In progress learning porfolio week 3

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In Progress Learning Portfolio Arch 20: Spring 2016 - Week 3

Annie Klopfer

Dog House 1

Front Perspective

Perspective: • Strengths-The rapid visualizations/class discussions have given me the ability to use perspective and shadow even on simple structures

Rear Perspective

• Weaknesses-I don’t have ready the ideas of what to create out of simple concepts

• Opportunities-We are all newborn students ready for the enlarging of our learning. I am confident that with practice I can create something beautiful

• Threats-My limited scope of simple shapes could hinder my opportunities

Side Perspective

Dog House 1

Front Elevation

Elevation: • Strengths-I can use the paint tool to enhance simple elevations

Rear Elevation

• Weaknesses-My elevations lack architectural creativity and components, context and background

• Opportunities-With basic skills in SketchUp, exploration, and attuned creativity I can create better elevations

• Threats-Taking regular work life and my need for basic freedom into account, there is a threat to how much I can learn with elevations in one or two weeks

Side Elevation

Original Dog House 2

Left Front Perspective

Perspective: •


-I had some interesting basic ideas for a dog house, including platforms

• Weaknesses-

Right Front Perspective

-Did not have a great concept of circles, geometric combinations, or what could be made out of complimentary mathematics

• Opportunities-There is a lot of room to explore my creativity through mathematics and art

• Threats-A lack of experience and knowledge in SketchUp could hinder my imagination

Rear Perspective

Final Dog House

Front Perspective

Perspective: •

Strengths-I was able to come up with an

interesting design from in-class learning of SketchUp patterns

Rear Perspective

• Weaknesses-Limited conceptuality

• Opportunities-With my supplemental textbook, software, rapid visualization exercises, and excitement, I may be able to conceptualize more

• Threats-Having time constraints and taking time to fully grasp ideas of SketchUp, geometry, and Architecture

Side Perspective

Final Dog House

Top Elevation

Elevation: • Strengths-I can begin to conceptualize the fullness of a structure based on its surroundings

• Weaknesses-

Rear Elevation

-I am having trouble at home with the 3D warehouse, and I work during the lab hours I know of

• Opportunities-There are always ways to redefine your success. I believe this class is an opportunity

• Threats-I have the threat of limited opportunities with SketchUp

Side Elevation

Rapid Visualizations: In-Class Exercises

Impressions: The in-class rapid visualization exercises are immensely helpful. I find them interesting and artistic, which together make the exercises very inspiring. The only downfall is that sometimes they are hard to see on the board, and the drawing feels fast.

Rapid Visualizations: Basic Practice Exercises

Impressions: I love that these exercises were assigned! I love the acuity that the exercises intrinsically lead to. It makes me feel like I’m on my way to being a designer doing these basic exercises. I feel excitement like I always used to for art and architecture.

In-Class Sketch-Up Learning: Cubes In Space

Impressions: I think cubes in space are cool.

Rapid Visualizations: Cubes In Space

Impressions: I love drawing cubes in space, but definitely need more practice. I find it difficult, when drawing with pen, to make a perfect cube without mistake lines. Very fun, and interesting exercise.

In-Class Sketch-Up Learning: Floor Patterns

Sketch-Up Practice: Floor Patterns

Sketch-Up Practice: Floor Patterns

Sketch-Up Practice: Floor Patterns

Rapid Visualizations: Floor Patterns

Impressions: It was easier to come up with 15 different options for floor patterns than I thought it would be.

In-Class Sketch-Up Learning: Groups & Components

Impressions: I enjoyed the initial learning about Groups and Components, but I would like to gain some more experience with them so I can utilize Sketchup better.

• Strengths: It was very easy to translate sketches of my floor patterns to SketchUp. I enjoyed doing sketches of everything we learned in class, which is half the battle. • Weaknesses: I still need to find better time-management techniques, and have realized I spend a bit more time on homework.

• Opportunities: I have a lot of room to get better, and enjoy what we are learning and doing, so that should make it easy. • Threats: Not spending enough time doing homework on the weekend is a definite threat.

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