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Verse 16 – Gradation in the Manifestation of Bhåvas kiμ ca bhaktånåμ cittånusåre√a bhåvånåμ pråka†yatåratamyaμ bhavati. tatra kvacit samudravad gambhîra-citte ’pi apråka†yam svalpa-pråka†yaμ vå. alpa-khåtavat tarala-citte atiçaya-pråka†yaμ ca bhavatîti nåyam åtyantika niyama iti prapañco na likhita˙.

Çrî Bindu-vikåçinî-v®tti There is a gradation in the manifestation of bhåvas in accordance with the mental disposition or the heart of the devotee. In devotees whose hearts are very grave (gambhîra) or deep like the ocean, the manifestation of these bhåvas is not seen or their manifestation may be perceived only to a slight extent. In devotees whose hearts are very flickering and shallow like a small pond, these bhåvas are sometimes seen to manifest very powerfully. Because there is no special rule that governs the manifestation of such bhåvas, this subject has not been elaborately described.

Comment In Bhakti-rasåm®ta-sindhu (2.4.250–70) this topic has been discussed more elaborately. The essential points from that section are presented as follows. In a devotee in whom rati for K®ß√a in one of the five primary relationships is manifest, there are forty-one bhåvas that may arise and interact. The thirty-three vyabhicåri-bhåvas together with the seven secondary forms of rati (laughter, wonder and so on) and one among the five primary forms of rati, make a total of forty-one bhåvas. These are known as mukhya-bhåvas. The mental disposition (citta-v®tti) that arises from the manifestation of all these bhåvas is said to bring about various transformations in the body and senses. 180

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