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possibilities to be involved in the process of accepting political decisions, to attract attention to the volunteers’ work. The group of students of our school attended this event and being inspired with the ideas the organized a project at school – “Join the volunteers’ movement”.  Project weeks dedicated to the problems of citizenship.  Power Point Presentation about actual events in the political and social life of different countries in EU.  Travelling exhibitions – collection of visual materials informing about life, culture, traditions of countries in EU.  The use of IT for exchanging of views and information about current events in different countries (Facebook, Twitter).  “Round tables”, discussions, meetings, students’ conferences on the urgent topics with the invitation of active politicians, scientists, journalists.  International Cooking Day – a day when kids can prepare some traditional food from different parts of the world. At the same time while selling the products they may collect money for those in need and give the money received to the charity.  If it is possible for the school it may organize Foreign Cinema Week. So students for a week or more may watch the movies that are characteristic for a particular country and discuss them. At the same time they may prepare questions to be asked connected with the history or social studies.  Students may try to find more information about foreign kids for whom studying may be a very difficult task and help him/her by collecting money for school equipment and fees.  RECYCLING 

They may prepare an exhibition of their art work and sell the pieces of art to gather funds for buying trees to be planted by the school.

Prepare a leaflet about vandalism.

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