Australian knitting volume 8 issue 3 2016

Page 48

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Sweater with Lace Section – Naturallly Yarns

Sweater with Lace 2 Rating

Design by Gitta Schrade for Filatura Di Crosa

YARN r CBMMT HN 'JMBUVSB %J $SPTB ;BSJOB JO TIBEF NEEDLES AND TOOLS r NN LOJUUJOH OFFEMFT r NN LOJUUJOH OFFEMFT r TUJUDI IPMEFST MEASUREMENTS 5P GJU CVTU DN 'JOJTIFE GJU DN (BSNFOU MFOHUI DN 4MFFWF MFOHUI DN SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS TLQ m TMJQ TUJUDI LOJU TUJUDI QBTT UIF TMJQQFE TUJUDI PWFS TENSION TUT CZ SPXT PWFS 4UPDLJOH 4UJUDI PO NN OFFEMFT UP DN WORKING PATTERN BACK **With 3.50mm needles, cast on 145 (145, 163, 163, 181, 181, 199) sts. Row 1: RS - *K1, (k1, p3) 4 times, k1; rep from * to last st, k1. Row 2: WS - P1; *p1, (k3, p1) 4 times, p1; rep from * to end. Row 3: RS - *K1, (k1, p1, p2tog) 4 times, k1; rep from * to last st, k1. 113 (113, 127, 127, 141, 141, 155) sts. Row 4: WS - P1; *p1, (k2, p1) 4 times, p1; rep from * to end.

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