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USING A MOBILE VPN I used to advise people to do banking and other important business over their cellular connection when using a mobile device, since that is generally safer than FRQQHFWLQJ ZLWK D SXEOLF :L )L QHWZRUN %XW HYHQ WKDW isn’t always a safe bet. Researchers have demonstrated how a portable cell tower, such as a femtocell, can be used for malicious ends. The attack hinges on jamming the LTE and 3G bands, which are secured with strong encryption, and forcing devices to connect with a phony WRZHU RYHU WKH OHVV VHFXUH * EDQG %HFDXVH WKH attacker controls the fake tower, he can carry out a man-in-the-middle attack. Admittedly, this is an exotic attack, but it’s far from impossible. And Wi-Fi attacks are probably far more common than we’d like to believe. That’s why I recommend getting a VPN app for your mobile device to protect all your mobile communications. Even if you don’t use it all the time, using a mobile VPN is a smart move to protect your personal information. Most VPN services offer apps on both Android and iOS, VDYLQJ \RX WKH WURXEOH RI FRQ¿JXULQJ \RXU SKRQH¶V 931 settings yourself. VPN providers typically allow up to six devices to be connected simultaneously under a single account. Also, while there are free VPN services available, many require that mobile users sign up for a paid subscription. Not all mobile VPN apps are created equal. In fact, most VPN providers offer different services (and sometimes, different servers) on their mobile offerings than what is available on their desktop counterparts. I was pleased to see that NordVPN and Private Internet Access provide the same excellent selection of servers regardless of platform. These apps received an Editors’ Choice nod both for desktop VPN apps and Android VPN apps.

Even if you don’t use it all the time, using a mobile VPN is a smart move to protect your personal information.

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