Ram's Chronicle, 1st Quarter 2015

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RAM’S CHRONICLE 1st Quarter Newspaper

Hello people of St. Anastasia! This is the first ever edition of St. A’s digital newspaper, so this is new to everyone. We hope that you enjoy it. We wish you a good school year!

Mini Pope

Mrs. Dohrer This is Mrs. Dohrer's 30th year teaching at St. Anastasia School. The three things/people she dislikes are gossip, bad drivers, and seafood. Her favorite room in the house is her living room because she's with her family and her puppy Bentley. "What's the weirdest dream that you've ever had?" She answered, "I could run and pick up a chair. My baby was in it and I could fly my baby wherever she needed to go." I asked, "What scares you more? Burning or drowning?" She said, "When I was four years old I was drowning and my neighbor pulled me out and I'm not scared of burning. ~Reported by Markesha Thompson and Quenay Woody

On September 22, we had a very special guest, the Pope. But not Pope Francis, it was Pope Jr. (a.k.a Jacob Heisy) Jacob is 6 years old, and he is Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class. He volunteered to be Pope. He loved how everybody clapped and cheered for him. He said it was really hot being in the Pope's outfit.One thing he likes about kindergarten, is playing on the big playground, instead of the Pre-K playground. On the weekend he likes hanging out with his neighbor Jack and playing Minecraft. When he grows up he wants WWE wrestler. Before we left he showed us how strong he is, and did a few good pushups. ~Reported by Willliam Picchiarini

Mrs. D'Amato I asked her, "how long did you do newspaper?" She answered, "Approximately 12 years." She says that she will miss doing newspaper although, she does enjoy her last two free periods of the day. Questioned, "what did you like most about it?" She answered, "self expression from students." "Do you hold a lot of value in today's news?" "No I believe that today's new listeners have to pick and choose what are truths and what are exaggeration. Therefore, our students, especially upper class students, must know how to quote and read between the lines." The last question I asked was what her favorite part about teaching was. She said that her favorite part was seeing students see how fabulous language can be.

Awins Estinvil He is 13 years old. His birthday is on August 14. His heritage is Haitian and American. He goes to Saint Anastasia Church. He says that he doesn't have a favorite subject and so far, he likes choir. His favorite color is black. He was at Dan Mccarty for a year. Before that, he was at St. Lucie Elementary. "How do you like this school so far?" He said, "good. "What teacher do you like the best?" He said, "Mr. Marsh." I asked him, "Are you looking forward for the rest of your 7th grade year?" He said, "Yeah, because it seems like a good school." ~Reported by Markesha Thompson and Quenay Woody

—————————————————————————— Rick Paul Rick Paul is 6 feet tall. He is Catholic and came from the school, Sacred Heart. His favorite color is blue and his favorite food is chilli. He enjoys playing basketball and gaming. His favorite football team is the Seahawks. He has a nine year old sister and his favorite TV show is Arrow. ~Reported by Colton Hamilton and

Mrs. Richmond Mrs. Richmond was born in California and raised in Ohio. She moved to Florida when she was in seventh grade. When she was young, she was a gymnast. Her first vacation in Florida was to Disney. She went to high school at Winter Park High School. "Did you accomplish any of your middle school or high school goals?" "I wanted to go to college and become a teacher so yes." Her favorite color is green and her favorite candy is Swedish Fish. She also likes to play golf. I asked, "Would you rather be sweating or freezing?" Mrs. Richmond answered, "Freezing." "Honey Buns or Cinnamon Rolls?" "Cinnamon Rolls." Her favorite football team is UCF and her favorite car is the BMW X3. Mrs. Richmond loves her new job. "How long have you been at St. A's?" I asked. She said, "I taught kindergarten here for three years, left, came back and taught kindergarten again for about two years, then I became assistant principal. ~Reported by Markesha Thompson and Quenay Woody

Paula Jean--Simon Paul Jean-Simon is a new student here from Sacred Heart. I was asked, "Which one do you prefer? Unicorns or Horses?" She would prefer horses. Her favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla and her favorite color is blue. Her favorite teacher so far is Mrs. Savage. "What do you like about this school?" She said, "The lunch." "What do you not like about this school?" She answered, "playground." Her favorite sport is basketball. She was born in Florida and has one sibling,

——————————————————————————— Arthur Larochelle Arthur Larochelle is a new student who came into our school for eighth grade. Before he came to school here at St.A's he went to Samuel Gaines. His movie is The Avengers 2. His spirit animal is a dog. He has twenty brothers and sisters. His favorite sport is soccer and his favorite holiday is Christmas. His favorite food is bacon and his favorite color is blue. He speaks two foreign languages, french and creole. He prefers duct tape to super glue, hot days over hamburgers, subway surfer over temple run, and McDonald's over Wendy's. And finally the weirdest dream he's ever had was a tiger took over and ruled the world. - Reported by Matthew Miller

Gwen Anderson

My personal close friend just so happens to be a wonderful girl who use to be at our school and has now come running back to eighth grade. This person is Gwen Anderson. She has four siblings and she is the oldest out of all of them. Gwen can't get enough of pandas and she loves hamburgers. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up, and speaking of teachers Mr. Marsh is her favorite one at St. As. She draws on her free time and she's awesome at volleyball. You should say hi to Gwen sometime because she's really easy to talk to. Written by: Lillyanna Bienz ————————————————————————————————

Jaqueline Milles Jaqueline Milles moved from Connecticut to Florida. She is currently in the fourth grade. Her old school in Connecticut was St. Paul's. Her best friend's name back in Connecticut is Samantha. Jaqueline is a dancer, and she prefers tap dancing to any other style of dance. Her favorite color is purple. Her favorite food is strawberries. She has four older brothers. I asked her if she prefers Florida or Connecticut and she says she likes both states exactly the same. ~Reported by Gabrielle Levesque

Artwork By: Leilany G.

By: John Meeval By: Anthony Vercillo By: Ashlee

By: Megan Hurley

By: Mary

By: Christina

By: Mark Thompson

By: Jenna Langel

By: Parker Springsteen

By: Jacqueline Miles

By: Samantha

By: Ava O’Donnell

By: Unknown Artist

What is your favorite Candy ? Tootsie rolls Noble 5th grade Skittles Cody 5th Gabby 8th Snickers Candy Corn Abbey 8th Reese's Austin 5th Milk Duds Mrs. Springsteen Mrs.H Hershey Kisses What are you thankful for? My house - Lauren My Bed - Matthew

My Parents - Austin Baseball— Bryant

Mrs. Cardoza Students

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