Sri Navadvipa-dhama

Page 48


Çré Navadvépa-dhäma Mahäprabhu, Viñëupriyä-devé forgot to eat, drink or tend to other bodily needs. Indeed, she forgot everything, and became extremely weak and frail. She simply chanted the mahä-mantra from morning to noon, and for each mantra she chanted, she put aside one grain of rice. At noon she prepared that rice and offered it to Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa and her deity of Mahäprabhu. She then offered the prasäda to Çacé-devé, who would accept some and leave the rest, which amounted to a mere handful, for Viñëupriyä-devé. With a restless heart she remembered Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu day and night, and as she chanted the holy name, she wept. Faithful devotees received darçana of her lotus feet only after repeated requests. Unable to tolerate separation from Çréman Mahäprabhu, Vaiñëavas like Çré Nityänanda Prabhu, Çré Advaita Äcärya and Çréväsa Paëòita gradually moved away from Navadvépa to reside elsewhere. Later, when the Gaìgä flooded a large part of Navadvépa, the inhabitants of Navadvépa moved to the western bank, called Kuliyä-Pahäòapura.

Çacé-devé’s deliver y room (where Nimäé’s umbilical cord was cut) Here under a neem tree,

baby Nimäé took birth from the womb of Mother Çacé. The original tree has since departed from this world, and a new tree has grown in the same place.


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