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Interview with Natalija Drenkovska, TAV Macedonia procurement and Administrative Affairs Manager



Macedonia always strives to upgrade its employees, thus enabling achievement of high standards in its field of operation

MARILI: What is the scope of your managerial position and since when have you been in this position at TAV Macedonia? DRENKOVSKA: The scope of this job position includes all the procurements required for the company. When we say procurement, it means also the processes required to be followed in order to follow the proper and correct supply chain, including logistics, until the product or the service arrives to the destination, i.e. to the end user. For this to be successful, it requires flawless collaboration and coordination between the procurement, warehouse and administration units, which are made up of colleagues with years of related experience, who work at the highest level of professionalism. I have been appointed on this position since the beginning of the last year, with previous leadership in the procurement unit. MARILI: What is your vocation and what qualifications and experience are required for this extremely dynamic and specific business activity within the aviation business? DRENKOVSKA: I am a Supply Chain Manager, and thanks to my extensive international experience, due to the time period while I was working abroad, I have acquired knowl-

edge for quality delivery and all that in an extremely dynamic and specific environment that requires full commitment and maximum responsibility. Likewise, the dynamic and specifics of the activities in the aviation business, give rise to certain challenges that must be responded promptly and with high quality. 4 Was it necessary for the requirements of TAV Macedonia and have you attended certain trainings for the managerial function you perform? Yes, TAV Macedonia always strives to upgrade its employees, thus enabling achievement of high standards in its field of operation. Provided that it is about an airport, we have business specific trainings, tailored according to the international standards, as well as soft-skills improvement training that are required in every business. Opportunities for further training in TAV are always open, depending on the needs of the employee, and of course in case if there are any changes to the rules and regulations of work that require renewal or acquisition of new know-how. Every job position at the airport, including mine, requires specific trainings, according to the company rules, and additionally, the job positions within the operations area at the airport require special work licenses.

TAV Macedonia has its own training center, which carries out both qualification-specific and soft-skills trainings. MARILI: You are a successful woman manager in a foreign company that has ranked very high in the Macedonian economy. Probably this requires a lot of sacrifice and self-denial, so do you have any free time and how do you spend it? DRENKOVSKA: Commitment to any thing in life requires complete personal engagement. So, it is the same on the workplace. If you are committed, you would strive to apply the acquired knowledge in practice the best you can. It often means that you will have a little free time. Despite this, I believe that, thanks to my closest family and friends, I succeed to pay attention to them during the remained free time. I am a mother of two children, they are 12 and 16 years old, age that requires my constant involvement in their upbringing and schooling. I am also committed to our joint leisure activities and at the same time I follow and monitor their school obligations. During the time reserved for my children I am simply a friend with them. The most important thing to me is they to be happy in everything they do. Бизнис каталог 2020


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