1999 arctic cat powder special 600 efi powder special 600 efi le snowmobile service repair manual

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1. Insert a snap gauge into each connecting-rod small end bore; then remove the gauge and measure it with a micrometer. )LJ



1. Measure the piston pin diameter at each end and in the center. Acceptable piston pin measurement must be within specifications. If any measurement varies by more than 0.02 mm (0.001 in.), the piston pin and bearing must be replaced as a set. )LJ


2. The diameter measurement specifications.

must be within


1. Using the V Blocks (p/n 0644-022), support the crankshaft on the surface plate. 127( 7KH 9 EORFNV VKRXOG VXSSRU W WKH FUDQNVKDIW RQ WKH RXWHU EHDULQJV


2. Insert a snap gauge into each piston-pin bore; then remove the gauge and measure it with a micrometer. The diameter measurement must be within specifications. Take two measurements to ensure accuracy. )LJ

2. Mount a dial indicator and base on the surface plate. Position the indicator contact point against the crankshaft distance F (PTO-end) from the crankshaft end. Zero the indicator and rotate the crankshaft slowly. Note the amount of crankshaft runout (total indicator reading). 127( )RU UXQRXW GLVWDQFH VSHFLILFDWLRQV VHH SDJHV RI WKLV VHFWLRQ

3. Position the indicator contact point against the crankshaft distance D (MAG-end) from the crankshaft end. Zero the indicator and rotate the crankshaft slowly. Note the amount of crankshaft runout (total indicator reading). )LJ



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