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The Kids Round Here… Artist Bols DateDecember 2021 Location BOXed Quarter, St Asaph Street

Inside the labyrinthine BOXed Quarter, the evocative words of Bruce Springsteen echo: “The kids round here live just like shadows….” Borrowed from Springsteen’s romantic epic Jungleland (1975), the lyrics provide a fitting sentiment for a space filled with twists, turns, and unexpected surprises (including a growing collection of art on the walls). The phrase is painted directly on the wall by local stencil artist Bols in a scaled-up typewriter font, coming into focus through offset grey shades against a black background, the final layer a stark white. The repetition of the line suggests a cacophony of voices whispering the refrain, building to a unified crescendo. Located on a corner wall behind popular music venue Flux Bar inside the BOXed Quarter, the simple monochromatic composition positions the city as a playground where invisibility can be a valuable power, and the shadows are where the interesting things happen.

Explore more of Ōtautahi’s urban art on a Watch This Space guided street art tour! Emailtours@watchthisspace.org.nz for booking information.
