(Mind Series) Amazing and wonderful mind machines you can build

Page 110

Mina Machines You Can Builc: hours.

It was much easier to build a Hieronymous

machine back in L 9 6 0 or i 9 7 0 because people then were not used to building dungs from kits in which all parts were supplied and complete, step-by-step instructions included. Furthermore, many mail order electronic parts supply companies have gone out of business since 1975, making it difficult for enthusiasts to build electronic equipment if they don't live in a city or town with a good electroi lie pa rrs store. 1 nfortunately, Tandy Radio Shack doesn't carry many of die necessary components, although. many parts can be located there. There are two ways to locate a well-stocked electronic parts firm: (a) check die Yellow Pages o f t h e telephone book under the category "Electronic Equipment &. Supplies -Dealers." or (b) find i local amateur radio operator or " h a m " and ask him. The original Hieronymous patent describes an electronic device using vacuum tubes. It's increasingly difficult to obtain die necessary parts for vacuum tube electronic equipment these days because nearly all electronic gear now uses either transistors or integrated circuit chips. I lowever, based on die audior s experience, it shouldn't make any difference whatsoever whether the I lieronymoiis macliine is made widi vacuum tubes, rraiv sisrors, or integrated circuit "op amps" (operational amplifiers).


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