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Content: Gadgets and its importance in society – Opinion article ……… 2-3 Prepositions - Diagram of intelligent devices … 5 Level of English and bibliography ……… 4

10 Technology inventions you didn’t know By: m. Ximena Rubiano

Gadgets article opinion For nobody is a secret that the advances that little by little, and through history, the technology has been had, are a sample of the ambition that the human being has, wanting to go great beyond of what does not please us and, therefore, of what should solve our problems, concerns and difficulties. However, the question that we should all ask ourselves is the following: how far is the human being able to get because of the laziness and indolence that causes him to do things, if only he has already replaced our intelligence with programmed machines to fulfill our function? In the present essay my objective is to share my opinion about the recent technologies that are being developed today, more specifically those that were shown in the video, in order to learn not only about its operation, but also of the impacts that these produce on society, both economically and environmentally. The first thing to keep in mind before starting to analyze these products, are the concepts that are held today about technology and smart devices; its difference with artificial intelligence, since, in many occasions they can be confused by their similarity; where they came from and, in the same way, how they impact society in all possible aspects and for having. Technology, for its etymological content, which derives from the Greek term "Tekne", and which means art or technique, is the action of performing certain activity with the use of reason and logic, thus applying a certain technique or skill that allow them to do these activities more effectively and correctly. However, this differs from artificial intelligence in that the only basis taken as a starting point is the logic and the mandates that are ordered or programmed, in technological terms, on the sensors that emit these commands. On the contrary, the artificial intelligence is based mostly on the emotions and the reason that we, the human beings, can have, thus being able to come to comply not only with the orders, but also with the cognitive, emotional, communicating and reasoning abilities. Now, based on a video that shows 10 of the best inventions that have recently come to light in the market and in the sale, and that are based precisely on what are intelligent devices, it will be criticized the importance they have in society, why they should be accepted and why not, and which of these was the one that I liked the most and the one that I think is least useful. Mainly, what I want to express about updated technologies, is that the purpose with which these tools were first developed was to generate greater well-being for people that hours, even whole days, were killed in a factory to produce, manually, utensils of great need like clothes, or, likewise, food. With the passage of time, man realized that, in order to improve these products, both, in technique and quality, without the need of greater sacrifice on the part of workers, it was necessary to have new tools never before seen that would facilitate this work. It must be remembered that the first revolution that was generated at a technological level was during the industrial revolution, in the eighteenth century in Great Britain. And this is not bad, wanting to improve the living conditions of the human being in terms of health, quality and wellbeing, in fact, is what should be pretended, what should be achieved. However, it is these same tools, those that once helped us to improve and take a step for advance in society, which are now killing us. As human rational beings, we are not giving an optimal use to technology, a use that really contributes to something, but, on the contrary, we are giving to it a use that is turning us into slaves. It is because of ourselves that we are being subjected by the technology we have invented, and we ourselves will be the reason why in the future, the time will come when nothing is real, living, true; but that it becomes something unreal and fanciful that tries to supply with our needs and satisfaction without achieving it in the end.

As for the video, the tool that I liked most was the "Blue Fox electronic Tag", which is a bracelet that, when you are submerged in water, warns about the danger in which you can be, thus preventing any risk of drowning. I liked this because, nowadays, there are many incidents that occur in the water, and a tool that lets you know when you are in danger and where, can be very useful when rescuing a person. Well, a lifesaver may not realize the danger in which a person may find himself, or may realize, but not know where he is. On the contrary, the tool that I consider to be less important is the "Piano Fingers", which, like a normal piano, can give you the opportunity to produce the sound of the musical notes. The reason why I consider this tool to be useless is because, even if it gives you the opportunity to emit the sound of these notes, it will not produce the same satisfaction as a piano, where you can play better, and which, it can cost the same. In conclusion, I believe that the technology and the advances that are generated in this are significant, as long as it is given an adequate use in which the man is not subjected and becomes a slave. Well, as well as it can offer us many advantages, such as: Health, greater ease to do things and comfort; It can also give us great disadvantages, such as: Deforestation, river pollution, acid rains and droughts due to pollution and toxic waste generated by the factories and deposited in the environment; social inequalities and social discrimination because some have the possibility of acquiring these tools and others do not; abandonment by human beings towards the activities they have to carry out; and a growing dependence on technology and machines.

Bibliography: VIX. (2018). Qué es la tecnología inteligente. [online] Available at: https://www.vix.com/es/btg/tech/2011/05/27/que-es-la-tecnologia-inteligente [Accessed 18 May 2018]. Definista (2018). ¿Qué es Tecnología? - Su Definición, Concepto y Significado. [online] Conceptodefinicion.de. Available at: http://conceptodefinicion.de/tecnologia/ [Accessed 18 May 2018]. SearchDataCenter en Español. (2018). ¿Qué es Inteligencia artificial, o AI? - Definición en WhatIs.com. [online] Available at: https://searchdatacenter.techtarget.com/es/definicion/Inteligencia-artificial-o-AI [Accessed 18 May 2018]

Prepositions: P1.1: The first thing that needs to be clarified is that the word technology, as such, is derived from the Greek term "Tekne", which means art or skill. Therefore, technology, as its definition indicates, is the technique or skill that is used to do something. Thus, from past times, this has progressed over time, taking as its main point the industrial revolution. Well, the work by hand turned to be replaced by machinery, which generated the development of more raw material with better quality and a cheaper budget. P1.2: Even though the concept of technology has to do with advances, related more than anything to science, it is to know that it exists from the very beginning of our creation, when we were yet nomadic. Thus, during these times the man used improvised tools that allowed him to survive in areas of high danger. However, as the language evolved, so was the technology, until the point of getting to create tools such as the so-called iPhone and other easy use products. Technology, in turn, can be related to the development of a company, since the products it generates also depend on its use of tools and technologies. P1.3: Technology, therefore, is the search for new advanced tools in programming, in order to obtain a much more comfortable, quiet and safe life. Thus, this goes from the improvements in the simplest things of daily life, to innovations in companies, engineering and, more importantly, in medicine. P2.1: The artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes that are carried out in machines or computer systems, based, as I have said before, not only in logic but also in emotions, thus trying to imitate the human being. P2.2: These processes include learning and experience, that is, the acquisition of necessary information and rules for the use of information; the reasoning, using these rules to reach definitive conclusions and a search towards an increasing innovation; and self-correction, for the implementation of new tools. P2.3: Artificial intelligence is divided into two categories: Weak artificial intelligence, in which the system is designed to perform a specific task; and the strong artificial intelligence, in which is found a system elaborated from the cognitive abilities of the human being. P3.1: When we talk about intelligent technology, we refer to the logical programming that is given to a certain device, so that, in this way, it responds in a rational way to a specific stimulus that is presented on its sensors. P3.2: For the correctly functioning of each one of the devices belonging to intelligent technology, it is necessary the use of a microprocessor to analyze the data of the sensors previously mentioned, and that, in the same way, answers based on the programming that has been granted to it as a parameter of use. P3.3: Although intelligent technology can be confused in many cases with artificial intelligence, these differ in that the latter not only takes decisions based on logic, but also based on emotions. In addition, although it has been tried to give the same importance that is given to the intelligent technology to the artificial technology, this currently continues without obtaining the expected results.

P4.1: You can maintain this gadget in the water for more than 1 minute and a half, and, “Add a splash of music to your day in the water” through a program called Bluetooth. Also, you can receive calls by a microphone from 10 meters of distance. P4.2: The perfect alarm to get up of the bed, since, the only way it can be switch off is by putting the food over it. In addition, it is not enough just to touch this alarm in the form of a carpet, but you must remain with your feet there for at least 3 seconds. This has a light switch that goes off at night to not cause discomfort, and in the same way, once we have already risen, will prevent us from going back to bed with personalized motivating phrases. P4.3: This is a Japanese device that allows you to play the piano on any flat surface. For this, it is made up of small cases located on the fingers, that reproduce the sound of the notes thanks to a small speaker placed on the wrist. P4.4: This bottle consists of registering water during the day, to indicate, exactly, when we need it. This it does by means of a sensor located in the cover of the bottle, with naval air technology that measures the volume of air in it after every sip. P4.5: This is a bracelet that is used to prevent the drowning of a person when is submerged in water at depth. Its operation depends on the determination of the reference parameters before jumping into the water, such as depth and submerged time; as well as the choice of profiles for baby, child and adult. When someone is in danger, the bracelet will emit a certain sound that warns of the risk in which the person is. Glossary:   

Programming: Is the act of planning or writing a specific program, generally, in technological devices. Microprocessor: Is a small computer circuit that performs and manage all the functions of a computing Stimulus: Something that stimulates you to do something or forced you by some important characteristic.

P1.1: Technology, as its definition indicates, is the technique or skill that is used to do something. P1.2: Technology, in turn, can be related to many different things too, as for example with: the development of a company, fabrication of food, among others.


P1.3: Technology, is the search for new advanced tools in programming, to obtain a much more comfortable life.

P3.1: It is basically the functioning of a certain device under stimulus presented on its sensors. P3.2: For the correctly functioning of these devices, it is necessary of a microprocessor that analyze the data of the information given by the sensors. P3.3: Also, there are many occasions in which intelligent technology can be confused with artificial intelligence, however, the difference between these two ones is big.

Aquatic speakers NYNE Aqua

Ruggie Alarm Clock

Intelligent Devices

Piano fingers

Artificial intelligence

Seed battle

Blue Fox Electronic tag

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