406 Woman Magazine

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~ Horse Heroes ~ While most older animals are put to pasture, the horses at Eagle Mount Great Falls are just finding their stride and making a world of difference for people with disabilities. Caring for the horses is one of the organization’s biggest expenses. “We are always in need of support for hay, feed, veterinary and farrier services, along with medication and emergency services for our wonderful equine staff,” says Clark. For the past six years, CHS Nutrition has donated the program’s horse feed.

~ Sharing Relationships ~ Each week, 25 children with disabilities or disorders visit Eagle Mount Great Falls for hippotherapy. Dozens of people participate in the organization’s wranglers and recreational riding programs. All programs focus on horsemanship and teaching participants to care for and respect the animals. “These aren’t just pony rides,” says Val Clark, program coordinator. “We teach each rider to care for horses and experience the rewards of a relationship with the animal.” “This program does wonderful things for the participants and their families.” Says Deb Sivumaki, Executive Director. “We consider our horses part of our staff.” It takes many resources to run the equestrian program, and donations take many forms. A small army of volunteers helps care for the specially trained horses. The organization also relies on funding from individuals, corporations and foundations.

“Our horses have been donated,” says Clark. “Most of them are older animals, and most have preexisting medical or metabolic conditions when they come to us.”



“I visit the folks at Eagle Mount Great Falls monthly to check on the horses’ body condition scores and to see if changes are needed in the feeding program,” says Crystal Cline, CHS Nutrition Consultant. “We create a nutrition plan for each horse to care for its special needs and make sure we are meeting its nutritional requirements.” “These horses don’t show their ages,” says Clark. “If it weren’t for CHS Nutrition’s donation of Equis and Triple Crown feeds, these horses wouldn’t be in great condition.” “Proper nutrition is crucial to keep these horses going, but it also takes good management,” adds Cline. “The folks at Eagles Mount Great Falls care so much about these animals and this program. Without their management and hard work, the feeding program wouldn’t matter.”

“We work with kids and horses. Can you imagine anything better?” says Clark. “Every day we witness the joy and happiness these horses bring to their precious riders.” CHS Kalispell (406) 755-7400, Facebook.com/Kalispell.chs, CHSKalispell. com,CHSKalispell.com/Retail

Written by Caroline Snoddgrass C Magazine, Published by CHS Inc. September/October 2010 Issue, www.CHSinc.com

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