The springtime bunnies & the gracious gift

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The Story of the Springtime Bunnies and The Gracious Gift

The cold frigid Winter had been harsh and everything had died off. Spring came one morning and warmed up the seeds in the ground to start new growth across the field. Wheat, and grapes, and figs are starting their buds from the ground and vines. There lived a family of bunnies next to a deep well of spring water. This family had two new baby bunnies and they were still learning about life and what it meant to be alive. One early morning, the sun was coming over the hill where the well was, and awoke these two bunnies that were sisters up from their sleep. Both the Big and Little Bunnies woke up early in the morning, just as the dew from the dawn is visible on the cold grass. As the Bunnies were going to get their morning breakfast they noticed two large baskets wrapped in a purple wrapper! They both immediately ran to get their Mother & Father to see what these could be. Here is a closer look at their many questions and the gifts inside, let’s listen! Little Bunny: Wow look at the Purple wrapper! Why is this gift dressed and decorated in Purple? It’s very pretty! Mommy Bunny: That is the way Jesus was adorned before He went to the cross. Big Bunny: there is also a cool sign that says “He Is Risen - Happy Easter”? Who is risen and why are we happy about Easter exactly?! Daddy Bunny: we are Happy because Jesus died for our sins but rose and is alive. Little Bunny: wow look at this big egg and it is full of candy!!!!! Why is all this candy in this plastic egg though?? Mommy Bunny: An egg represents new birth, we have new life in Jesus’ death and resurrection from death. Daddy Bunny: Mommy is exactly right, and did you know the stone tomb He was buried in was empty on the third day. He was risen from death! And when those eggs are empty, which I am sure will not be hard for you young bunnies, it will resemble an empty tomb. Big Bunny: yum! We get the candy! Can we eat it now! Mommy Bunny: Yes you can, go ahead and enjoy the candy as we will continue to see what this gift is about. As you eat, let’s keep seeing what is in the basket. Big & Little Bunnies: Yessss!! NumNumNum (bunnies start eating away)

Little Bunny: Hey look! I have a big cup here! And a plate that says “I am the resurrection and the life” Big Bunny: I see that wow! I also have a cup and plate in my basket as well! What do these represent? Mommy Bunny: Jesus used a cup to describe how He had to die for us to be forgiven of our sins. We take communion we are to think of how His blood was shed for us who believe. ​He said, "This cup that is poured out for you is the new promise made with my blood." Daddy Bunny: Mommy Bunny is right as usual. And my dear sweet bunnies the plate is symbolic of the bread he broke for us to eat and remember Him. He broke the bread, gave it to His Disciples, and said, "This is my body, which is given up for you. Do this to remember me." Little Bunny: Look Look Look!! A sweet little lamb stuffed animal!! Awww! Soo sweet! Hey Mom, what would the lamb mean? Did Jesus take care of sheep or lambs? Daddy Bunny: Yes you are correct! We are all sheep and He is our Shepherd! He leads us up His path and we are to follow. He was also the sacrificial lamb for our sins!. Big Bunny: Hey Look there is a small sign that says “Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray.” Mommy Bunny: Yes Yes my child, that is so very true. We must pray all the time throughout the day. And sometimes we may become busy with our daily lives and forget to pray, but that is when we need to focus on Him and pray for others.

Little Bunny: Look I see all kinds of stickers that have eggs, bunnies, and crosses. Oh and wait I see a gold necklace that has a cross hanging from it ! Woowwwww!! Big Bunny: (a large gasp) then say I am sooo excited to wear this, please Daddy put this around my neck. Little Bunny: yes yes and me too! Daddy Bunny what do these stickers and beautiful necklace represent?! Daddy Bunny: well 3 things really...1) we are to tell others about Jesus you can do this by hanging your stickers and wearing your jewelry that are Christian symbols of your belief. 2) the gold is actually worth a lot here on Earth, but in our real home in heaven, Gold is what God just paves His streets with compared to all the riches and beauties of Heaven. 3) and three, you are to wear your faith in Jesus as a grand garland you wear around your neck as a reminder to always look to Him for wisdom and for knowledge. You can find it in His Word.

Big Bunny: Wow Daddy Bunny these things have big meanings behind them. I see only 1 thing left, but have no idea what it could represent. It is this wind twirl thing, that spins when the wind blows it. What could this represent?! Mommy Bunny: Sweetie that is to represent the additional gift God gave us as Jesus ascended into Heaven. When He left this world as a Human Being, He had to send us a Helper. This Helper is the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit came down on His disciples by Jesus’ resurrecting breath as well as at Pentecost. When Jesus said this, He showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were glad to see the Lord. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you." After he had said this, he breathed on the disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. Daddy Bunny: Okay my dear children, we have received in these gracious gifts let’s close in prayer and go tell others of the gift He has given them too..we can say the Lord’s prayer Our Father in heaven, let your name be kept holy.Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.Give us our daily bread today.Forgive us as we forgive others.Don't allow us to be tempted. Instead, rescue us from the evil one. Amen

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