Joanna Sun_Arch218_CCSF_Final Portfolio

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JOANNA SUN portfolio

Table of Content | Assignment 1 | Multiview Drawing Assignment 2 | Planar Objects and Folding Assignment 3 | Boolean Assignment 4 | Grafting Assignment 5 | Mashrabiya Morphology Assignment 6 | Anamorphic Projection Assignment 7 | Chess Assignment 8 | Curtain Wall House

Assignment 1

In this assignment, I explored multiple views of a group of solid objects and used “Make 2D� command to construct one plan view and two elevation views. I learned how to make dynamic momentum from elevations and analyze relationships between geometries from plan view. The line weight technique in the drawing was essential to differentiate the accurate position of the objects.

Axon | Plan | Elevations

Assignment 2

This assignment was to create a polysurfaced object using folding technique through two methods. I decided to craft a planar object made from several four sided polygons utilizing “Trim,” “Mirror” and “Rotate” command. I wanted to convey irregularity and hierarchy through the physical model. Through this designing process, I was able to transform a series of 2D diagrams into a physical model by unrolling the 3D model with some understanding of the physical structure.

Axon | Plan | Elevations | Section

Exploded Axon | Perspective | Sections

Assignment 3

In this assignment, I was able to create a rectangular solid with no right corners using “Boolean2objects” and “Trim” command to explore the instability and solidity. During designing process, I encountered the difficulty of deciding the position of the cone shaped hollow since it represented datum. In addition, the physical model required craftsmanship in order to make the exact duplication from the 3D model which I would like to improve in the future assignment.


Axonometric Drawing

The strategy I pondered was to show different levels of the solid in order to create a stair-like quality. The opportunity of this assignment would be application of “Boolean� command on designing irregular geometries. In terms of weakness, I realized the object still remains the rectangular form in spite of being spliced at a tilted angle.

Assignment 4

This assignment was to find tangency in between two existed surfaces and create a graft surface based on tangency. I was able to construct a smooth surface from five tangencies by using “Extract Isocurve” and “Network Srf” command. From this exercise, I learned how to create a complicated surface with valleys controlled by other surfaces. Tension and mathematical logic were applied in order to maintain the surface within the limited space.

Exploded Axon | Isometric View

Axon | Plan | Sections



S.3 S.1







Assignment 5

Inspired by traditional Mashrabiya pattern, I created my own design from a series of overlapping pentagons to explored solidity and void of the façade by using “Loft” command. After several iterations, I realized the limitation of straight extrusion and regularity of the void that didn’t have any momentum. In this assignment, I learned how to analyze and select a certain pattern from various designs to elevate my design. The joinery of each component was weak since my final design only had some points connected with others. During the presentation, I discovered the technique of color use in the layout to show important information to the audience. In addition, axon drawings in all assignments helped me understand the structure of the objects better. In the future, I would like to further explore all the commands I learn in this class and polish my skills of drafting.

Original Pattern | Process







Iterations | Front

Iterations | Perspective

Perspective | Exploded Axon

Axon | Plan | Sections S. 1

S. A S. A

S. 1

Assignment 6

In this assignment, I was able to use anamorphic projection to recreate the same view as the 3D objects. I found that there can be numerous of different solutions to generate the projections not only by using “Marionette” method but also by visual illusion. The most changeling part was to produce some surfaces that were extremely parallel to each other so that find the right construction line was not easy for me. Furthermore, I learned how to use “light” feature to create various shadows on the anamorphic projection and 3D objects to convey different experiences.

Axon | Anamorphic projection

Spotlight | Reflective Panel Light | Dark Room

Assignment 7

In this assignment, I was responsible for designing the pawn piece for the black chess team. Taking inspiration from the traditional symbol of a pawn, which made of a sphere, a vase-like body and a wash-shaped base, I was able to produce a twisting body with a abstract understanding of a sphere with negative space. I used “Boolean difference” and “Twist” command to represent my understanding of a pawn, it might be the most common piece on the chess board but it can be anyone else after passing the enemy’s territory and has the power of revising the match. In addition, I realized fundamental gap between a 3D printed object and a digital 3D model that even if the 3D model seemed perfectly ready to print, there is no guaranteed that the 3D printed object will be printed as expectation.

Neon Perspective

Assignment 8

Original House | Rendered View

The Curtain Wall House was designed by Japanese architect Shigeru Ban with the inspiration of expressing “urbanism� in Tokyo, Japan. The first glance of the house, I was attracted to its bold design of the huge white curtain and its irregularity and a huge contrast between the front view and the back view. In this assignment, I was able to use different commands I had learned in this course to remodel the whole house, which leaded me to the analysis of this house’s shortcomings such as the design of the stairs and the garage. Therefore, in the new remake model, I not only changed the stairs but also mimic the movement form the curtain to produce the roofs of every floor.

New House | Rendered View

I abandoned the second floor’s glass window and create an open plan for the users to have larger free space. In addition, I used “Boolean differences” to create the see through windows on the stairs combined with hierarchy in the basement. However, I didn’t consider the user experience of people in the third floor that I didn’t abandon the flat roof in the house. The most difficult part was to create something that is better than the original plan and convey my understanding of the house at the same time.

Elevations Contrast | Rendered View

Floor Plan 3F| Floor Plan 2F









Section A | Section B

City College of San Francisco | Fall 2017 | Arch 218 Rhino 3D | Instructor: George Lin

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