One Summer Chicago 2020 Youth Impact Report

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On a mission to save summer… Overcoming all odds, Mayor Lori Lightfoot's One Summer Chicago rivaled the COVID-19 crisis to save summer for 20,498 youth whose dreams and aspirations are critical to Chicago’s commitment to economic and racial equity. One Summer Chicago (OSC) provides youth and young adults between the ages of 13 and 24 with meaningful summer employment and learning opportunities. The goal of One Summer Chicago is to maximize the access to summer job programs for Chicago’s young people and keep them on a learning pathway to college, career, and life success. 2

Dear Friends, On behalf of the City of Chicago, I would like to sincerely thank and congratulate all the teens, young adults, agencies, employers, and partners who participated in One Summer Chicago. We all know 2020 has been an unprecedented year, with an unprecedented summer. From the pandemic fundamentally changing our day to day lives to righteous protests for racial justice in our streets, this was truly a summer we will never forget. We heard from our young people that they desired to make new connections, have a real impact in their communities, and take steps towards financial stability during an uncertain time. Despite the stay-at-home order, we were determined to provide those opportunities to our youth. Over 20,000 Chicagoans between the ages of 14 and 24 were employed through One Summer Chicago, making it one of the largest City-funded summer employment programs in the nation. Youth spent their summer working at businesses, city agencies, and community-based organizations to have a direct impact on our communities and our City. This includes the 1,809 young people that participated in the City’s first ever Chicago Youth Service Corps, a new program where teens and young adults worked on projects that supported the City’s COVID-19 response, while learning about leadership and developing life skills.

This program is very important to me and the city. Earlier this year, I launched My CHI. My Future., a new initiative connecting youth to meaningful out-of-school time activities. It is our collective responsibility to ensure our youth have opportunities to discover and cultivate their talents, passions, skills, and identities; develop as physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy members of society; build relationships and networks with peers and mentors; and explore multiple pathways to college, careers, trades, entrepreneurship, and life-long learning. One Summer Chicago provides an avenue for accomplishing those goals, and I hope to see it continue to grow and make a lasting impact on our City and its youth. The program may have looked a little different this year, but I am so proud of every single participant this summer. You showed patience and grace during a difficult time in our country, and channeled that energy into a positive outcome for you, your family, and your City. I wish you the best in your future. Sincerely,

Lori E. Lightfoot Mayor, City of Chicago

7,046 youth more hopeful about the future 80% of 8,835 youth reported that their OSC experience made them more hopeful about the future

“I grew a voice that hopefully will change the world. I know it sounds so drastic but often times people make me shun away my crazy dreams because they feel like I’m striving for too much. I think becoming a lawyer and fighting for justice is something I'm passionate about and I won't let anyone tell me otherwise!” - Youth Participant 4

2020 One Summer Chicago Funders

The City of Chicago would like to recognize our funders for their extraordinary support in helping us transform One Summer Chicago to an innovative and inspiring remote program ecosystem. OSC PROGRAM INNOVATION

Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund CME Group Foundation Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation Robert R. McCormick Foundation JPMorgan Chase & Co. Two Generous Anonymous Funders CLOSING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE

A Better Chicago CME Group Foundation Generous Anonymous Funder CHICAGO YOUTH SERVICE CORPS

Clara Lionel Foundation FINANCIAL CAPABILITY

Citi Foundation Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund 5

One Summer Chicago Leaders Chicago Department of Family & Support Services Lead Convener After School Matters Chicago Housing Authority Chicago Park District Chicago Police Department Chicago Public Library Chicago Public Schools Chicago Transit Authority City Colleges of Chicago Forest Preserves of Cook County Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities


One Summer Chicago Supporters Apple Bark Design Broad Institute Citi Civic Consulting Alliance Comp-U-Dopt CS4ALL Center for Excellence in Computer Science Education, School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University Operation Outbreak Participate The Sabeti Lab Slalom Consulting TraceRoute TunePad from Northwestern University We Make Movies

One Summer Chicago Partner Alliance Economic Awareness Council | LRNG | MHA Labs


One Summer Chicago Community Delegate Agencies A Knock at Midnight A Safe Haven Foundation Alternative Schools Network Alternatives, Inc. Asian Human Services Aspira, Inc. of Illinois Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council Boys & Girls Club of Chicago Breakthrough Urban Ministries Bright Star Community Outreach Brighton Park Neighborhood Council BUILD Inc. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago Center for Companies That Care Centers For New Horizons Central States SER Chicago Lawndale AMACHI Mentoring Program Chicago Urban League Chicago West Community Music Center Children's Home + Aid Society of Illinois Claretian Associates Code Nation Community Assistance Programs DePaul University Economic Awareness Council Employment & Employer Services Family Matters, Inc. Free Spirit Media Gary Comer Youth Center Genesys Works

Heartland Human Care Services K.L.E.O. Community Family Life Center Kingdom Community, Inc. Kuumba Lynx Lawrence Hall Youth Services Le Penseur Youth & Family Service, Inc. Leave No Veteran Behind Logan Square Neighborhood Association Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago Marillac St. Vincent Family Services Metropolitan Family Services Mikva Challenge Near West Side Community Development Corporation Options for Youth Phalanx Family Services Saint Sabina Employment Resource Center SGA Youth & Family Services Sinai Community Institute Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago Summer Advantage USA True Star Foundation UCAN UIC Center for Literacy - College of Education Urban Alliance We Uplift the World Foundation WestCare Illinois Westside Health Authority Youth Advocate Program, Inc. Youth Outreach Services YWCA Metropolitan Chicago 8

20,498 youth engaged in a radically transformed remote ecosystem where 1000s of skilled, caring adults tapped into their creativity to lead innovative remote programming. Of 9,445 youth surveyed, 90% reported learning something interesting or useful and 87% reported strengthening their skills and abilities. Despite facing unparalleled hardship and trauma, youth were determined to flourish and focus on their future.


One Summer Chicago represents the unique diversity of all 77 Chicago communities and 50 Aldermanic Wards. This summer, 1000s of homes were activated for remote project-based learning, turning neighborhoods into centers for youth innovation.



Chicago communities with OSC enrollment

Highest percentage of OSC enrollment 10

One Summer Chicago is committed to equitably engaging and serving the youth of Chicago One Summer Chicago serves both in-school and out-ofschool youth with strategically aligned programs. Earn and learn programs targeted at middle school students promote positive high school transitions. Internships and careerbuilding program experiences empower high school students with post-secondary and career readiness skills. Career pathway jobs for post-secondary students and opportunity youth create a bridge to the labor market.

One Summer Chicago engages youth across all age groups and serves a demographically diverse population of young adults.

One Summer Chicago makes every effort to be gender inclusive. 11

YOUTH LEADERS RESPOND TO CRISIS Social Impact Program Highlights 12

Celebrate the extraordinary achievements of youth as they persevered through the barriers of COVID-19 to have a high impact summer

Visit the One Summer Chicago YouTube Page


“I didn’t realize the significance of being involved in your community especially during the time of the Census going on. We need all the support we could get and helping people fill out the Census benefits us all. My experience impacted my life by being an eye opening experience that led to wish to do more in my community.” - OSC Essential Worker Youth

“When I was walking, a man came up to me and asked me what I did. I told him about my job as a Social Distancing Ambassador. He was so happy to see that young people were involved in such an amazing program. It made me feel really happy that I had support from the community."

“It was truly moving to work for the Food Pantry every Thursday and serve the community. It gave me a sense of purpose that was sort of lost when the quarantine began.”


Youth utilize their skills to support the community From COVID-19 Relief to Racial Justice progress, OSC programs created new leadership roles for youth, providing them a meaningful outlet for their intellect and energy. While many youth suffered through their own adversity this summer, they were able to transcend their grief and anxiety to help others.

Social Distancing Ambassadors Racial Healing Facilitators Get Out The Vote Organizers Remote Learning Program Assistants Personal Protection Mask Producers Home Garden Growers Environmental Safety Educators Physical Fitness Facilitators Culinary Coaches Census Supporters Social Impact Documentary Podcasters

Watch Social Distance Ambassador Video

“When at work, I felt like I was doing the right thing by doing my civil duty to help and inform the public on the pandemic.” - Social Distance Ambassador


Civic Highlight: 1,809 youth in the inaugural Chicago Youth Service Corps Watch CYSC Videos! CYSC is a partnership led by the Chicago Department of Family Support Services and the Mayor’s Office, with representatives from the Chicago Park District, Chicago Public Library, Cook County Forest Preserves, Chicago Public Schools, After School Matters, City Colleges of Chicago, and the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities.

Of 468 CYSC members surveyed, 83% reported having a positive impact on their community this summer

PURPOSE • The Chicago Youth Service Corps is a six-week program where Chicago youth (ages 16-24) can earn money while supporting their neighborhood and city. • The program offers opportunities for community service, project-based online learning, and virtual town halls during the entire summer. • The program engages members in workshop activities that create relationships, gain leadership experience, and build life and professional skills.

PRINCIPLES Shape Chicago Build Your Community & City Learn To Lead, Lead To Learn Elevate Your Voice Celebrate Yourself & Others 16

“Working with other students so motivated and passionate about the same issues, really strengthened the passion I have for Social Justice, Activism And Civil Engagement. Working with stakeholders and realizing the active role they were willing to take to make the ideas we created a reality, pumped me fresh with new hope and inspiration.” - Chicago Youth Service Corps Member

“I LOVED the program. I personally enjoyed being able to converse with so many other students, all with Different Stories And Opinions, and being able to come together with a main goal: to Make A Difference. “

“This impacted me because before this I didn't know a lot about how black people were really treated. But this program has taught me about Racism In American and other places and how to Get My Voice Out There.”

“I believe that the highlight of the program was Building A Family that was working towards creating a Better World For juvenile offenders.”


Social App Innovation: EVERYONE CAN CODE EVERYONE CAN CODE is a partnership between DFSS, Chicago Public School CS4ALL, Northwestern CECSE, and Apple, Inc. that provides training for youth to expand their computer science skills and learn the latest Apple coding program, Swift Playgrounds.

OSC youth create their own apps, maintain a portfolio, and demonstrate their capstone projects at the end of the program.

Arts Impact Innovation: EVERYONE CAN CREATE EVERYONE CAN CREATE is a partnership between DFSS, CHA, CPS, Apple, the Chicago Lighthouse, and SGA Youth and Family Services. This program provides youth with the opportunity to elevate their imaginations and engage with art in ways previously inaccessible to them using Apple’s Everyone Can Create suite of software programs.

Watch COVID-19 PSA Videos from DFSS Photography for All Program

2020 Capstone Project Winners • Unition Petitions • BEAT Street • Gentrification Education • Chicago COVID Companion App Program Showcase 2020 ECC Community Program Partners: A Knock at Midnight, Asian Human Services, Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, Catholic Charities, Central States SER, Phalanx Family Services, Westside Health Authority


“I have been a part of this program for 3 years and every year there is something that has kept me coming back. I think that it is the excitement of building something on your own and learning how computer systems work that peaks my interest. ECC is one program that has a good foundation of employers and mentors and that is why I choose to continue doing it for the summer because it has good value to it.” - Everyone Can Code Youth Participant

“I felt extremely proud of what I did, and my parents were proud as well. I never thought that I would make the top 4 teams in the showcase, but I did, and it made me a lot more confident in my abilities. I am now more interested in coding than ever, knowing that what I want can be achieved.” - Everyone Can Code Youth Participant

“This program impacted my life positively allowing me to artistically express my feeling and thoughts on the BLM movement. Including collaborating with others while doing so.” - Everyone Can Create Youth Participant


Racial Healing Highlight: 88 youth and 26 practitioners create a healer community Program Leaders: Project Restore Initiative and Praxis Institute OSC Partner Organizations: A Knock At Midnight, Center For New Horizons, Metropolitan Family Services, The Miracle Center, Youth Outreach Services

Identity Narrative Change Racial Healing Relationship Building

90% of youth willing to

continue facilitating Racial Healing Circles

100% youth report ● What we do in the program is important to me ● Facilitator cares about my opinion ● Facilitator encourages me to make connections with what I am learning and my own life experience N=59

The Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Youth Institute is an adaptation of the globally recognized Truth and Reconciliation Commission. TRHT aims to get rid of the false belief in a hierarchy of human value and replace that with an appreciation for the equal and interconnected nature of the human family. The TRHT Youth Institute expands the community of healers by training, empowering, and emboldening youth in order to be agents in the creation of their individual and collective wellbeing.

“With everything going on, this is the time to find peace,” the young artist said. “How are we going to change the world around us? It [the circles] teaches you all about that. I really think these healing circles should be more common in our communities.” - Youth Participant 20

“I didn't know what would come out of this at first, but I’m really glad I got this experience because it really feels like it is truly aligned with what I want to do in my life which is to use my voice and platform to Uplift And Amplify the Voices of the Youth that want to create positive change in our world. Learning about racial healing circles and about social justice and how to facilitate healing spaces is something I’m very happy that I got to partake in.” - TRHT Youth Healer

“I enjoyed the deep prompts and genuine vibes; the freedom to share if we want and just the; calmness of it all; confidence and respect for each other; laughs and Smiles Of My People.”

“The healing circles helped me realize some of my ways and hold backs that have been intentionally placed on me. Which allows me to learn from that and to continue life on a path Opposing Racial Discrimination in all forms especially systemically.”


Peaceful Communities Highlight: 425 Peacemakers make a positive contribution in their community Over 425 Peacemakers this summer worked with other teens to make a positive contribution to their communities. ASM Peacemakers learned about the peace building process, reflected on their communities, and designed a project to spread the message of peace. Teens gained an understanding of the peace-making process and youth empowerment, while building skills in civic engagement and leadership.

NBA Youth Leadership Highlight: Teens in the NBA Youth Leadership Council made a documentary to capture the beauty and adversity of living in Auburn Gresham and showcase the people working towards a more peaceful community through Sharing Our Truth: An Auburn Gresham Documentary. Click to watch documentary


Public Safety Leadership: The Youth District Advisory Council Leadership Institute The Youth District Advisory Council Leadership Institute is an opportunity for identified youth leadership to learn new and improved ways to lead other youth voices and is a platform for those youth to work in tandem with the police districts to develop strategy as it pertains to public safety matters with young people. In addition, the Council is an opportunity for community building among youth and young adults.

55 youth participate in the Summer 2020 Council


My highlight was having multiple communities come together to figure out solutions to make our communities safer for future generations. All of us being open minded was something you don't see very often so that was definitely something I appreciated. - Council Youth


Youth show their gratitude for essential workers through a creative “thank you card� campaign for mail carriers.


Social Justice Media Highlight: Youth launch “Real Talk” social justice podcasts

“REAL TALK” was a virtual program based

“REAL TALK” Youth-Produced and Owned Podcast

in Connected Learning where youth explore media production by practice. • Designed to guide learners though the phases of podcasting. • Scaffolded approach to introducing and exploring social justice. Post Cast Novice Planning Scripting Branding

Conversations, stories, and ideas that focus on Chicago’s social justice movement from a youth perspective

Post Cast Nerd Recording Editing Publishing Marketing Monetization

Listen on Apple Podcast 25

1,279,372 hours of project-based learning completed by youth as they participated in innovative remote programming. Of 8815 youth surveyed, 75% of youth reported having access to a computer to participate in their program while others used a range of devices. 48% of youth participated in a fully immersive online experience, while 52% were in a blended program of online engagement and offline project work. Research Note: The number of surveys informing metrics in this report vary due to the fact the survey questions were administered in different instruments where not all questions were required


How youth spent a typical week in remote programming We asked 8,500+ youth to describe how much time they spent in three recommended activity areas: training, independent tasks, and reflection. This model represents a continuous development trajectory of learning, doing, and improving. For many youth, this model prepared them to transition after the summer to the requirements of remote employment and post-secondary education. How did you usually complete your projects, tasks, or other activities? (N=8815) Online all of the time - only online with no offline assignments


Online some of the time - there were assignments and activities to do offline


Mainly in-person at a work or program site with some online All in-person with no online or call-in requirements

Training and Instruction (N=8815) (online apps/software or in group sessions) A Lot of the Time


Some of the Time



All of the Time



None of the Time


Completing Tasks and Assignments (N=8815)

Weekly check-ins and group reflections (N=5429)

All of the Time


Every Week


A Lot of the Time


Most Weeks


Some of the Time


Just 1-2 Times


None of the Time



2% 27

Youth leverage multiple devices for remote access Going into this summer of remote programming, agencies and organizations were committed to closing the digital divide using every device possible to keep youth engaged. Devices Mainly Used

Devices provided by CPS or Delegate Agency (N= 8,759)


Youth were asked to check all that apply

Computer (Desktop, Laptop, Chromebook, etc.)


I used a Chicago Public Schools Device


Smart Phone that accesses the internet and apps


I used a device provided by my Summer Program


Tablet (iPad, Microsoft Surface, Samsung Galaxy Tab, etc.)


Mobile Phone that only makes calls and texts




Ownership status of loaned device after program ends (N=2,932) Yes , I get to keep it


No, I have to give it back


Highlight: DFSS partners to close the digital divide for 289 youth The Department of Family and Support Services partnered with Comp-U-Dopt, a leading organization providing technology access and education to youth, to close the digital divide for 289 youth. This initiative to purchase high-quality refurbished devices was generously funded by A Better Chicago, CME Group Foundation and an Anonymous Funder. 28

How internet access impacted remote programming Youth were asked how internet access impacted their remote program experience. Organizations were encouraged to create project-based learning experiences that were not entirely dependent on internet access. As a result, 44% of programs provide a blended program experience of online and offline activities.

8,538 youth reported how internet connectivity impacted their ability to participate in their remote program I did not have any connection problems


I had some connection problems


I had a lot of connection problems


I was not able to reliably access programming due to connection problems


“The program allowed me to become more open and less shy about performing in front of people who I've never met. It has also allowed me to better a representation of who I am.” - Youth Participant

“I think the health pandemic and the racial unrest we are facing has impacted us all - we are concerned for our family and our own future. I now feel empowered. We were all able to complete our tasks remotely - even with wavering internet connections!” - Youth Participant 29

87% of youth reported being challenged to try new things in their program. Concurrently, 84% of 8,926 youth surveyed reported having the opportunity to explore their own interests. Career development is most effective when youth are immersed in hands-on exploration switching between exploring new pathways and deepening existing interests. As a result, 70% of youth said they gained a clearer idea for what they want to do - or not do - with their life.



You know I always have been interested in growing and managing plants as a career cuz it's just so peaceful and makes me as a person to connect beyond the technology and etc, and with the program I was about to actually get involved with the community and the people I'm connected with and influence them as individuals to make better green choices. The most important thing I have learned in my program was that you can be friendly and have friends with people who are totally different from you and it will still be peaceful to be with them.� - Youth Participant 31

Personal growth impacts The OSC impact team worked to identify key growth metrics that were critical and viable for remote programming. Youth outcomes far exceeded all expectations. I learned something interesting or useful


I tried doing new things


I feel proud of what I did this summer


I strengthened my skills and abilities (gained new skills or improved existing skills)


I gained more confidence in my skills and abilities


I gained clearer idea for what I want to do - or not do - with my life



“I believe everything we did impacted my life. Our Friday Lunch Meetings, our small change ideas, and so much more. Everything we did expanded my thinking and how I looked at the world a little different now.� - Youth Participant

N=9,438 32

Youth gain skills power Skill building is a foundational feature to all One Summer Chicago programming, and organizations were able to sustain skill building momentum, even in remote settings. While virtual team settings had drawbacks, youth and program staff still found ways to strengthen critical 21st century skills matched with skill building in career development financial literacy, civics, and a wide range of technical skills.

Skills youth learned or strengthened in their summer program Youth were asked to check all that apply

21st Century Skills


Career Development Financial Literacy Technical or Content Skills


Health and Wellness



Civic Leadership



Education Preparation

24% N=9,526 33

Staff affirm youth skill achievements This survey sought to remove any doubt about the skillfulness of One Summer Chicago youth. Both youth and program staff were separately asked about skills achievement. 287 staff confirmed that youth did indeed rise to the expectations of remote programming and perform with skillfulness and confidence.


The youth I worked with were truly awesome

“I was really excited to learn that my manager is proud of me and all that I'm doing with the company. We had a company get together and it was my first time hearing feedback that was not directly related to a project. I was just really excited that they are proud of me.” - Youth Participant


The majority of youth successfully completed the program to my expectations


The youth I worked with demonstrated skillfulness and confidence (youth power and self agency)


The youth I worked with mastered a least one new skill this summer


Youth explore online career development 16,728 online career development activities completed 1,038 youth explore City Colleges of Chicago options...

1,042 youth design personalized career pathways...

1,038 Youth Earn Colleges to Careers Badge

1,042 Youth Earn Unlocking Your Path To Power! Badge

• College to Careers: Exploring City Colleges of Chicago & Beyond • City Colleges: An Affordable Option to Build Your Career • Career Finder

• Space to Dream • Skills that Power your Llife • Values that Guide Your Life • Interests that Light Up Your Life • Keys to Unlocking Your Vision

743 youth get work ready...

• Using Your Keys to Unlock “My Next Move" • Designing your Vision Board & Speech

743 Youth Earn Work Readiness Badges • Own Your Job • The Basics

622 youth build an online image...

• Your Best Foot Forward

622 Youth Earn Exploring LinkedIn Badge

• Feedback

• Why LinkedIn?

• Model Employee

• Your LinkedIn Headline, Summary, Profile

• Making Your Mark

• Your LinkedIn Work Experiences and Sharing Badges 35

“I learned to to work hard and stay determined, and that if you want to make a career out of something you love, you have to commit.” – Youth Participant


Career Development Highlight: 13 CBOs pilot Mr. Giles Institute Program impacting 371 youth Launched through the Save Summer Initiative, OSC centrally offered free on-demand youth leadership workshops led by youth career development expert Ramone Giles. This pilot program was developed to enhance remote programming and provide additional support to front-line program staff. Workshops are culturally responsive and embrace Black and Brown Racial Identity Development.

89% of 300 youth say they enjoyed and learned something 371 Youth participated in 1 or more of the following workshops

from their workshop

Revealing The Leader Within How You Say It X-Ray Vision: Detecting Stereotypes You: Your Brand Ambassador The Work Wedding & The Marriage Get To Know ‘You’ Level Up Your Vision Board Summing Up Your Summer Timing Is Everything Turn Adversity Into An Advantage

themselves a leader after taking the “Revealing The Leader Within” Workshop

86% of 42 youth surveyed said they were more likely to see

“Sometimes we may not think we are leaders, and we focus on the qualities we lack. But if we focused more on the qualities we do have, we can see that we are in fact great leaders.”

“Everyone can be a leader. The thing you have to focus on is growth to become a better version of yourself.”

“Some of the attributes you think you lack as a leader are actually within you, you just have to push it out more.”

“I learned that I am not the only one who struggles with leadership skills and being a leader.”


“My program made me feel more hopeful because I gained confident on MOVING forward in life. Taking a step even, if it’s risky, could bring you more chances in life.” - Youth Participant


Overall program impacts Program impact factors represent an intentional combination of youth engagement, peer relationship building, and adult support. These metrics showcase how learning communities were able to develop and thrive even with the limitations of remote programming.

84% 87%

84% N=8,926

Gave me something fun to do

Challenged me to try new things

Provided an opportunity for me to explore my own interests


Provided opportunities to interact with people I probably would not have met otherwise


Helped me strengthen and/or build new friendships and relationships


“God... It was honestly the most amazing experience I've had. Everyone is so very passionate about the work that we do, and in just 4 weeks we've already cultivated such a wonderful family.� - Youth Participant 39

94% of youth surveyed felt their supervisor or instructor treated then with respect. Of 8,963 youth surveyed, 84% felt their supervisor or instructor was an adult they can trust. Staff prioritized safe spaces for mental health and 92% of youth reported being able to share their concerns. Relationships built on trust, respect, and care are vital to positive youth development and are a foundation for trauma-informed practice.


Youth express the impact of adult allies Due to a massive shift from worksite job placements to remote programming, program staff were asked to quickly become experts in remote learning design and engagement. Youth report that their adult allies truly embraced this role and infused it with critical social-emotional, trauma-informed practices.


Treated me with respect


Is an adult I trust


Valued my opinions



Monitored and provided feedback on my work


Encouraged me to feel good about myself


Was open to listening to concerns we had


$17,661,744 in youth wages Earned at a time when families were struggling to persevere through COVID-19. Of 7,867 youth surveyed, 40% reported that their family income was negatively impacted by COVID-19. Grateful for their $14/hour wage, 56% of 8,647 wage-earning youth surveyed reported that their summer earnings were very or extremely important to their family.


One Summer Chicago would like to thank our financial capability funders and partners LEAD FUNDERS Citi Foundation Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund


First Savings Bank of Hegewisch

Republic Bank

Bank of America

Great Lakes Credit Union

BMO Harris Bank

Hyde Park Bank

​Self-Help Federal Credit Union

​Credit Union 1

Marquette Bank

Fifth Third Bank

NorthStar Credit Union

First Midwest Bank

​PNC Bank

TCF Bank Wintrust Bank US Bank


Financial metrics continue to rise despite COVID-19 Record-breaking teen banking metrics reflect years of investment by the Economic Awareness Council (EAC) in two major initiatives. The EAC designed a comprehensive financial capability training system blending online learning and peer training, and fostered the development of innovative financial offerings in Chicago - all breaking down historic racial and class barriers to “getting banked�.

83% of youth

95% of youth

64% of youth

report having a bank account reflecting cumulative year-over-year gains that far exceed national averages

processed their pay through direct deposit, payroll card, or directly deposited their check into a bank account to avoid check cashing costs

were able to save money even after covering needed family and personal living expenses

Data results are from the 2020 Economic Awareness Council research project supported by the University of Chicago and includes survey reponses from 2,682 DFSS One Summer Chicago wage-earning youth participants.


Deeper look at the “why and how” youth banking Of 8,689 youth surveyed, 1,378 reported opening a bank account.

How Youth are “Getting Banked”

Why Youth Decided To Open A Bank Account Youth were asked to check all that apply. To be more responsible with my money


To get paid more quickly with direct deposit


To keep my money safe


To help me save money


To get and use a debit card for spending


To track my spending and manage my money online


My parents or guardian thought it was a good idea


To use online apps that require money transfer


It was encouraged by my program


To deposit my check from home with mobile check deposit


To avoid check cashing fees


Answer to the question: What role did program staff have in helping you open a bank account? Check all that apply. Program staff encouraged me to open one


Program staff provided training


Program staff helped me get my IDs and paperwork ready


Program staff helped me set up my account with the bank


None, I did it all on my own


60% of youth who “got banked” reported receiving at least one form of help from program staff highlighting the key role program staff have in building banking capability 40% of youth who “got banked” report opening an account all on their own, demonstrating their high level of financial capability and responsibility

16 banks work together each summer to support youth banking access With the support of the 16 financial institutions in the One Summer Banking Coalition, youth had the opportunity to meet a banker and open a consumer-friendly bank account with no overdraft fees, no monthly fees, and a low minimum balance requirement. Banking institutions shifted to virtual programming to sustain the momentum of the OSC “get banked” initiative.


Financial capability training sustains momentum 10,000 youth get peer-based financial education This summer over 10,000 youth learned about banking, saving, credit, budgeting, direct deposit and more from The Economic Awareness Council Peer Money Mentor Program. The Peer Money Mentor Program transitioned to a virtual model in 2020 and brought youth voice to the importance of financial capability. All mentors additionally receive financial coaching or teller training certification.

18 Peer

182 Banking

Money Mentors

Orientations and Financial Workshops

“This financial education came at a crucial time in the year. The summer is a pivotal time for me to save and budget for the upcoming school year. This financial education experience taught me how to better save and be smarter about my money, especially given the financial difficulties that have come out of the COVID-19 pandemic.” - Youth Participant

“This financial education experience had changed not only my life but also my family's life. After learning important facts about banking and direct deposit, I learned different ways to save and invest as well. With my savings account, I was able to save enough for a new computer this summer before going back to college as we are moving a lot of the classes to online. I also helped my parents start their first banking experience to start saving as they never had financial literacy background.” - Youth Participant 46

Youth complete 57,000 online financial literacy activities The Economic Awareness Council has developed a comprehensive online financial capability learning system on LNRG where youth earned over 10,400 financial capability badges.

Youth start by getting payday ready… One Summer Chicago, in partnership with the Economic Awareness Council, offers engaging online learning experiences dedicated to helping youth make the most out of their first paycheck. These financial capability learning pathways are complemented by an entire “get banked” program that works to help youth open a bank account and set up direct deposit.

3,431 Youth Ages 15 and Older Earn Be Payday Ready Badges

373 Youth Ages 13-14 Earn Payday Basics Badge

Be Timesheet Ready

Banking Ready

Be Tax Ready

Be Ready To Manage Your Account

Be Banking Ready

Be Savings-Minded

Be Ready To Manage Your Account

Be Paycheck Savvy

Be Direct Deposit Ready Be Ready To Protect Yourself From Fraud Be Savings Ready


Youth delve into the world of budgeting, loans, and credit 2,644 youth learned

2,108 youth learned about

1,855 youth learned the

the power of credit and how to navigate the two youth-centered experiences of college borrowing and auto loans

truth about payday loans and their cycle of debt while exploring alternatives to meet their economic needs

2644 Youth Earn Be Budget Ready

2108 Youth Earn Be Credit Ready Badge

1855 Youth Earn Avoid Payday Loans Badge

Be Budget Ready

Be Credit Ready

Why NOT Payday Loans?

Payday Masters

What Is Credit?

Cycle of Debt

Budgeting Basics

Credit Power

Payday Loan Interest Calculator

Budgeting & You

College Borrowing Basics

Options Instead of Payday Loans

Save Early, Save Often

Auto Loans Borrowing Basics

the art of budgeting and saving to create a foundation for lifelong financial management and economic security

Your Savings Tools


Financial capability training builds a foundation for economic empowerment Topics youth reported learning from their financial capability training

How to save money

Why I should save money


How to create a budget

96% of wage-earning youth reported learning something new from the financial capability training


How to use direct deposit


How to open a bank account

“I teach these [online financial capability] lessons to my younger siblings because they're really fun, interactive, and insightful lessons that aren't too hard to understand so I've tried to implement them into my family's life so that we can be one step ahead and do our part by educating more folks throughout our community.” - Youth Participant


How to build credit



Protect my identity and avoid fraud

38% N=3,332

“This financial education has made a difference in my life by inspiring me to save! Because usually when I worked and got a paycheck, I would be that person who would spend it right away and never had anything saved...well now I am saving 100 dollars every paycheck for an emergency. - Youth Participant


97% of program staff surveyed felt proud of what they achieved with their youth this summer. 287 staff participated in a comprehensive best practice survey where 65% said they would absolutely be willing to lead another remote program. This new generation of OSC remote experts will be an an asset as the City of Chicago continues to navigate through COVID-19.


Staff lead massive shift to remote programming The success of One Summer Chicago relied on program staff navigating the shift to remote programming for the first time, while additionally addressing the complex social, economic and mental health crisis facing youth and their families. The best testament to the success of this remote transition, is how youth personally reported on their experience. As we saw from earlier data, youth reported positively on all measures of program impact.

Effectively shifted their program model to remote


I had the training supports I needed to successfully implement my program


My manager provided the support needed when I asked for help I had the tech equipment and support needed to conduct my program remotely

I 90% I 86%

“I found the leadership and youth development training really helped. During the trainings, I learned fun, creative ways to engage youth remotely for the summer.” - OSC Staff

“We were given a lot of information early on which helped us master the skills needed to complete the job.” - OSC Staff

“Our Friday Peace circle trainings were very impactful. I believe the discussions and conversations teens were able to identify and relate to.” - OSC Staff

N=287 51

Staff bring a positive spirit even in difficult times The program staff of One Summer Chicago represent a diverse community of youth developers, instructors, counselors, teachers, and employers who take time over the summer to share their leadership, mentorship, and skills with youth. Their ability to bring joy and pride to youth engagement is a major factor in youth outcomes.

I was able to find joy leading the program even when it was really hard at times I took time out for self care during the program cycle


I had access to the stress management and mental health supports I needed


“Each week we had a reflection with a clinician and allowed youth to talk about hard topics.” – OSC Staff


“The teens on our teams, as one of their first acts of leadership, initiated breathing and meditation exercises in our daily schedule, and that acted as a mental health tonic for the team members and me all summer.” – OSC Staff


“I participated in Racial Healing Workshop I think would be very helpful for the struggle the city is having now. I believe it can help Chicago to become a more equitable, safe, just and thriving city.” – OSC Staff 52

Professional Development Innovation: OSC launches save summer campaign One Summer Chicago partner MHA Labs responded to the call to action to help 100s of practitioners make the shift to remote programming. MHA Labs designed and launched a comprehensive training and coaching program to help summer job and enrichment practitioners make a quality shift to remote programming.

309 program practitioners participate in a program design training on three viable skill-building remote program models designed to build skills mastery and self agency over the course of six weeks

192 program practitioners participate in a program practice training covering seven key best practices that unlock the skills and identity development of youth

“The one on one support was KEY. Really the only reason I could create structure for myself and my staff.” - OSC Staff “MHA labs was a critical tool for incorporating innovative ideas into the weekly activities.” - OSC Staff

25 program practitioners

receive personalized program coaching enabling targeted design innovations that leverage key staff skills and ideas

“MHA Labs helped me realize how we can use sports based youth development as a stepping stone to exposure to other career ideas. Students will be perfecting their activity design and online facilitation skills which are highly transferable skills among career fields.” - OSC Staff


“The training breakthrough for me was that I was over-complicating something that needed to be much more simple and found in the very heart of this curriculum and work.” – OSC Program Staff


Training Highlight: Focus on trauma-informed culturally responsive care The Save Summer Campaign engaged professional development leaders to develop training and coaching programs focused on trauma-informed, culturally responsive best practices.

Training Partner Highlight:

Coaching Partner Highlight:

Terrence Pruitt, Project Restore Initiative Steven Rosado Praxis Institute

Lydia Mercer, (UN)Learning Space

300+ practitioners participated in 1 or more youth engagement trainings

● ● ● ● ● ●

Approaches to Onboarding Developmental Relationships & Environments Effective Strategies for Remote Engagement Forming Developmental Relationships Part 1 Forming Developmental Relationships Part 2 Gratitude, Reflection, and Celebration

“Steven Rosado and Terrence Pruitt were amazing. The provided mindfulness activities, daily meeting templates/structures that could be adapted!” - OSC Staff “I used anti-racist and anti-oppressive frameworks developed by Praxis Group.” - OSC Staff

33 practitioners accessed personalized coaching sessions over the course of the summer to help navigate their summer experience 27 practitioners participated in a session on culturally responsive pedagogy

“I will embrace all of these ideas as I work and engage the students this summer. Thank you so much for your insight and knowledge. I feel are energized, calmer and more confident in my abilities to implement a successful summer experience for the young people as well as myself. Thank you for your support.” - OSC Staff 55

Resource Innovation: New Save Summer resource hub MHA Labs and sponsor Participate join forces to build and open source resource hub for program staff navigating multiple movements impacting summer programming. The site hosted extensive resource collections on remote program design and engagement but also provided collections focused on racial justice and civic leadership.

Resource Collections: Remote Program Design Youth Allyship and Engagement Recognition and Meaning Making Virtual Learning Technology Tools Racial Justice Anti-Racist Allyship Youth Leadership Civic Leadership Social Justice

“I feel more hopeful and inspired because I realized I have an abundance of resources and partners to lean on.” - OSC Staff

Visit the Resource Hub


“Let’s Save Summer” grassroots campaign is evolving into “Power On Chicago” to champion youth power programming year-round.


2020 One Summer Chicago Coordinating Leadership Team Chicago Department of Family and Support Services Lisa Morrison Butler, Commissioner Angela R. Rudolph, Deputy Commissioner, Youth Services Division Lisa Davis Fobs, Director One Summer Chicago Evelyn Benitez, Youth Services Coordinator Charisma Cannon, Corporate Partnership Manager Sahrish Saleem Russell, One Summer Chicago Summer Fellow One Summer Chicago Interns

One Summer Partner Alliance

Demi Collins

Economic Awareness Council

Natalie Nieves



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