Conscious Life Free Online Mag July 2018 Ed 47

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colon; both types are important for digestion. Eating a fiber-rich diet, which in turn may improve the microbial diversity in your gut, may be linked to better responses during immunotherapy cancer treatment.4 In fact, your gut microbiome more directly influences your health and disease than previously thought. The fact is, your diet can make or break not just the ecosystem in which your gut bacteria reside, but your mental health as well. And it’s not just the food you eat but all kinds of other factors, including the chemicals and pollution you’re exposed to, and all of it can alter the composition of gut bacteria and thereby influence your immune system health. As the Belfast Telegraph notes, “Want to avoid winter flu? Start eating with your gut in mind. Studies have found that having a healthy microbiome is important in fostering a strong immune system and keeping us healthy.”5

Getting Your Z’s: Not Optional for Optimal Immunity Sleep is something that kids may resist, but as adults start the “adulting” that comes with jobs, growing families and paying the mortgage, sleep is something that can all too often go by the wayside. Studies show that not getting the sleep you need — for most people eight hours is the minimum for functioning at your best — can compromise your health in ways you may not have considered. In fact, several nights in a row with less than restful, adequate sleep puts your body at greater risk for illness. Some of the ways lack of sleep manifests itself in disease include: • Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease • Diabetes, which is true even for children6 • Increased cardiovascular disease, especially for African-Americans7

Conscious Magazine Conscious Life Life Magazine

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