2020 City of Charlottesville Office of Economic Development Annual Report

Page 11

Home to Hope Adapts The City’s Home to Hope Peer Support program (H2H) continued its work with over 350 new participant intakes and more than $66,000 disbursed to clients in supportive services. In 2020, staff reacted quickly to the COVID-19 pandemic by organizing the distribution of care bags for City residents in need. These bags included non-perishable food items and other essentials necessary for stemming the negative impacts of coronavirus. Home to Hope also expanded its relationship with Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail (ACRJ) due to COVID-19. As a direct result of this collaboration, many of those incarcerated or recently released were connected to peer support and vital services needed to achieve stability post release. In response to the pandemic, many low level offenders and/or those with little time left to serve were released for their own and the public’s safety. A large portion of these individuals were ordered to be placed on home electronic monitoring as an alternative to incarceration. H2H staff assisted the jail in facilitating these releases and in delivering critical services as well.


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