Sscwn feb17

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CONTENTS Letters to the Editor ............... 4


Association Calendar & News ........................................ 6 From the Archives: Testing, Teasting ...................10 Marc Wilson on WashIdeas................................20 Industry Dirt...........................32 Extra! Extra! ............................38 Tricks of the Trade ...............43

I had two themes for my editor’s letter this issue,

October. She spent the

and both of them got up and quietly walked out

nursing home doing ther-

the door when I read Jim Holve’s post about his

apy to help her recover

wife’s passing on

some quality of life. It

Innovations..............................62 Beef Up Your Locks ...............67

hospital and in a skilled

If Jim’s name sounds familiar, but you can’t

never happened so my family and I had to place her

quite place how you know him, you might better

in Hospice care 3 days after Christmas to let nature

remember the designer/builder behind ShurVend

take its course. She passed away in the early morning

Vending Products as his alter ego, Uncle Sam, who

of January 1, 2017. Needless to say the Christmas

has been a fixture at carwash shows for over 15

season was not a very happy one for my family.

years now. It was at Jim’s third carwash show

KleenRite Show......................56

next two months in the

(WCA’s 2001 Expo) when he and his

I told very few of my customers about my situation, because you all have problems of your own. Some of you have been through these

wife (also a carwash show mainstay)

situations yourself, as I have found out,

decided to rent an Uncle Sam cos-

so you know what I have been through.

tume on impulse in hopes it might

I haven’t been focused on my usual cus-

encourage a smile or two at an event

tomer service as I usually am, but, now,

that was expected to be rather dour due

Cover story: Wash Loong & Prosper .......68

to the lingering shock and grief from 9/11.

Darwin at the Carwash.......83

that I am starting a new chapter in my life, I can get back to what I need to do. I

The get-up was a hit (particularly with SS-

apologize to any of you that have been disappointed

CWN Editor Emeritus J.J. Jakubowski), and Jim

with my actions these past months, but now is the

went on to wear the outfit at every show since

time to continue into the new year with my usual

that date, many times with his lovely wife by his

good customer service.

side. I think those of you who have had the plea-

I appreciate every one of you on this forum.

sure of knowing Jim, will join me in expressing

Uncle Sam

our most sincere and heartfelt condolences as he

VOL. 44, NO. 2, WINTER 2017

Publisher Jackson Vahaly Editor Kate Carr Design Katy Barret-Alley Editor Emeritus Jarret J. Jakubowski Editor Emeritus Joseph J. Campbell Editor Posthumous Julia E. Campbell Self Serve Carwash News is published 4 times per year and is independently owned by Jackson Vahaly. Web address is

weathers the storm of losing not only a most lov-

I am not sure there is much more to say, other

ing spouse, but also a partner in so many of his

than I am heartbroken for Jim, and I hope 2017

business adventures and travels.

represents a turning of the page for us all. I hope

Jim titled his post announcing his wife’s death,

we are all able to embrace the optimism of the

“Goodbye 2016!!!!” and went on to summarize

New Year and move forward with open hearts and

how the last few months of the year were spent

minds. I hope we are able to emulate Jim’s ideals

caring for his wife while she was in declining

of customer service and appreciation for our suc-

health after a stroke in late October. In a “life sure

cess in business.

is funny” kind of way, Jim’s letter touched upon

I hope we’re able to wash cars; but I hope, most

the two issues I had planned to write about in this

especially, that we demonstrate our appreciation for

issue’s “Carr’s Corner:” The tone for 2017, and

our families, our loved ones, and the God that brings

customer service in the carwash industry.

us these blessings. And I hope, for Jim, that there is healing and hope and love in every day he has to

In his own words: I have been absent from the Forum for most of 2016 since my last post in May when I announced that I had to skip the Nashville show due to my wife’s health problems. She had continuing health problems for the rest of the year until she had a massive stroke in late

move forward without his beloved companion.

Happy washing,


All inquiries should be directed to:

Self Serve Car Wash News 110 Childs Ln., Franklin, TN 37067 Copyright 2014. 2 Dollar Enterprises/SSCWN. All Rights Reserved • WINTER 2017 •


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