5 minute read


Opal is trapped in a Hall of Mirrors.

They need to run away, but they don’t know where to.

The Mirrors are everywhere.

Thousands of Mirrors line the walls,

The ceiling,

Even the floor is one immense, never-ending Mirror.

The floor is a see-through Mirror,

Revealing turbulent ocean waves of mirrors below.

And Opal fears one small erroneous step will shatter the glass construction they tremble on,

That they will fall down below and drown in that furious sea of mirrors.

Falling Falling Falling Falling Falling

Failing Failing Failing Failing Failing

Is what the mirrors around Opal say.

If Opal falls, they will have to swim their way out, or be lost forever.

But Opal never learned how to swim.

How does Opal run away without breaking the glass floor?

If Opal stays, they have to listen to the Mirrors.

The Mirrors whisper, moan, cry, howl, bawl, shriek, whoop, squawk—

A cacophony of tormenting voices battling for dominance in his perfidious hall.

Did you feed the dog yet?

You’re going to fail your classes

Why haven’t you started your essays yet???

Why did you say that??? You’re so embarrassing!!!

Don’t act like that! Change—quick, quick!!

You’re slacking, get to work

Did you screw this up?

So, sooo many things to do right now. Why are you not doing them???

There’s not enough time in the world—yet there’s too much time in the world!!

Why did they say that? Are they acting differently?

Just do it, just work, it’s not that hard, you’re overreacting

Everything is hopeless

You need more caffeine. You want it to comfort you, but it electrifies you.

The coffee cup is another mirror—you’ll see your face in it.

Does your hair look better like this or like that?

When is enough enough?


Bills bills bills!!!

What does everyone else think?

What a weird word—enough. Looks weird, doesn’t it?

The Mirrors encircle Opal, ravenous lions preying on a hamster.

They distort and straighten and distort again and Opal questions if it’s their imagination or if it’s Real,

Wonders how we separate our imagination from our reality,

Or if they are one and the same.

The bejeweled mirrors magnify the Mirrors’ voices, beautifully enchanting tempters Luring Opal, begging them to come closer.

When the fractured Mirrors project haunting reflections of past lives, When they play the memories others forgot like a repulsive film, Opal questions why these memories are entangled in these glass webs, But not the webs of those who forgot.

The burden of memory becomes too much for Opal.

Opal sprints away.

Opal runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and runs.

Opal runs past the graveyard of past relationships,

Where the tombstones are constructed of Mirrors, Reflecting alternate realities where the relationships survived. What could you have done differently?

The ghosts lean on their glass tombstones and sigh, staring at Opal as they run by.

The names Opal has tried to hard to scrawl out Are only more boldly engraved on the Mirror frames.

Opal finally approaches an oasis.

A paradise to dive into and drown out these voices, these reflections.

But even the lake is clear, And forces Opal to stare at their own reflection, To hear those voices.

So Opal continues running.

Until they see the windows.

Opal races to the windows, seeking refuge in the beautiful distraction of the outside world.

But the windows are more Mirrors

And all Opal sees is not joyous nature, but their own reflection frowning back at them. They cannot see whatever happiness is outside this Hall of Mirrors because all they see are


Opal lays down, covers their head with their hands, and closes their eyes, Hoping the darkness will be their salvation.

But the Mirrors are alarm clocks, shrieks in the peaceful dark.

When Opal closes their eyes to try and sleep, the alarms scream, Reminding them of that one small, painful incident ten years ago that everyone else forgot.

Everyone but


Sleep is an unaffordable luxury, the new Ferrari and caviar. An earthquake roars in the Hall.

The mirrors shatter, and in so doing, Multiply.

The Mirrors are louder than ever.

It’s too loud to hear anything, Because Opal hears everything.

In the avalanche of glass,

Opal is surrounded by thousands of versions of themself staring at them.

Gazing at their desolate, infuriated reflections,

Opal wonders:

Am I made up of nothing more than thousands of reflections?

Am I as intangible as the rays of light reflected by Mirrors?

Oh God

How do I outrun my own voice?

My own mind?

How do I escape

The year 2023 was supposed to be my year. It was far from that. However, this year taught me a lot about relationships, including friendships, and how important those are to a healthy, well-rounded human being.

The year started out great. I was making friends and was happy. It all came to a screeching halt. A relationship fell apart, and I quickly threw myself into other aspects of my life. I found an apartment and had a good time packing, buying furniture, and figuring out everything that comes with an apartment. I spent as much time in the gym and doing a sport I loved. I picked up more extracurriculars and spent even more time in the gym. I spent more time focusing on my schoolwork and more time rekindling old friendships. I even found time to find a puppy.

It took me a while to find the perfect puppy. I went to a local shelter to adopt one, and none of the dogs fit me or my personality. They were either too big or not the right breed for me. Because I view getting a dog as a lifetime commitment, I decided to go to a breeder to pick out the perfect mini poodle puppy. I had a standard poodle when I lived with my parents, so I wanted a mini version as a little slice of home. I’ve done extensive research for this because dogs deserve the world. My ideal dog would be a golden or black mini poodle.

I spent most of the year learning to trust myself again. Trust is hard to rebuild once it’s been broken, even when it’s the ability to trust yourself again. I’ve learned that it’s a long and painful process, especially when the world keeps on spinning. There’s no time to re-adjust to the new person that’s been created.

I’ve spent much of this year trying to cope with this newfound person who has been forced to learn and grow at a speed that most people would find disturbing. The world doesn’t stop for anyone or anything. The only way to grow and learn is to change perspective because it’s the only way out of the current situation. Being stuck on past relationships isn’t getting me where I want to be in life, so I have no choice but to move past it and grow without dwelling on those past circumstances. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter. Some relationships are temporary, and they teach things about yourself you wouldn’t know otherwise. For that part, I’m grateful. I’m grateful that I learned to listen to my instincts more often rather than ignoring them, to trust my friends more, and that I am worthy of being treated with respect.




Healing from a