Sri Navadvipa-dhama

Page 263


Çré Gauòa-maëòala Kaöavä Kaöavä is situated in the Vardhamäna district, and is also called Kaëöaka-nagaré. At the age of twenty-four, Çré Nimäé Paëòita left His wife Viñëupriyä and His mother Çacé-devé, crossed the Gaìgä at Nidayä-ghäöa and came to this place, where He accepted sannyäsa from Çré Keçava Bhäraté. From here He went to Puré via Çäntépura. A temple of Çréman Mahäprabhu still stands here.

The temple and deities at Kaöavä

The place where Çréman Mahäprabhu’s head was shaved for his sannyäsa ceremony, a samädhi of His hair, Çré Gadädhara däsa’s samädhi and residence, the residence of Çré Keçava Bhäraté, and the samädhi of Çré Madhu, the barber who shaved Mahäprabhu, are also here. Our spiritual master, nitya-lélä praviñöa oà viñëupäda Çré Çrémad Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé Mahäräja, also accepted the renounced order here.


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