406 woman vol 6 no 4

Page 14


If I make a mistake, you can pretty much bet that I’ll own up to it right away. Has it always been that way? Heck no but as I get older, I’ve realized that its best to admit a mistake, accept the consequences, and move on. It certainly has made my life easier and hopefully a trait that I’m passing on to my kids (and they learn it much earlier in life than I did). Why do I bring this up? Well there were a few things I missed in the last issue during our final edits and more than anything it was a little embarrassing. The headings “Flathead” on our new Contributors Corner layout and “Fourth” on our Ladies Night Out spread were spelled wrong. Also, in rearranging the layout of Karen Sanderson’s great story on Wine Secrets, we disrupted the flow of the story by placing the sidebars in the wrong spots – sorry Karen! Did any of this cause any major damage to anyone – of course not! But, I apologize for missing them. What will we do in the future – check even more carefully to avoid errors. Will they happen again? Of course – but we’ll continue to do our best to bring you the best stories, photos, and layout with every issue! From all of us at 406 Woman Magazine, we wish you a joyous and wonderful holiday season and best wishes for 2014! “Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” Helen Keller

Kristen Editor

What did I learn after reading this issue?


That pretty much anything is possible for Cassandra Sunell when she’s given a challenge. At 29, she’s an inspirational entrepreneur and the driving force behind the upcoming TEDxWhitefish. Jill Seigmund tells Cassandra’s story on page 6 of the Business Section. That custom refinishing projects such as the coffee table that Elizabeth Michelsen-Jonas tackles on page 88 can be done (even if you aren’t artistically inclined) as long as you follow her step-by-step instructions. The results – simply beautiful! Susan B Clarke gives some compelling reasons to include Rest & Plan in our workday. If it works for elite athletes and world leaders, it might work for me. I’m going to give it a try. See page 16 in our Business Section for details.

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