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– more thAn yeArs experienCe With Cooling eQuipment And Air Conditioning

MARILI: When was DOGAN Air Conditioning Solutions established and what is its basic activity? RAMADANI-ALIMI: DOGAN Air Conditioning Solutions is a company specialising in designing, execution and maintenance of all types of heating, cooling and ventilation systems. With the experience of more than 60 years in the area of cooling equipment and air conditioning, we at DOGAN strive to offer top technical expertise and professional service in implementing every idea >> Today, DOGAN and seeking efficient and deals with sale of economic solutions for the needs of our clients. complete cooling We are the main equipment, and importers and DOGAN Air distributors of the international brand LG – Conditioning the leader in the Solutions comes as technological innovation complementary to and the benchmark of this successful credibility in the market of HVAC systems since company, which in the appearance of the addition to first air conditioner for Macedonia, is well households in 1968 to introduction of one of known and has the most efficient and branches in the safest VRF systems in the territories of world today, MULTI V. Albania and Kosovo This collaboration enables us to offer a wide range of products and services, from designing and executing the most complex VRF systemic solutions to simple inverter air conditioners for households. MARILI: DOGAN Air Conditioning Solutions has its partner in Macedonia. Could you explain what partner relation it is about? RAMADANI-ALIMI: Our story started in 1991 when DOGAN was established as a compressor shop and refrigerator service shop. Today, DOGAN deals with sale of complete cooling equipment, and DOGAN Air Conditioning Solutions comes as complementary to this successful company that is well known and has branches in the territory of Albania and Kosovo, in addition to Macedonia. MARILI: You have been in entrepreneurship and management for many years, and you are famous as one of the most successful entrepreneur women in our country. How did all this start?

Интервју со Мерита Рамадани Алими, директор за бизнис и развој во DOGAN Air Conditioning Solutions



– над годИнИ Искуство со разладна опрема И клИматИзаЦИја Бизнис каталог 2020


Бизнис и претприемaштво

Interview with Merita Ramadani Alimi, Business and Development Director at DOGAN Air Conditioning Solutions

Articles inside

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АВИОСООБРАЌАЈ На предизвиците во авиобизнисот мора да се одговори брзо и со висок квалитет

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МОДА Денес не постои мода, само стил на облекување

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ГРАДЕЖНИШТВО „Циклама инжинеринг“ ЗНАЕ КАКО со секој градежен проблем

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ЕНЕРГЕТИКА Информатичар заробен од адреналинот на енергетиката

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