The Spirit of Siena Issue 2 2012

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Issue 2 | 2012


Gaynor Robson-Garth

A letter from the Principal... It is always energising and exciting to look ahead to the future and to new developments. There has been much discussion and consultation in recent months around a new master plan for Siena College and the design of a new uniform. In 2011, a student centre was identified through the master plan as the next capital development project and an opportunity to build on the College’s mission and values to create a student centred place of learning and wellbeing. While there is still much to be done in exploring ways to finance the project and in seeking planning approval, the student centre will consolidate into one building a range of student learning resources, learning areas, support services and social spaces that are currently spread

across the College. The proposed development includes a new Resource Centre, a lecture theatre that will double as an intimate performance space, student reception and administration services. The site for the new centre is on the grassed area behind the trees along Hocknell Street. As work progressed on the master plan, another committee explored options for a new College uniform in 2013. Guided by the expertise and invaluable advice of Francis Stewart from Bob Stewart of Kew, the Committee’s brief was to design a uniform that reflected the history and Dominican tradition of the College, and that would serve the College well into the future.

The rust blazer that has been the one constant in all the uniform changes across the seventy-two year history of the College will be retained in the new uniform with some changes to the cut and design to update it. The other colours of the new uniform will be black and white to reflect the Dominican heritage of the College. We are confident that the new uniform will be eagerly embraced by all members of the Siena community, both past and present, when it is launched later this year. I hope you enjoy this edition of ‘The Spirit of Siena’ and the news and updates about our community.

LANDS OF ST DOMINIC - Dominican Schools’ Pilgrimage In April, twenty Dominican teachers, from the Solomon Islands, St Dominic’s School Mayfield, St Lucy’s School Wahroonga, Santa Sabina College Strathfield, Rosary Lodge Strathfield and Siena College travelled to Spain, Southern France and Italy to participate in a 21 day Dominican Pilgrimage.

San Sebastian, arriving in teeming rain. Our spirits were not however dampened as we headed for France and the Dominican Friars at Toulouse for Vespers on Easter Saturday and an English Mass on Easter Sunday. Later we visited the French nuns at Prouille, the cradle of the Dominican order, where we attended Evening Prayer.

We began our pilgrimage in the midst of Holy Week processions in Madrid with a visit to the Prado Museum before heading off to St Dominic’s birthplace, Caleruega via Segovia. 83 year old Fr Jesus Martin O.P. greeted us and quickly had us walking in Dominic’s footsteps. His enthusiasm was deeply faith-filled and a privilege to experience. We were delighted he accompanied us to Silos, Osma, Aza, Gumiel and Caleruega where it was cold and rainy. Fr Jesus’ presence on this journey was one of the highlights of our trip. On our departure the first snow of the winter fell! The excitement of the Solomons Sisters’ first snow was shared by all.

On Easter Monday at Fanjeaux parish church, Sister Barbara Beaumont O.P. shared her fascinating knowledge of the Dominican history in this region. A sunny day was had at Carcassonne before the long trip to Nice where many toured the Chargall Museum. Next, in Venice we visited the Dominican Matisse Chapel while in Bologna we prayed in the room where Dominic died, a very moving experience.

We travelled north to Burgos on Good Friday in wet, cold weather and on to SIENA COLLEGE 2012 2

The following day we visited Santa Sabina, San Sisto, and San Clemente Dominican convents and basilicas. We also had plenty of time to enjoy great food and wine, an abundance of good company and some wonderful shopping. We returned with different insights and highlights, and were deeply touched with a renewed enthusiasm and understanding of the Dominican story and a deep sense of the international Dominican family. Nanette Giovannini

Southwards to Florence and Siena and the wonders of San Marco and the delights of a fine Sunday afternoon in Siena en route to Rome. This was a special time for Siena staff especially at St Catherine’s house. In Rome we were expertly guided through the Vatican Museum and St Peter’s Basilica as one of 18,000 daily visitors.

L-R: Beverley Begg, Susie Mioni, Lyn Alexander, Marie Salinger, Maria Repanis and Nanette Giovannini represented Siena College.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY - Connecting girls, Inspiring futures On Thursday March 8th one hundred and forty members of our community gathered at Box Hill Golf Club for a very pleasant breakfast to celebrate International Women’s Day 2012. This was an occasion for Siena College to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of women in our lives. Our student leaders did a wonderful job ensuring that everyone had a very enjoyable time. College Captains Dana Hamilton and Nadia Morali set the scene by explaining how the funds raised by this event would assist Sr Sheila Flynn and the Kopanang community in South Africa. Our Ministry Captain, Emily Chebaia, led us in prayer and grace. Social Justice Captain, Georgia O’Grady and Social Welfare Captain, Eden Hand introduced our guest speaker, past Siena student Emily Millane who was the College Dux in 2000.

Maddocks for a year and lived and worked in London. During that time she worked as a political researcher and analyst at the research institute or ‘think-tank’ called Demos. Since leaving Siena College Emily has continued her involvement in social justice and human rights issues as a co-convenor of the Amnesty International Legal Team (2002-2006) and now as a part-time researcher on issues of public interest for the Canberra-based think tank, The Australia Institute. Emily shared with us her journey since leaving Siena as well as the

Emily studied Arts/Law at Melbourne University with an Honours year in comparative Australian and New Zealand history in 2006. Since 2008 she has been employed at Maddocks Lawyers as a corporate and commercial solicitor. In 2010-2011 Emily took leave from Emily Millane

importance of mentors in the lives of young people and especially for young women in all areas of industry. We are very grateful to Emily for joining us in our celebration and for inspiring our students to strive for excellence in all areas of their lives. Marie Salinger Director of Programs

Back: Emily Chebaia Seated: Nadia Morali, Amy Livingstone, Eden Hand

FIRE Carriers (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) St Catherine’s Day Mass The FIRE Carrier Project seeks to keep the Reconciliation flame alight in schools, educating the wider community about Reconciliation, our shared history and cultures. The FIRE Carrier Project is an initiative of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and the Opening the Doors Foundation to promote and assist Reconciliation through Education in Victorian Schools. On Thursday 16th February, the Siena community celebrated the establishment of our own FIRE Carriers group in a commissioning ceremony conducted by Sherry Balcombe and Vicky Clark from the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Melbourne. We inducted our inaugural FIRE Carrier Captains, Melanie Pearson and Julia Pecararo, to lead our Reconciliation Team. At Siena College in 2012 we aim to raise awareness of Indigenous issues and to focus on addressing the disadvantages of Indigenous Australians by once again taking an Indigenous Immersion group to Central Australia. The students will research Indigenous issues thoroughly prior to this experience and will be immersed in the life and culture of Indigenous people of this area. Students have the chance to interact with the traditional people of this land, experience

gathering bush foods and medicines, see traditional tools and weapons and camp out under the stars on aboriginal land. Participants will walk the award winning Larapinta trail in the West MacDonnell National Park, traversing breathtaking ancient landscapes and experiencing the timeless beauty of the land. On their return to Siena College students will share their experiences with the College community through presentations. Marie Salinger Director of Programs

On Friday April 27, the Siena community gathered at St Dominic’s Church to celebrate the Feast of our Patron, St Catherine of Siena. The Mass was presided by Fr Anthony Walsh O.P. and all members of our College community were represented throughout. This year’s College theme taken from the pen of St Catherine herself, “Be all you should be and set the world ablaze”, inspired our prayer and song. After Communion we were treated to an appearance by St Catherine, (College Captain, Dana Hamilton) who penned some special words of inspiration for the members of the Siena community. Deborah Kent Director Mission and Religious Education

L-R: Vicky Clark, Natalie Angus, Madeline Toohey

St Catherine enacted by Dana Hamilton




The Siena College Chapel Benedicite, Filii Hominum, Domino (Bless the Lord, children of humanity!) By the mid 1930s, the Dominican nuns of Camberwell had decided on the need for a new convent which would enable the development of a larger religious community and begin the vision for a secondary school. In 1939, the foundation stone of the new Siena Convent was blessed by Archbishop Mannix and shortly afterwards the convent was finished. One of the most beautiful parts of the convent was the Chapel with its stunning blue cupola and distinctive Romanesque / Byzantine design. With its echo of the Old Testament prayer (Daniel 3:82) in the words adorning the dome, the Sisters were determined to live out its meaning in the work that they would begin in 1940 – the education of young women. The Chapel was and is still a place of quiet reflection and prayer. The simplicity of its interior and the beauty of its design speak of a timeless quality. In November 1947, a set of hand painted Stations of the Cross in sepia tones was placed in the Chapel. Only recently, has it been discovered who may have painted them. It is believed that Mary Troy (1889-1973), a noted still life, landscape and figurative painter was commissioned to paint the series of pictures. She had been born in Ireland, trained at the Sorbonne in Paris, exhibited work in London and lived and worked in Sydney c1935-1953. Her work is in many galleries in Australia and overseas. As well as the Stations of the Cross, a lovely picture of Mary, the Blessed Virgin,



1939 Siena Chapel - old and new

and Dominican saints was painted on canvas and was erected behind the altar. It is believed that this picture may also have been painted by Mary Troy. It has been said (but so far there is no proof) that some of the faces in the picture were based on a number of the Camberwell Dominican sisters. Whether this story is true will probably remain unknown. What is known, however, is that the challenging times brought on by Vatican II had an impact on our precious Chapel. The next time you are able to visit the Chapel, look at the eighth Station of the Cross a little more closely. One of the women who weeps for Jesus carries a newborn child. In the original painting, the child was breastfeeding but now it merely lies in its mother’s arms! Why this cover-up occurred remains another mystery! The beautiful altar painting was removed in the early 1970s as it was believed that the altar should be the focus of the Chapel not the artwork behind it. The painting disappeared shortly after its removal – what a sad end to a unique part of Siena’s Chapel history! Apart from a number of statues, the Chapel contains memorial plaques and the names of benefactors. In time, it is hoped

The Chapel in 1955

that we will learn more about the people whose names are remembered in and outside our Chapel. More recently, the Chapel has become home to a new reliquary to hold our tiny relic of St Catherine. This reminder of our patron saint continues a historical tradition that is many centuries old. Today, our Chapel continues to play an important part in the life of the Siena community. Regular Wednesday morning masses, class liturgies, the listening to music, made even more beautiful by the wonderful acoustics and its continuing focus for contemplation and prayer, all speak of its unique place in the history of Siena College. Catherine Judd, College Archives

1949 Siena Chapel - mural

Gifted and Talented Students At Siena College the Learning Enhancement Department is committed to providing enrichment opportunities to those students who have been identified as gifted or talented. The definition of giftedness and talent adopted by the education sector in Australia was developed by Professor Françoys Gagné of the University of Quebec in Montreal. Giftedness is the possession and use of natural (non-systematically trained) abilities (called high aptitudes or gifts) in at least one ability domain, to a degree that places an individual at least among the top 10% of age peers. Talent is the superior mastery of systematically developed abilities (or skills) and knowledge in at least one field of human activity, to a degree that places an individual at least among the top 10% of age peers who are (or have been) active in that field. Gifted students must be challenged to develop their strengths into talents but also to expand their thinking skills. The Learning Enhancement Department understands the particular needs of this group of students and works in conjunction with other Heads of Learning to offer opportunities for enrichment. As a member of the Boroondara Gifted Cluster, students at all year levels can participate in a variety of different activities from many different curriculum areas such as ‘The Mathematics of Infinity’ workshop at Presbyterian Ladies’ College for Year 10 students or the da Vinci decathlon at Methodist Ladies’ College for Year 7 students. As a member of the cluster, Siena College will be offering theme based extension days. This year, gifted students from Bialik College, Strathcona,

St Catherine’s and Ruyton will be challenged by activities at least two years advanced at the ‘All Fired Up’ and ‘Communication, the Universal Link’ workshops. At the school level, the Siena Chess Club has been established with over thirty students playing chess each Wednesday at lunchtime. All the Year 7 students have been taught how to play chess having participated in chess training sessions run by ‘Chess Kids’. Other initiatives which have been offered to students to develop their thinking skills are Distance Education Victoria’s on-line philosophy classes and philosophy in Years 7 and 8. The latter is a withdrawal program that develops the students’ ability to question, to explore ideas, be challenged by abstract concepts and to broaden their understanding of their world. This is also achieved through external learning activities to places like the State Library where Year 8 Philosophy students will be involved in a medieval calligraphy workshop and view the Persian manuscripts. While some activities are invitation only others are available for all students. Siena College is a long-standing participant in ‘Tournament of Minds’ which draws together students who have strengths in a range of areas and fosters team building and thinking skills. These are just a few of the many enrichment opportunities available to students from all year levels through the Learning Enhancement Department at Siena College to assist the development of gifted students into talented ones. Simone Ryan Head of Learning Enhancement

Environmental Sustainability Environmental sustainability discussions and measures are of high importance. Everyone can be a part of contributing to spreading information, about how we can all protect and preserve our world. Last year, the Environment Committee ran the ‘gorillas are calling on you’ campaign. This was in response to gorilla habitats in Africa being destroyed in order to mine metallic ores that can also be found in mobile phones. This was highly successful and over 50 mobile phones were donated. The addition of the chickens to the school has been wonderful. They are laying plenty of eggs which are raffled off, allowing the money for the eggs to be spent on maintaining the chook house. The school and in particular, the Food Technology students are able to learn from the experience of such a sustainable project.

A new initiative in 2012 is the adoption of an endangered animal. Siena College will soon vote to adopt one of the following animals - the Tasmanian devil, the platypus or the koala. Once selected fundraising activities will begin to aid the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) in raising money for the protection of this species and its habitat. The Environment noticeboard has been revamped and energised with colour and is now located outside B-level classrooms. Facts and tips are displayed on various topics such as water bottles, trees and cars. These initiatives spread facts about how human actions are damaging aspects of the earth, then suggest solutions on how we can all make better choices that can make a huge difference. These posters have also been included in our online student run magazine Veritas.

Let us all keep in mind that every little thing we do as a community, no matter how small, makes a difference. So join the race to make the world a better place! Katherine Lo Presti Environment Captain 2012 (Year 12)




Reconnecting Over recent months, Siena has welcomed the return of a number of ex-students and even an ex-principal who have shared some of their memories of life at Siena as they knew it. The Olive sisters visited Siena in May. Loyis Gibson (1941-1944), Lorraine ‘Polly’ Cameron (1944-1945), Ann Jacono (19451946) and Barbara Bourke (1954) returned to share their unique experiences of the early days at Siena. For many years they were stalwart members of the earliest Past Students Association. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Julie Hardiman and Jacqueline Harris nee Raynor – and their sisters - came to Siena. They saw the original school building being constructed though they had many of their classes in one of the two cottages next to

The Olive Sisters - Standing: Ann, Barbara, Lorraine Sitting: Loyis

the convent – where the gymnasium presently stands. Julie has donated her 1964 school blazer which came with an original school badge while Jacqueline donated her winter beret. Mary Whiting, another ex-student from the 1960s, has also visited and been an invaluable help in identifying faces in some photographs. Elizabeth Cosstick nee Minogue, from the class of 1972, was one of the last students to wear the fawn school uniform. Liz has donated her school blazer, rust jumper, summer and winter hats and summer dress – all wonderful additions to our College archive. We are very grateful to Jacqueline, Julie and Liz for the donation of uniform items. These are tangible reminders of what students looked like at different times in the College’s history. Other visitors have included Sr Margaret Fields O.P. (1949-52) who has become a regular visitor helping identify student photographs

Julie Hardiman and Jacqueline Harris (nee Raynor)

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CONGRATULATIONS! Meg Law The Siena College community congratulates Meg Law (Class of 1993) on being nominated as a State Finalist in the Australian Marketing Institute Awards for the Education category.


and building up our knowledge of the 1950s. Recently, we were also very pleased to welcome back, Sr Maura Campbell O.P., one of the last prioresses of the convent. She has been able to provide some idea about how the College and the convent operated in the late 1960s and early 1970s. These were challenging times for our Sisters as the prioresses had to give up authority over the College and principals had to be far more adaptable than at any other time. We are thrilled to hear from ex-students and hope that more and more of the Siena community will make contact through the College website or via the Heritage Centre. If you have a story to share about your time at Siena or have memorabilia you would like to donate, please contact the Heritage Centre at Catherine Judd, College Archives

Mary Whiting (1962-67)

Sr Maura Campbell O.P. (Sr M Majella O.P.)

BIRTHS Anna (nee Thompson ex student) and Sino Sala Welcomed their daughter Susannah on 9 January 2012 Martin (staff) and Andrea Gibbs Welcomed their son Frederick (Freddy) Thomas on 15 January 2012 Robert (staff) and Janine Prendergast Welcomed their daughter Ava Rose on 2 May 2012 Miriam (staff) and Aaron Leahy Welcomed their son Eamonn Jack Lake on 5 June 2012 Jane (staff) and Damon Carr Welcomed their daughter Lola Grace on 7 June 2012 Meg Law (ex-student 1993) and husband Matt Jones Welcomed their daughter Daisy Matilda on 18 June 2012

DEATHS December 2011 - June 2012

The annual Memorial Mass, held on the second Thursday of November each year, is held to remember ex-students and staff and members of the Siena College community who have passed away in the preceding 12 months.


Community relationship

Date of death

Sr Rosalie Lynch O.P.

Dominican Sister

20 December 2011

Carolyn Ping (nee O’Brien)

Ex-student (1963)

7 January 2012

Patricia Hutson (nee O’Brien)

Ex-student (1975)

15 January 2012

Sr Joyce Adams O.P. (nee Sr M Sylvester) Dominican Sister

24 January 2012

The 2012 Memorial Mass will be held in the Siena College Chapel on Thursday 8 November at 7.30pm.

Bernadette Kelly (nee Cox)

Ex-student (1958)

6 March 2012

Margaret Flight (nee McKenna)

Ex-student (1973)

29 April 2012

Sr Karen Fitzgerald O.P.

Ex-student (1965) Holy Cross Congregation

3 May 2012



The above information has been supplied to Siena College and has been verified to the best of our knowledge. We invite families to advise the College of details for inclusion in future publications.

UPCOMING REUNIONS The following reunions are scheduled for 2012: We encourage anyone planning any future reunions to pass on details to the Siena Alumnae Coordinator at:

40th and 41st Reunion When: Sunday, 7 October 2012 2.00pm – 5.00pm Where: Siena College RSVP: Elizabeth Minogue: 9809 0747 RSVP: Jane McGloin: 0437 665 529

RSVP: Catherine McMahon:

20 Year Reunion - Class of 1992 When: Saturday, 4 August 2012 Where: Siena College

An afternoon school tour followed by an evening of drinks, canapés and great company! For further information contact Jane Edwards (nee Hocking):

5 Year Reunion - Class of 2007 When: Saturday, 15 September 2012 - 7.30pm For further information contact Rachael Clements:

Reunion of the Long Photo L: 1952 Whole School Long Photo Below: 2012 Reunion of the Long Photo



STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL WEEK 2012 SRC Week is celebrated annually with various activities held each day to raise funds for Sr Sheila and the Kopanang community in South Africa. Kopanang at Sithandizingane is a women’s community-driven initiative addressing the impact of HIV/AIDS and endemic poverty in the townships of Tsakane (the African community) and Geluksdal (the Coloured community) situated 55km south-east of Johannesburg. This year over $2500 was raised through activities that included a Student vs Staff Debate, Student vs Staff Netball match, Tuesday Big Breaky, raffles, free dress day and of course the crowd favourite, the “Siena’s Got Talent” competition.





CLASS OF (final year attended) EMAIL Post to to The SienaAlumnae College,Coordinator, 815 Riversdale Road, Camberwell VIC 3124 Road, Camberwell VIC 3124 Post Siena College, 815 Riversdale or update details online:

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