406 Woman Vol.11 No.5 Lifestyle

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How you do one thing is how you do


Commit to a simple meditation routine and see how your commitment to the rest of your life improves naturally. By Mollie Busby

My alarm went off at 6:30am, and when I opened my eyes, I couldn't see anything. It was my first morning back from spending weeks in India for an advanced yoga/meditation training, and our cabin was still pitch black when I woke. Bleary-eyed after five flights (yes, 5!) and 35+ hours of travel, I laid there and started negotiating. ... with myself. You've totally done this too, haven't you? Thought to yourself, "If I get to lay here for 5 more minutes with my eyes closed, I'll make 5 extra minutes for 'me time' later this afternoon. AND I'll go to bed early… and… Zzzzzz." Then you wake up an hour later, you missed your first appointment, the dogs are barking like crazy, and you make the mistake of looking at the 14 text messages you've received before 8am. Yeah. This was NOT going to be one of those times.


I was determined. I immediately cut off negotiations, sat up, brushed my teeth, splashed water on my face, and found my way to a comfortable seat on the 112 406


couch. I put in my ear buds in and ignored every fiber of my being, BEGGING me to crawl back into bed. I dove into my daily 30-minute meditation. That decision and commitment has set the tone for 2019. After living with a routine in India from 6am to 9pm, out of my comfort zone, totally immersed in the yoga and meditation, I figured if I could bring home just 60 minutes of routine to my life, my world as an entrepreneur, wife, sister, daughter etc. would change for the better. I was right. Change is the operative word. For the last 10 years of my life,I was one of those people who, when asked about my daily routine, would laugh and admit nothing about my daily life was "routine." Every day was different, and that’s how I liked it! Or... that's what I thought I liked. Flash forward to today, I've integrated a few simple rituals into my day, including meditation for 30 minutes in the morning, and 20 minutes in the evening. As simple as it sounds, committing to those rituals has helped me commit to other things, too. It's

like the saying, "How you do one thing is how you do everything." Logic follows: Being committed to a least an hour of daily quiet time teaches me to be committed to other parts of my life. This shift is liberating, and I'm inviting you to change with me. And here’s the catch: The hardest part won’t be sitting there for 30 minutes in the morning, and 20 minutes at night. I promise you. The hardest part of this practice is showing up; having the courage, strength and tenacity to get out of bed (which is crucial—we don’t meditate in bed!), sit on your cushion or chair, and commit to whatever arises.

Remember: how you do one thing is how you do everything. If you can do this, you can do anything. And when you’re struggling to commit, just remember to always do your best, and hold yourself accountable to that. If I can do it, you can too!

For more on upcoming meditation courses, as well as private meditation coaching, email Mollie directly at mollie@yogahivemontana.com.

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