2ND Family Celebration Book 2019

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new members joined our church this year!












A LETTER F R OM J OSH I didn’t plan for what happened this last year. I don’t think anyone did. It has been a God thing, through and through. Who among us thought in the last year we would be named one of the fastest growing churches in all of America? That is something that is still kind of fun to hear. We know that it is to God’s credit that we are experiencing what we are experiencing. We have seen hundreds of new people join with our 2NDFam. We have a renewed vitality and spirit here in our hallways and on our campus. Each week I am reminded by the 2NDFam that being a part of the mission and ministry of Jesus in this church family is not only meaningful, it is fun. In this booklet you will see and read stories of life change. Throughout every ministry our church is involved in we are reminded about the impact simple, relational ministry can have. The numbers only tell one part of the story. We are thankful for increased numbers because numbers are people and people matter to God. Our Next Generational (NextGen) ministries are alive and growing with safe and biblical events and activities. Our Worship Choir and Praise Teams have all increased in size and volume (and that’s a great thing).

I am always excited to be with our Senior Adults monthly for their lunch and hear about the growth taking place during our Classic Service each Sunday evening at 5. This past year we have seen God add not only to our family membership but also to our leadership and staff. Any time you add a new staff member there is a shift in the way things are done, the expectations set and the tools added to the team. I am proud of our staff and the hard work they do. They have set goals and reached them. They have challenged one another to carry out our Family Values in tangible ways each and every day. They set the bar for the 2NDFam and are worth aspiring to. The area of finances is another area we can celebrate. As you can see within these pages the people of the 2NDFam have sacrificially and generously given to the work of Jesus through Second Baptist Church. As you can imagine this reality frees us to serve in many ways. We are resourced and ready to make a Gospel impact not only here in Conway, but also Arkansas, the United States and the rest of the World. Your generosity has touched lives with the Gospel all around the globe and made sure that our home base is well taken care of. This has been a record setting year in just about every way. I look forward to building on this past year as we move into 2020. With the same anticipation and excitement we lived in 2019 I look forward to 2020 and can’t wait to celebrate with you again on the other side. 5



KIDMIN By: Stephanie Crockett

God has certainly moved in our 2ND family in 2019! I’m so thankful to be a part of this church and this staff. When I think back over the year I’m amazed at all that God has done in us and through us! We celebrated our amazing KidMin leaders! We moved The Drop to the high school football field and according to many it was the best one yet!! Easter services were amazing and spirit filled! VBS was incredible with over 540 children coming on our campus and hearing about Jesus! We had our first ever Kid’s Camp where 48 children went to Cold Springs and heard the gospel of Jesus Christ-that’s almost 3 times as many went away to camp last year! We had our very own 2ND college

and students that staffed the camp. They built relationships with our kiddos AND the parents got to come out and experience camp for an evening. In addition to VBS and Kid’s Camp we are reaching our community through our partnership with Marguerite Vann, Tucker Creek Trick-or-Treat, The Drop and encouraging our kiddos to tell their friends about Jesus and invite them to church! I’m super excited to see what God has in store for us in 2020! Thank you for allowing me to serve you!




first time attendees 7


Make my joy complete by thinking the same way, having the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. -Philippians 2:2


A 2 N D FA M STORY By: Pam

When we went to The Drop we weren’t in any way looking to change churches. Where we were attending church didn’t have a lot for our kids but we weren’t looking to make a change. At The Drop, what first caught my attention was the special needs section. We were so impressed by the way that all the kids were included - sensory kids, kids with allergies of all types, kids that are slower that might not have gotten many eggs. It was all well thought out! Garth and I looked at each other and thought they are including all the children and they understand the needs of children.

We were comfortable where we were but decided to visit the first Sunday in June and we haven’t looked back! Both kiddos have loved it and they can tell us every week what their lesson is about. They are learning and understanding what is being taught on a child’s level. Many churches we’ve been a part of have moved away from the Sunday school/small group structure but then the kids can’t come to big church and small group. At 2ND they get to do both and we love that! Devin gets to experience worship and big church while still going to small group with his friends! He gets to see multiple generations worshipping together and we love this! In addition to all this, Devin accepted Christ and was baptized this year! 9



This is my command: Love one another as I have loved you. -John 15:12


STUDENTS By: Nathan McDivitt

The Lord has taken 2ND Students on an incredible journey in 2019. We spent the first six months building relationships and saw them blossom during the summer. We took nearly 50 students to FUGE Camp in Panama City Beach, FL and saw the fruit of God’s work through many gospel centered conversations about centering our lives on things of God. The momentum from the summer carried into the fall. Many of our students took on leadership roles in 2ND KidMin’s VBS and Purpose Camp. So far this fall, we’ve averaged 90 for the first two months, topping out at 104 in September. Our students are taking ownership in reaching their friends by inviting them to events and to our weekly gatherings. We’ve had over twenty-five guests since August alone -- many of whom have begun to attend regularly. We are excited to see how the Lord continues to move among 2ND Students in 2020! 12

A 2 N D FA M STO R Y By: Nathan

Lucas pulled me aside this summer on our bus ride back from FUGE to tell me that he'd experienced the Lord in a way he had never before. As we continued our conversation, he shared that he hadn't fully given his life to Christ and wanted to

59 average students in sunday morning services


students at the mud bowl

pray to receive him as Lord and Savior. Since then, Lucas and I have been meeting consistently and he has been taking on leadership roles in our ministry while leading a small group in KLIFE. It's been a transformation his family has noticed.

And be kind and compassio nate to on another, f e orgiving one anoth er, just a God also s forgave y ou in Ch rist. -Ephesia ns 4:32



COLLEGE By: Bradley Toone

I love my college family so much! I’m so thankful I’ve found my home while I’m here for college.” These are the kinds of things we love to hear from our 2nd College family. We have seen God break the chains of sin, draw people near to His Word, and have seen transformation in the lives of students as they grow in community and in their relationship with Christ. We are excited to continue to build a culture of family and discipleship as we head into 2020!

78 average attend We d n e s d a y G a t h e r i n g

59 average In discipleship


A 2 N D FA M STORY By: Lauren

2ND college has had an impact on my life that is hard for me to put into words. 2ND college has not only provided me with beautiful relationships rooted in Christ, and a place for me to love people and love them well, but it has helped me grow significantly in my walk with Christ by not just knowing about it but living it out. When I first started getting involved with 2ND college it was a time in my life that involved a lot of transition and change and to have a place that was comforting and safe that always pointed me back

to the Lord and how He saw me was exactly what the Lord knew I needed. I have prayed for years for a place like 2ND college and for the Lord to answer that prayer and exceed expectations has blown my mind. I am forever thankful for the impact that 2ND college has already made on my life and my walk with the Lord. I can’t wait to see how it continues to grow and also how I will continue to grow through this ministry.


And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. -Colossians 3:17


So, w hether you ea drink, t or or wh atever do, do you every thing for the glory of Go d. -1 Co rinthi ans 10 :31



SMALL GROUPS By: David Raney

We believe that Small Groups are the lifeblood of the ministry of Second Baptist Church. It is through these groups that people become well-rounded disciples of Jesus through Bible study, fellowship, and service. This year, we clearly defined the three rhythms that make up a healthy Small Group - Bible study, Hangouts, and Helpouts. I have been very encouraged to watch groups implement each rhythm and to see the positive effects it has had on our Small Group ministry in terms of

unity and overall health. I am so excited about the future as we expand our Small Group ministry by training new leaders and launching new groups. If you aren’t currently in a group, I can’t encourage you enough to find one that fits you and jump in with both feet. You won’t regret it!



increase in attendance!

average people in life-giving small groups


A 2 N D FA M STORY By: David

Many of our Small Groups are growing at a rapid pace. One such group is led by Tracy and Jeannie Moore and Dan and Margaret West. We recently had to literally remove a wall to expand their meeting space! So what are the tangible factors that have led to this group growing at such a fast rate? Tracy said, “Without fail, I hear stories about how members of our group try to make inviting and welcoming people they meet in their daily lives part of their routines. And it works! Inviting people to our group has become part of the culture for our members.”

This group also places a high priority on discussion and involvement during Bible study. Tracy said, “We always encourage participation and input. I am always amazed how some members who would not consider themselves very ‘Bible smart’ share the most insightful and practical applications of the Bible text. Our class is a real-life example of Paul’s writing in 1 Corinthians 12 when he speaks of the validity of the various parts making one body.” He also said that this group enjoys spending time together both in class and off-campus. This group has implemented our three rhythms of Small Groups: Bible Study, Hangouts, and Helpouts. They are outwardly focused, they prioritize great discussion-based Bible study, and they are unified and live in genuine community with one another. In Tracy’s words, “and it works!”


Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. -Colossians 3:16




MISSIONS By: Kimberly Dussetschleger

people went on mission with Second Baptist

we went to Brooklyn, Puerto Rico, and Armenia

Looking back at 2019 there is so much to celebrate - Housing and feeding the overlooked, hungry and homeless in our city, caring for the medical needs in villages, sending Bibles to Cuba, hosting a block party in the Delta, and serving in the streets of Brooklyn. Our 2ND family has been working hard for His glory and others’ good. We strengthened existing partnerships and strategically created new ones so that the gospel would be proclaimed. We are looking forward to the many opportunities to serve in 2020 and we can’t wait to see what God does in and through #MY2NDFAM!


A 2 N D FA M STORY By: Jessica

While we were serving with Swerve Church in Brooklyn. I spent a lot of time in prayer on the subway and one particular night I saw an older man sitting down with a sign asking for food, money, etc. My heart broke for him. I began to pray and knew exactly what I needed to do. Although I couldn’t physically give him anything, I was able to kneel down, ask him his name, what I could pray for and we simply just prayed on a crammed subway at 10 o’clock at night. When I finished I looked up and he was crying and told me how thankful he was that


someone cared enough to pray for him. I had to get off in a hurry, thinking I would never see him again. But the next night I got on (this time not so crammed) and he was right across from me. He got to thank me again and I was reminded of why I was spending my Spring Break in in Brooklyn: to extend the love that Jesus extends to me every single day and to let people know that they are seen, prayed for, and loved by a God that cares for them.

Rejoice in hope; b e patient in affliction; be persisten t in praye r. -Romans 12:12




It has been a joy to see the growth in our Second Family and in our worship ministry over the past year. Our growing attendance necessitated the addition of an 8:00am worship hour back in January. As we pondered that change, we considered not having the choir sing at the early service. But when we brought that idea to them, they said they would rise to the occasion and sing in three services every week - and they have! Week in and week out, our worship ministry folks arrive ready to serve and worship our King. The more we sing Scripture to the Lord and sing about His character, the more I am amazed at His goodness to allow us to enjoy serving Him and praising His Name.



Indeed, this is our boast: The testimony of our conscience is that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you, with godly sincerity and purity, not by human wisdom but by God’s grace. -2 Corinthians 1:12


A 2 N D FA M STORY By: Rich

Steve Lewis serves in many capacities - in choir, on a praise team, as a drummer, a small group teacher, and on the Personnel Team. This year, he has begun leading an early morning Bible study at work. He loves the Lord, his family and his Second Family, and those around him know about it.













$1,332,859.88 $1,384,930.00

O P E R A T I O N S $423,800.00












$2,593,851.88 $2,677,500.00


16.57% 10.88%


10.76% 10.07%







2600 Dave Ward Drive, Conway, AR 72034 Service times: Sundays 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am Traditional Service 5:00pm For more information visit mysecond.family or contact info@mysecond.family

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