Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259

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Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259 Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259 Related

Cheapest car insurance? i am looking for a car which will be cheap to insure. i am only a 17 year old girl, so i need to know what would be best and how much a month around about?" What are the cheapest cars to insure as im 19 and just passed my test (male)? Also what are the best insurance comparison sites for someone of my age, as most quotes are ridiculous!" Car insurance for a new driver.? How much money would car insurance be for a 16-year old teenage boy? My birthday falls weird so i get my lisence when im sophmore. Where can i get a health insurance quote? are there any sites for oklahoma health and life insurance quotes? How far back in your driving record do insurance agents look when determining your car insurance rate? How far back in your driving record do insurance agents look when determining your car insurance rate? "If I buy a car and plan to restore, is car insurance usually alot cheaper? Can I still drive it occasionally?" I am planning on buying a 84 blazer and fixing it up, it runs and stuff, so I can a discount on insurance if I plan on restoring it?" Can I reduce the fine on a 16028 a vc california for not having insurance at the time? I was cited a ticket for not having insurance on my car on the very first day that i bought it from a private owner. Unfortunately i didn't have enough money to get insurance more How much does a new car affect your insurance?

my insurance stands right now at like 150$ a month, i have my N. my car right now is way old and want a new one. i want to buy a classic - 2002 mustang convertable, i want it to be an older model but newly built, will that increase my insurance alot like if i had a 2009 car or not bad. an example of what id want it look like is this : http://www.n" Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes? My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California." How does american car insurance compare with british car insurance? why can young people in the states drive nice, big, expensive cars, and in england it so expensive, and we struggle to get insured in england at a resonable price. you watch tv and they drive range rovers, and in england we drive old cars where the insurance cost more than the car. by the way i'm 18 years old anyone able to enlighten me?" Why is insurance for mazda cars so high? I heard mazda cars often increase your insurance? Why do they? Is it for a good or bad reason? Answer with detail please :) Paying too much for car insurance? I drive a '97 Ford Escort, nearly 45,000 miles. I'm 21. I have had one ticket (when I was 16 and I got a diversion on that ticket, so I didn't have to pay nor report it to my insurance). I pay $956 every 6 months for full-coverage. I'm with Farm Bureau. Anyone think this is reasonable or should I check out other quotes?" Motorcycle insurance in Cleveland Ohio? Im currently living in California, and i own a small 599cc Street bike. I am curious as to how much insurance would be in Ohio. I am looking to go to either cleveland state or Ohio State. I am just looking for a ball park figure, i have a flawless record and i have had a bike for just over 6 months now" Best Florida homeowners insurance? Specifically Ft. Lauderdale area? I am in charge of finding a new home insurance company for my boss to use since State Farm will be dropping their South Florida people. Any suggestions? Who have all you South Floridians had an excellent experience with as far as rates, service, and coverage? Thanks." Can an insurance company raise your rates if you're not presently insured?

I sold my car November 2011 and cancelled my auto insurance. I'll be getting another car this April. I've found a different insurance company with good rates. If they find out I'm not presently insured can they raise my rates? Do most insurance companies cover birth control? I'm getting new health insurance through work and I'm already on the pill and I was wondering: 1. Will most insurances cover it? 2. Can I stay on the same pill? Getting married and need help with insurance? My parents have Cigna insurance. I understand that I am no longer a considered an eligible dependent when I am legally married, but I am also a full time student. Which status is the dependent variable when considering eligibility? If I'm married AND a full time college student, does that mean I can't get coverage?" Anyone know of any cheap insurance companies for a 17 year old on a renault clio 1.2 dynamique...? in england that is and i am lookin at the premium being around 1000 Is this Auto insurance coverage seems good? p/s advice me . i am going to pay 107 a month for a year.? Bodily Injury Liability $50,000/100,000 Property Damage $50,000 Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury $15,000/30,000 Uninsured Motorist Property Damage or Collision Deductible Waiver Included Medical Expenses No Coverage ************* very scars me how come i am not covered****** Comprehensive Deductible $500 Collision Deductible $500 Rental Car Benefit No Coverage Towing and Labor No Coverage Gap Coverage or Loan/Lease Payoff Coverage Not Included Repair or Replacement Cost Coverage Not Included ************ how about this******** Special Equipment Coverage Not Included Lienholder/Additional Insured" "Where can I find an AFFORDABLE health insurance in Dallas, TX?" to cover my family; me, wife, 3 kids. without too much deductions. I only know Unicare and BlueCross offers lower rates, but wanted to see if you guys can find something lower than Unicare and BlueCross. Can I apply health insurance internationally like Canada or should I wait until Democrat president to setup an special health insurance plan (I forgot what its called)? Thanks!" How much will it cost to add me to car insurance? how much will it cost for my parents to add me on there insurance? I know you can't give me an exact number but just a rough estimate. We have allstate and we have 2 cars but I will be added to my moms car a ford taurus not sure what year it is. I live in West Palm Beach, FL and I'm 17. Just an estimate or how much you think it will cost. Thanks guys!" What are the best and worst auto insurance companies ?

What are the best and worst auto insurance companies ? "What is the lowest, best Liability auto Insurance in California ? I just got a Pt Cruiser that car dealership if offering 70.00 to insure the car however I do need liability insurance any one know of a good web site were I can compare some quotes instead of calling around or talking to a pushy insurance agent ? How can i get a car by using a cheap car insurance ? I am in need. How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager? How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager? Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259 Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259 Is it cheaper to get insurance on the same car or on a second hand car? hi im taking driving lessons and my test is soon. I want to know if it is cheaper to get a second hand car and get insurance on that or get insurance on my brothers car. Which one is cheaper? New Jersey Car Insurance Question.? Knowledgeable Jersey Residents only please! I have recently moved to Jersey, and I am having heart feailure over the cost of car insurance. It is almost DOUBLE the cost in any other state where I have lived. (CT, FL, NY, SC) (I have NO tickets, NO accidents) Also, I was told today that there is yet ANOTHER rule/law in Jersey that states that any family member who lives with you (whether they are under YOUR insurance, or their own insurance) makes you liable in case of an accident. In other words, if my adult daughter (who has a poor driving history) gets in an accident--I COULD BE SUED.....EVEN if she has her own car, and her own insurance. CAN THIS BE TRUE???? It is very important that I get a straight answer, as it will drastically affect my ability and desire to stay as a resident in New Jersey." How can I get cheap insurance on a Renault Clio? I'm 17 and am getting a Renault Clio 1.2 as my first car. Is there any good insurers or ways of reducing the insurance at my age? Preferably not with a box though! Thanks "If i get married, but husband doesnt drive, do i have to add him to my motorcycle insurance?" i got married very recently. my husband does not drive. he doesn't have a drivers license and never has. i got a quote for updating my status to married on my motorcycle insurance and my rate skyrocketed, so i didn't update my policy (my name

is didnt change so i dont have to update that either). so my question is, is it ok for me not to update my policy? i just don't feel that if he is never ever anywhere near my vehicle that it should affect my rates. i would love if actual insurance agents could share their insight" Is she paying to much for auto insurance? my aunt is 35 got a license a year ago has no accidents and she pays 200$ a month for minimum coverage for a 1999 Plymouth breeze. this is in new's some local insurance company oh she has no credit..? i can just imagine how much I'll be paying after i get my license this summer at 18! How much does a check up cost without an insurance? I heard some rumors that if you don't have insurance they can do a check up on you and just send you a bill @ your house where you can do your payments. Now that health insurance companies must give a rebate to companies for group plans? that don't completely utilize coverage, according to an obscure audit formula, will those insured under the group plan feel guilty if they have to use it and it affects everyone in the plan's annual rebate check? And how will insurance companies make up for this loss?" Can I own a car and have someone else insure it? Ok I'm 19 and currently own my own car and the pink slip is under my name but I know if I get insurance right now it will be high so I was wondering if my dad can insure it while I drive it under my name. I live in California and my dad has State Farm. Thank you. Anyone know any cheap car insurance? Im just trying to save a little money. Can a health insurance company decline your request to cancel? Here's the situation: I've had health insurance for the past few years through Nationwide, which is/was provided by my employer. The cost is taken out of my check every week. I received a letter from my employer last December stating that I did not have to change anything in regards to the Affordable Health Care Act. Two months later, I received a letter from my insurance company saying that I have inadequate coverage and need to visit to find different coverage. I found new coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield through (I was planning on going BCBS anyway). I asked the woman who I spoke with when I should cancel my previous insurance benefits. She replied Wait a couple of weeks until you get all of your new information from BCBS . Here's where the issue comes in. When I contacted Nationwide (my previous insurance company) to cancel they said I had to fill out and send back a form. Basically, the form asked why I was cancelling. Go figure there was no option for them not having the correct benefits. Anyway, I sent that back and proof

of my new policy (they wanted the effective date) Nationwide DENIED my request to cancel stating that I only had 30 days from the time my new coverage began to inform them. Even though their coverage doesn't meet the AHCA requirements, I cannot cancel until my company's open enrollment (December) Can they legally decline my cancellation request?" What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ? I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ? "I know it seems crazy, but whats the insurance per year of a 16 Year old with a Corvette?" Lets say a 1995 Corvette with a V8 5.7 Liter Engine? I want to get a broken down one as a project car, I'd have to get insurance but how much would it be? Don't tell me its a stupid crazy idea just stfu... its only an idea." I need car insurance? I'm 18 don't no anything about insurance I don't no where to start PLEASE HELP........ CLASSIC MINI!!! How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old female? About to buy a classic mini as my first car and wanted to know how much other peoples insurance has cost. Im female thanks Is car insurance higher for red cars? I already know car insurance is going to be SKY HIGH for me since I'm eighteen and I've had my license for only about 2 years (Even though I've never been in a single car accident or recieved any kind of ticket *knock on wood* =]) But I just wanted to know if it is higher for red cars than other colors Anyone have Healthy families insurance in California? I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have a high deductible kaiser insurance plan. I have a feeling I will end up paying 4500 (my out of pocket max) to give birth. Anyway, I recently found out I qualify for Healthy families insurance for me and the baby, so I applied and waiting to hear back. Just wondering if anyone has their own insurance in addition to healthy families? I wasn't sure if I could have double coverage to get help with the deductible... It's too late for me to change my plan because open enrollment at my work has already passed" What car insurance do you like? Do you LIKE your car insurance company and if so, who do you use? I want to leave Farmers."

What type of lawyer do I need to sue my insurance company to fix my car after a car/deer accident? no injuries? My insurance company wants to use reconditioned parts, and they are pressuring us to accept a check made out to us and the finance company. Not enough to pay it off or fix it. My vehicle is a loaded Suzuki Grand Vitara with all kinds of electronic stuff. Which were mostly scattered across the road after the deer committed suicide. They (the insurance company) had it towed to my home after the accident because there were no dealers in the area and my home was about 100 miles closer than Dallas. Now they are saying we have to pay to have it towed the 100 miles to the nearest dealer, or use someone local. They are also saying that we contacted the towing company and they are the ones who arranged the tow. There is no one local (car repair shop) who can work on it and get it right. I am afraid if we use someone local it won't be fixed right. The estimate they gave us has parts coming from a salvage and reconditioned parts dealers. I need to find a lawyer who can make them fix it right. If it can't be fixed right then I need them to total it. I have looked in the yellow pages and all of the accident attorneys want injuries. What kind of attorney do I need for just auto damage? I have never sued anyone before. HELP!!!" Whats a good health insurance company? One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?" Can a person that is temporarily non-UK tax resident to be the policy holder in her own car insurance policy? In May this year , my wife got a job in a joint venture abroad. Her contract is for 3 years after which she will return home Due to obvious reasons , for the above period she is a non-UK tax pay resident. The insurance policy of the car she is the owner and policy holder of is about to expire very soon. Is she legally allowed to renew her policy as main policy holder or not?" How would you change your car insurance if your car was over ten yrs old? idk what my stupid teacher means by that.. i know that car insurance would increase but im not sure thts what she is asking with this question.. thankyou =] Car insurance after accident? I am 18 and have been driving for 1 year, I used to drive as an additional driver on my Dads Renault Megane, I crashed it from spinning off and hitting a wall, luckily no one was hurt, I just had a few cuts from shattered glass. The police have arranged for me to have an interview next week to discuss the consequences, at the moment I have no convictions or anything on my licence, my Dad just bought me my own car and has said he'll pay for the insurance in full, it's quoted at 880 for a year if he pays in full, he was planning on paying in full in 2 days, I'm not trying to cheat the system, but if my dad pays in full and then I get a conviction after the transaction has been made, can the insurance company up my insurance considering I had no convictions at the time? I'm not trying to beat the system and cheat my way, I'm just curious as to what will happen. Thanks for taking the time to read!"

Individual health insurance? Can you buy two individual health insurance plans? Can you have more than one Health Insurance Plan for your self? I have to buy my own insurance, but even the best individual insurance is crappy and I wanted to now if people ever buy two insurance plans? The insurance i have now only lets me see the doctor twice a year. If I got another insurance plan would it pick up where the other left off?" How to fight a speeding ticket to avoid my insurance going up? i live in Ontario and i received a speeding ticket the other night for going 75 in a 50 zone. however, i was very close to the part of the street where it turned 70 so a defence that i could use is that i was speeding up since i knew the road turned 70 soon. However, im fine with paying the ticket, i just dont want my insurance premium to go up. should i plead not guilty or guilty with a reason?" Car insurance for teen drivers? Hey everyone! First off, if you're wondering why I'm not using online quotes to see how much car insurance would cost, its because it requires personal information of both my parents that I can't ask for without sounding suspicious (my dad told me not to search since I asked before). Also, in order to get the auto insurance quote, you have to leave contact information so an agent can contact you and initiate your quote , which is something I don't want. I'm a newly licensed teen, got it around the middle of December 2013. I've had my permit for about 8 months before that. My dad told me to wait a bit before I can start driving since car insurance rates is higher for teen drivers, and I agreed. I was wondering how long I had to wait? My dad told me over 1 year to a few years, but sometimes 6 months works. I was baffled, if that was true, there was no point of getting my license since I would most likely be in college by the time I was allowed to be insured. Does car insurance rates really lower down with waiting time? And if so, approximately how long would it take? My auto insurance company is State Farm, and my family has 3 registered vehicles and 2 registered drivers of over 15 years (my parents). I'm 16 years old, and I qualify for the good student discount and steer clear safe driver discount, and my parents qualify for the multiple line discount car insurance and have never had any driving violation in the past three years. If you could estimate the range of how much more my parents have to pay for car insurance if I become insured on my car (which is older than me lol) without waiting, and how long I would have to wait for rates to go down, that would be great." Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259 Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259 Car insurance? Insurethebox? Can someone help me please? Im trying to get insurance quotes on a couple of cars, I tried with a Fiat Punto, and coudnt get any AT ALL. I then tried a Citroen C2, that came back at 4grand - 5 grand Fully comp. I then tried to get insured on a Peugeot 206 This also came back at 4-5 grand, fully comp. Insurethebox coudnt even give me a quote? Someone explain this to me? No years bonus, and 18, but still the insurance shoudnt be 4 grand? I would get a corsa, but to many of my friends have them, and i dont want one. I do want a peugeot 206, but i cant get insured.. am i doing something wrong? help!"

No insurance ticket do i have to be under the insurance of the car i was driving in? ok so i got a no insurance ticket but im not covered in the car i drove in. i drove my parents car and so i couldnt find the insurance card when i got pulled over. i rarely come home i live about 400 miles away. the car has insurance and i am just waiting for my letter to come. so in Californa do i have to be under my parents insurance to get my ticket cleared? I got an unbelievably low quote from Response Wordwide Auto Insurance.Should I switch from StateFarm? Their quote is about 1/2 that of all others Car insurance. Diesel 1.6 or petrol 2.0? Which would be cheaper to insure. How can I help my girlfriend get cheaper insurance? She is 20 years old.? My girlfriend just got a new Cobalt lt. The insurance is in her fathers name, and she is listed as a driver. The car is in her name. Her father has a good driving record, yet the insurance is around $250 a month! Please help, is there anything I can do to get her insurance cheaper?" Health Insurance Question? I am 19, and I am Diabetic. I would like to move out of my parents house, and start living independently. Is there any Health Insurances out there that are government run that could help me get a cheap Insurance rate? Oh, and I live in Ohio if that makes any difference." How much does auto insurance cost a month for a 23 yr old in IL? How much does auto insurance cost a month for a 23 yr old in IL? How do you know the address of health insurance company??!? On the insurance sheet for Band.. it asks Insurance company name: health Choice, then Address: and Phone: how do I know what it is?? There're different contact D:" Is car insurance expensive? Im about to get my driver licence and my mom told me that car insurance is really expensive and that's the reason why she wont buy me a car. What are some safe ways to invest other than whole life insurance? I understand now that term life insurance is the way to go, and then open up a Roth IRA. We are going to meet with our financial adviser and I would like to do more

research, hence more" Health Insurance for 25 Year Old Disabled Male? I'm 23 years old and I live in California. I work full time but only make $8 an hour. My husband is 25 and has been disabled since age 12. He has a serious back injury and may be paralyzed one day and he cannot work. If this ever happens, I really don't want to be $1 million dollars in debt because we are uninsured. I have never bought health insurance before and I have NO IDEA what I am doing. I'm looking for insurance that will cover him if he needs to go to the emergency rooom, needs an operation or will cover him if he does indeed become paralyzed. Where do I start? What are our options? Will he be denied because of a pre existing condition? I don't care what I have to pay, I just want him to be insured. We don't want to go throught the process of getting him SSI because we don't want to be poor forever and if I make over a certain amount he will lose everything. Thanks for your help, I REALLY appreciate it." Would a car from 2003 be very expensive for car insurance? I plan on having a Honda Civic for a for a first car. Now I've looked at the 2001 Honda Civic, but I did some research and it turns out that I saw many complaints of transmission failure and other conflicts with the transmission. I also looked at the '02 and it still had bad complaints about the transmission. This gen of Civics didn't get better until 2003, where I found that it didn't have that many complaints. My question is, If i were to buy it for my first car would it be very expensive for car insurance. I also don't know which car insurance I have, and I don't have my permit yet, but soon I'll be getting it. One last question, How would you know if the rate would be expensive?" Which cars have cheap insurance? I want to buy a new car but I don't want insurance that's gonna drain my pocket. Any suggestions on new cars that have cheap insurance? "Am I paying too much for auto insurance, or is it average for my age range?" Insurer: GEICO Premium: $240/month (6-month policy, includes collision and comprehensive w/ $1,000 deductible) Gender: Male Age: 20 (almost 21) State: FL Driving for: 5 years Accidents/tickets: None Vehicle Type: SUV Vehicle Year: 1995 Supposedly, my premium is supposed to go down when I turn 25, at least that's what GEICO said. The other companies are just as expensive. What are your thoughts?" How much will my car insurance raise? I got into an accident I have state farm? How much will my car insurance raise? I got into an accident I have state farm. It was only a small fender bender, I had ran into a girl, i only hit her bumper, there is only a scratch. My car has a broken cornering light and dent in the fender. I have a Ford Ranger and she also has a Ford Ranger. I got a ticket for following to close. What can i do? for the insuance and ticket?" Would the auto insurance still liable?

I was involved in a car accident and I was hit by a guy who ran a red light. A policeman was a witness to the accident and the report states that it was the guys fault. After a couple of weeks his insurance which was under his mom is stating that he was not listed as a driver on the policy so they are not liable for damages. My question is are they still liable for this negligence. I would really appreciate some help. The guy is still driving and I have been without a car for 2 weeks. Affordable health insurance in California for a family of 5? Affordable health insurance in California for a family of 5? Will insurance cover us? i just enrolled in insurance through my work a few days ago but coverage doesnt kick in until january. my wife went to the doctor today and i found out its gonna cost 1400$ for blood test. will they cover things from the date of enrollment or the day coverage starts? Does Aetna medical insurance cover fertility procedures? Does Aetna medical insurance cover fertility procedures? "Why did 4,000,000 people lose their current insurance, when only 27,000 signed up for insurance under ACA?" The facts are that only just under 27,000 people signed up for insurance under Obama's new law aka Obamacare. This is so darn ridiculous. Have ya heard about this?" Insurance for ninja vs nighthawk? I am planning on getting a small 250cc motorcycle either a kawasaki ninja or honfa nighthawk. i am 16 yo and this will be my first bike. will insurance for a ninja be alot more than insurance for a nighthawk? just liability i dont want comprehensive or collision. How much could I save by switching to GEICO Car Insurance? How much could I save by switching to GEICO Car Insurance? Have to get medical insurance with Obamacare? I am enrolling in health insurance and was curious.. I know that Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) requires you to get insurance, but what kind does it mandate? for example, if I get dental coverage, does the act require me to still get Medical?" How much are car insurance for a first time driver?

hi i am getting a car soon and i am a first time driver.I would like to know how much insurance will be for a first time driver living in Canada ontario ?. Liability insurance for massage therapist? I will be getting my massage therapy license in about two weeks...if I work for a spa, will I need liability insurance? Or will my employer cover me?" Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259 Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259 What exactly do they do for the exam for life insurance? What exactly do they do for the exam for life insurance? Will a 30kph ticket skyrocket my insurance? Alright, so I got pulled over going 90 in a 60. I know I shouldn't be speeding but I was late for work, I never got a ticket before... I'm a 18 yrs old male, and I don't have much money to afford expensive insurance... I'm currently paying 150$ a month (before the ticket) so will my insurance skyrocket? It's considered a major infraction where I live.. *also, the police officer told me that he can apply a bigger charge if I decide to fight the ticket... Are they aloud to do that??" How much would my car insurance cost? i am a 17 year old girl with a car in insurance group one was wondering how much it is going to cost to insure??? Where can i fins cheap car insurance? or get cheaper somhow? i have been looking for car insurence and the cheapest i can get is around 3000 but i was wondering if there are any ways i can get it cheaper? also i was wondering i am getting provisional insurence but i am paying it monthly so what will happen if i pass my test and still have provisional insurence?? I need hand insurance? I need hand insurance If my parent is fully comp on insurance can i drive with a provisional licence? ? My mom has 20years of experience and she asked a police officer and he said it was fine but were still not confident can anyone help? Why wont my insurance insure me ? im currently paying 350 for a 125 honda varadero ( on learners ) then i passed my test ( im 19 ) i upgraded cost me 27 to get pillon and change to big licence. Then i asked

them to do me quote on a 250 ninja r, so i can get insured on that and they said the insurance doesnt cover me you have to cancel it and go some where eles. what the ****?" "If i purchase a car under my name, can it be insured under my mothers?" I want to know if i buy a car, can my mom be the one to insure it? Since i am under 24 my insurance will b way too high! So does anybody know if she could insure it or does she have to be the one that owns the car? Thanks in advanced" How much would insurance cost for a 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse? I'm 17 years old with a clean driving record. All the insurance websites won't give you quotes until your 18, and i'm just curious how much monthly insurance would be because i'm paying for it." How much would like insurance cost for my 60 year old mom? i will be paying but is it based on her income? im looking to buy anywhere from $100,000 - $1,000,000 life insurance she suggested i do but i have no idea where to start and what are some legit real life insurance companys? thanks" What car insurance companies are in Washington? Can I get a list to look up? I need to find the cheapest for myself. I am getting my license this Friday and I will be going to a car insurance company on my way home so that I can drive my car. Can I get a list of all the auto insurance companies in Washington? Renting a car for the first time- do I have to buy insurance bc my personal car insurance is not in my name? My car and car insurance are under my fiancees name. I will be renting a car on my own. Do I have to buy the insurance because it's not in my name? How will i know which insurance group my car belongs to in UK? is there a website to find car insurance group? How much on average is insurance on a 2005 chevy silverado 2500 or ford F-250? Looking to buy one of these vehicles and wanted to see how much on average it is. Thanks! Which auto insurance is the cheapest? HELP PLEASE? I'm 16 years old and I want insurance on my moms car. What is the cheapest company to have? help please! I really want to drive and moneys a big problem in my family.

Car insurance spouse dui? how can i get affordable car insurance after my spouse has DUI ? What if he choses to never get a license again? Do I have to kick him out so I can afford car insurance? I have a great driving record. HELP !!!!!! Have a question about car insurance? Im currently 18 and just passed the driving test. I reside in bronx ny. I wanted to know how much would insurance be for a used fully paid car under my name?( ranging from ____ to ____ ) Lets say the car is a honda civic year 2000. Or any other better car that wouldnt be high on insurance. Thanks Is there such a thing as driver insurance where the car does not have to be insured? My friend is 16 and she saved up and bought a car (the title is in her name). Now she is broke and cannot afford the insurance so she does not drive it. Her step mom drives it though and she says that the car does not need insurance because she (the step mom) has driver insurance and any car she drives has liability coverage from her insurance. I have never heard of driver insurance and I was wondering if the step mom is pulling some sort of scam (her car is frequently broken and it is very convenient to have a third car) Can somebody tell me if this driver insurance exists. Does anyone know which insurance companies do not using residential location in calculating car insurance? I guess I have heard a few months ago that some car insurance companies will not include the location of where the car would be parked in their calculation of car insurance. The media touted that it will cost less to car owners who live in high traffic areas such as Los Angeles. Any input will be welcome I need to find and inexpensive health insurance can anyone help? My husband has a rare blood disorder and is on Medicare through Social security and we don't have alot of money but because of his illness it cost alot for suppliment insurance. Does anyone know how we can get some extra insurance that won't kill us we already lost our home because we spent so much on insurance and most places won't even cover this. Please only serious reply. Why is car insurance so expensive for me? just passed my driving test this month and i checked how much car insurance would be for me and its 3000+ :'O when my younger female cousin passed she got her insurance for 900 on the same car!!! how can i get it cheaper? =[ im 17 male Buying car insurance? I've got my driving test in September and thinking about buying a car if I pass. I'm just a bit confused about how to buy a car and car insurance. Do I need to look around for a car I like, get all the details of the car, buy insurance for that car, then actually buy

the car, in that order? Also are new cars or older cars cheaper to insure? I think it's newer cars but I'm not sure. Also what is a good car for cheaper insurance. I've heard Ford and Vauxhall are good for cheap insurance. I've been on price comparison sites and it seems that even if I have pass plus and just third party cover 2k per year is a minimum :( Thanks." "How much roughly is insurance for a 17 year old driver, on a 125cc bike?" How much roughly is insurance for a 17 year old driver, on a 125cc bike?" "I have been issued a speeding ticket, what will it do to insurance?" I was borrowing my moms car and i got a speeding ticket..i showed them my license/ her insurance card, registration, etc..... will anything happen to her insurance???..and how much is an average speeding ticket? kay thnx!" Do insurance rates go up if i get a lift? i want to put a lift on my truck, but i dont know what that would do to the insurance if anything. its a 1994 silverado, extended cab, short bed, 1500. plz no stupid spam answers!" Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259 Mammoth Cave Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42259

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