(Mind Series)The Wands Of Horus

Page 82

The Wands of Horus

Modern humanity erroneously believes that the level of a civilisation’s development is determined by achievements in science or technology. A time will come when people will realise that the true measure of development is the level of knowledge of the Creator. This is an extremely important aspect of which the modern school gives us no inkling. It follows that the human being deprived of this, not recognising his close ties with the world around, is primitive. He does not in any way grasp, nor can he grasp, the meaning of this ethical principle, this fundamental natural phenomenon, without which normal, correct development is impossible. The true achievement of a civilisation does not lie in the knowledge of how to create a laser device or a flying machine. The main thing is the factor of human relations,forming on the basis of knowledge about the Creator. Sometime, having completed a long road, we shall become capable of creating universes, but for the moment we should recognise that before becoming a god, a person needs to become a Human Being.



Third Edition - December 2001

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