2012 roma youth action plan

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4. Policies and programmes The specific objective in relation to this area is to achieve, through building on existing programmes and schemes, active Roma youth participation as equal partners in decisionmaking in order to mainstream Roma issues in youth policies and youth issues in Roma policies and programmes. Expected outcomes particularly relevant to this objective are:  Youth issues are mainstreamed into Roma policies and Roma youth issues are mainstreamed into youth policies;  Participation of young Roma and Roma youth organisations as equal partners on the table of the decision makers is ensured;  Capacity building in regards to policy making and knowledge of youth policies that respond to the needs of Roma youth and Roma youth organisations is ensured. 5. Human rights and human rights education The specific objectives in relation to this area are to raise awareness about the human rights situation of young Roma and to promote, initiate, implement and monitor local, regional, national and international actions to fight and prevent human rights violations that affect young Roma among and by NGOs, institutions and young people, as well as to promote a culture of human rights Expected outcomes relevant to this objective are:  Young people are able to react to human rights violations and are able to become defenders of human rights  Roma and non-Roma youth organisations are in a position to use a rights-based approach to human rights violations affecting young people, thus the need for capacitybuilding of youth NGOs  Continuous monitoring of the measures and actions implemented to ensure access of Roma young people to their human rights is carried out;  There is ongoing capacity building for youth organisations, policy-makers and the larger public regarding human rights, so that individuals and groups are able to react to human rights violations and can also promote a culture of human rights. 6. Discrimination and Antigypsyism The specific objectives in relation to this area are to initiate and promote systemic changes to structural forms of discrimination and to combat antigypsyism through initiatives at all levels of society by enforcing existing anti-discrimination norms and human rights education. Expected outcomes relevant to this objective are:  Awareness is raised regarding discrimination against Roma within and outside Roma communities;  Young people, both Roma and non-Roma, youth organisations and institutions develop and carry out actions developed against discrimination and antigypsyism;  Policy-makers adopt serious, sustainable, accountable and realistic policies against discrimination of young Roma and implement measures against discrimination. Draft Plan of activities for 2012 and 2013 1. Ongoing awareness-raising on identity -


Celebration of 8 April - workshops on identity/ open days – meetings, festivals, street actions organised by young Roma promoting Roma history and culture and awareness

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