406 Woman VOL. 14 No. 4 Business

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8. Whitefish Mountain Resort

14. Mountainside Medical Care

Profile 12. Dr. James Cromie 20. Terry Homes

Nonprofit 34. Changed Lives

26. Caring for your Breasts 36. Dental Xrays, Part 3

History 30. Aviator Esther Combes Vance 32. The Traveling Projector from the Orpheum Theater

View current and past issues of 406 Woman at

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Published by Skirts Publishing six times a year 704 C East 13th St. #138 Whitefish, MT 59937 info@406woman.com Copyright©2022 Skirts Publishing

Life on the Slopes

Ski Patroller

Kate Atha by Callie Reagan Photos provided by

Whitefish Mountain Resort

When the snow flies in the Flathead Valley, all eyes turn to the mountains, each flake ushering in the next ski season. But planning for the next season doesn’t begin with the snow. It takes months of preparation and years of training. Kate Atha is the Assistant Ski Patrol Manager at the Whitefish Mountain Resort in the winter and for the summer season she is the Assistant Bike Park Manager. She is a great example of preparation and training as well as an example of how to flourish in what is seen as a more male dominated field. When asked about the ski patrol field and the number of women in leadership positions, Kate said, “There are definitely more women patrolling than 20 years ago. There are more women in management roles across the region. Some people tell Keagan (Ski Patrol Manager) and I that we are unique or that they are surprised both management roles are women. We don’t really think it’s strange or different. We were the two people that were qualified and selected for the positions.”


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Kate is definitely qualified with 17 years ski patrolling and 13 years in bike park operations. Nine of those years have been with Whitefish Mountain Resort. Originally from southern West Virginia, Kate longed for bigger mountains. She found herself at Deer Valley in Park City, Utah in 2008. How did she get to Whitefish? She participated in a patrol exchange with Whitefish Mountain Resort and she said, “I immediately fell in love with the mountain, the town, and the people.” In her sixth winter at Whitefish Mountain Resort, the Assistant Ski Patrol Manager position became available and she knew she wanted that opportunity. In reflection of this, she commented, “10 days later, I would serve as the Incident Commander for the East Rim Chairlift Evacuation. There wasn’t a lot of time to settle into my new role before one of the busiest holiday seasons paired with a large-scale rescue operation.”

Kate takes her job and training very seriously. For those of you who are wondering what goes into preparing for this position, Kate has given some insight into her journey. “I developed an interest in emergency medicine at a young age. I remember

watching Rescue 911, M*A*S*H*, Doogie Howser, and E.R. in my younger years. I joined the ski patrol at my local mountain in West Virginia. I was immediately hooked and knew this was what I wanted to do for the foreseeable future. I started fully immersing myself in any educational or experiential opportunity. I obtained my EMT and Advanced EMT.” Kate put in the work and took the opportunities that were available to grow. When asked about the skills that she thinks has made her successful, she said, “I have banked on my ability to think critically and act decisively to get through some fastpaced moments of the day. A lot of ski patrolling comes down to management of resources. Knowing where people and equipment are and where they will end up, each step is key. I think another thing that has contributed to my success is the drive to keep learning. I have continued to advance my medical and snow safety skills and stay up to date with new methods.” Something new to the mountain this year is Skook. Skook is Kate’s 10-month-old Border Collie that recently joined the Whitefish Avalanche Rescue Dogs. Kate worked with the dog program at Deer


Kate Atha

Dedication, training, and passion for her work has given Kate and her fellow Whitefish Mountain Resort crew time to develop a solid team and a foundation for safety. Valley as well as with the Wasatch Backcountry Rescue. Kate has been active with the Whitefish Avalanche Rescue dog program since Lloyd Morsett formalized one in 2015. “It has been a goal of mine since 2008 to be a primary handler of an avalanche dog. The initial training consists of obedience, exposure to new things, and developing trust with the owner. We start adding more exposure to things that the avalanche dog will encounter on a daily basis. We ride snowmobiles and chairlifts, and we ski to our training sites and down to the base area. We work on obedience with the dogs in the summit area with lots of distractions to help solidify their focus.” Skook is a short for Skookum or Skookoleel and is used to describe someone or an animal that is strong, brave, or impressive. There is no doubt he will live up to his name. If you are thinking what it would be like to ski all day and play with dogs, Kate lays out what a typical day for her looks like and it’s not so simple. “There are never two days that are the same with patrolling. We have many aspects that go into each and every day and a general work flow. My day starts at 7 AM, or 6 AM if there is a significant amount of snowfall and/or wind. I start the day looking at overnight, current, and forecasted weather. We will assemble avalanche mitigation teams the day before, if the forecast dictates. I check voicemails and emails from other mountain operations departments and assign specific patrollers to those tasks. The rest of the crew arrives, and we conduct a brief morning meeting to address any operational tasks or happenings. We

head for the main Summit Chair at 8 AM and regroup at the summit. We have morning duties to perform to ensure the mountain is well marked and hazards are mitigated before guests are on snow.” Their day doesn’t slow there, rope lines need to be cleaned, more avalanche mitigation and continual training with the team. “We conduct training throughout the season ranging from single transceiver drills to large scale avalanche rescue operations.” All this is done while answering incident calls and providing transports. Nearing the end of the day, sweeps of the mountain begin at about 3:15 PM and the day ends with all patrollers accounted for just after 5 PM.

These early and evening hours provide Kate with some of her favorite moments. “I enjoy being out on the mountain early in the morning and in the evening. There’s a special solitude having a whole ski run and sunset to yourself in the evening. Even in a snow storm, there is solace with your route partner on an avalanche mitigation morning.”

Dedication, training, and passion for her work has given Kate and her fellow Whitefish Mountain Resort crew time to develop a solid team and a foundation for safety. Kate has this to say to all guests on the mountain, “Have a plan. A plan can be related to anything from what to do in the event of getting separated to what runs you will

be taking. Be prepared. Being prepared can take many forms such as eating and staying hydrated. Dehydration and fatigue can really contribute to getting injured skiing and riding. Know your limits.”

While Kate and her other female patrollers may not see themselves as unique on the mountain, I wanted to know what advice she would give to the next generation of women looking to do what she and her team of professionals do. She had this to say, “You can do anything the guys can do. Women are taking roles in positions in other male dominated industries as well. We host a SheJumps junior ski patrol day, and the Events and Park crew are hosting an all-female terrain park event. I think it’s important for the next generation to see women in these roles. I went whitewater rafting at 14, and when I saw women guides taking the same lines as the bigger guys, I knew that was something I could do too.”

So, when the snow flies and your mind drifts to the mountain, remember the team that is there and all the years of preparation and training that has made safe recreation available. When the lifts open in the morning, remember the care that was taken hours before your arrival to ensure your safety and increase your enjoyment of the beauty of the Montana mountains.



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Provider Profile

Q&A with Dr. James Cromie Photo by Amanda Wilson Photography

What brought you to the Flathead Valley?

My wife, Jess (who also works at Logan Health as a nurse practitioner in palliative care), and I spent about 18 years living in Mountain West for training and work. After a brief period of working on the East Coast, we found an opportunity to return back to the Rockies, which is where we wish to remain. A number of my colleagues from training also have located here, and it is a pleasure to work alongside them.

The Flathead Valley represents the ideal location to live and practice medicine, in my opinion. The level of care and breadth of specialties offered at Logan Health matches that of an academic training center or tertiary care center, and it is continuing to grow. Meanwhile, we are able to enjoy the unparalleled beauty and outdoor activities in our backyard here in NW Montana.

What’s your specialty of practice?

I have strived to maintain a broad surgical practice, in part, because of my interest in providing surgical care in underserved regions domestically and internationally. However, my area of specialty would be advanced minimally invasive gastrointestinal surgery, foregut surgery, abdominal wall reconstruction, and endocrine surgery.

I am also part of our trauma and acute care surgery team, and we find ourselves becoming increasingly busy as the Flathead Valley population grows, and as we receive increasing numbers of transfers or referrals from surrounding medical centers.

Where did you go to medical school? University of Colorado at Denver

What is your best part of your job?

One of the best parts of my job is when individuals return to my clinic after surgery, and I am able to see them recovered from illness, returning to their normal lives. As a surgeon, I feel that I have a sacred relationship with my patients - they entrust their lives in my hands. Every single day, I am reflect on how fortunate I am to be able to do the work that I do.

What are some of your professional interests?

I have an interest in robotic surgery, and find this to be a tremendous asset in offering optimized outcomes for patients. I also have a passionate interest in providing surgical care in underserved areas, and my wife and I have spent time working in Nepal, Rwanda, Bolivia, and Ecuador.

What are some of the most common surgeries you perform?


The most significant proportion of my operative volume is focused on robotic abdominal wall reconstruction and hernia repairs, gastrointestinal surgery (Involving bowel

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resection for cancer and benign processes), and thyroid/ parathyroid surgery.

What are some of the surgical advancements you’ve seen throughout your career?

Some of the most important advancements are related to the advanced instrumentation, optics, and techniques involved in minimally invasive surgery. As a result, open surgery is becoming increasingly rare, and patients are recovering more quickly with less pain. The maturation of robotic surgical techniques and instrumentation has also resulted in a dramatic shift in our minimally invasive surgical capabilities. Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) clinical protocols have also streamlined our perioperative care for our patients, resulting in faster recovery, less pain, and less need for pain medication for our patients. In the realm of trauma surgery, we have seen advancements in many aspects of care, includ-

ing resuscitation protocols for our severely injured patients, as well as newer techniques such as surgical stabilization of severe rib fractures.

How do you like to spend your free time?

My family and I love to be outdoors, and feel fortunate to be in NW Montana, where we have tremendous access to public lands, mountains, rivers, and wilderness. We are avid skiers, rock climbers, horse riders, and backpackers. We enjoy hunting and fishing. We also love to sail as a family, and have spent a few years living aboard a sail boat as a family.

Brought to you by


Mountainside Medical Care Written by Christina “Riley” Polumbus

Skiers find the slopes above Whitefish, Montana an idyllic destination for a ski vacation: plentiful snow, panoramic views, and a lively après ski scene—every box ticked for outdoor winter fun connecting with friends and family. Yet mountain fun has inherent risks, and some vacations may include an unexpected visit with a friendly ski patroller. Once the patroller assists with the injury, and safely transports the skier down the mountain—then what? This used to mean a long journey from high on a ski slope, to an ambulance at the base area, and down a winding road to town to the emergency room at Logan Health – Whitefish (formerly North Valley Hospital). Down in town, the hospital has always been ready to receive and treat skiers from the mountain. Although some injuries on the slopes require the advanced care at the emergency room, many do not. There was a need for medical care, without an arduous disruption to one’s ski vacation.

Over the years of coordinating the care of patients, ski patrol developed a solid relationship with the hospital. By the late 1990s, as the ski area sought to become a more full-service resort, Chester Powell, then Director of Operations, approached Maura Fields, the hospital’s Director of Clinical Services at the time, about providing injured skiers with medical care up at the mountain. The idea was to create an on-mountain clinic for injuries and minor illnesses instead of sending skiers to the emergency room.

“Patients could get treated on the spot for lowlevel urgent care needs right on the mountain where they were staying,” Fields explained. “We were able to take healthcare beyond the hospital and create more access to the community—it filled a community need.”


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Logan Health Walk-In Care – Base Lodge at Whitefish Mountain Resort

Working closely with the ski area, the hospital mapped out a plan for the clinic based on an urgent care model, yet focused on initial assessment and treatment. The ski area provided a space at the base area, and in the winter of 1999/2000 the clinic opened for patients staffed with a physician assistant, a radiology technologist, and X-ray equipment to provide an initial assessment of orthopedic injuries. In addition to ski and snowboard injuries, the clinic, now named Logan Health Walk-In Care – Base Lodge, also treats walk-in patients with medical needs. Guests and homeowners on the mountain, as well as ski area employees can stop in without an appointment and receive care for infections, cold and flu symptoms, burns, and minor cuts requiring stitches. The staff is able to perform a few laboratory tests, and what cannot be analyzed at the clinic are sent to the hospital’s laboratory in town.

Over the course of a ski season, the clinic staff sees more than 400 patients performing more than 80 X-ray images a month. With the help of the Logan Health – Whitefish Foundation, the clinic is hoping to invest in new digital imaging equipment in the coming year. The new technology will read and transmit images more efficiently, which will save time for providers and patients alike, as well as produce more accurate diagnoses. It is also able to image larger body parts such as the chest and hips, whereas the current machine only X-rays extremities.

Nurse Practitioner Cathy Love speaks to Ski Patroller David Kerner about a patient.


Logan Health

Over the course of a ski season, the clinic staff sees more than 400 patients performing more than 80 X-ray images a month. Once the providers at the clinic provide the initial assessment, they help the patient with the next step, whether that is to refer them to a local orthopedic specialist, or work with their primary care physician at home.

The clinic proved such a successful model, the hospital also runs a summer clinic in West Glacier to serve the visitors and employees of Glacier National Park—a sustainable model allowing staff and equipment to be shared between the two clinics.

As the number of skiers and homes on the mountain grows, Logan Health Walk-In Care will save many visitors, and locals, an inconvenient (and potentially expensive) trip to the emergency room. Thanks to the collaborative effort inspired by small town initiative and the desire to improve patient care, a ski trip to Whitefish continues to check all the boxes—even the ones not on the list. Logan Health Walk-In Care – Base Lodge is open daily during the ski season 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is located at 1045 Glades Drive, at the base of the Easy Rider Lift/Chair 9.

Logan Health – Whitefish employees Cathy Love, Nurse Practitioner and Pam Albrite, Imaging Tech, look over a digital X-ray.



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The Terrys met during their freshman year in high school and were sweethearts from that point on. Ron didn’t start out to be a home builder. He had always wanted to be a police officer and he attended North Idaho College to that end, but he spent one summer working as a framer for a building contractor and he found that he loved it. Merna, meanwhile, was earning her PhD in Clinical Psychology. When they temporarily moved to Minnesota for Merna’s internship, Ron was able to try his hand at finish work and that sealed the deal – Ron officially switched careers. When Merna’s internship was over, they moved back to the Flathead so Merna could accept a job at Western Montana Mental Health Center. Ron, after working and learning from the best in the building industry, decided he was ready to strike out on his own and build


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by Mary Wallace

a home from start to finish. However, he needed a source of funds to start the project. Both sets of their parents got on board and provided construction financing with the understanding that, when it was done, Ron & Merna would sell the home and pay them back (and if it didn’t sell, Ron & Merna would buy the home and live in it). Ron met with Dennis Carver and talked him into letting him build his first home on one of his lots in South Meadows subdivision. The house sold before it was finished and that is how the Ron Terry concept of upfront construction financing came about.

Merna, who was enjoying her work at Sinopah House, agreed to balance the checkbook and pay the bills on that first house. That was the beginning of her second job with Terry Homes. It wasn’t very long before things got so busy that they either needed to hire someone or replace her, and Merna decided to come on board full time for the company. Fast forward 27 years. Ron has recently retired, leaving the reins in Merna’s capable hands as the Operations Manager. The company employs 15 people and Merna is proud of the fact that half of the management team are women. Rita McNutt has been the

company’s Construction Project Manager for about 18 years. Lee Daugherty is their Drafter Designer, and she also does all their CAD work and coordinates all their trusses. Marie Costanzo is Office Manager and handles human resource and accounts payable. Job Superintendent

High School Sweethearts, Ron & Merna Terry

Since they were high school sweethearts, Ron & Merna Terry have followed their hearts and their love for the Flathead Valley on their journey to becoming the Flathead Building Association’s 2021 Builder of the Year. The winners of the FBA’s Builder of the Year award are chosen by the nomination committee for their outstanding contributions within the building industry, and to the FBA, and for their service and dedication to the community. Terry Homes Inc’s longstanding mission to help numerous local working families achieve their dream of homeownership since 1994 was one of the key factors for this year’s recipient.

Building Memories By Building Homes for Over 27 Years

Terry Homes, Inc stays on top of their game by working with what is driving the market, and what their buyers are looking for. They have the ability to tweak each project as they go, so that the owners can inject their own personalities into their future home. Tammy Dicello coordinates all the finish work and closings. She serves as the buyer’s liaison with their bankers and helps them through the finish and closing on each project.

Jayne Lamberson is the Warranty Manager, and she continues to work with each buyer throughout the entire first year they own their home. Megan Waters, the New Home Consultant/Sales Manager, works with the buyers at the beginning and once they have chosen their lot and floor plan, hands them off to the construction team.

It takes a well-coordinated team to manage the volume of homes Terry Homes completes each year! Over the years, they have tweaked things to make everything flow better and that seemed to work for a long time. In 2020 the pandemic caused a shift once again, according to Megan, Covid changed their concept slightly. With supply chain issues and the boom in Montana’s real estate market, they are only selling completed homes at this time. A visit to www. terryhomesmt.com reveals that current projects are ongoing at The Benches in Columbia Falls, The Cottage Gardens community on Three Mile Drive, and the Helena Crossing community off of Helena Flats Road in Kalispell. They have a waiting list of buyers.

Terry Homes, Inc is rather unique, in that they are a builder that real estate developers come to, offering entire communities that have been through all the planning/zoning/approval process and all the infrastructure done. If it fits their needs, Terry Homes purchases the lots and starts building. The end result is that their buyers know what their home, streets, yards, local schools, and lives will look like after they move in. It’s the total package.

Terry Homes, Inc stays on top of their game by working with what is driving the market, and what their buyers are looking for. They have the ability to tweak each project as they go, so that the owners can inject their own personalities into their future home. Being a member of the Flathead Building Association, the team at Terry Homes can stay abreast of all the latest trends and building codes, and they have committed to adhering to the FBA’s code of ethics and best practices. They are VA certified. They use appropriate materials that will last and ensure that their homes grow in value and their neighborhoods grow in value. Miles Terry, the youngest son, is now a part of the team, serving as the Warranty and Closing Advisor. Project Superintendent Josh Greene, and Ryan Schultz, the Estimating/Purchasing Manager, round out the in-house team of professionals. Every team member agrees that they wouldn’t be as successful without the incredible partnership they enjoy with their subcontractors.

Terry Homes Inc, having built up to 40 homes per year of these past many years, have definitely made an impact on our community. But that is not the whole story. They raised three kids here and have always been huge supporters in the Flathead Valley. Ron has volunteered on the Mountain Rescue Team for Search and Rescue. Merna has served on the board of directors for Habitat for Humanity and is currently on the board of the Montana Youth Diabetes Alliance. They have been involved with our local high schools’ Student Built House projects and sponsored numerous sports teams, youth organizations, and other non-profits. The dollars generated in their business stay local – their employees and subcontractors are all local. It says something about their success, in that they have had some buyers who have bought multiple homes from Terry Homes – as their family grew, they came back to their original builder for a bigger place.

Megan remarked that their construction company had not been as affected as others by the pandemic. She said that Merna is a fierce protector of her team, and that they have always had a supportive and family friendly work environment. She added that the Terry’s encourage all their employees and subs and find ways to help them stretch and grow. When the pandemic hit, Merna quickly pivoted to find ways for the staff to set up for remote work and adjusted their office environment to accommodate everyone when they could, once again, come back to the office to work. Looking toward the future, they have formed a new company, Terry Dirt, Inc. that holds the land for future subdivisions. Merna said they are always seeking development properties for future projects. These developments take a year or longer, and they like to have projects planned for at least three years out. Going forward, although Merna may like to bow out from her full-time position so she can pursue some of her bucket list items (she just recently fulfilled one – swimming with a manatee!), they will continue to build communities and homes that people want to live in.

In the meantime, Merna’s favorite part of her job is when they sell and close on a buyer’s very first house. They are so excited and can barely believe they could actually do it! She tells them it is the best investment they can ever make and sends another Terry Homes family off to get settled into their new home and start making memories in their beautiful family-friendly community.

The Flathead Building Association’s Home and Garden Showcase is slated

for March 5 & 6, 2022 at the Flathead County Fairgrounds. This event features a vast display of products and services from members of the Flathead Building Association. Tickets are $5 and can be obtained at the door or online at www.buildingflathead.com. Hours are 10 am – 6 pm on Saturday and 10 am – 4 pm on Sunday. The Flathead Building Association has been supporting and promoting the construction industry in northwest Montana for over 40 years. Their key missions are to provide industry resources, information, and education to their membership and consumers interested in home ownership, building, remodeling, maintenance, and repair; to further the ethical and professional standards of our members to provide a reliable resource for the community; to maintain a positive image for the industry and association within the community; and to promote home ownership and affordable housing.



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More than Melons

Caring for Your Breasts Written by Austin Rusher, WHNP

The term euphemism, by choppy definition, is the substitution of a seemingly mild, or innocent, term in replacement of a term or expression deemed to be too blunt or harsh (thank you google) for polite conversation. Understandably, many a euphemism journeys into the realms of healthcare clinics. Three body parts in particular, are often shrouded in this mysterious practice. I hear a lot about the back alley, cookies, and melons. I will leave it to your imagination to work those out. Whatever you call them, each anatomical area requires its own proper maintenance and care. Today, we will be focusing on the melons, or in anatomically correct terms, breasts. For the purpose of this article, we will be focusing on breast monitoring and evaluation, with a discussion of a few common breast related concerns that lead women to seek care. The minimum general consensus in the medical community, is having patients practice something called breast self-awareness. Breast tissue is more complex than is often realized by society, or more specifically, the owners of breast tissue. Rather than having women stress about every aspect of their breasts, I want them to have a general awareness of their own anatomy, so that they can recognize if something feels new, different, or concerning, such as a three-dimensional lump. With any questions, concerns, or during an annual, a clinical breast exam should be performed. What is a “clinical breast exam” you might ask? Simply a breast exam performed by a trained clinician. There are benign causes of breast masses and tissue changes. In such situations, where these masses have been evaluated and determined to be benign, it will be important for women to recognize their own benign lumps and bumps, so that they will recognize if something changes, is new, or different. Therefore, requiring further assessment. Commonly, when we think about breast health and monitoring, we think about structural causes of concern, such as a lump. However, I advise women to


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also be on the lookout for skin changes. Concerning skin changes range from dimpling of the skin, similar to the surface of an orange peel, to a red inflamed area without the presence of flu like symptoms. Another aspect of breast health, that often gets lost behind the lump conversation, is the cherry on top (apologies to those tired of euphemisms) or the nipple. Nipples need attention too, and if they scale, bleed, or leak (in the absence of breast feeding or even mild manual expression, aka don’t squeeze the cherries), they need further evaluation by a trained provider. The initial work up of breast related concerns is very specific to the chief complaint. Structural concerns often require imaging. Breast pain evaluation often starts with creating a symptom diary to include timing of symptoms with associated, aggravating, and relieving factors. Concerns related to skin changes, range from trialing appropriate medications to assess for improvement, lab-work, to referrals to breast specialists. Finally, nipple discharge evaluation begins with a thorough medical history, medication review, labwork, and appropriate imaging if indicated. Next, lets discuss imaging. Hopefully, because all of our readers are super compliant with their recommended breast cancer screening guidelines, those aged forty years old and older, are familiar with mam-

mography. Mammography is an imaging technique that is typically ordered for screening or diagnostic purposes. The American Cancer Society (ACS) and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), recommend that screening mammography for breast cancer begin at the age of 40 years old for those women of average risk. Our risk for breast cancer can be increased, for example, based off of our personal or family history. If we have a personal or family history of certain cancers, not only breast cancer, our risk is increased. In such scenarios, individualized screening guidelines should be enacted. Diagnostic mammography is ordered outside of screening guidelines. If a patient presents with a concerning mass, often times diagnostic mammography is used to differentiate the type of mass and whether or not the mass is suspicious and requires further follow up. However, depending on the age of the patient, relevant history, and presentation of symptoms another form of imaging is often incorporated into care. Ultrasound can be employed to differentiate a solid mass from a cystic mass or fluid filled mass. In general, a solid mass is usually more concerning. Often times, the two screening modalities can be used together or ordered after the other “if indicated.” For

Mastalgia is simply the medical term for breast pain and causes a great deal of worry and concern for women that experience it. Fortunately, breast pain rarely signals a true breast cancer related problem. example, if a mass is found on mammography, an ultrasound can be ordered to assess the mass further afterwards. Of note, no imaging is perfect and a thorough history and symptom analysis should always be obtained and help guide care. Next, lets discuss a common breast related concern for which women present to the clinic: mastalgia. Mastalgia is simply the medical term for breast pain and causes a great deal of worry and concern for women that experience it. Fortunately, breast pain rarely signals a true breast cancer related problem. Read that again, because I hope that statement can alleviate some anxiety common in women that have experienced, or are experiencing, mastalgia. Remember that symptom diary we discussed earlier? The evaluation of breast pain includes a thorough history including timing related, or unrelated, to a women’s menstrual cycle. We know that breast tissue is complex and is also very hormonally sensitive. An easy example scenario demonstrating this relationship is breast tenderness during early pregnancy. When pregnancy is not of concern, or ruled out, we look into other causes of hormonal shifts such as an individual’s personal cycle, birth control method, and hormone replacement therapy. Prior to becoming a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, and as a woman myself, I learned

about an association between caffeine and breast pain. Caffeine, although not definitively linked to mastalgia by studies, has been associated with breast pain. Especially with a new or sudden increase of intake. Antidotally, my caffeine intake increased substantially during school and I presented to the clinic with my concerns. Luckily, after cutting my coffee intake to a more normal amount, my symptoms resolved. In some women, trialing a complete cessation of any caffeine may be required (that means chocolate too girlsthe horror)!

Overall, I believe some of the best advise related to breast health is having a general self-awareness of our own breasts, our personal and family medical history if available, and being knowledgeable about screening guidelines and diagnostic options. We will close today with one of my favorite jokes. I am sure you can guess the answer: What kind of bees make milk? If you guessed another breast euphemism you are correct (Boo-bees)! On a more serious note, of course, with any breast related questions or concerns, please visit your provider for an appropriate work-up!

Austin Rusher, WHNP joined Kalispell OB/GYN in December of 2020, returning to Montana to be closer to family. She received her nursing degree from Montana State University in 2012 and her degree as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner from Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing in Hyden, Kentucky in 2020. Austin worked for 5 years as a labor & delivery nurse taking care of mothers and their families throughout the process of pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care. Striving to provide respectful and empowering care, Austin is passionate about all aspects of women’s health and creating a partnership to meet healthcare needs. Her training includes wellness exams, family planning, STD screening and treatment, IUD and Nexplanon insertion and removal, menopausal management, and, of course, obstetrics. She strives to provide evidence-based, individualized, and inclusive care. Austin was raised in Helena and grew up on a small ranch. She admires and respects the rural communities of the Flathead Valley and looks forward to developing long-lasting patient relationships. She and her husband, Reicher, have two young children. They enjoy hunting, f ishing, hiking, skiing, and all the outdoor recreational opportunities offered by the Flathead Valley and the great state of Montana.



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The Life and Lure of

Aviator Esther Combes Vance By Brian D’Ambrosio

One day in 1929, Esther Vance, a 26-year-old Montana pilot, received an invitation from another aviator – the greatly adored Amelia Earhart. Earhart was already a celebrity of epic stature, a successful adventuress and author, a flashy brand and an on the ball business mind, a name and a face as recognizable as any in the country. A passionate advocate for the betterment of female pilots, Earhart had a new project circling in her mind – the formation of a nationwide club.

Vance, a Sidney High School graduate, was busily compiling her own set of credentials, too, performing aerial stunts with her husband while cutting her teeth as an independent pilot. Indeed, she distinguished herself one year earlier as the state of Montana’s first licensed commercial woman pilot and the twenty-second woman in the United States to receive a limited commercial pilot’s license.

Eligibility for membership in the group, wrote Earhart – who herself just one year earlier became the first woman passenger on a trans-Atlantic flight – would be extended to any woman holding a pilot’s license issued by the Department of Commerce. Would Vance be interested in joining the first organization assembled of women aviators?

Perhaps answering yes was a no-brainer of sorts for Vance; when the group later issued its 99 charter memberships, one of them would be allotted to Vance. The goal of the club was to promote fellowship among licensed pilots and encourage more women to learn to fly. Earhart was elected its first president. The Ninety-Nines would even have their own official song. Today, the presence of women pilots is no longer anomalous, and the group currently has thousands of members worldwide. And while she might not be a common name among first fliers, Esther Vance, in retrospect, was one of the earliest prototypes of the starry-eyed aviator.

Barnstorming in the Blood

Esther Combes was born August 19, 1903, in Clinton, Indiana, the daughter of William and Dicy Pastre Combes. In 1906, the Combes family moved to Sidney, Montana, where William was enveloped in a variety of practices. He built furniture, served as a mortician, owned a movie theatre, and also fixed up apartment houses that he operated as rental properties. After viewing a young barnstormer’s


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sideshow spectacle at a fair in Sidney, William added aviation to his expanding list of interests. After William experienced his first ride, he was so transfixed by the thrill of rising above the country and clouds that as soon as he touched down he paid the same pilot to take up his two daughters, Esther, and her older sister, Geneva, next. In the mid-1920s, William bought his first airplane, receiving flying lessons from a man named Earl Vance, a native of Indiana and a graduate of the Aberdeen Business School. Earl had arrived in Montana after completing flight training school in the army. Discharged in 1919 with the rank of second lieutenant, Earl steered himself west.

In 1921 Esther graduated from Sidney High School and later the University of Washington in 1925, majoring in physical education and teaching. Returning to Sidney, she received a jam-packed introduction from her father to the art of flying; more than a hobby, William used his plane to transfer passengers at fairs and for his own businesses. And on top of this, Esther was charmed by his acquaintance and instructor, Earl Vance, about seven years her senior, who “sold her on the bright and glittering future of being an aviator’s wife.”

Esther and Earl were married in August 1925 and celebrated their honeymoon with a barnstorming tour to locations between Montana and Florida.

Lure of Flight Lessons and Love of Solo Adventures

At first Esther served as business manager and treasurer of the commercial flying business that Earl started in Sidney called the Vance Air Service. “Time Flies Why Don’t You?” was the company pitch. Esther, however, before long excelled in a new, exciting type of role at Vance Air Service; she would navigate the sky.

Esther enrolled in her first flight lesson in Florida when she and Earl were wintering there in 1926. Her 10 hours of instruction were spread over a period of two years. Though it sounds remarkably slim, she was able to make her solo flight after a mere 10 hours of instruction had been received. Ten hours of flight instruction was, according to one contemporary aviation magazine, “considered good for a woman student, although some women students have soloed with five or six hours' instruction, but the majority require 15 hours.” Esther later conceded that it would “have been better” had she received her instruction “regularly each day.”

profile} Esther Vance As it turned out, Esther and Earl relocated the base of the Vance Air Service’s flight operations to Great Falls in 1927, where Esther oversaw the day-to-day requirements of the office, now on the airport north of the city. Still, she continued to challenge herself and to progress as a pilot. Esther’s first solo flight was made on March 3, 1928, from the Great Falls airport, during which she looped the field at an altitude of approximately 500 feet and then executed a successful landing. Her second flight was conducted that evening promptly after she had soloed.

On September 16, 1928 Esther Vance became licensed as a private pilot to fly all government licensed planes and subsequently as a limited commercial pilot to escort people on paid sight-seeing trips and make deliveries around the state. (To provide context, in the timeline of aviation, only one year earlier, Charles Lindbergh achieved world stature after he completed the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight in his plane, The Spirit of St. Louis.) By 1930, in Montana, there were several female pilots who had received flight instruction and learned to fly, including Esther, Maurine Allen of Lewistown, and Anna Lou Schaeffer of Helena.

According to one contemporary newspaper account, “increasing interest is being shown in this field by women (in Montana) in the last several months, according to Mrs. Vance and it is her belief that within the next few years women pilots will no longer be unusual.”

At five feet tall and weighing between 90 and 95 pounds, Esther wasn’t the strongest or sturdiest of pilots, but her size was by no means an impediment to her flying. According to one story about Esther published in 1930, “she has flown the Waco 9, three different Waco 10's, the Monocoupe and had taken up the

She has flown the Waco 9, three different Waco 10's, the Monocoupe and had taken up the big four-passenger cabin Stinson Detroiter and flown it for some distance although she has not yet attempted to land this plane. big four-passenger cabin Stinson Detroiter and flown it for some distance although she has not yet attempted to land this plane.”

Although Esther described all of the planes as being very simple to maneuver in the sky, she articulated a first choice fondness for the Monocoupe, a small light aircraft that, she said, was the most natural match for her because of its compactness: "Well, you see it's just my size. I crank it up and take it out all by myself." The article went on to emphasize the important role of Esther’s self-confidence in her aviation. “Any fear or nervousness while in the air alone was denied by Mrs. Vance, who stated that she particularly enjoyed piloting her own plane and gained much pleasure in flying in the Waco open cock pit.”

For a number of years, the Vances barnstormed their way through the Midwest with Earl doing most of the flying and Esther on the ground promoting, the couple dropping in at rodeos or community events or other places that almost assuredly guaranteed a crowd. While this unusual type of business was unpredictable, Esther revealed herself to be a shrewd advertiser and spur-ofthe-moment marketing whiz, informing a small town without little notice that the Vance airplane “was surveying an air route and to immediately wire back the location of their airport.”

“This usually caused considerable confusion because most towns did not have an airport,” said Vance. “We would then arrange for the community experts to pick an open field and meet with their (at that time non-existent) airport and aviation committee. The result was a red carpet treatment with free meals, speeches and lots of publicity. We took time to haul all paying passengers available, with speeches by (Earl) in between.”

Esther continued to serve as salesperson, business manager, and treasurer for the Vance Air Service until the business was destroyed by fire in 1931. Despite this unfortunate loss, Earl stayed active in aviation by working as a pilot for National Park Airways (a short-lived airline that operated in Montana in the 1920s and ‘30s) and later working as an aerial map maker for the United States Government. Esther’s plane was destroyed in the fire and she quit flying for a short period until her father came "to the aid of the Lady without a plane.” William would give his daughter one of his own planes.

Realm of High Adventure

In 1940 Earl Vance returned to active service as a captain and training officer. During World War II he served as a base commander and ascended the ranks of major and colonel. He died prematurely at age 48 of a heart attack in 1944. Esther appears to have abandoned flying altogether after her husband’s death. Eventually, she moved to Missoula, where she worked in the registrar's office at the University of Montana until her retirement. She died May 25, 1983, aged 79.

While Esther Combes Vance was not as well known and perhaps was not even as skilled as some of her counterparts, she was undoubtedly an astute, daring pilot who remained optimistic about the future arc and opportunity of women in aviation. She once succinctly explained her attitude, declaring:

“Women will no longer be able to resist the lure of flying. The air has ceased to be merely a substance in which we live and work and which we breathe. It has become a realm of high adventure; the air is ours to explore.”



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The Travelling Projector from the Orpheum Theatre

Written by Terri Lynn Mattson for the Northwest Montana History Museum

Sitting in a corner, surrounded by mechanical friends of a long-forgotten age, a black metal barrel sits in its storage position, various appendages carefully detached and stored near the main case. Outside the building that houses the old machine and across an open lawn and relatively lazy street stands an old art deco façade. The two-story tall building’s distinctive rounded metal awning over the first level supports a sign even higher than the remaining structure, colored and bearing font in the iconic style of the 1940s. The building still carries its name on the sign: Strand. Unrelated though they may seem, this is the closest the two objects have been since the Strand’s projector was updated many years ago. The machine was once used in the Strand back when it was called the Orpheum (before 1947). It was the movie projector used with the Strand’s single screen, and it now finds its home at Kalispell’s Northwest Montana History Museum.


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While not part of a display at the time of this article, the projector has seen many years of presentation and admiration from the public since a new projector replaced it in its old home. The projector was uninstalled and moved to the old Gateway Cinemas on the west end of town—the newest theater at the time—where it was placed in the main lobby. Gateway Cinemas was owned and operated by the same company that ran all the other theaters in Kalispell. The projector was on display until it was donated to the Northwest Montana Historical Society in June of 2007, right before Gateway Cinemas closed on August 1 of that same year. Well into the twenty-first century, the projector’s display in Gateway enforced a continued connection between the modern cinematic experience and Kalispell’s theatrical past.

Three years prior to the creation and purchase of the projector, the Orpheum (along with the Liberty) welcomed its newest sister theater, the Roxy. It is perhaps this update to the Anderson Theatres’ line-up that caused the update to the equipment in their oldest theater. The projector bears a manufacture date of 1939. By this time, the Orpheum had been operating since 1908. In 1920, in preparation for the construction and opening of the Liberty Theatre, Marius Anderson and son,

A photograph of the Strand taken from the roof of Central School in late 1957, after the name of the theater was changed from the Orpheum and the building was remodeled. (From the Northwest Montana History Museum collections)

Story of a Storyteller

Carl, partnered with Princess Theatre-owner, R. D. McDaniel, to form one company to operate the theaters of Kalispell. It was just prior to this partnership that the Andersons purchased the Orpheum. For a short time after the introduction of the Liberty to the theatrical scene, the Orpheum appears in no editions of the Inter Lake under the section for theater show times. By 1923, however, just before the Princess closed its doors, the Orpheum again appears in the call sheets. While the theaters they operated varied from time-to-time, none seemed

Carl Anderson, Owner of Anderson Theaters in Kalispell ca. 1950s. (From the Northwest Montana History Museum collections)

nonprofit} Orpheum Theatre

Well into the twenty-first century, the projector’s display in Gateway enforced a continued connection between the modern cinematic experience and Kalispell’s theatrical past. so steadfast in the Anderson Theatres’ lists as the Orpheum. This loyalty appears to have paid off in the Orpheum’s favor, remaining the number one listed motion picture theater in Kalispell for many years, even being the only of the theaters listed specifically as a motion picture theater in the 1925-26 edition of the Kalispell Directory. As one of the benefits of such a position within the company, the theater received many updates to equipment and building over the years—the installation of the 1939 projector being just one upgrade.

In 1947, the oldest of the Anderson theatres finally underwent a facelift and extensive update. Closing for the remodel after shows on May 3, 1947, the Orpheum’s last show was a Sunday double-feature, with Dark Horse and Danger Woman in the line-up. These would be the last films that the projector would run. The theater closed for six months, during which the entire building was essentially reconstructed, inside and out. The neon awning and sign were added to the front, along with the aluminum paneling. The interior layout was completely redesigned as well, the first floor gutted and metal support beams added to the second floor. It was at this juncture that the projector was updated and replaced. The theater had its grand re-opening on Thursday, November 13, 1947, with a showing of Dear Ruth. Sometime after the opening of the Gateway Cinema on Christmas Eve of 1976, the old projector from the Orpheum made its way from

storage in the Strand to serve as a display piece in the Anderson Theatres’ newest location. It was there through the addition of Anderson Theatres to the larger Signature Theatres in 2000. When the old Anderson Theatres closed down in the summer of 2007 to make way for the new Cineplex in Hutton Ranch Plaza, the Northwest Montana Historical Society was contacted sometime before the Gateway closed. From our records, the museum received the projector on June 15, a month and a half before the cinema closed on August 1 of that year. Since then, the projector has again had to see several years of storage, just across the street where it was once stored beginning seventy-four years ago.

In its lifetime, this magnificent piece of early cinematic equipment saw only a few years of use for its intended purpose. Installed in 1939 and replaced only eight years later, the camera is now eighteen years away from being 100. The projector continues to tell stories—perhaps not in the way it was intended, but in an equally effective way. The Orpheum projector is slated to appear in the Northwest Montana History Museum’s upcoming exhibit on Downtown Kalispell. Northwest Montana History Museum 124 Second Ave. East in Kalispell 406-756-8381 - nwmthistory.org


Top photo: The Orpheum (Strand) Projector. Photo taken at Gateway Cinemas during acquisition in 2007. (From the Northwest Montana History Museum collections)


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Changed lives By Emily Christiansen Photos provided by Child Bridge

Children have a way of teaching grownups how to live enthusiastically. Jaycee Storle is a spirited little girl who looks at life with fresh eyes and an eagerness to embrace the relationships around her. During the initial COVID shutdowns, as foster and now adoptive parents, Keith and Allie Storle felt an extra push to protect their home from the unknowns of the pandemic. As parents of medically fragile children, they were very cautious and wary of large gatherings and being out and about. This isolation was new and challenging with busy little ones.

But even during a pandemic, children will defy all odds when it comes to building relationships. As a growing extrovert, 3-year-old Jaycee was not buying the idea of staying away from everyone. She might be stuck at home, but she noticed a familiar face that would come to her door every day.

It didn’t take long for Jaycee to befriend “Mr. Chris” the mailman. With great joy and anticipation, she’d sit by the window awaiting his arrival. “It’s Mr. Chris!” the little voice squealed with glee. And “Mr. Chris” eagerly reciprocated every bit of her enthusiasm. He too, looked forward to his daily visit with Jaycee.


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Mailman Chris Magers picked up on their budding friendship and began to deliver more than just the mail. He came every day with a big smile, hellos, and often stickers, coloring books or other small toys to occupy the family during the shutdown. An unlikely friendship was born that now warms the hearts of all who know them.


Child Bridge

There are thousands of Jaycees in Montana needing a family to care for them. Sometimes it is just for a little while and sometimes forever. These unlikely little heroes are eager to teach us the power of friendship, resiliency, silliness and joy. Jaycee was recently adopted by Keith and Allie. She came to their home as a baby in foster care through the State of Montana Department of Child and Family Services. The Storle family and home is the only one she knows. Last summer, the family was thrilled to learn that after three years together, Jaycee would become their forever daughter. Jaycee was excited too!

Adoptions are often full of family and friends, but due to the continuing COVID precautions, this adoption ceremony would be small. But there was one person that Jaycee said absolutely had to be there. There was no one she wanted to celebrate with more than her best friend, “Mr. Chris” the mailman. As the judge struck the gavel to celebrate her forever as a Storle, “Mr. Chris” was there cheering her on with the same smile he delivers to her house every day.

COVID has brought many challenges, but there are always roses that grow between the thorns. The friendship of “Mr. Chris” and Jaycee is one of those sweet roses. Jaycee’s story is one that is beautifully restored. Allie and Keith have hearts the size of Montana and are fierce advocates for hurting children in the Montana foster care system. The Storles know the importance of having foster families available and equipped to care for these children when they need it most. They have welcomed 18+ kids into their home for various lengths of time. They have always dreamed of a large family and through adoption they have grown their sweet family. Rose, Jaycee’s sister, was also adopted through foster care. The girls are

just a couple of months apart in age and have a strong and beautiful bond. Together they attend ballet classes, do art, and live life with great enthusiasm. Child Bridge has been a wonderful resource for the Storles. During the months and years of unknowns with fostering each of the girls, and all the other placements they’ve cared for, Child Bridge was always available with training, relational support and guidance to resources to strengthen the family. Through educational support, encouragement and prayer, Child Bridge journeys alongside foster families providing invaluable support. There are thousands of Jaycees in Montana needing a family to care for them. Sometimes it is just for a little while and sometimes forever. These unlikely little heroes are eager to teach us the power of friendship, resiliency, silliness and joy.

If you’re interested in learning more about the beauty of caring for a child when they need it most, Child Bridge would love to have a conversation, or guide you to the licensing process to become a foster parent. Don’t miss an opportunity to meet and love a child like the Storles have been able to do. Children are a gift, and more healthy families are needed to foster sweet stories like Jaycee's.


You can learn more about Child Bridge at www.childbridgemontana.org or 406-837-2247.


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Dental X-Rays Part 3

by Dr. John F. Miller DDS SMILE MONTANA

The HOW, WHY, WHAT, & WHEN Happy New Year!! Welcome to 2022 everyone…fingers crossed. At the beginning of every new year, I think about the events that will take place in mine and my family’s little world before that year ends. Right now, at the beginning of 2022 I have two children in elementary school, one child in middle school, and one child in high school. By the end of this year my 3rd child will have joined his older brother in middle school, an older brother that will become a teenager, and my oldest child will have her driver’s license. Scary. As always, I hope this year sees my family happy and healthy as I hope it does to all of yours. As the title states this is the 3rd installment of a deep dive into the world of dental radiographs (X-Rays) for the lay person…aka you, the reader. To prepare for typing out this final article I have gone back and re-read the first two to prevent any redundancies. I have to admit, they were pretty good if I don’t say so myself. So, if this is your first time reading my section of 406 Woman it might benefit your understanding by reading the September and November submissions. These can be found @ www.406woman.com. In part one we discussed the most common dental radiograph The Bitewing. In part two we discussed the Peri-Apical radiograph commonly known as the P.A. In this, the 3rd and final discussion on the topic, we will tackle full facial radiographs in two and three dimensions.


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The Panoramic Radiograph (Pano)

Panoramic radiography, also called panoramic x-ray, is a two-dimensional (2-D) dental x-ray examination that captures the entire mouth in a single image, including the teeth, upper and lower jaws, surrounding structures and tissues. It provides diagnostic information of both the bones and the teeth. It is also entirely extra-oral (outside the mouth) save a tiny bite-stick used to position the patient’s head correctly. As with the PA discussed last time, the Panoramic radiograph is prescribed every 3 to 5 years to confirm health. When would a panoramic radiograph be prescribed outside of the recommended interval?

1. To evaluate 3rd molar (aka wisdom teeth) eruption with or without the presence of symptoms. Wisdom teeth are so far back in the jaw

that the sensor used for a routine radiograph cannot capture it comfortably, and since wisdom teeth typically come in fours it is standard procedure to evaluate with the Pano. The provide Pano has the 3rd molars circled in red.

2. To evaluate the eruption and to confirm the presence of the permanent teeth in a child.

Most of our permanent teeth are forming in our jaw

from a very young age (essentially birth). If a parent or dentist has a concern about the development of these teeth a Pano is a good choice as most little children can’t tolerate an x-ray sensor simply due to their smaller mouths. The provided Pano is a good example of a child in their “mixed-dentition” phase. I would place this individual at approximately 10 years of age. As you can see, they have three baby teeth remaining in each quadrant with their permanent successors developing underneath.

3. To prepare and plan for more complex full mouth procedures. This can be full mouth extrac-

tions in preparing for dentures, or when planning on placing implants. A Pano will show important anatomical features in relation to available bone, namely the sinus in the maxillary (upper) jaw, and the Inferior Alveolar Nerve* in the mandibular (lower) jaw. * The inferior alveolar nerves supply sensation to the lower teeth.

4. When there is a pathological concern. 5. When a traditional sensor is not an option due to comfort, prohibitive anatomy, or pathology/swelling.

Much like an MRI, it can be sliced in multiple planes and in multiple directions to give the doctor precise information concerning the teeth and jaws. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

Cone beam computed tomography (or CBCT) is a medical imaging technique consisting of Xray computed tomography where the X-rays are divergent, forming a cone. I can’t honestly say I fully understand that last sentence, but what I do know is the CBCT gives us a 3-dimensional image of the mouth. Much like an MRI, it can be sliced in multiple planes and in multiple directions to give the doctor precise information concerning the teeth and jaws. CBCT utilization in dentistry is relatively new. I would imagine that the majority of dental specialists have a CBCT, while maybe 25 to 35% of general dentists have a CBCT. Of our three Smile Montana locations, two are equipped with CBCT scanners. As these become more accessible and utilized, we might find that the Pano becomes obsolete. A CBCT is indicated for all of the 5 reasons listed for the Pano, but is primarily utilized for implant planning and other surgical procedures including wisdom teeth, as well as visualizing the extent of certain pathologies.

The Lateral Cephalogram

I won’t spend a ton of time on this just know that it is used almost exclusively by Orthodontists but is crucial for orthodontic treatment planning. As the image shows it is simply the skull from the side (aka lateral) and by identifying specific anatomical points an Orthodontist and/or Dentist can determine how to proceed best with treatment. This radiograph allows the doctor to understand the patient’s skeletal relationship and how it is affecting tooth and jaw positioning. In other words, does the patient have an overbite because the upper jaw is growing to fast, or is it due to the lower jaw growing to slow? This concludes our deepdive into dental radiography. I hope you all are as nerdy as me and gleaned some information and enjoyment out of these last three articles. The intention was to help you be informed as to why we take so many x-rays. If I’ve learned one thing from my 13.5 years in dentistry, it’s that radiographs identify issues before they become problems. You and me both would rather fix issues than problems.


Thanks again for tuning in, and I’ll see you in two months when I pull back the curtain on our next “to be determined” dental topic.


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406 w o m a n

Food & Flavor

16. Ramen with World Spice Merchants 22. In the Kitchen with Lane 25. Ask the Butcher 26. Spirits of January 30. Is Wheat What We Need? 32. Pear Maple Tarte Tarin


36. Collectible Copper 40. Wright’s Furniture


44. Critical Race Theory

Book Review

Cover Girls


46. Chinook: King of the North


48. Knitting in the USA


51. Village Shop


54. Sarah & Florian 58. Kelsy & Travis


View current and past issues of 406 Woman at

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Bailey Riso Bailey is a fourth generation Montana native who enjoys everything about the Montana way of life. Growing up with all brothers, she has always enjoyed all things outdoors. Hunting, fishing, camping, skiing and boating are some of her hobbies she enjoys with her husband and family. Bailey works as a dental hygienist in the valley where she loves to help others feel good about their smile. Bailey and her husband are looking forward to their greatest adventure yet, as they are expecting their first child in May. photo by

Amanda Wilson Photography www . amandawilsonphotos . com

Ski Patrol Manager Keagan Zoellner and avalanche dog, Cloe. photo p r o v i d e d b y

Whitefish Mountain Resort www . skiwhitefish . com

Publisher's Note Happy 2022!

We hope that you find inspiration, motivation, and ways to enrich your life in the pages of 406 Woman this year. We are always honored and excited to share our wonderful community with you and the people who inspire us. We appreciate you sharing your stories, knowledge, skills, and talents with us. May the year be filled with positivity, success and the beginning of great things for you all. We are looking forward to embracing what’s ahead! Embrace the New Year with an open heart and a fierce spirit.

With gratitude, Cindy & Amanda


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406 w o m a n


Cindy Gerrity


business manager Daley McDaniel


managing editor

Kristen Hamilton


creative & social media director Amanda Wilson



Sara Joy Pinnell



Daley McDaniel Photography Amanda Wilson Photography ACE Photography Jamie Lynn Aragonez Gerald Mattel Troy Meikle Published by Skirts Publishing six times a year 704 C East 13th St. #138 Whitefish, MT 59937 info@406woman.com Copyright©2022 Skirts Publishing

Want to know about great events, open houses, and more? Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/406 Woman 406 Woman is distributed in Bigfork, Columbia Falls, Kalispell, Missoula, Whitefish and every point in between. Check out www.406woman.com for our full distribution list. Have a great story idea or know someone that we should feature? Email us with your comments & suggestions. Interested in increasing your business and partnering with 406 Woman? Check out www.406woman.com.

View current and past issues of 406 Woman at

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Editor’s Letter “Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need not more.” - Mother Teresa

Kristen, Marne, Sarah & Riley at lunch in Palm Springs

Blessings in the new year It is a really cool feeling when your kids become your friends. I’m blessed with three kids. Two I welcomed into the world when they were born and the third I was blessed with as my bonus daughter when I got married for the 2nd time.

Recently we got together with our two girls (actually ladies) and soon to be new son-in-law to make memories in Palm Springs, California during Thanksgiving. What did we do? Not much really. Was it worth traveling during the busiest holiday weekend of the year? Absolutely! A couple highlights … Seeing UCLA play football in the Rose Bowl. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a college football game and what a thrill. In Montana we have two awesome teams to root for and both made the playoffs this year – that is pretty sweet. My advice – check out a sporting event soon! Realizing that social media can keep people connected in a good way at times. A dear friend and her daughter (who went to school with mine in Kalispell) had moved to Bozeman years ago and they saw us on Snapchat or Facebook or something while we were on the trip. With that we were able to connect and meet for lunch…small world! My advice – say yes and connect often with friends and family! Please continue to be diligent about your health and be safe this winter –

Happy New Year! Managing Editor

Kristen, Sarah & Lindsay at the UCLA game

What I learned in this issue?

That the Strand Theater in Kalispell was the Orpheum before a complete renovation in 1947 and the projector used there prior to that renovation is on display at the Northwest Montana Historical Society. Read Terri Lynn Mattson’s story about the history of this projector and theaters in the valley on page 32 in the Business & Health side. Knitting can lower the heart rate and blood pressure and can possibly delay memory loss in older adults … who knew? It think it’s time I take up knitting! Read Sheri Lynn’s story on Knitting in the USA and check out her pattern for Ragg Socks on page 48.


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Happy Lunar New Year! Recipe by World Spice Merchants - www.worldspice.com Photography by Jamie Lynn Aragonez


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Asian cultures worldwide celebrate the Lunar New Year with all manner of traditions, many of which involve food and lucky ingredients! Long noodles for happiness and longevity is one of many so we're sharing a souped up ramen recipe to ring in the Year of the Tiger! Soup is also traditional for the lunar new year and represents a wish for the new year to be better than the last- washing away the old year and making room for a fresh new beginning full of prosperity and hope.

Rooster Ramen with Black Garlic

We’ve come a long way from the dorm room hot plate and elevated a pack of instant ramen to new heights with our Ramen Seasoning Kit. It includes something to satisfy every flavor craving, and you can mix and match the flavors to make your own bowl just the way you like it. We pulled out all the stops, and all the garnishes, to make this bowl, but you can also use the seasonings individually to season any protein or broth.

Rooster Ramen

Ingredients For the Chicken 1 tablespoon Rooster Spice 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 lb boneless skinless chicken breast 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

For the Ramen 4 cloves black garlic,

chopped 1 package instant ramen 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

Instructions For the Chicken

1 cup shitake mushrooms, sliced 1 cup choy sum or bok choy, rough chopped 1 teaspoon Bulgogi Spice

For the Garnishes

2 soft boiled eggs Pinch Osaka Seasoned Salt 2 ounces sliced pink fish cake Large pinch chile threads Pinch sliced scallions or chopped chives

In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the Rooster Spice, sesame oil and soy sauce. Add the raw chicken breast and turn to coat both sides with the marinade. If time allows, let the chicken marinate a few hours or even overnight. Heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Once the skillet is hot, place marinated chicken breasts in the skillet and cook for 4 to 5 minutes on each side, until golden brown and cooked through. Remove from heat and allow the meat to rest a few minutes. Slice across the grain and set aside to top the ramen bowl.

For the Ramen

Follow your ramen packet cooking instructions and add chopped black garlic to the broth. Simmer broth until infused with black garlic and it changes color. Meanwhile, in a sauté pan add a teaspoon of vegetable oil. When it's hot, quickly sauté the mushrooms and bok choy until wilted. Toss the veggies in Bulgogi Spice and set aside.


Using tongs make a nice mound of noodles in a large soup bowl. Place your sliced chicken in

a neat pile, then your veggies. Place the thinly sliced fish cake shingled on on the side.

Cut your soft boiled egg and season it with Osaka Seasoned Salt. Finally, add a pinch of chile threads and scallions or chives to finish. Enjoy!


The sky is the limit with your protein, vegetable and garnish combinations. Ramen is awesome because each person can top their soup to their liking. If you want to keep it simple and just add our ramen kit garnishes to your favorite packet it will still be bright in flavor and texture.

Shop online at www.worldspice.com

Family owned and operated for over 25 years, World Spice provides superior quality herbs & spices, handcrafted blends, and estate teas to flavor lovers everywhere.

We ship nationwide or you can pick up at either location.


Montana Outpost 62 Arcadia Way- Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Flagship Store in Seattle behind Pike Place Market 1509 Western Ave, Seattle WA 98101 406

oman.com  59

Chocolate Olive Oil Cake INGREDIENTS

1 1/2 cups almond flour (Bob’s Red Mill is a reliable source) or 125 grams all-purpose flour

6 tbsp sifted, unsweetened cocoa powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

2/3 cups Blood Orange Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1/2 cup boiling water 2 tsp vanilla extract


Preheat the oven to 325F.

Taste the World's Best Olive Oil & Houseinfused Huckleberry Balsamic Vinegar

Grease a 9-inch round baking pan lightly with olive oil and line with parchment paper. Place the sifted cocoa powder in a mixing bowl and whisk in the boiling water until you have a smooth, chocolatey, runny paste. Whisk in the vanilla extract and then set aside to cool. In a separate bowl, combine the almond flour with the baking soda and salt. Put the sugar, olive oil and eggs into a bowl of a freestanding mixer and with the paddle attachment beat vigorously for 3 minutes until you have a pale-colored, aerated and thickened cream. Gently add the almond flour mixture and cooled cocoa mixture. Scrape the mixture down, and stir a little with a spatula, then pour this dark, liquid batter into the prepared tin. If it looks too dry -it should be quite runny- add a little water plus a splash more olive

Pinch of sea salt 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 3 large eggs oil. Bake for 35 minutes or until the sides are set and the very center, on top, still looks slightly damp. A cake tester should come up mainly clean but with a few sticky chocolate crumbs clinging to it. Let it cool for 10 minutes on a wire rack, still in the tin, and then ease the sides of the cake with a thin spatula and spring it out of the tin. Leave to cool completely or serve while still warm with a scoop of Lemon Olive Oil Ice Cream.

Extra Tips

For an extra flourish, you can whip up this recipe further by adding a little cream to serve. Try mixing whipping cream with Chocolate di Torino Balsamic Condimento. Place 1 cup of heavy whipping cream and 1 tbsp of Chocolate di Torino Balsamic Condimento in the bowl of a stand mixer. Use the whisk attachment to whip the mixture well. Adjust sweetness, to taste, by adding a drizzle of the condiment.

From left to right: Stephanie Costa, Joey Costa, Keefe Carvelli, Caitlin Freebury, Lane Smith, Luke Trolinger, John Costa


Until. In the Kitchen with Lane By Lane Smith - Sponsored by

Photos by ACE Photography & Design - Location The Interim Bar, 139 1st Ave W, Kalispell

It wasn’t something that happened overnight. I still believe the number of failures outnumber the successes at this point. Steaks with less moisture than the Sahara Desert, fish with the tenderness of a bathtub rubber duck, pasta with the adhesive power of super glue and myriad of other food failures have dotted my past. With Valentine’s Day coming I sought to avoid some of the aforementioned failures and cook something that, while simple, was totally appropriate for a romantic dinner at a fine restaurant. As with most meals, I wanted to make something I have made before, and I wanted to make something I had never attempted. Even with the help of my friends at the Chopp Shoppe, Flathead Fish, Genesis Kitchen, and World Spice Merchants, I was concerned I wasn’t going to pull it off. Until an opportunity presented itself.


John and Stephanie Costa are living in the until. They are the owners of the Interim Bar in downtown Kalispell. Why call it the Interim Bar? 64 406


Their website explains it best: “the interim bar is a temporary bar for a temporary solution. We’re working on something special for Kalispell and wanted to provide you with a straightforward and positive experience in the interim. We have a great new menu, a full bar with creative cocktails, and a great staff (we’re biased, of course).” The latter being the reason I met the Costas—my Daughter Caitlin works there. (I am also biased.) Empirically, The Interim is an until. Located in a building that, like much of our hometown, has evolved over the years. Under Stephanie’s watchful eye, the evolution has made the Interim ready for its transformation this spring. It was here, over an amazing Old Fashioned, that John graciously offered his establishment and staff to host 406 Woman and me for this article. While talking with John and Stephanie I quickly realized how similar their journey to becoming bar owners had been to my parent’s path to bar ownership some 40 years ago. Both brought their families into the business with them, both leaned heavily on previous business experiences to navigate the not so straightforward bar business, and most importantly—both knew that their foray into the hospitality business was only going to be

as good as the people they surrounded themselves with. Aside from my daughter, one of the people John and Stephanie hired would end up making not only this article possible, but also the meal it’s about…extraordinary. Before I get to the chef that saved me, I need to address what I had decided to make. Valentine’s day is a special occasion. Although I needed to remain simple, I also needed to make a romantic dinner for two—in Montana. The menu had to include dishes that even the most inexperienced cooks could make. The usual suspects were at the forefront of my thought process. Surf and Turf… with pasta. A classic for Valentine’s Day. The pasta was easy--Aglio e Olio. A dish that my family has come to love. Translated it means “spaghetti with garlic and oil.” An incredibly seductive pasta dish with few ingredients and an amazing presentation. For Surf I wanted shrimp. For the Turf…well, this is where I wanted to tackle something I have never cooked—Filet Mignon. The ultimate beef entrée. Ironically it was the surf portion of my chosen meal that the resident chef saved me on, the daunting beef portion turned out to be the easiest part. The chef at The Interim, well let’s just say, he and I were peas in the proverbial pod.


In the Kitchen

Keffe Carvelli is not your typical chef. Opting for a stocking cap over a chef’s hat, Keffe is as unique as the food he prepares. Keffe is a student of flavor. Complex or straightforward, layered or subtle he has all of them on the menu at the Interim. It’s what is NOT on the menu that made Keffe and me friends. He and I share the same zeal for cooking something new. Something he calls “cooking adventures.” Agreeing to cook with a rank amateur with marginal skills qualifies as an adventure. Our time together did not disappoint. It’s been over 30 years since I had cooked in a commercial kitchen. Memories of endless eggs, the smell of fryer oil and everything being hot came back instantly as we unpacked the ingredients for the meal we were about to prepare. Aglio e Olio is a simple Italian pasta dish. If you can boil water, this one is a cinch. Keefe smiled and said, “the first thing you eat with is your eyes.” Seeing the fresh shrimp Keefe asked me how I prepared it. As I was explaining the process, we discovered that “our” recipes were quite similar. It was the unpacking of my planned main course that difference between a home cook and professional chef became acutely apparent. My plan was to make Filet Mignon. Something I have never attempted. The Holy Grail of steaks. What was in front of me now though was a complete, hand trimmed and neatly tied Filet. Like the whole thing. Before I could even begin to get nervous, Keefe reached across and did what chefs do. In what seemed like a matter of seconds I was now staring at 3 beautiful Filet Mignons of equal size, seasoned with the Svaneti Blend from World Spice Merchants. Sliding past me Keefe had already had a pan pre heating with oil. Sensing I was out of my depth I went back to my boiling pasta and browning garlic in adjacent pan to the now sizzling filets. “Two minutes per side and finish in the oven.” I believe Keefe had intended it to be a question. But I simply nodded and began to add my pasta to the now ready garlic and oil. I could write a thousand more words about the 20 minutes Keefe and I spent together. But I reminded myself that the intent of this article was not a restaurant review nor chef endorsement. As Keefe and I plated the pasta with the shrimp on top, leaving the filet mignon to be the centerpiece of its own plate, I checked my watch. 22 Minutes. The meal you see in this article took 22 minutes. Take the expertise of Keefe out of it, if you cook a lot or not, this meal could be made by anyone in 45 minutes—easily. Nothing that we did was complicated nor required dark magic. Boil water. Use a timer. Taste. Re-season. Wipe the edge of the bowl. Twist a lemon slice. I was struck by the simplicity of the process. Photos done, the food was sampled to all those in attendance and the familiar feelings of joy were felt in the smiles and laughter had by all. With 2022 shaping up to be 2020 too…with variants, staffing shortages, supply chain woes and quarantines still very much a reality I have come to appreciate the place we call home even more. The culinary scene in the Flathead is exploding. So, if you find yourself wanting to go out for Valentine’s Day or decide to stay home, check out the businesses on this page. For they are more than business, they are all passionate food people that can guide, assist, provide or even prepare a meal that will not disappoint.

It’s not until anymore. It’s time. As always, life is better together. Patience and Temperance my friends.

Nothing that we did was complicated nor required dark magic. Boil water. Use a timer. Taste. Re-season. Wipe the edge of the bowl. Twist a lemon slice. I was struck by the simplicity of the process. Photos done, the food was sampled to all those in attendance and the familiar feelings of joy were felt in the smiles and laughter had by all.



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In the Kitchen

Aglio e Olio

Filet Mignon

Heat a medium, oven-safe stainless steel or cast-iron skillet over high heat for 5 minutes. Add the grapeseed oil.


On a cutting board, pat the filet mignon dry with paper towels and let sit at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.

Tilt the pan and spoon the butter continuously over the steak for 2-3 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 450˚F

Transfer the pan to the oven for 7 minutes for a medium rare steak.

Generously season all sides of the filet mignon, we used Svaneti Seasoned Salt from World Spice Merchants.

Transfer the steak to a cutting board and let rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing.

Tasting Notes

1/2 cup (120ml) extra-virgin olive oil, divided (I used Arbequina from Genesis) 4 medium cloves garlic, thinly sliced Red pepper flakes, to taste (optional) Minced flat-leaf parsley, for serving (optional) 1 Lemon


In a pot of salted boiling water, cook Bucatini (or spaghetti) until just shy of al dente (about 1 minute less than the package directs). Reserve pasta cooking water. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, combine 6 tablespoons oil and garlic. Add pinch of red pepper flakes, if using. Cook over medium heat until garlic is very lightly golden, about 5 minutes. (Adjust heat as necessary to keep it gently sizzling.) Transfer pasta to skillet along with 1/2 cup pasta water, increase heat to high, and cook, stirring and tossing rapidly, until a creamy, emulsified sauce forms and coats the noodles. Remove from heat, add remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil, and stir well to combine. Mix in parsley, squeeze lemon over and serve right away.

Chef Keffe’s Shrimp Ingredients

10 peeled shrimp, tails on (or off if you prefer) 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 6 garlic cloves, minced 1/2 cup white wine

Svaneti Salt World Spice Merchants

This late fall, early winter truffle is used in the making of this savory oil. A ‘tea method’ is utilized which steeps the ripe truffles for extended periods of time in extra virgin olive oil.

Robust and full of flavor, our Svaneti Salt is inspired by the regional flavors of Georgia and named after the Svaneti Mountains. Caraway, coriander and fenugreek form a unique flavor combination, supported with Tellicherry black pepper, garlic and just a hint of chili on a base of Mediterranean sea salt. Perfect for potatoes, starchy vegetables, omelets and egg dishes, this versatile all-in-one seasoning salt easily earns a favorite and well used spot on the spice shelf.

Genesis Kitchen 270 Nucleus Columbia Falls, MT Mon-Sat 10am - 6pm 406-897-2667 Info@genesis-kitchen.com

World Spice Merchants Montana Outpost 62 Arcadia Way Columbia Falls, MT Mon-Thu: 9am-5pm - Fri: 9am-12pm 406-892-5001 MToutpost@worldspice.com

Black Truffle Oil Genesis Kitchen

Kosher salt

1 pound dried Bucatini (or spaghetti)

Once the oil beings to smoke, add the filet mignon to the pan. Cook without moving for 2-3 minutes, until a crust has formed. Use tongs to flip the steak over, then add the butter, rosemary, and garlic to the pan. We also added Black Truffle Oil from Genesis Kitchen!


1 tablespoon smoked paprika 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1/2 lemon 1 tablespoon butter


Season shrimp with salt and pepper. Heat olive oil in pan until smoking. Sear shrimp on each side, don’t cook all the way through. Add garlic and toss pan quickly. Add wine, paprika and chili flakes. Let wine reduce by 1/3. Turn heat to medium low, add butter and swirl pan to emulsify. Sauce should look silky. Turn off heat and sprinkle a liberal amount of parsley. Taste for seasoning, and adjust to your liking. Serve with pasta or polenta.

Chopped parsley Salt and pepper

Recipe Sponsored by

FH Fish & Seafood Company Chopp Shoppe Wild caught seafood No hormones or antibiotics Choice to Wagyu Grade Hours 9am-7pm…all week long 721 Wisconsin Ave in Whitefish

3820 MT Hwy 40 W in Columbia Falls www.flatheadfishandseafood.com


Ask the Butcher

Ask the Butcher

By Collin “Sonny” Johnson, Chöpp Shöppe at Alpine Village Photos by ACE Photography & Design

Bob Seger sings about against the wind...we sing about against the grain…funny...maybe not so much when it comes to cutting your steak. Finding the grain or muscle flow may be a challenge...we at the Chopp Shoppe are dedicated to enlightening you to finding that grain. When you find it…you’ll enjoy the best flavor from all cuts of meats.

Why is the grain so important? Usually cutting with the grain (or in the same direction as the muscle fibers) will produce a jerky style effect and a chewier piece of meat...not acceptable in our opinion when the fix is so simple.

If you cut against the grain, it enables the bite to come apart in a small, grained piece that is easy easily chewed and ultimately easier to digest...making your bovine eating experience much more enjoyable.

Chopp Shoppe The Flathead’s Premier Butcher Shop No hormones or antibiotics Choice to Wagyu Grade Mon. - Sat. 9am-7pm Closed on Sunday 721 Wisconsin Ave in Whitefish


Most grain can be seen very easily...but pieces like the flank, the round steak and roast items like the tri tips and the chuck cuts can be a little more challenging. So just ask us we will mark the cuts so it will be a breeze in preparation when you get home.

To further enhance your experience, all our boneless products are tenderized so they are already foolproof ...but they can be enhanced with the correct cut and a little help from our crew. Stop being Bob Seger and be a knowledge seeker at the Chopp Shoppe...it’s easy... remember we are there for you. Never be afraid to pull us aside for any advice.

Thank you for your support in our opening months.

Bon appétit…

Sonny and Chopp Shoppe brethren



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All In the


January By Mary Wallace & Jessica Filiaggi

Has January got you full of New Year’s resolutions, fitness goals, vows to do better, BE better? To some, it means setting some goals and attaining them hitting the gym, cutting back on calories, getting more organized, saving or making more money – out with the bad habits, in with the good ones. January takes its name from the Roman god, Janus. He is often depicted with two faces, one that looks to the past and one to the future – the god of change and passage. If you are in the throes of lasting change to make your life better, we salute you! And to help with this, the folks at Bigfork Liquor Barn have put together some tips for healthier choices in the libations department.


Did you know that wine doesn’t just taste great, it can be good for you in moderation? Studies have shown that the resveratrol in red wine has been linked to reducing the risk for certain cancers, preventing age-related memory decline, inhibiting weight gain, and protecting your pearly whites.

For those that prefer white wines, the drier whites like Rieslings or Sauvignon Blancs have their own health benefits. A recent study found that antioxidants in white wine are similar to that in olive oil—boosting heart function.

Champagne is sparkling wine that’s full of polyphenols and antioxidants. What’s more, they can also help with digestion, diabetes, and weight management. Champagne is best enjoyed chilled, in a flute, either straight or mixed with fruit juices—typically orange juice, as a mimosa.


The Bigfork Liquor Barn carries some premium low-calorie wines - Mind & Body or Cense Cellars brands – most coming in at only 85-100 calories per serving.

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One might be surprised to learn that the stronger spirits will not necessarily sidetrack New Year’s resolutions. Due to the fact that they are highly distilled, hard alcohols and liquors such as gin, rum, brandy, tequila, whiskey, and vodka don’t contain much sugar and have a very minimal effect on blood sugar levels or calorie intake. A shot of most of these varietals contains approximately 80-100 calories. The key to keeping the calories and sugars low here is, of course, in the mixers.

Don't be shy about asking for your cocktail your way – save 100 calories by using diet soda as a mixer, or look toward cocktails made with water, club soda, low calorie juices, artificial sweeteners, or sugar-free syrups for easy calorie savings. Fruit and vegetable juices may also be good choices since they are often lower in calories than some other mixers and contain disease-preventing antioxidants.

The following low-calorie cocktails all weigh in below 150 calories without sacrificing any flavor.

Celery Cilantro Cocktail

This herby drink is the kind of cocktail you'd find at the spa — if spas served cocktails, that is. The Absolut Citrón is mixed with a muddled blend of celery, cilantro, and lime, which brings one glass to only 135 calories. (via Skinnytaste) 1 shot Absolut Citron 3 tbsp lime juice 1 tbsp agave nectar 1 tbsp water 1/4 cup chopped cilantro 2 tbsp seltzer 1 - 5” stalk celery

Lemon Square Martini

Martinis can be surprisingly high in calorie count, but not this version. Even though it's as tart and sweet as a lemon square dessert, the vodka-based martini only comes in at 113 calories. (via Slim Pickin's Kitchen) 1 shot Three Olives Cake Vodka or vanilla vodka 1/2 shot Limoncello 1/2 cup lemonade or Crystal Light Squeeze of lemon juice Shake over ice until chilled and strain into martini glass rimmed with powdered sugar

food} Skinnygirl Cucumber Refresher

When you use low-calorie alcohol, like the Skinnygirl Cucumber Vodka this recipe calls for, you instantly save yourself a few minutes at the gym. Calorie count: 86. (via You Beauty) 1/2 oz Skinnygirl Cucumber Vodka 1 tbsp fresh lime juice 1/2 tbsp agave nectar 2 tbsp water 1 tbsp chopped mint leaves Garnish with cucumber slice

Everything in moderation – including moderation! There are

other reasons to limit our intake when it comes to alcohol. No matter how strong our resolve, a person might find themselves mindlessly overeating the nuts, chips, slice of pizza, or whatever food is within striking distance after a few drinks. No one wants to sabotage all the January work they’ve done to get healthy by consuming too much alcohol or snacks!

The savvy dieter alternates one cocktail or glass of wine or beer, with a "mocktail" -- a nonalcoholic, preferably zero-calorie beverage (like sparkling water with a lime) that looks like the real thing. The Liquor Barn carries a variety of award-winning non-alcoholic spirits by Abstinence that make a great base for some amazing concoctions – especially for those observing ‘dry January’.

Not drinking, but have friends who are or vice/versa? Here are a few delicious recipes that will allow you to have it both ways - they’re based around flavorful nonalcoholic bases that can ladder up if you choose but are also delicious with no booze added. The syrups can be made at home and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Margarita Riff 1 serving

For the strawberry-jalapeño syrup:

2 cups water One (13-ounce) jar strawberry preserves 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/2 to 1 fresh jalapeño pepper, sliced into wheels, seeded if you prefer less heat 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

For the drink:

Crushed ice 2 ounces strawberry-jalapeño syrup 1 3/4 ounces fresh lime juice 2 slices fresh jalapeño pepper 1 1/2 ounces blanco tequila (optional – this drink is delicious with or without)



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food} Strawberry-Jalapeño syrup: Boil the water, preserves, sugar, jalapeño slices and salt in a saucepan for 30 seconds, stirring to break up the solids in the preserves. Taste the syrup and add or remove some of the jalapeño to your liking. Reduce the heat to low and let the mixture steep for 5 to 10 minutes — the longer you steep it, the spicier it will get. Let cool slightly, then strain out and discard the solids. The recipe makes about 3 cups (enough for 8 to 12 servings of either drink). Make the drink: Fill a rocks glass with crushed ice, then transfer the ice to a cocktail shaker. Add the syrup, lime juice, jalapeño slices and tequila (if using) and shake hard, then gently pour the cocktail, including ice, back into the glass.

Meyer Lemon Squeeze 1 serving

For the Meyer lemon syrup:

2 Meyer lemons, peeled and quartered, reserve the peels 2 cups granulated sugar 2 cups water 2 teaspoons dried thyme 2 dashes essence of bergamot (optional)

For the drink:

1 to 2 ounces Meyer Lemon Syrup, or to taste 2 to 4 ounces Seedlip Garden nonalcoholic spirit -OR3 Oz Dolin Dry Vermouth (if using) club soda, tonic water, or lemon seltzer to taste Serve as is or garnished with fresh thyme sprig or a lemon-stuffed olive. Make the Meyer lemon syrup: Squeeze the lemon quarters into a saucepan, then add them to the pan. Add the lemon peels, sugar, water, and thyme. Cook over low heat, stirring, to dissolve the sugar then add the bergamot essence (if using). Bring to a boil for 30 seconds, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 to 20 minutes until fruit is soft and peels are translucent. Let cool completely; then strain out and discard the solids. Yields about 3 cups. Make the drink: Fill a rocks glass with ice. Add the Meyers lemon syrup, vermouth (if using) top with club soda, tonic water, or lemon seltzer, and stir. Garnish with thyme sprig or lemon slice. Add new notes with Dry’s cucumber soda, Fever-Tree’s bitter lemon, Q grapefruit or the Italian bitter orange soda, chinotto, or if you wish, use the syrup to make an alcohol-forward cocktail (we named it Meyer Lemon Lansky) by mixing over ice 1 1/2 ounces of gin or vodka with the same amount of dry vermouth and a quarter- to half-ounce of the syrup


Everyone at the Bigfork Liquor Barn is raising a glass to your health, peace, and prosperity in 2022! 70 406



Is Wheat what we need? By Austine K. Siomos, MD – Pediatric Cardiologist at Rocky Mountain Heart & Lung

I am going to break some rules with this episode. But first, a story. I was buying a pumpkin at the end of October with my youngest child. He was active as usual, jumping around and playing with the carts, charming (in my mind) and exhausting (to those at the cash register and helping us out). One of the store owners, who is a friend, came over to talk. I was holding the pumpkin against my chest and corralling my four-year-old. She looked at me a few times and then said, "that pumpkin stem is scratching your skin." Then with an apologetic shrugging smile, "I don't know what people need right now." To put it in context, at the end of October we were starting to recover from the most recent local surge of COVID. The store, Mountain Valley Foods, is close to our hospital campus and serves many patient families, hospital employees and community members. Her words struck and stuck with me as a larger statement. What do people need right now?

Like the staff at the grocery store, I see people from all hikes of life during my workday. These are patients, staff, physicians, and families. They arrive with their beliefs, fears, and their needs. There is no way to separate the first two from the last. If I am not willing or able to understand the beliefs and fears then I will not be able to effectively work with or aid that person or family. Studies suggest that needs for humans go far beyond air, food, water, and shelter. Babies and children who are deprived of human interaction, even if they are introduced later to a more normal social structure, have abnormal brain structure and are more likely to have psychological abnormalities as adults. We have needs for social interaction, a belief system, a knowledge of belonging to a community and a sense of purpose. We are comforted by tradition as part of communities. Every human society has celebrations.

This brings me to my first broken rule. I am going to discuss wheat. I usually try to avoid repeating foods, and I touched on wheat in my sourdough episode last year. Wheat is a fascinating part of our tradition. Wheat is a grass and was first cultivated in the area of the Fertile Crescent around 9600 BCE. A botanist would identify the wheat kernel as a type of fruit. "Emmer" is the first strain of wheat to be domesticated. Emmer cultivation reached Greece, Cyprus, and India by 6500 BCE. Einkorn is nearly as old as Emmer and is still popular. The first identified bread wheat was in Macedonia in 1350.


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It is useful to know the United States classes of wheat: Durum - hard, high in protein, translu-

cent grain used to make semolina flour for dry pasta and bulgur

Hard Red Spring - brown high protein wheat used for bread and baked goods

Hard Red Winter - mellow high protein wheat, used in pastries and pie crusts

Soft Red Winter - low protein wheat used for cakes, pie crusts, biscuits, and muffins

Hard White - light colored, medium protein, used for bread and brewing

Soft White - light colored very low

protein, commonly used as pastry flour

00 Flour- a mix of finely ground hard

and soft wheat flours ideal for pizza and fresh pasta (blended for gluten content and elasticity)

Nutritionally, 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of wheat provides 327 kcal (calories) of food energy. Wheat is 13% water, 13% protein, 1.5% fat and 71% carbohydrates. This amount of wheat (hard red winter wheat in this example) also provides about 3.5mg iron (20% of the daily requirement for an adult). Wheat also provides 20% or more of the daily requirement for fiber, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, and several B vitamins as well as minerals.


When baking, I use a combination of whole wheat and white flour. White flour is stripped of the bran and the germ of the wheat kernel. Interestingly, this leaves most of the protein but does take away a large portion of the fiber, healthy fats, and vitamins. Enriched wheat flour has iron, thiamine, niacin, calcium, and vitamin B6 added back to the wheat.

When baking, I use a combination of whole wheat and white flour. The whole wheat is preferable for a happy gut and overall nutrition, but some white flour helps in lightness in the rising of bread and the open large holes that characterize artisan bread. My bread ratio is about 80% whole wheat and 20% white.

I am breaking another rule by covering a food that is not completely plant based. My husband has been making pasta lately and is experimenting with shapes and sauces. This is a great crafty activity with the kids, too. Pasta can be made without eggs. Eggs do provide the one essential amino acid that wheat lacks, lysine. Thus, egg pasta is a complete protein source. If you want to make pasta without eggs, no problem. Add peas, navy beans or other legumes to the sauce, or use some quinoa flour in addition to the wheat flour. We are fully in winter, and a steaming plate of pasta paired with a fragrant sauce is hard to beat. As I have learned from my husband, there is plenty of tradition in the partnerships of pasta types and sauce. The flat, long shapes, such as tagliatelle, combine with olive oil and cream sauces. Sturdier shapes such as calamarata bring out chunky and loud sauces. These combinations invite experimentation and lively conversation.

I recently attended a virtual town hall on vaccinations for children. Experts in pediatric infectious disease discussed vaccine hesitancy. One of the doctors described his method of working with patients, families, and colleagues. He said that he starts every vaccine conversation with "what do

you need from me?" Listening to this, my shoulders dropped with relief. How simple! That is what we are here for. We are not here to impose our beliefs or fears on those we serve. We are here to discover what they need and to find a way to meet them there. When my friend at the grocery store said, "I don't know what people need right now," it stuck with me for an obvious reason. I don't know what people need either. I have to start by asking.


Tagliatelle is my second favorite type of pasta. My absolute favorite is maltagliati, which translates to "badly cut," which satisfies my desire to be one with the messiness of life. Regardless of the pasta shape you create, have fun with the process. Ingredients: 400g 00 Flour 4 eggs Directions:

Mix flour with the eggs. Knead together. The end consistency should be smooth in texture and be only slightly sticky. If it is too dry, add a drop or two of water. Put dough on a floured surface and roll.

Dr Austine Siomos Pediatric Cardiologist Austine Siomos, MD, brought her training and expertise with pediatric patients to Kalispell Regional Healthcare in September 2015. Dr. Siomos practices at Montana Children’s Specialists, a department of Kalispell Regional Medical Center. She is also part of Montana Children’s and its team of more than 40 pediatric specialists. She has been recognized for several academic accomplishments, including receiving a Pediatric Resident Professionalism Award. She also conducted extensive medical research and devoted time to community service, serving at a Denver clinic for uninsured patients, setting up medical clinics in Guatemalan villages, and working with Habitat for Humanity. She enjoys spending time with her husband and children, as well as baking, recycling and studying languages.

Rolling takes some practice and is endless fun with kids. For simple tagliatelle, once the dough is rolled out, fold it on itself and then cut the ribbons. This is a good party trick. At this time, you can rest the pasta for a bit or put in a big pot of boiling water (with a bit of salt added). Remember, fresh pasta cooks in 1 to 3 minutes. Having a sauce ready and simmering is great, but some like their fresh pasta with olive oil and salt, which is lovely too!



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Pear Maple Tarte Tatin By Carole Morris


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food} This recipe is a beauty that you will not want to pass by; it will lead you to create the perfect chilly day dessert for your family and friends. The history of the Tarte Tatin is as unique as the recipe! It all began when two French sisters created this tarte in 1888 (Carolina and Stephine Tatin). They lived in a small rural town in the Loire Valley of France and owned and ran the hotel called l’Hotel Tatin. The elder sister, Stephine’s specialty was an apple tart, served perfectly crusty, caramelized and which melted in the mouth. One day during the midday scramble, Stephanie placed her tart in the oven the wrong way round. The pastry and apples were upside-down but, nevertheless, she served this strange dessert without giving it time to cool. The dessert was such a hit, the famed Maxim’s Restaurant of Paris, France snuck a spy in to steal the recipe from the ladies…it’s been on their menu ever since. We are using pears in the recipe to switch it up a little!


Serves 8 lucky dinner guests

1 sheet frozen puff pastry (thawed) 1/2 cup butter 2/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1/3 cup maple syrup 3 pears (firm) peel and core, then halved

Carolina and Stephine Tatin

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 375° F

2. Roll out puff pastry on a lightly floured surface to approximately 1/4-inch thickness, then put in refrigerator. 3. In a medium cast-iron skillet, melt butter (over medium heat). Next, stir in cinnamon, brown sugar, and allspice… cooking and stirring until sugar the dissolves. Then, stir maple syrup into mixture cooking and stirring until mixture begins to bubble. Remove the skillet from heat.

4. Next, place the pear halves (cut side up) into a circle in the middle of the skillet, on top of brown sugar mixture. 5. Put the skillet back onto burner and cook over medium-low heat, basting pears with syrup mixture, until they begin to soften (approximately 5 minutes). Remove the skillet from heat.

6. Take the rolled puff pastry from refrigerator and place the pastry over the pears. Tuck the pastry around the edges of the pears so the brown sugar mixture and pears are sealed inside the pastry.

7. Bake in preheated oven approximately 20 minutes, (until pastry is puffed and golden). Cool for 5 minutes, then place a large plate over skillet and invert to remove tart. Serve warm with ice cream or whipped cream.



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Collectible Copper By Adene Lucus, owner of Freyia DEKOR

While on a trip to Stockholm sourcing items to bring back to North America the one item I kept coming across was copper. Every seller seemed to have a plentiful supply of copper. There were pots, baking molds, strainers, teapots, and water pitchers. I thought it was unusual that there was so much copper. I noticed that the items were haphazardly tossed in cardboard boxes like there was no value for these antiques. After doing some research about copper in Europe I discovered that in the 17th Century, Sweden had the most copper mines in all of Europe and at the peak Sweden produced 70 percent of all copper in the world. That explained why there was so much copper and why no one seemed to appreciate it, there was an abundance! In the U.S., the largest copper mine is in Utah and other major copper mines are in Arizona, Michigan, New Mexico, and Montana.

Today, all those utilitarian goods have antique value. As of late there has been a resurgence of interest in copper for decorative items. A quick search online for antique copper objects will showcase a range of a $50 copper pot to a $5,000 kettle on the antique and modern furniture website 1stDibs. com. Copper is a collectable and priced accordingly, so if you see a piece you like you may want to consider purchasing it. One of the most sought-after pieces is the copper weathervane selling upwards of $20,000!

Why Copper?

Copper has been used and cherished for around 9,000 years. Pots that are made of copper are ideal heat conductors; the material is durable, hygienic and corrosion resistant. Thanks to the excellent heat conductivity properties, the heat spreads more evenly in copper cookware than in traditional pots and pans. Almost all copper cookware sold commercially is lined with stainless steel, tin, or nickel. Antique pots and pans, which is anything 100 years or older, are still functional but may need to be re-tinned to ensure safe cooking. During that process the interior of the copper pan is coated with a tin lining that bonds to the copper. This will prevent any reaction between copper and acidic food. Lining with stainless steel is another option since it’s much harder wearing than tin and less maintenance.

Copper in the Kitchen


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Copper in the kitchen is what we typically envision. From farmhouse sinks, to hammered hood fans, faucets, penny pulls on cabinetry, and shiny copper pendent lights. What’s not to love?? Incorporating copper into the cook space is a natural fit. A set of ultra-polished copper pots and pans on full display or hanging on a pot rack adds warmth to a modern kitchen. Copper has been around for so long it is completely timeless.

design} Whether you hang them above an island, secure them on a wall or situate them above your cabinets, copper cookware is guaranteed to add some serious luxe vibes to your kitchen. Since we have seen a resurgence in brass in kitchens and in lighting, warm metals are having a moment. The reality, of course, is that no one is going to ditch brass or brushed nickel, but you can add copper to your space in small doses.

Copper and Décor

Personally, I love the look of copper and not for cooking!

Copper can be easily worked into any room and not just the kitchen. This ancient metal creates a statement from traditional to contemporary spaces, but is equally effective at creating a warm, rustic effect in vintage schemes. Adding a large copper water bucket by the fireplace with logs or display antique copper pieces on a wall as statement or conversation piece. A copper water pitcher can be used as vase with seasonal greens. The details and craftsmanship of antique copper pieces is art itself. Look at the rivets on a handle of a pot or the curl of a copper lid on a tea pot. I have an assortment of copper hung on a weathered barn board and the two textures look amazing together. Incorporating copper accents into your home is easy, because these gorgeous metallic plays well with others and you don’t need to match metals. A vivid and vibrant space relaxes with copper, whereas dark colours such as navy blue are enlivened by the shine of copper. Even better — copper complements neutral whites, greys and beige spaces with confidence and ease. Copper has a completely understated elegance that simply enhances its surroundings.

Caring For Copper Antiques

Exposing copper to air turns it darker and exposing it to water turns the surface greenish blue, hello Statue of Liberty!! There are commercial copper cleaners just like we have for silver but there are simple ways to keep your copper antiques in good condition. The first is to avoid over-polishing since aged copper has takes on a beautiful patina that cannot be created and that is part of the charm and appeal. As for cleaning you can try a recipe of vinegar, flour, and salt to create a paste and use a soft cloth to buff the piece. Also try boiling four parts water and one part vinegar with salt and the tarnish falls off. Insert caveat here, I do not, nor will I clean copper. The copper pieces collected have the original patina that appears over time and that is part of the magic, no two pieces will age alike and why clean off the history? I would rather search for more…

In Norse mythology Freyja (/ˈfreɪə/; Old Norse for "[the] Lady”). She is famous for her fondness of love, fertility, beauty, and fine material possessions.

Adene Lucas has been the lead designer with Freyia DEKOR decorating firm since 2004. Her focus has always been creating living spaces that are as unique as the clients and the lives they lead. “I always try to meet every design challenge with passion, creativity and a genuine devotion to exceeding expectations. Travelling is one of my favourite things to do on my downtime, and it was during my visits to Sweden that I was intrigued by the simplicity and functionality of Swedish design and décor. Paired with my passion for items with artistic and historical meaning, the decision to embark on this new journey came naturally and without hesitation.” Freyia DEKOR - www.freyia.ca



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How to Shop for Furniture with Your Health in Mind. By Sydney Munteanu and Wright’s Furniture

That’s right. Let’s talk about making your furniture work for you! So often we think about home decor in order to beautify or fill a needed space in our home. Furniture is rarely an impulse buy, but most of the time the main considerations go straight to price, size, and style. Rarely do we purchase furniture with our health in mind.

Wright’s Furniture wants to help you re-think that this year! From standing desks to ergonomic furniture that still looks beautiful, here are some ways you can furnish your rooms to support your wellbeing.

Adjustable Bed Bases

Did you know sleeping with your head and legs elevated has been shown to help alleviate pain and pressure on your lower back? Investing in your sleep is a gamechanger -- we all function better when we feel rejuvenated in the morning and the biggest cause of sleep disruption might be because you need to upgrade your sleep environment.

• Vibrating massage features also help boost circulation and blood flow. • The ‘Lounge’ setting creates more comfort for reading or watching a movie. • Reduce snoring and improve sleep with the head tilt feature.


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Adjustable bed Bases- Wake up without aches and pains

Sleeping with your head and legs elevated has been shown to help alleviate pressure on your lower back. The same bed, different sleep styles. With controls on each side, you and your partner can adjust your positions individually. Sleep upright, sleep flat, sleep together—however you want.


Invest in a Luxurious Mattress

These are Wright’s top-two selling mattress for good reason! Therapedic mattresses are ideal for those seeking unique comfort and support with their sleep.

Pure Touch Natural Latex for keeping you cool while you sleep.

The heat resistant, non-absorbent layer of natural latex provides temperatureregulating comfort with a buoyant feel. Latex is also antimicrobial, and moisture wicking for a better sleep.

Ultimate Hybrids for durable support and contouring comfort.

These are the best combination of wrapped coils and specialty foam layers. Ultimate Hybrids are made with handcrafted workmanship that creates an advanced sleep system for comfort, responsive feel, and durable support.

Choose recliners that support Neutral Posture.

Yes, your living room can help you live healthier. The benefits of neutral posture settings include muscle relaxation, tension relief, reducing swelling, and eliminating pressure on the spine. Look for recliners that offer zero-gravity position settings with adjustable headrests and lumbar support. Some of Wright’s favorites…

Rethink your Office Furniture

Working from home has put an emphasis on the home office. You can't beat the quality, design, and ergonomics that make up Wright’s favorite office chairs and desks. All of these are great options for either the traditional or modern office space. Height-adjustable desks have especially become a popular choice with the flexibility of going from sitting to standing.

Modern Lounging

The Comfort Air by American Leather is our solution to the modern rocking chair. Designed to move with your body, its patented mechanism cradles you to the perfect lounging position for optimal comfort. Experience the premium seating experience while the recliner glides, swivels, and rocks with you. Customize your size, cover, base and more.

Did you know Wright’s Furniture can special order items for you? While they have many ergonomic and relaxing furniture options available in the showroom, their team of experts can always help to custom-order something that is not carried in-stock on the floor. Wright’s Furniture is open 7 days a week, offering complimentary design services with free local delivery and install. Visit the Wright’s Furniture showroom in Whitefish or learn more at wrightsfurniturestore.net 6325 HWY 93 South, Whitefish, Montana 59937 | 406.862.2455 | Open Daily |Free Local Delivery | Free Design Services



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What I’ve Learned About

Fact and Opinion By CT Morris - BS Elementary Ed., MS Ed.

The importance of deciphering fact from opinion has never been more crucial than it is today. Since time began people have had opinions…you know the old “the world is flat” theory. In yesteryear, opinions were proven true or false by facts. Explorers sailed around the world, philosophers and mathematicians calculated the earths circumference and together they proved that the earth is not flat. Today, however, because of the tsunami of information on our phones (and other devices) we can become easily swayed by other’s opinions without knowing the facts. Many times, we are too busy with life to line up “facts” and instead we listen to individuals who don’t have any facts to back up their opinions. An example of this is Wikipedia, anyone can add to or delete information on a whim or “opinion”. As an educator, I always teach the difference between fact and opinion to my students. I have taught this important lesson whether my students were college-age or elementary-age. It is crucial that individuals can weigh what they hear and know if it’s someone’s opinion or if it is a fact. We know an opinion is an expression of a person’s feelings that cannot be proven. While opinions can be based on facts, they are meant to deliberately mislead others or sway them. On the other hand, fact is something that exists—it’s reality or truth. Sometimes, an author lets the facts speak for themselves and allows the reader to make up their own mind…after they have read the facts without the author’s opinion. As the author of this article, I would like to state facts about the highly volatile discussion taking place in our country regarding Critical Race Theory (CRT). I’m going to lay out the facts for parents and educators about what CRT is, without stirring in my opinions or slanted language. Just the facts, for those of us who


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really don’t know where it came from or what it stands for. CRT was officially organized in 1989, although its origins go back much farther, to the 1960s. The fundamental idea is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies. The theory states that today racism is part of everyday life, so people—white or nonwhite—who don’t intend to be racist can nevertheless make choices that fuel racism. In the classroom, the supporters of CRT believe there are current manifestations of racial inequality in education such as:

The predominance of curriculum that excludes the history and lived experiences of Americans of color and imposes a dominant white narrative of history. Deficit-oriented instruction that characterizes students of color as in need of remediation.

School discipline policies that disproportionately impact students of color and compromise their educational outcomes (such as dress code policies prohibiting natural Black hairstyles) School funding inequities, including the persistent underfunding of property-poor districts, many of which are composed primarily of children of color, and the persistence of racially segregated education. I’ve listed the foundation of CRT, as it’s described by the American Bar Association. Taking the facts, do you (in your opinion) see any of the manifestations of racial inequality happening in your child’s school?

As we navigate all the changes taking place in our country, it is so important for us to separate people’s opinions from the facts. Moreover, as we weigh the facts, we must focus on being optimistic in negative situations. Always remember, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storms to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” (Vivian Greene)




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feature} P.J. Wesley

Chinook: King of the North Author, P.J. Wesley Book Review & Author Interview by Kristen Hamilton

Personally, as someone who has had a story in the works for about 20 years, I can appreciate P.J. Wesley’s recent completion of Chinook: King of the North after 14 years of “off-and-on writing” as she describes it.

I really enjoyed the historical fiction story about 12-year-old Will Oleson and his pet wolf, Chinook, based in the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness area outside Libby, Montana where Wesley has lived for close to 20 years.


Wesley weaves a believable tale of life as it would have been for a boy and his friends living in the early 20th century. Will and his two friends, Pete

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and Rebecca, love to explore and have an amazing backyard to live out their adventures.

When Chinook joins the threesome, he teaches valuable lessons about friendship and loyalty. No story would be complete without a little hardship and Wesley’s depiction of the bully, Samuel Morgan, rounds out the narrative.

The historical inclusions about the “Big Burn” of 1910 that destroyed over 3 million acres of land in a 36-hour period were a thoughtful touch paying tribute to the brave crews that fought these devastating fires. All in all, the story is perfect for young adults who will stay entertained from start to finish.

Getting to know P.J. Wesley

How long have you been in Montana?

I was born down South and moved to Montana with my husband in 2002. It was quite a change, but I love it here.

The scenery is gorgeous here. Seeing God's creative genius all around me was one of the inspirations for my book.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

No, I actually started writing our family stories about 16 years ago and found I liked to write. That is where I got the material to write chapters three and four.

feature} P.J. Wesley Why did you decide to include actual historical accounts in the story?

I love history and when I found out about the "Big Burn," in 1910 that destroyed over 3 million acres of land in a 36-hour period from a US Forest Service pamphlet, I knew I had to include it in my book. The fire and the stories from the rangers and men who fought the fire fascinated me so much I decided to make it a historical fiction novel. The story that stuck with me the most was the story of Ed Pulaski and his crew of 45 men. Which I won't get into because it may be a spoiler.

You also reference a couple stories you learned from your family. Can you share one with me?

The story in chapter 3 is a true story. My mom grew up in South Dakota in the 1930s during the "Great Depression." During that time, Indians would camp outside town, then come into town the next day to do their business. Well, my mom and her friends decided to go spy on them and the result is what you will read in the book.

The cover of the book is beautiful, how did that come about?

The book cover scenery photos front and back is the view from Horse Mountain in the beautiful Cabinet Mountain Wilderness area, men-

tioned in my book. I saw a white wolf on our way to a hike in the Geiger Lakes area. The wolf was so beautiful; its eyes were mesmerizing. I fumbled around, trying to take a picture, but by then it was too late and it vanished like a ghost into the woods. That's when I got my idea to write a story about a boy and a white wolf in Montana.

I would like to credit Rebecca Dupre for the photo of the wolf's eyes on the front cover.

You said it took 14 years off-and-on to finish writing the book. What was the final motivation that helped you complete the story?

I tried to get it done before my Mom and Dad passed, but sadly, that was not the case. I also thought 14 years was long enough, and I wanted to get it finished or I knew I would regret it for the rest of my life.

Where can our readers purchase Chinook: King of the North? You may purchase the book on Amazon in e-book form for $2.99 and the print version will be available January 14th for $11.99. Reviews are welcome and much appreciated.



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Knitting in the USA By Sheri Lynn, Brave Dog Knits

According to the Craft Yarn Council of America, fully one third of all American women aged 25 to 35 now knit or crochet. How did this happen? It is well documented that with the advent of the Industrial Revolution and the invention of knitting machines (meaning the mass production of knitted items), hand knitting became relegated to the home. For many women of the 18th and 19th centuries, knitting for the family was a chore to fit around household and childcare duties. By the late 1800s, however, knitting was a fashionable activity for Victorian ladies, who strived to make the hobby look more ladylike by holding their needles like pencils rather than gripping them with their palms, as we do now.

The popularity of knitting has risen and fallen throughout the 20th century, rejected by one generation as old fashioned and embraced as a trendy pastime in the next - however some swings in this popularity have been dictated by the times. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, for example, many women turned to knitting out of economic necessity. In wartime, Americans answered the patriotic call to knit socks, sweaters, scarves, mittens, and stretch bandages for soldiers on the battlefront. During World War II, the American Red Cross supplied patterns for military wear that were shared among knitters, many of whom produced the same items over and over so they could memorize the patterns and maximize their output. In November 1941, Life magazine, then one of the most popular periodicals in the United States, featured a cover on knitting. Photographs of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt often showed her knitting or toting her large knitting bag. Even wounded soldiers sent home to recover were encouraged to knit as part of their therapy. Most recently, Michelle Obama - a new knitter - was featured on the front cover of Vogue Knitting magazine (Winter 2021/22).

A chief advantage for all ages is that knitting is a completely portable hobby. Busy Americans knit on buses and sub-ways, in coffee shops and during meetings, in doctors’ waiting rooms, while watching sporting events, and at the bedsides of ailing loved ones.


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The primary advantage according to knitters, however, is that turning to their needles and yarn is a great stress reliever. According to Dr. Herbert Benson, president of the Mind and Body Medical Institute at Harvard Medical School, the repetitive action of knitting creates a state of relaxation similar to that brought about by various forms of meditation. Research indicates that knitting can lower the heart rate and blood pressure and can possibly delay memory loss in older adults. Keeping the hands occupied with knitting has been shown to help people stop smoking, avoid overeating, and cope with pain and depression.

DIY} Brave Dog Knits

RAGG SOCKS This is a fairly basic sock pattern meant for thick socks in a worsted weight yarn, with a no-wrap short row heel.

YARN: worsted weight wool: 224 (279, 329) yards.

NEEDLES: size 6, in your favorite small circumference knitting method. Change needle size as needed to get gauge. GAUGE: 5 stitches per inch

SIZE: average women’s size 6-8, (womens 9-11, mens 10-13)

PATTERN Leg: Cast on 40 (44, 48) stitches.

Knit in 2x2 rib (k2, p2) for 7 to 8 inches.

No Wrap Short Row Heel:

(you can use any other heel method you like with this sock)

NOTE: slip all stitches purl-wise. **for 2 color socks, change yarn to the contrast right here. Divide for heel: PM, (k2, p2) 20 (22, 24) st, PM, (k2, p2) to end.

Work 20 (22, 24) stitches for heel: Slip the first stitch purlwise, knit to one stitch before the end.

Turn, slip the first stitch, purl to one before the end. Turn, slip the first stitch, knit to 2 before the end.

Turn, slip the first stitch, purl to two before the end… Keep going like this, turning, slipping the first stitch, and knitting to 3 before the end, then 4, then 5, etc, each time you’ll be leaving a stitch behind and having less stitches to knit. Keep going until you’ve got 12(14, 14) left in the center. You should be ready to do a knit row. Slip the first stitch, knit to one stitch before the gap. Slip the stitch before the gap onto the right hand needle, pick up the bar running between the gap and put it on the right hand needle.

Insert the left needle through the front of the 2 stitches on the right hand needle and knit the slipped stitch and the picked up bar together, as if doing a SSK decrease. And that’s how you close a gap on the knit side. Now turn, slip the first stitch, and purl to one stitch before the gap. Slip the stitch before the gap, pick up the bar running between the gap, and put it on the right hand needle.

Insert your left needle through the back of the 2 stitches and purl them together. And that’s how you close the gap on the purl side.

Keep going like that; turning, slipping the first stitch, knitting to the stitch before the gap, slipping it, picking up the bar, and knitting them together, until you've closed all the gaps.

Foot: Knit the top of the sock in (k2, p2) rib,

and the bottom of the sock (the side with the heel!) in stockinette.

Knit in the round until the sock is 2” shorter than you want it, and begin the toe.

Rounded Toe:

Round 1: K2TOG, k to 2 stitches before marker, SSK, slip marker, K2TOG, k to 2 stitches before marker, SSK.

Round 2: Knit all stitches, slipping markers.

Continue rounds 1 and 2 until you have 16, 18, 20 stitches remaining. Then knit only Round 1 until you have just 8 stitches remaining.

Close with the Kitchener Stitch, and weave in the yarn ends. Now make the other sock!


copyright 2021 Brave Dog Knits, Sheri Lynn


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201 Central ave. whitefish Montana 59937 - 406.862.3200

Veux-tu m'épouser? Oui!

Sarah & Florian Story by Kristen Hamilton - Photos by Gerald Mattel November 6, 2021 - Les Contamines-Montjoie, France


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love} stories

I knew early on that Sarah had caught the travel bug and nothing could hold her back. By the time she had graduated from Glacier High School in Kalispell, we had traveled extensively in the states but she had yet to venture beyond those borders with us or on her own. That changed very quickly following graduation day with a few study abroad opportunities in Europe that included side trips to many different countries.

I admire

his selflessness, generosity, and kindness. The three in unison are what I find to create the heart of gold that he has.

When the pandemic hit in March of 2020, she was in Brussels, Belgium and I called and insisted she jump on the next plane and head “home” so she wouldn’t be “stuck” in Europe. She did but that was short lived and by September of that same year (pandemic still in full force) she managed to find a way back to Europe this time working as an Au Pair (nanny) in Les Contamines-Montjoie, France in the Alps (near Chamonix-Mont-Blanc). It was here that she met Florian Gibier. That chance meeting between a lady from Montana and a French ski instructor was all it took. They shared their love of the mountains, adventurous spirit, and love of cheese!

Throughout the winter, their relationship grew but Sarah would have to return to the states in May of 2021 as her visa was about to expire. She worked in Whitefish, Montana all summer but thankfully due to amazing technology that didn’t exist when I was younger, she spoke (and saw via FaceTime and WhatsApp) Florian daily. She worked hard, saved money, and made plans and in September she returned to France. When she landed, Florian was waiting with an engagement ring and the question Veux-tu m'épouser? [Will you marry me?] The answer was of course Oui! [Yes!]



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love} stories

The French

really know how to party and everyone who came added a special memory to the day. Nobody left without smiling and that’s all that mattered to us.

The plan was to elope with just a few friends as witnesses but as they soon discovered, that isn’t so easy in a small community. Florian’s family along with some close friends rallied and they were able to make the day even more special surrounding the new couple with love and a fun party to boot. Félicitations. Je vous souhaite à tous les deux tout le bonheur du monde. [Congratulations. I wish you both all the happiness in the world.]

Florian – When did you realize you wanted to get married to Sarah?

J'ai réalisé que que je voulais devenir le mari de Sarah au fur et à mesure que notre relation avançait, et j'en était sur quand elle a dû repartir pour travailler aux usa l'été dernier!


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[I realized that I wanted to become Sarah's husband as our relationship progressed, and I was sure when she had to go back to work in the U.S. last summer!]

Sarah – What is the trait that you most admire in Florian?

I admire his selflessness, generosity, and kindness. The three in unison are what I find to create the heart of gold that he has. He will always be the friend that everyone is going to call if they need a hand building something, a good conversation, a coffee, or just a hug.

Florian – What is your favorite activity to do as a couple?

Sarah aime marcher plus que moi mais aller se balader ensemble dans la montagne l'été est quelque-chose de très sympa, aussi on aime beaucoup cuisiner tout les deux et après le repas, regarder un bon film sous la couette. [Sarah likes to walk more than I do but going for a walk together in the mountains in the

summer is really nice, also we both like to cook a lot and after the meal, watch a good movie under a blanket.]

Sarah – What did you enjoy most during your wedding day?

For me the best part was being surrounded all day and night by our amazing friends and community. The French really know how to party and everyone who came added a special memory to the day. Nobody left without smiling and that’s all that mattered to us.

love} stories

Kelsy& Travis Photos by Troy Meikle


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August 21, 2021 Triple B Ranch, Columbia Falls

love} stories

Who are you?

Kelsy: I am loyal, fun, outgoing (but love my sleep), and adventurous. If you ask others, most likely one of the first things they will say is that I am a prankster. At all levels, I love a good scare, joke, prank, anywhere, anytime so watch out. I was born and raised in the Bay Area (California) but my mom’s side of the family is from Montana. Montana has always been a special place to us, spending our summers on Flathead Lake. Travis: Confident, playful, witty, sarcastic, affectionate, family loving man! At first glance I may come across serious or stern but after sharing a conversation with me you will quickly realize I would prefer laughter and sarcasm in most situations.

How did you meet?

We met at a San Francisco Giants Game! He was sitting with his best friend; I was with another guy. Travis likes to get a rise out of me by saying I was on a date, but it was NOT! We talked throughout the game, shared candy and I gave him my number.


is the most amazing feeling. Whether it is loving someone or being loved. It is something to never take for granted and something you can always give.

What is love?

Kelsy: Love is the most amazing feeling. Whether it is loving someone or being loved. It is something to never take for granted and something you can always give. That unconditional feeling, the smile it gives you, the tears it can bring, the joy and happiness. I love to love.

Travis: Love is truly unconditional. It comes from the heart and is much more than words or actions. It’s a feeling that never leaves you and whether you know it or not. It influences your decisions and enriches your life in ways unforeseen.

What do you love most about each other?

Kelsy: His personality. He is so funny, outgoing, and adventurous. There is never a dull moment with him. His love for others. It was seeing how much he loves his family, his relationship with his parents and siblings, and their kids, I knew he would be a great life partner and future father. Travis: Kelsy much like me, in that she is playful at her core. She loves to laugh, prank and be around others that do the same. She is hard working, extremely social and can thrive in just



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love} stories

Glacier Photoshoot by Wild Grove Media


is a feeling that never leaves you and whether you know it or not. It influences your decisions and enriches your life in ways unforeseen. about any social setting. At first it was her beauty that attracted me and drew me in but when I saw and felt the love and pride within her and her family, that lead to a whole other level of attraction.

When did you know you were in love?

Travis: I knew the first time we met at the Giants game Kelsy was going to be a special person in my life. However, after dating for about year and a half, we broke up. The breakup was mutual as at that time we were in different spaces in our lives, living in different cities, and neither of us ever truly opened ourselves to each other during that time. We kept in touch and occasionally would still see each other but nothing serious. Then my long-time pup, Willie, passed. Kelsy was one of the first people I called when I found out and she obviously knew how much Willie meant to me. She


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immediately dropped what she had going on, drove with me for two hours to say our final goodbye to my sweet poodle. After that we started hanging out regularly again and rekindled our relationship. It was her compassion, care and love she provided me in those moments after my dog passed where I said to myself “this is it; I love this woman and want to be with her forever.”

Kelsy: When Travis called about Willie, I had him come pick me up and we drove to say our goodbyes to his beloved poodle. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t, let him be alone in this heart-breaking moment. I knew I had always had a love for Travis and he was something special to me but it was after this, where I didn’t want to be apart from him again, I didn’t want to leave him and I wanted to spend my life with him. I didn’t just have a love for him but I was in love with him.

We planned a trip into Glacier National Park the Thursday before our wedding. The forecast predicted rain but not until 8:30pm or so. We arrived at 6:00pm and I changed behind this minivan into my white dress with a long bow train and felt a drop of water. We hurry things up and go to our first lake side location and it starts POURING. We do some dock shots, and Beth from Wild Grove Media looked at us like, umm are you sure you want to continue?! And we said Let’s do it! So, we go to our next spot and it continues to pour. Then we drive up to the Weeping Wall and we climbed up the little scenic area and just had a blast. It was so cold, so wet but man, it was worth it. We were stressed out with family getting into town, final details, etc. and this just completely put us in the zone of why we are here, it is for us, we are here to get married! Venue Triple B Ranch – Columbia Falls Photographer Troy Meikle

Graphic Design Summit and Sage Bartending Roaming Taps Makeup Moxie Makeup

Videographer & Glacier Photoshoot Wild Grove Media

Entertainment RMF Entertainment

Florist The Wild Blume

Transportation Montana Trolley Company

Caterer Crave Catering

Rentals The Party Store, Habitat Events, Empress Tents and Events, Celebrate Event Rentals

Cake Ephemera Confection

The Last Best Place by Dan Knepper

Going To The Sun Gallery Proudly Features,

Virginie Baude

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