406 Woman - Business Vol. 6 No. 6

Page 38



Enjoying the Way we live

The path to regenerative building

By Chad Phillips, Phillips Architecture & Planning, Inc.


Our created built environment is alive and healthy is the most advanced way to live. Ascaring to the many people that live, work suming and trying to build what we think is the right way is never the way to plan a community and play today. that is well. To plan properly is to include our It takes care in the details and planning to en- “higher consciousness or higher senses.” In a sure buildings are safe, reliable and comforting state of “Asking” and “Listening inwardly” we to future occupants. Everyone enjoys comfort are well aware and able to create any thing that and safety because being safe limits hostility brings ever lasting wellness. and pain. I today enjoy planning and creating regenerative Men and Women work to advance our field of Ar- buildings that in my formal education was not chitecture and Planning everyday by looking at known. A Nationally acclaimed formal educawhat has gone wrong before and how to change tion is helpful to learn a vocabulary and know that saga to a nurturing result. No one wants to how to commune with others. But to advance repeat the past when the past created a disas- our knowing of how decisions today impact futer in some way to people and the planet. Our ture generations is only gained through medium building and planning codes help to limit past ship or listening inwardly after a clear question traumas. Following sound practices in traffic en- is asked. It is this mode of being a human that gineering and building codes help ensure safety enables insight and higher wisdom to guide ones actions today that benefit every being on the for motorists and pedestrians. planet. Through “Asking” and “listening inwardOur communal human dream is to live on our ly” all formally educated programs are advanced. planet in caring and thoughtful ways. A caring “mind set” allows epiphanies and transforma- In today’s world of financing and curriculum we tions to occur readily and with caring results. To have some barriers to higher planning and buildbe clear of a healthy destiny for all beings on the ing. Many of my clients today are able to pay planet not just ours, results in a world that we all cash for their projects thus able to build regenrespect and love. To neglect other lives and only erative for all beings today and tomorrow. It isn’t think in terms of humanity will result in trauma my formal education and past national awards every time. We can find traumatic results in alone that allow me to know what to build here many of Montana’s EPA super fund sites where in Northwest Montana that is regenerative. It truly is achieved by asking an “open question” our tax dollars are hard at work. and then listening inwardly to be guided by inRemediation is cumbersome, expensive and ner wisdom. Inner wisdom is the way to know doesn’t allow for health and vitality entirely. what to build and plan that supports us all today Being clear the aim and destiny (love) enables and for many generations to come. Many of my the mind to come into “knowing” and to include Southern California Clients over the past twenty all the beings that keep our air, earth and water years have been leaving their prior oasis home


due to wisdom void planning that have resulted in traffic inefficiencies, crime and pollution. A boom and bust result in Architecture and Planning is eradicated by planning with both a great formal education and “inner wisdom.” When we know what to build regenerative in each location of our world we can then write codes and ordinances. Writing codes and ordinances irrespective of regional conditions and resources is not prudent or cost saving for the people or planet. A regenerative way of living is the only way to live free of debt, pollution, war and crime in the long run.

Abundance is the result of being guided by our inner wisdom and if it has helped me to be an Architect that is truly becoming regenerative then it will help you as well in your profession. I encourage everyone to develop a mind of “Asking an open question of care” then immediately listen inwardly; the answer is just inside “you” always. Life is serine and beautiful when you know the way or how to bring a result of well being. I truly wish I was shown how to be able to hear, see and know inner wisdom from a young age. I know if I had the millions of square feet of Architecture I had drawn would have been drawn and built differently. I extend my sincere appreciation to all those men and women that are caring enough to show how we can access our inner wisdom immediately to serve the well being of all. If any of you would like to know how to access your inner caring wisdom immediately you may contact me on www.soaringwingshigh.com Your friend,

Chad Phillips

Architect/ Planner

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