to let go of your dying plant project!


On the flip side, don?t go crazy with the greenery. While some green is great for your desk, be sure you?re not screaming ?Welcome to the Jungle!? with your workspace. All things in moderation, as they say. Adding greenery to your desk can brighten up your mood, personalize your space, and make you feel at home. Find a variety that speaks to you and go for it.

Gr owing a Gr een Thumb This year, I finally did it. One of my college girlfriends talked me into it at her bachelorette party. I?ll admit it. I was nervous. I didn?t think I had what it took, but I gave it a shot. I started a vegetable garden. Living in Farmland, USA peaked my interest in gardening. Cornfields, farmer?s markets and neighbor?s backyard harvests surrounded me. When we moved into our little house in Illinois, it came with three raised garden beds. They were neglected, covered up, and not even growing weeds. But, the hard part of constructing the beds was already done, so I had to try. After a few months of effort, the garden was a success. I?ve been pleasantly surprised at my results and how tasty they are! During the day at my desk, I often find myself missing my garden greenery and vibrant freshness. Since it?s no longer 1995, I?m boycotting the typical office silk flowers and going for the real thing at my desk.

Her e ar e five gr een and simple plant ideas that will wor k wonder s for your cube vibe.

Fer ns

Ferns are some of nature?s toughest plants. No corner office? No worries. Designed to thrive on the shady forest floor, you won?t need great natural light to have success with these gorgeous greens. Ferns come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, so visit your local nursery and see what?s available.


A little zen and Asian flair comes in this easy to maintain package. Bamboo doesn?t need real sunlight to thrive. In fact, it doesn't even need dirt! Just place the plant in water and you?re all set. Keep the water level high, and these swanky stalks are basically foolproof.

Lemon Balm

Most indoor plants won?t flower, so you?ll miss some of that sweet aroma. Lemon Balm is the answer. It?s super fragrant, sweet-smelling, and studies have shown that the scent enhances mood. Lemon Balm will do well in almost any light, but needs regular watering.

Aloe Ver a

If you're lucky enough to have a window near your cube, aloe vera is a great desk mate. The gel can soothe burns, paper cuts, or moisturize dry hands, but the plant is also known to remove chemical toxins from the air. Breathe a little easier with this classic in your cube.


All the rage these days, cacti come in countless varieties. The most popular of which is succulents. The leaves tend to be thick and fleshy, and come in a variety of colors and shapes. The popular version you?re probably thinking about is Echeveria, but there are several others, too. (Sedum clavifolia is a favorite.) Your options are limitless, and these plants are some of the most eye-catching!

The best part of starting a garden is reaping the tasty benefits. Check out Molly's first fruit of the season on Instagram @mrsmollyprice.


WHAT As young professionals, we?re anxious to kick start our careers and our lives. We want to kick butt in the office, gym, and still have time to hang out with friends. An average workday could include a long commute, hours answering emails, a lunch workout, more meetings, and happy hour with friends. You could change outfits a number of times for each activity or you could embrace the athleisure wear movement. The athleisure movement that started out as a runway model trend has proven its status as a fashion staple. Athleisure style is just what the name suggests: outfits that combine athletic wear and street clothes in an effort to mesh style and functionality. Athleisure wear is a great way to streamline one aspect of your busy work week? your clothing. You can take yourself seamlessly from the gym to work to drinks with friends without having to pack a carry-on bag of outfits.

TO CREATE YOUR LOOK - Find trendy, streamlined silhouettes. You can?t really do athleisure with a pair of basketball shorts. Instead, stick with joggers, leggings, or yoga pants. The silhouettes are much more polished, and the pieces are much more versatile.

- Stick to neutr al color s. A really easy way to keep your athleisure look chic is to wear your pieces in neutral colors. A monochrome look, or a head-to-toe look in a neutral hue, can elevate your outfit and make it look urban and cool. Plus, neutrals are much easier to pair with other pieces.

- Only wear pieces that look new. Don?t wear your ratty sweatpants or dirty sneakers? those pieces don?t exactly scream ?athleisure.? Instead, make sure your pieces are sharp and fit you well.

IS ATHLEISURE WEAR? For a versatile look that?s casual but still put-together, you can pair some workout leggings or joggers with a casual shirt, and top it all off with a structured piece, such as a leather jacket. Since you?re out and about, you?ll want comfortable shoes. Sneakers are a great option, and they?ve been making quite a comeback in recent months (see Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and Jennifer Lawrence rocking this footwear). I love the combination of sneakers with a leather jacket? it makes for an ensemble that?s effortlessly cool.

FOR AROUND TOWN Another piece that?s making a comeback is the tracksuit. A tracksuit can also make for a polished ensemble? wear one in a neutral color, such as navy or black, and make sure the fit is impeccable. Pair with some sharp-looking sneakers for an easy outfit formula it to take you out and about.

For a look that you can quickly take from the office to the gym (or the barre studio!), pair some versatile workout bottoms with more polished pieces, such as a crisp white button-down shirt or a classy blazer. Black leggings or joggers are great athleisure staples because they?re so easy to amp up for a dressier look. You can make your other, dressier pieces work for you as well? for example, you can wear a workout tank under a button-down shirt, or dress up a workout tee with a jacket or blazer. To complete your look, add some statement shoes and jewelry. Stilettos or booties are great shoe options, and you can pair these with a statement cuff or dainty pendant.


FOR HAPPY HOUR Skirts are your best friend when wanting pieces that are easy to transport and change into. They?re a stylish option for a fun happy hour look. You can pair a skirt with a more casual, athletic top, and rock a cool bomber jacket with sneakers. Or, you can play up the chic factor by going monochrome. Pair some neutral workout bottoms, and stick to that color palette with your other pieces. You can go head-to-toe black, and pair black leggings with a black dressy tank top and a black leather jacket. Or, you can go grayscale, and pair some gray joggers with a white tee and a black jacket. Forget heels or dress shoes; sneakers make the look cool without trying too hard. It?s high time we start considering sneakers as a chic footwear option. You can?t go wrong with footwear that?s both trendy and comfortable.

Check out mor e Athleisur e wear looks from Ar iadne, I dan, and Kor ey on our website.

STRETCH IT OUT You might not have a mat at your desk, but you can easily give your muscles a good stretch at work. Ergonomics enthusiast Timycia Williams shares eight easy excersies to do at your desk.

Most of us spend large amounts of time sitting in front of a computer. Or maybe you attending meetings all day that can make the mind and body lethargic. Reward your body with a few minutes of movement to keep performing at an optimal level. These simple exercises will recharge the body and provide an opportunity for blood flow as well as release some tension. You can easily do these light and easy stretches at your desk or on a break.

Eye Break

We can become so focused on the content we are viewing on the computer screen that we forget to blink Giving your eyes a break from computer screens, phones, or just terrible fluorescent lighting is good for them. The simple act of closing your eyes for 3-5 minutes a day will help moisturize them. The muscles controlling the eyes need a break from strained focus.

Leg Stretch

This exercise will benefit ligaments around and within the knee. Flex the legs out while sitting at your desk, raise both legs simultaneously then fold back down. Repeat at least 10 times. If you have time, take a walk around the office building for 5-15 minutes. During this walk focus on your breathing. This alfresco walk will provide you with some fresh air and a change of scenery. Immerse yourself in Mother Nature while simultaneously working those legs and possibly increasing your heart rate. If you can’t make it outside or need a quick energy boost, take to the stairs in your building. This exercise is sure to get your heart rate up in less than 5 minutes. Step it up by climbing two steps simultaneously to give your legs a good stretch plus work your abdomen.

Head Roll Start by sitting up straight in your desk chair. Rotate your neck clockwise, then counter clockwise. Take your dominate hand and place it on top of head. Apply a gentle pressure and press your head to the right side. Next do the same technique one the left side.

Press head to 1 side

Calf Stretch

While standing at your desk, rise up on toes then release heel of foot back down to floor. This is a great exercise for flexing the toes and building the calf muscles.

Raise up on toes

Back Stretch

While sitting in your chair extended your legs out in front of you while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Next stretch arms down toward your feet bending at the waist. Come back up to sitting position and extend arms above head to give your shoulder blades a good stretch.

Bend at the waist

Extend arms up

Wrist Flex

First, extend the right arm out in front of the body with palms of hand facing outward as if you are signaling for someone to stop. With the left hand, apply gentle pressure to the finger tips and flex wrist back slightly. Do the same technique on the opposite wrist. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute on each wrist. Next, hold hands downward with fingertips aimed at the floor; apply the same pressure to knuckles. Repeat on opposite wrist. Then, rotate each wrist clockwise then counter clockwise. Repeat on opposite hand. The strech should last about one minute on each hand.

Gently flex wrist

UP THE LADDER Devoted to your personal and career development

Pho to graphy by Esther Huynh


It was a hot summer day in Dallas, but you wouldn?t know it looking at the young blogger. Her skin glowed in the beaming sunlight and the dense humidity barely fettered her dark hair. She wore a khaki skirt, peace sign choker, and a loose tank-top that she kept pulling up nervously. ?I keep feeling like I?m showing too much cleavage,?she admitted, propping her stylish purse on the table. Even though there were no cameras around, she appeared ready for a photoshoot. Kelley Barnes, Style Editor of The Style Barn, was ready to tell her story. ?I didn?t start my blog to make money; I started it because I enjoy fashion.? Barnes started The Style Barn back in 2012. A fresh graduate from Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth, TX, she began sharing her fashion savvy on Twitter, hoping to keep followers abreast of the latest trends in the fashion world. W hen her long-term mentor from college advised her to get a website and share more of her personal looks, she felt a little taken aback. Would she be able to curate the same high-level of fashion through photos instead of tweets? How would she define herself in a growing market over 12 million bloggers? ?I decided I wanted my photos to look like a magazine,? she said. ?I didn?t want to post something every day? I

"This is somehow what I?ve been called to do ." prioritized quality over quantity, and when people started saying, ?You don?t post often, but I look forward to when you do,?I knew I was doing okay.?

was still in its infancy stages, Barnes was a true freelancer, taking on copywriting jobs in a variety of fields to support herself financially. She was investing a lot of her An ?okay?blog turned into relationships with own money in photography and Tobi, Warby Parker, styling, and was Boohoo, and other national brands. She?s particular about how hosted local events at she presented herself Gap, private trunk club online. Photographer shows, and even been Esther Huynh started working with Barnes in recognized by local 2014 and describes high-end retailer Barnes?blogging Tootsies as a Top Blogger finalist in 2014. efforts as highly strategic. ?W hen I got that email, ?Just because a new it brought tears to my trend hits the stands eyes,?she said, doesn't mean Kelley stumbling through an will necessarily go emotional retelling. ?The year before I was with it and post just at the competition something for that as an attendee... W hen sake,?Huynh said. I received that email, I ?Kelley is all about was so happy. I was so quality over quantity. She won't post proud; I was at a loss anything just for the for words. I just sake of it." couldn?t believe it.? But Barnes wasn?t only But success didn?t always come so easy. competing against posting norms W hen The Style Barn

established by other fashion bloggers; she was also fighting her family?s doubts. Her family was at first confused by the fashion blog? a deviation from her college degree in mass communications. But after seeing Barnes land several marketing jobs from her blog?s work they started to come around. ?Sometimes I wish my mom had never discovered Facebook,?she laughed. ?She posts every photo on Facebook. And every time I finish a shoot, I send the photos to my grandma and she?ll comment, ?So pretty.?? Unknowingly, her family inspired Barnes?love of fashion at a young age. Her mom constantly snapped photos of Barnes when she was growing up and Barnes admits today they were always ?so stylish and cute.?She won best dressed in high school and often stood out in college classroom full of students wearing sweats and pajamas. At a performance evaluation for an old job, even her supervisor couldn?t deny Barnes?commitment to dressing well. ?My supervisor asked me what was my passion, and she sort of answered it for me. She said, ?I feel like it?s fashion... because the way you dress at work,?? she remembered. ?That conversation made it obvious to me that this is somehow what I?ve been called to do.? Beyond being committed to answering her calling, Barnes is committed to introducing followers to a style all her

own. Those who work closely with her see a rebellious spirit in her blogging style that instantly draws followers in. She?s honest in her captions (a recent one described her tense facial expressions as ?Briefly discussing tacos?) and focuses on being creative rather than being popular. ?She does not allow the pressure or demands of [the industry] to shift or yield her to become something or someone she doesn't want to be,?Huynh said. ?She is game to try anything, even if it means climbing up on walls and spaces with 4 inch heels on.? W hat?s next for Barnes is a fall-themed photoshoot and several networking events in Dallas, TX. Right now, her biggest personal challenge with The Style Barn is launching a YouTube channel, and managing the time required to run such a successful site. But she?s more interested in sharing her creative side than getting followers. Delivering great fashion content is just who she is. ?If nobody ever went to The Style Barn, that?s perfectly fine. It?s something I created and am passionate about. My vision is to keep creating, showing my creative mind, share what I love, and that?s it.? You can fo llow Barnes o n Instagram and Facebo ok @TheStyleBarn. Visit her website to see her latest lo o ks and fashio n trends.

Go in g B eyo n d A M a s t e r 's


C h a n g e [verb] : to make radically different T r a n s i t i o n [noun] : a movement, development, or evolution from one stage to another

M ost people think I am completely cr azy to be going str aight into a Ph.D. progr am after completing a two-year masters program. But when you think about timing, why not? Why not get it done now while I have no [real] obligations? Now is the time to go after all the dreams and goals I have set for myself. With that being said, this is one of the biggest decisions and changes I have experienced thus far in my life. A period of transition and change brings about uncertainty and anxiety. I quit my full time job and left great living arrangements to embark on a journey I know very little about. I left safe and comfortable for something new, different and uncomfortable. I n or der to tr uly grow and develop both professionally and per sonally, you have to be uncomfor table. If it doesn?t scare and/or challenge you, you?re not growing. I know that this road won?t be easy. I know I?m going to miss my friends and family. But I also know that I will come out the other side a far better

M e!

person than I was going in. If you?re questioning whether or not to go back to school for an advanced degree, I say go for it! To find the right advanced degree program, figure out what you?re passionate about or what degree you need to advance your career. Then decide what part of the country (or world) you would like to live in. Think about what size institution you would like to attend, and organize your research by various categories such as national ranking, school, location, program name, degree (MA, MS, MEd, MBA, PhD, EdD), years to complete, GPA requirement, entrance exam (GRE, GMAT), cost, and notes. After this initial research, begin to dive deeper into each school. Look into the professors within the program. Does their research match your interests? Are there opportunities for fellowships or assistantships? Study abroad options? Graduate leadership organizations? Will you have the opportunity to attend conferences to network with others in the field? Some of these things you won?t be able to find online so be prepared to visit the campus to get a feel for what the school is like. After my first visit to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, I could easily imagine myself living there for the next few years to complete my degree. If possible, take advantage of any pre-enrollment program your university offers. Getting acclimated to a new environment takes time. Using an early enrollment program to ease into your advanced studies will make the transition less stressful. After you?ve finished your research comes the hard part -leaving your job. L eaving your j ob can be tr icky, especially because it all depends on your boss. Figure out the type of relationship you have with your boss and decide what would be best for you. I didn't tell my boss I was leaving until I was

accepted into my program. But, I did give a starting over would not be easy. Not only month's notice, which enabled my job to begin would I be starting a Ph.D. program at a new searching for my replacement sooner than institution, I was moving to an area I know later. Beyond preparing your boss, you have very little about. I went from 100+ degree to prepare your bank account. Begin saving summers to below zero winters [Jesus be a for your potential move as soon as possible. space heater]. Though it?s scary and definitely Moving is stressful and expensive! As soon as unchartered waters, it is also exciting! you know for sure you?re moving, start Transition and change also brings about new packing. Invite friends adventures and interesting over for a packing party. discoveries. I am excited Use this time to get rid of to learn from such a Years from now, you'll be old clothes and knick diverse faculty, unique able to tell your children, knacks and take those cohort, and continue to items to a donation center grow and develop myself both professionally and for others to enjoy. As the " I seized every opportunity. final days at your job personally. When you I obtained my degrees, come to a close, make a look back on your life at list of all the things you 50 or 60 years old you I advanced my career. " do. This is both for your don?t want to rattle off the benefit as well as your should?ve, could?ve, supervisor's. If possible, would?ve. You want to wrap up any outstanding projects or at least tell your children, grandchildren, nieces, get them to a place to be passed on to the next nephews or mentees that, ?I seized every person. opportunity presented to me. I obtained my degrees, advanced my career, and saw/lived in No matter how much you plan and prepare, various parts of the country/world.? There is know that you will feel a great deal of so much to experience and we do not have to anxiety until you get accepted into a program. limit ourselves in this day and age. As cliche (Especially if you have been in a stable as it sounds; the possibilities are truly endless. position for a number of years or have forged meaningful relationships and friendships.) For me, I felt the most anxiety and sadness because I was leaving my students. I knew

Devean is pursuing an advanced degree in education. You can follow her on Instagram @itsjustdevean.

OFF THE CLOCK Devoted to life beyond 40 hours, covering life, love, travel, and everything in between.


MILE HIGH CITY By Lauren White

My friend and I wanted to visit Colorado for good food, brews, and unique hotels. The Denver area luckily offered all three. The people are friendly, relaxed, open-minded, and health conscious. It seemed everywhere we went people are sipping coffee on patios and reading newspapers as their dogs rest at their feet. Bicyclists decked out in full biker attire are out at all times of the day. And coffee shops are on every corner. Many eateries have garage-style doors that slide open to let in the cool mountain breeze. After a weekend in Mile High City, it’s fair to say Denver is a cool place.

Photo By Drew Hays, Unsplash

Good Morning, Mr. Coors

During our stay, we were delighted to find that nearly every town we visited had at least one brewery, if not more. Our first stop in Colorado was the Coors Brewery in Golden. The self-guided tour takes guests through the brewing process and ends in a large tasting room. Adolph Coors believed that fresh water was the key to making quality beer. He chose the brewery location in 1873 because of the nearby fresh water supply. After sampling a fresh Blue Moon, I had to agree with Mr. Coors. Somehow the Blue Moon just tastes better in the Rocky Mountains.

Bites at Beau Jo’s In the evening we went to Beau Jo’s pizza in downtown Idaho Springs. The friendly, relaxing décor features fake mine shafts and a salad bar on ice in a white porcelain bathtub! We ordered the Motherlode Mountain Pie with honey crust, one of the most popular pizzas on the menu. The food was out-of-this-world with its thick, hearty layers of sausage, pepperoni, ham, meatballs, and bacon bits. The honey crust, which we dipped in honey, was decadent and doubled as dessert.


Striking Gold at Argo

Afterwards, we headed to Idaho Springs and toured the Argo Gold Mine, one of several inactive mines in the area. The mine was built during the Rocky Mountain Gold Rush between 1893 and 1910. The 4.5-miles tunnel runs between Idaho Springs and Central City. When the mill opened, it was state of the art and maintained that status throughout its entire 50-year operation, processing over $200 million in gold, silver, and copper ore. Its downfall came in January 1943 when miners accidently drilled into a flooded mining tunnel. The mine was abandoned shortly after, until local investors purchased the land in 1976. Today, the mining site is open to the public for tourism and educational purposes. While the Argo tunnel is closed, there is another tunnel on site that guests can walk through. As we walked through that tunnel, we began to really appreciate the dark, cramped conditions the hard-rock miners worked in several hours each day. The tour made us feel as if we had time traveled back to the heyday of mining.

A Night at 10,500 ft That night we stayed in the Silver Lake Lodge, which is the highest altitude Bed and Breakfast in North America. While the lodge is only 30 minutes outside of Idaho Springs, it feels more remote and like a mountain getaway. We drove up many fairly steep gravel roads, encountering snow, before pulling up to the mountain lodge. The lodge is a cozy, seven-bedroom log cabin with multiple living rooms decorated in mountaininspired decor. The lodge offers an elaborate complimentary breakfast and happy hour where hors d’oeuvres and wine are served. Dinner options include a gourmet four-course dinner, which is reasonably priced. The staff was super friendly and even though we only stayed one night, we felt right at home.


Dinosaurs, Mummies, and Bears, Oh My! We began day two at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, which houses tons of fun, interactive exhibits. My favorite was the Egyptian mummies where we learned that only the rich were mummified and that the mummification process took approximately 70 days. The dinosaur exhibits are a big draw, as are the wildlife exhibits that showcase hundreds of animals, including bears, buffalo, and birds in their natural habitats. The gem carvings created by a Russian artist to represent everyday Russian life were truly unique.

All Photos by Lauren White

A Spooky Stay at The Stanley From Denver, we drove to the famous Stanley Hotel. The Stanley Hotel was made famous by the movie, The Shining. Even though The Shining was not filmed at the hotel, Stephen King did get the idea for the book while staying at the hotel. With its early1900s architecture and beautiful views of the Rocky Mountains, the hotel is a remarkable place to visit. The hotel has a darker side though. The Stanley is said to be one of the most haunted hotels in the U.S. In the evening, we took the ghost tour to see what makes the place so haunted. The tour guide first stressed that the hotel spirits are friendly, and then debunked other paranormal activity known to happen at the hotel. For example, sometimes electronic difficulties are mistakenly attributed to ghosts when in reality, these glitches occur since the property is located almost directly above a high concentration of quartz and crystal. Even though the hotel is said to be haunted, we rested comfortably that night.


DAY 4 Standing in the Footsteps of Music Legends We ended our trip at the Red Rocks Amphitheater, which is perhaps one of the most unique concert venues in the world. It is an open air amphitheater with a stage that rests between two reddish boulders that jut out into the sky. The boulders provide a natural acoustics that artists love. Since 1947, tons of artists have performed there including the Beatles and U2. After a long weekend in Denver, we were ready to return home, but we hope to visit again soon. Denver is a unique vacation getaway that offers something for everyone.



THINK YOU' RE READY TO BE A PUPPY PARENT? Devoted pet mom Danielle Harrington shares w hen she knew it w as time to adopt, and the joys and costs of being a dog ow ner.

MOVINGACROSSTHECOUNTRYFROMMICHIGANTOTEXAS FORCOLLEGEWASAWHIRLWINDEXPERIENCE. I w as ex cit ed t o m ove som ew here t hat I could reinvent m yself; not know ing anyt hing about t he people or t he area t hat I w ould soon call hom e. ( Turns out I w asn?t even pronouncing t he nam e of t he cit y properly! ) Aft er all t he ex cit em ent and visions I had of m yself st rut t ing in m y cow boy boot s surrounded by shirt less cow boys, realit y set in. What w ould I do if I becam e hom esick? Who w ould I rely on if I w as having a bad day? Who

w ould prot ect m e if m y life suddenly t urned int o a scene from Scream w hile I w as living alone? This w as a big m ove for m e and I didn?t have any room m at e plans, so a dog seem ed like t he perfect solut ion. I enjoyed t he t hought of living alone, but t he safet y, com fort , and com panionship a dog could provide w as appealing. Aft er scrolling t hrough Pet , I found a 2-year-old puggle ( Pug and Beagle m ix ed) nam ed

Diam ond w ho had been list ed on t he w ebsit e for over 5 m ont hs. She?d had a lit t er of puppies and t hey w ere all adopt ed right aw ay. The fost er w om an t old m e t hat people show ed int erest in Diam ond, but because of her older age and saggy st om ach, t hey alw ays changed t heir m ind? how rude. Diam ond craved t he sam e safet y, com fort , and com panionship from m e t hat I w as searching for. We w ere t he perfect m at ch.


The?Pawsitives? Loyalt y? Dogs are very loyal creat ures. They rely on t heir ow ner for life. No m at t er w hat kind of day I have at w ork, Diam ond is alw ays t here t o greet m e w it h ex cit em ent and love w hen I w alk t hrough t he door. It ?s som et hing I look forw ard t o aft er a long day at t he office.

Securit y? M any scary m ovies are based on t rue st ories. A dog can serve as a securit y blanket or give a barking alarm w hen t hings get eerie. Diam ond m ay be sm all ( not e: I did not say slim ) , but she has a m ean and t hreat ening alarm bark.

Responsibilit y? Ow ning a dog can t each you ( or your kids) t he responsibilit y and com m it m ent it t akes t o care for anot her life. Having som eone depend on you for everyt hing can change your perspect ive.

M ood boost ? Because of t heir com panionship and com fort ing qualit ies, dogs have been proven t o reduce st ress and depression. There is a reason t he Los Angeles airport LAX has a PUP ( Pet s Unst ressing Passengers) program t hat feat ures dog int eract ion as a source of relief for st ressed out t ravelers.

Ex ercise? You know w hen you prom ised yourself you w ould go t o t he gym last w eek? .yest erday? .t oday, and now t om orrow ? Dogs m ust be t aken out side at least t hree t im es q day, forcing you t o get off your couch and burn a few calories.

Save a life? You can help save a life by adopt ing from a local shelt er. There are m any loving dogs w ho have lost t heir ow ners or w ho have been a st ray all t heir lives t hat are craving t he love and com panionship from an ow ner like you.

WE ALL NEED A VACATION, BUT YOU CAN' T ALWAYS TAKE YOUR POOCH. TheNegatives Boarding? We all need a vacat ion, but every t im e you plan a get aw ay ( even a day t rip) , you need t o consider w ho is going t o w at ch your dog. This can get pricey w it h fancy pet hot els, but w ebsit es like m at ch dog ow ners w it h dog sit t ers w ho are generally cheaper and m ore personable t han a boarding facilit y. Price? Vet bills, t oys, boarding, and recurring food paym ent s can rack up som e m ajor ex penses. Check if your w orkplace provides Pet Insurance. You could be paying a sm all m ont hly flat rat e fee t hat covers all regular shot s and vet checkups inst ead of a heft y vet fee.

Allergies? Unfort unat ely, som e people find t hey are allergic t o dogs. I w ouldn?t w ish t his on anyone. If your room m at e, close friends or fam ily are allergic consider breeds t hat hypoallergenic. Schedule? Along w it h boarding, ow ning a dog m ay require a schedule adjust m ent since dogs need t o be w alked t hree t im es a day. Alt hough it ?s crucial for your dog t o go out side for pot t y breaks, t here are som e alt ernat ives. I bought fake grass pads and placed t hem in m y living room for m y dog for w hen I w ant ed t o grab a beer aft er w ork before going hom e.



When Danielle isn't dot ing on Diam ond, she's t raveling t he w orld at 30,000 feet . You can follow her on Inst agram @ddddan11.



On a layover to Italy, travel enthusiast Narwinder Singh made the most of his 12 hours in The Netherlands. Ph ot o by Javier M elgar


fter that layover, I finally understood why people get the travel bug.

Photo by Ronel Reyes

My passion for travel began with an obsession with flying. I didn?t care where I traveled as long as I was in the sky. Something about being above the clouds and arriving in a whole new world in a matter of hours just spoke to me. It might have been the fact that a few generations before me, my family only traversed a 200-mile radius their entire life. After I graduated college, a friend of mine living in Florence, Italy rang me up and said ?Hey, if you?re free this summer, you should think about coming to Italy.? By the end of our phone call, I booked a ticket. Within the month, I was on a plane. My first stop on my European journey was a 12-hour layover in Amsterdam, the capital of The Netherlands. The entire experience was sensory overload! When I landed, my first thought was ?Where is passport control?? There were so many travelers in the airport it was nearly a madhouse trying to get out.

Win dm ill Ph ot o by Ju an Ru bian o

The exper iences you have in the cities you visit gr ab a hold of your soul and don?t let go? ever. After getting my passport stamped, my next mission was to find Central Station. Without much help from locals, I somehow I managed to find my way into the city and I wanted to explore. There were tram rides, bicycle rentals, canal tours, museums, coffee houses, and incredible restaurants. What little time I had in the city just didn?t seem like enough. I knew I needed to come back just after I arrived! I walked everywhere and didn?t feel tired one bit. I wanted to keep exploring and never stop. After that layover, I finally understood how or why people get the travel bug. The Van Gough museum left me speechless and the Anne Frank house? I still to this day have no words. After an incredible full day of exploring Amsterdam, I grabbed a small coffee, sat by the canal to reflect and listened to ?Let Go?by Imogen Heap. It was the perfect sendoff for a trip to Italy. Currently seeking his pilot license, Narwinder has been to five countries abroad and all over the US. He is an engineer based in Dallas, TX.

W ELLNESS Devoted to taking care of yourself now to prepare for your future.


FI TNESS a Lifestyle

A changing work schedule could have reversed her fitness progress. But the fitness commitment Taylor Edwards made in college stayed with her as she started her career. You?ve been there before. I?ve been there before. We have all tried to commitment to a healthier, more fit lifestyle, and inevitably failed. This has been the story of my life. Since I was a pre-teen and actually aware of my body, I would exercise, go on a ?diet?, and if the scale did not move in two weeks, I would go on a binge-eating spree and lose the encouragement to stay fit. This would ultimately lead me to gaining more weight than I had originally had had before my ?get thin quick? scheme. This frivolous cycle lasted until I was about 21 years old. It took me to develop my own sense of autonomy for me to create a fit lifestyle that worked for me. REAL I ZE I T'S ABOUT M ORE THAN WEI GHT L OSS The first step in breaking the cycle was deciding that I wanted a lifestyle change, not just to lose weight. This was the first crucial decision I had to make in order to be more fit. In the spring of 2013, I had to recognize that if I wanted to be in better shape, and stay in better shape, I would have to change my dietary and exercise habits. More importantly, these habits could not last for a few weeks; they became a part of my everyday life. GET A SUPPORT SYSTEM After changing my mental approach to being healthy, I gained a support system. One of the main motivators for me to continue in my path to fitness was the fact that the people around me saw the changes I was making in my life and started supporting me. My friends encouraged me with comments like ?Okay, girl! I see you?re back at the gym ! Keep it up!? These words of affirmation helped solidify my new habits. My support system also included a

workout buddy who I feel blessed to call my best friend. When we started working out together, she had recently been selected to participate in Texas 4000, a non-profit that raises awareness and funds for cancer research through an annual cycling event from Austin, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska. Her long-term commitment to being healthy made her the perfect partner to help me on my journey. We spent two hours in the gym every day that summer. And we both grew together as we discovered our new lifestyles of exercise and portion control, creating a bond of trust and support between us. TRY SOM ETHI NG NEW The encouragement I gained from that relationship also empowered me to go outside of my comfort zone. After getting into the best shape of my life that summer, I wanted to put my strength to the test. I joined the UT Women?s Rowing team, and spent the fall of 2013 on an amazing team. Despite two-a-day practices, I never had more energy before. My legs were becoming hard as rock, and for the first time in my life, I could see definition in my abs. The differences in my body gave more encouragement to keep living my newfound life. I unfortunately had to quit the rowing team the following semester, but my body would not let me forget what I had learned. By this time in my collegiate career, I had made enough friends to go work out with. I was able to keep up the same rigor and dedication to my fitness routine even though I wasn?t on the team anymore. I went for hikes around the Greenbelt, runs around Lady Bird Lake, and sprints on the campus recreational fields. With new friends came new ideas to stay in shape, and cemented my dedication to being fit. GI VE YOURSEL F A BREAK At the end of my first successful fitness journey, I realized that I am not perfect. Anyone who has attended college may attest to the challenges it brings. As a full time student with two jobs, I was definitely not immune to struggles. I would become overwhelmed and would convince myself that I did not have enough time to go to the gym or the lake. I also liked to attend parties and regularly fancied the infamous 6th Street in Downtown Austin, so consuming alcohol and late-night meals with low nutrient intake became habits of mine as well. My rock bottom during my journey was when I scuffed my medial collateral ligament during fall of 2014. This led to fewer workouts all semester and, with the stress of school and work, I was drinking and eating more. While I lost my rowing shape, I didn?t lose sight of my vision. As my knee began to heal, I reminded myself of all that I had accomplished. I refused to give up on my years of work. I began running again and became more aware of my portions. I did not deprive myself of food that I had come to love; I just found a healthier balance. Patience and dedication to my overall goal has helped me climb my way back to the life style I developed in undergrad. Now I run 4-5 miles every other day. My diet is still not where it was when I was rowing, but I am much healthier now than I was in the latter part of 2014. I know my journey is one of perseverance, and there will always be room for improvement. I am excited to see where my journey leads me. Taylor is a young professional working in Dallas, TX. See pictures of her transformation on Instagram @sierralyn0819.

Finding Balance

by Darren Baucham

Going above and beyond on the job doesn’t have to mean giving up your life. So, you’ve finally landed your first job and are eager to prove yourself as an asset to the Company. Congratulations! You might start rocking it the first few months, and then start feeling pressure from your boss to repeatedly prove that you’re an outstanding Employee. You might start getting overly focused in your worklife and start being continuously connected to your work email, projects, and supervisor’s needs. But doing so can cause your personal life to take a major hit. I know because I was once there too.

When I first started working full-time, I struggled to find a successful work-life balance. The moment I realized I had hit a low was while I was out playing with my nephews and stopped engaging with them over a phone. To avoid letting life pass you by as you focus on work, here are a few tips to finding your balance.


After spending time to yourself, jump into a hobby. Doing something you truly enjoy is a great way to take your mind off work. For me, it’s playing basketball, working out, spending time with friends and family, or listening to music. If you’re into cooking, whip up a new recipe. If you like reading, head to Barnes & Noble. Watch that TV show you’ve been thinking about all day or get a workout in at your local gym. A personal hobby will provide you a clean break from work by taking you mind and focus elsewhere.


Making yourself a priority is about putting yourself first. If that sounds like it’s selfish, that’s because it is. Sometimes being selfish isn’t a bad thing, but do it in moderation. Don’t spend eight hours a day working for someone else and not giving yourself a little attention. Nurture yourself. Treat you how you want to be treated.

Photo By Sea Turtle, Flickr


This is a lot easier said than done. Trying to stay off-the-grid requires a bit of selfdiscipline and dedication. With Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, it’s hard to stay off your phone. But try to “fuhged aboud it.” (Shout out to Mickey Blue Eyes.) If you can’t put your phone away for a night, try following my two-step method to cell phone peace. First, don’t make your work email your primary email. If you must access it from your cell phone allow it to sync and update only when you access it. The constant notifications from work emails will make you feel as if you never left the office. I personally have my work email sync every 30 minutes. Second, use the do not disturb mode on your phone. Most do not disturb modes allow you to set up which notifications you want to come through so feel free to come up with a few exemptions (work shouldn’t be one of them though).


In case you aren’t familiar with the term mindfulness, it’s a therapeutic technique of acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. I first discovered mindfulness in 2012 when I was exploring other methods of taking care of my body other than yoga and working out. The benefits of mindfulness and mindful breathing are real and have been around for some time. Adding a practice like this as soon as you get home can have lifelasting benefits and can definitely help you decompress from a long work day. Another practice you can do at home is to not speak about work unless it’s positive. Toxic energy breeds toxic environments and we want to avoid those at all costs. Mama was right when she said, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

As with most things in life, self-discipline is the key to successfully implementing these tips. You can easily prove to Employeers you’re a dedicated professional without feeling bogged down by work. These steps helped me find work-life balance, but everyone is different. Find what works for you and stick to it. Darren Baucham is a Facilities Manager at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. You can follow him on Instagram @dbaucham.

Couponing for R

ook ies

W hat 's bet t er t han saving money? Get t ing it ems for free. Coupon Queen Chelsea Anglade skips paying full price and shares how you can pay wit h pennies.

S av e M or e

Spend Less

Couponing and saving money is kind of an art of mine. When my husband and I first got married I was so frugal that I remember getting upset when he spent 79 cents on a bottle of water from 7-Eleven! Can you imagine that? Water, to quench his thirst and I was upset. We have definitely grown since then (and my husband does not go anywhere without his reusable water bottle.) But as far as saving money, it is something I am truly passionate about. I don?t feel like anyone should pay full price for anything. There is always a way to get a deal. Here are five practical and easy ways to save money with manufacturer coupons.

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Buy a Sunday paper or go to coupon websites like Almost every Sunday paper is filled with coupons for a variety of different items. Don't be fooled. Coupons are not just for unhealthy items. There really are coupons for everything including fruit or cleaning supplies. Don?t want to sort through a bunch of coupons. There are coupon databases where you can type in a specific item such as ?orange juice?and it will tell you if there are any coupons for that item and if so where to specifically find that coupon.


DO NOT buy items you do not use. It can be extremely tempting to buy that men?s deodorant with your 2.00 off coupon however if you don?t use men?s deodorant or have a special man in your life technically you are just wasting money. Pass over items you truly do not use. If you don?t have a cat, cat litter no matter how cheap is really just a waste for you (unless you plan to donate it to a good cause).


Buy in bulk and apply for a free reward card. Sales happen in routines, about every 4 to 8 weeks and specific items will go on sale along with holidays. For example, around Memorial Day and the Fourth of July there are tons of sales on hot dogs, hamburgers, ketchup, mustard, and BBQ products. If you use these items buy enough to last you through the next holiday or season. You?re going to save in the long

run having extra bottles of Ketchup on hand instead of running to the store right when you need it. Don?t be a brand snob. There are generic products that can be just as great as name brand. Don?t be afraid to try something new and see how it works for your family. Sometimes you don't even need a coupon for it to be a savings for you. Create a meal plan, make a grocery list, stick to your list, and be organized. If you go to the grocery store hungry you will completely blow your list and pick up things that aren?t on it. Look at the sales ad?s for the stores and make your grocery list based off what?s on sale. Buy items that can be used for multiple meals. Baked beans can be mixed into a dish or used as a side and taste great leftover. Couponing can take some time to get down. But with some consistent use it does get easier. Remember to use your store card for additional savings every time you shop. Go to the store no more than once a week. The more trips you make to the store the more money you are likely to spend. Happy shopping future savers of America. Chelsea is an Arbonne consultant and a master of saving more than a few bucks. You can read her blog RCA Life for more tips on budgeting and finance.

BREAK BI TES Devoted to our favorite part of the workday ? lunch.


HAPPY HOUR. After a long day at work, it’s easy to turn to a bottle for comfort. Author of Chel Loves Wine, Chelsie Petras, talks surviving happy hour with your coworkers and boss.

Responsibly raise a glass to the happiest hour of the workday. ransitioning from college life to adult life can be extremely challenging. Everything is new and exciting and at the same time, it is terrifying. Almost every aspect of life is different than you’d expect, even small things like buying your own groceries or going to happy hour with your coworkers. I started my first job two weeks after I graduated from college. I was nervous and excited to meet with new people, explore a new city, and put my overly expensive education to use. The first week went by in a blink of an eye and before I knew it, it was Friday at 5:00 o’clock. The words “happy hour” rang through the office and we all headed out the door to decompress after a long week. “Okay, this will be fun,” I thought. Everyone is drinking and having a good time. It’ll be just like college. Quickly I learned that work happy hours


are very different from college happy hours. There were no power hours or card games, no chugging or shot gunning. The atmosphere was far different from anything that I had previously experienced. Naturally I didn’t quickly adjust to the new vibe. I was feeling anxious and reverted back to my college ways. I had a few beers within the first hour, which then lead to some tequila and gingers, which then led to the occasional shot with the other newbies when no one was looking. Even though I was there to unwind and develop outside relationships with my coworkers, I still had to learn how to maintain a level of professionalism, especially since I was in an entry level position. Now, I have over three years of experience in work happy hours and I’ve come up with three rules that have helped me successfully navigate them. These rules were definitely developed by way of trial

and error. Hopefully they can prevent you from the error portion, which is always so embarrassing. There is flexibility to these rules because not every happy hour is the same. Living in New York City has exposed me to tons of startup companies where you can play beer pong at happy hour and maybe take a shot or two. If you are lucky enough to end up at a company like that, enjoy it. For the rest of us, check out these three ways to make it through your work happy hour.

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The Rule of Seniority.

I always wait until the most senior person on my team or department is having a drink before I do so myself. This is usually pretty easy to achieve because I always went to happy hour with my boss and he was always the first one to order drinks. This rule can also apply to other work events involving alcohol. Thanks to this rule, I was able to score a couple boozy work lunches. If your manager is insisting you have a glass of wine, you can’t say no, right?

One Drink Per Hour.

Happy hours usually only last a few hours, but if they do go longer, try to limit yourself to one drink per hour. I’ve found this is a safe way to not get too crazy too quickly. It’s also a way to keep your wallet happy and if you’re just starting a new job, chances are you’re always looking for ways to do that.

Don’t Mix Drinks.


If you start with wine, stay on wine. Mixing liquor is the perfect equation for a crazy night and an awful morning. I also suggest sticking to something light during happy hour, like wine, beer, or a low-key mixed drink. I’d strongly advise against a vodka red bull (do people even still drink those?) or other “college” drinks. Save those kind of drinks for the overpriced bars you’ll hit on Saturday night with your friends. Overall, happy hours are meant to be relaxing. So, have fun, and just try to remember these rules so you’ll still have a job the next morning.

Chelsie is a proud WTF (wine, travel & food) blogger based in New York City. You can follow her adventures at


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